952 resultados para Soccer fields
Charged massive matter fields of spin-0 and spin- 1/2 are quantized in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field in a spatial region bounded by two parallel plates. The most general set of boundary conditions at the plates, that is required by mathematical consistency and the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator, is employed. The vacuum fluctuations of the matter field in the case of the magnetic field orthogonal to the plates are analyzed, and it is shown that the pressure from the vacuum onto the plates is positive and independent of the boundary condition, as well as of the distance between the plates. Possibilities of the detection of this new-type Casimir effect are discussed. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S0217732315500996
This paper aims to further our understanding of pre-Columbian agricultural systems in the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia. Three different types of raised fields co-existing in the same site near the community of Exaltación, in north-western Beni, were studied. The morphology, texture and geochemistry of the soils of these fields and the surrounding area were analysed. Differences in field design have often been associated with the diversity of cultural practices. Our results suggest that in the study area differences in field shape, height and layout are primarily the result of an adaptation to the local edaphology. By using the technology of raised fields, pre-Columbian people were able to drain and cultivate soils with very different characteristics, making the land suitable for agriculture and possibly different crops. This study also shows that some fields in the Llanos de Moxos were built to prolong the presence of water, allowing an additional cultivation period in the dry season and/or in times of drought. Nevertheless, the nature of the highly weathered soils suggests that raised fields were not able to support large populations and their management required long fallow periods.
The existence of an association between leukemia and electromagnetic fields (EMF) is still controversial. The results of epidemiologic studies of leukemia in occupational groups with exposure to EMF are inconsistent. Weak associations have been seen in a few studies. EMF assessment is lacking in precision. Reported dose-response relationships have been based on qualitative levels of exposure to EMF without regard to duration of employment or EMF intensity on the jobs. Furthermore, potential confounding factors in the associations were not often well controlled. The current study is an analysis of the data collected from an incident case-control study. The primary objective was to test the hypothesis that occupational exposure to EMF is associated with leukemia, including total leukemia (TL), myelogenous leukemia (MYELOG) and acute non-lymphoid leukemia (ANLL). Potential confounding factors: occupational exposure to benzene, age, smoking, alcohol consumption, and previous medical radiation exposures were controlled in multivariate logistic regression models. Dose-response relationships were estimated by cumulative occupational exposure to EMF, taking into account duration of employment and EMF intensity on the jobs. In order to overcome weaknesses of most previous studies, special efforts were made to improve the precision of EMF assessment. Two definitions of EMF were used and result discrepancies using the two definitions were observed. These difference raised a question as to whether the workers at jobs with low EMF exposure should be considered as non-exposed in future studies. In addition, the current study suggested use of lifetime cumulative EMF exposure estimates to determine dose-response relationship. The analyses of the current study suggest an association between ANLL and employment at selected jobs with high EMF exposure. The existence of an association between three types of leukemia and broader categories of occupational EMF exposure, is still undetermined. If an association does exist between occupational EMF exposure and leukemia, the results of the current study suggest that EMF might only be a potential factor in the promotion of leukemia, but not its initiation. ^
Se considera los estados de desarrollo de los céspedes de estadios de fútbol en Mendoza (Argentina). Desde un punto de vista fitosociológico se determinan dos grupos de plantas: Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 (campos húmedos y pisoteados, con vegetación subnitrófila e higrófita) y Stellarietea mediae R. Tx. 1950 (vegetación arvense de los cultivos). Se indican las etapas dinámicas que se producen por sobrepisoteo y labores culturales. Del análisis se desprende que: 1. El sobrepisoteo y falta de cuidados culturales conducen a la pérdida de la cubierta vegetal y a la formación de peladeros sin vegetación. 2. La comunidad de Cynodon dactylon L., junto con elementos de la Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, es la más aceptada. Su cobertura representa el mejor estado del campo. 3. Adecuadas prácticas culturales asegurarían el mantenimiento y/o conservación de los céspedes favoreciendo la práctica del deporte y aportando belleza escénica.
Structure of assemblages associated with mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus azoricus was investigated. Mussel beds were found on hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Rainbow) at depths 850-2400 m. The community structure of the mussel bed assemblages varied between studied areas. Large number of species was unique to mussel beds of the Menez Gwen field; the most observed taxa were not specialized hydrothermal species. All other nonunique species were found within the Lucky Strike region. The lowest mussel assemblage structure evenness was observed in the shallowest Menez Gwen area (850 m depth). We assume that two types of mussel assemblages (nematode-dominated and copepod-dominated) exist within the Lucky Strike field. The assemblages of B. azoricus differ significantly from assemblages of B. thermophilus inhabiting Pacific hydrothermal vents.
Composition of ore minerals in MAR sulflde occurrences related to ultramaflc rocks was studied using methods of mineragraphy, electron microscopy, microprobe analysis, and X-ray analysis. Objects are located at various levels of maturity of sulflde mounds owing to differences in age, duration and degree of activity of the following hydrothermal systems: generally inactive Logatchev-1 field (up to 66.5 ka old), inactive Logatchev-2 field (3.9 ka), and generally active Rainbow field (up to 23 ka). Relative to MAR submarine ore occurrences in the basalt substrate, mineralization in the hydrothermal fields mentioned above is characterized by high contents of Au, Cd, Co, and Ni, along with presence of accessory minerals of Co and Ni. The studied mounds differ in quantitative ratios of major minerals and structural-textural features of ores that suggest their transformation. Ores in the Logatchev-1 field are characterized by the highest Cu content and development of a wide range of multistage contrast exsolution structures of isocubanite and bornite. In the Logatchev-2 field, sphalerite-chalcopyrite and gold-arsenic exsolution structures are present, but isocubanite exsolution structures are less diverse and contrast. The Rainbow field is marked by presence of homogenous isocubanite and the subordinate development of exsolution structures. The authors have identified four new phases in the Cu-Fe-S system. Phases X and Y (close to chalcopyrite and isocubanite, respectively) make up lamellae among isocubanite exsolution products in the Logatchev-1 and Logatchev-2 fields. Phase Y includes homogenous zones in zonal chimneys of the Rainbow field. Phases A and B formed in the orange bornite domain at low-temperature alteration of chalcopyrite in the Logatchev-1 field. Mineral assemblages of the Cu-S system are most abundant and diverse in the Logatchev-1 field, but their development is minimal in the Logatchev-2 field where mainly Cu-poor sulfides of the geerite-covellite series have been identified. Specific features of mineral assemblages mentioned above reflect the maturity grade of sulfide mounds and can serve as indicators of maturity.