674 resultados para Sluice gates.


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We investigate protocols for generating a state t-design by using a fixed separable initial state and a diagonal-unitary t-design in the computational basis, which is a t-design of an ensemble of diagonal unitary matrices with random phases as their eigenvalues. We first show that a diagonal-unitary t-design generates a O (1/2(N))-approximate state t-design, where N is the number of qubits. We then discuss a way of improving the degree of approximation by exploiting non-diagonal gates after applying a diagonal-unitary t-design. We also show that it is necessary and sufficient to use O (log(2)(t)) -qubit gates with random phases to generate a diagonal-unitary t-design by diagonal quantum circuits, and that each multi-qubit diagonal gate can be replaced by a sequence of multi-qubit controlled-phase-type gates with discrete-valued random phases. Finally, we analyze the number of gates for implementing a diagonal-unitary t-design by non-diagonal two- and one-qubit gates. Our results provide a concrete application of diagonal quantum circuits in quantum informational tasks.


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This thesis describes a collection of studies into the electrical response of a III-V MOS stack comprising metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers as a function of fabrication process variables and the findings of those studies. As a result of this work, areas of improvement in the gate process module of a III-V heterostructure MOSFET were identified. Compared to traditional bulk silicon MOSFET design, one featuring a III-V channel heterostructure with a high-dielectric-constant oxide as the gate insulator provides numerous benefits, for example: the insulator can be made thicker for the same capacitance, the operating voltage can be made lower for the same current output, and improved output characteristics can be achieved without reducing the channel length further. It is known that transistors composed of III-V materials are most susceptible to damage induced by radiation and plasma processing. These devices utilise sub-10 nm gate dielectric films, which are prone to contamination, degradation and damage. Therefore, throughout the course of this work, process damage and contamination issues, as well as various techniques to mitigate or prevent those have been investigated through comparative studies of III-V MOS capacitors and transistors comprising various forms of metal gates, various thicknesses of GaGdO dielectric, and a number of GaAs-based semiconductor layer structures. Transistors which were fabricated before this work commenced, showed problems with threshold voltage control. Specifically, MOSFETs designed for normally-off (VTH > 0) operation exhibited below-zero threshold voltages. With the results obtained during this work, it was possible to gain an understanding of why the transistor threshold voltage shifts as the gate length decreases and of what pulls the threshold voltage downwards preventing normally-off device operation. Two main culprits for the negative VTH shift were found. The first was radiation damage induced by the gate metal deposition process, which can be prevented by slowing down the deposition rate. The second was the layer of gold added on top of platinum in the gate metal stack which reduces the effective work function of the whole gate due to its electronegativity properties. Since the device was designed for a platinum-only gate, this could explain the below zero VTH. This could be prevented either by using a platinum-only gate, or by matching the layer structure design and the actual gate metal used for the future devices. Post-metallisation thermal anneal was shown to mitigate both these effects. However, if post-metallisation annealing is used, care should be taken to ensure it is performed before the ohmic contacts are formed as the thermal treatment was shown to degrade the source/drain contacts. In addition, the programme of studies this thesis describes, also found that if the gate contact is deposited before the source/drain contacts, it causes a shift in threshold voltage towards negative values as the gate length decreases, because the ohmic contact anneal process affects the properties of the underlying material differently depending on whether it is covered with the gate metal or not. In terms of surface contamination; this work found that it causes device-to-device parameter variation, and a plasma clean is therefore essential. This work also demonstrated that the parasitic capacitances in the system, namely the contact periphery dependent gate-ohmic capacitance, plays a significant role in the total gate capacitance. This is true to such an extent that reducing the distance between the gate and the source/drain ohmic contacts in the device would help with shifting the threshold voltages closely towards the designed values. The findings made available by the collection of experiments performed for this work have two major applications. Firstly, these findings provide useful data in the study of the possible phenomena taking place inside the metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers and interfaces as the result of chemical processes applied to it. In addition, these findings allow recommendations as to how to best approach fabrication of devices utilising these layers.


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Successful implementation of fault-tolerant quantum computation on a system of qubits places severe demands on the hardware used to control the many-qubit state. It is known that an accuracy threshold Pa exists for any quantum gate that is to be used for such a computation to be able to continue for an unlimited number of steps. Specifically, the error probability Pe for such a gate must fall below the accuracy threshold: Pe < Pa. Estimates of Pa vary widely, though Pa ∼ 10−4 has emerged as a challenging target for hardware designers. I present a theoretical framework based on neighboring optimal control that takes as input a good quantum gate and returns a new gate with better performance. I illustrate this approach by applying it to a universal set of quantum gates produced using non-adiabatic rapid passage. Performance improvements are substantial comparing to the original (unimproved) gates, both for ideal and non-ideal controls. Under suitable conditions detailed below, all gate error probabilities fall by 1 to 4 orders of magnitude below the target threshold of 10−4. After applying the neighboring optimal control theory to improve the performance of quantum gates in a universal set, I further apply the general control theory in a two-step procedure for fault-tolerant logical state preparation, and I illustrate this procedure by preparing a logical Bell state fault-tolerantly. The two-step preparation procedure is as follow: Step 1 provides a one-shot procedure using neighboring optimal control theory to prepare a physical qubit state which is a high-fidelity approximation to the Bell state |β01⟩ = 1/√2(|01⟩ + |10⟩). I show that for ideal (non-ideal) control, an approximate |β01⟩ state could be prepared with error probability ϵ ∼ 10−6 (10−5) with one-shot local operations. Step 2 then takes a block of p pairs of physical qubits, each prepared in |β01⟩ state using Step 1, and fault-tolerantly prepares the logical Bell state for the C4 quantum error detection code.


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My thesis explores the formation of the subject in the novels of Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, and Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day. I attach the concept of property in terms of how male protagonists are obsessed with materialistic ownership and with the subordination of women who, as properties, consolidate their manhood. The three novelists despite their racial, gendered, and literary differences share the view that identity and truth are mere social and cultural constructs. I incorporate the work of Judith Butler and other poststructuralist figures, who see identity as a matter of performance rather than a natural entity. My thesis explores the theme of freedom, which I attached to the ways characters use their bodies either to confine or to emancipate themselves from the restricting world of race, class, and gender. The three novelists deconstruct any system of belief that promulgates the objectivity of truth in historical documents. History in the three novels, as with the protagonists, perception of identity, remains a social construct laden with distortions to serve particular political or ideological agendas. My thesis gives voice to African American female characters who are associated with love and racial and gender resistance. They become the reservoirs of the African American legacy in terms of their association with the oral and intuitionist mode of knowing, which subverts the male characters’ obsession with property and with the mainstream empiricist world. In this dissertation, I use the concept of hybridity as a literary and theoretical devise that African-American writers employ. In effect, I embark on the postcolonial studies of Henry Louise Gates, Paul Gilroy, W. E. B Du Bois, James Clifford, and Arjun Appadurai in order to reflect upon the fluidity of Morrison’s and Naylor’s works. I show how these two novelists subvert Faulkner’s essentialist perception of truth, and of racial and gendered identity. They associate the myth of the Flying African with the notion of hybridity by making their male protagonists criss-cross Northern and Southern regions. I refer to Mae Gwendolyn Henderson’s article on “Speaking in Tongues” in my analysis of how Naylor subverts the patriarchal text of both Faulkner and Morrison in embarking on a more feminine version of the flying African, which she relates to an ex-slave, Sapphira Wade, a volatile female character who resists fixed claim over her story and identity. In dealing with the concept of hybridity, I show that Naylor rewrites both authors’ South by making Willow Springs a more fluid space, an assumption that unsettles the scores of critics who associate the island with authenticity and exclusive rootedness.


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As the semiconductor industry struggles to maintain its momentum down the path following the Moore's Law, three dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) technology has emerged as a promising solution to achieve higher integration density, better performance, and lower power consumption. However, despite its significant improvement in electrical performance, 3D IC presents several serious physical design challenges. In this dissertation, we investigate physical design methodologies for 3D ICs with primary focus on two areas: low power 3D clock tree design, and reliability degradation modeling and management. Clock trees are essential parts for digital system which dissipate a large amount of power due to high capacitive loads. The majority of existing 3D clock tree designs focus on minimizing the total wire length, which produces sub-optimal results for power optimization. In this dissertation, we formulate a 3D clock tree design flow which directly optimizes for clock power. Besides, we also investigate the design methodology for clock gating a 3D clock tree, which uses shutdown gates to selectively turn off unnecessary clock activities. Different from the common assumption in 2D ICs that shutdown gates are cheap thus can be applied at every clock node, shutdown gates in 3D ICs introduce additional control TSVs, which compete with clock TSVs for placement resources. We explore the design methodologies to produce the optimal allocation and placement for clock and control TSVs so that the clock power is minimized. We show that the proposed synthesis flow saves significant clock power while accounting for available TSV placement area. Vertical integration also brings new reliability challenges including TSV's electromigration (EM) and several other reliability loss mechanisms caused by TSV-induced stress. These reliability loss models involve complex inter-dependencies between electrical and thermal conditions, which have not been investigated in the past. In this dissertation we set up an electrical/thermal/reliability co-simulation framework to capture the transient of reliability loss in 3D ICs. We further derive and validate an analytical reliability objective function that can be integrated into the 3D placement design flow. The reliability aware placement scheme enables co-design and co-optimization of both the electrical and reliability property, thus improves both the circuit's performance and its lifetime. Our electrical/reliability co-design scheme avoids unnecessary design cycles or application of ad-hoc fixes that lead to sub-optimal performance. Vertical integration also enables stacking DRAM on top of CPU, providing high bandwidth and short latency. However, non-uniform voltage fluctuation and local thermal hotspot in CPU layers are coupled into DRAM layers, causing a non-uniform bit-cell leakage (thereby bit flip) distribution. We propose a performance-power-resilience simulation framework to capture DRAM soft error in 3D multi-core CPU systems. In addition, a dynamic resilience management (DRM) scheme is investigated, which adaptively tunes CPU's operating points to adjust DRAM's voltage noise and thermal condition during runtime. The DRM uses dynamic frequency scaling to achieve a resilience borrow-in strategy, which effectively enhances DRAM's resilience without sacrificing performance. The proposed physical design methodologies should act as important building blocks for 3D ICs and push 3D ICs toward mainstream acceptance in the near future.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objecto de estudo o conjunto das tascas localizadas nas portas da Muralha Fernandina de Évora. Praticamente desaparecidos espaços ainda íntegros, pode-se considerar que estas construções integram uma rede de estabelecimentos composta por estruturas militares, religiosas, de lazer e de carácter colectivo, que se encontram associadas e caracterizam as portas medievais de Évora. O objectivo desta investigação é o estudo urbanístico e arquitectónico das portas urbanas, e o modo como os estabelecimentos de venda de bebida configuraram as diversas narrativas urbanas a partir de diferentes orientações políticas ao longo dos tempos. O caso de Évora é tomado como base de trabalho por ser legível ainda uma imagem de conjunto, a partir de vestígios, exemplares minimamente conservados, fontes históricas, impressas e fotográficas. A articulação urbana típica e recorrente, na relação directa tasca-porta, pode-se encontrar noutras cidades alentejanas, e nas cidades amuralhadas em geral; PLACES OF FRONTIER: THE TAVERNS LOCATED IN THE GATES OF EVORA'S FERNANDINA WALL ABSTRACT: This dissertation has as subject the study of the taverns located in the gates of Évora's Fernandina Wall. Despite the almost disappearance of intact spaces, it can be considered that these buildings are part of a network of institutions composed of various structures such as military, religious, recreational and collective character, which are associated and feature the ancient medieval gates of Évora. The aim of this investigation is the urban and architectural study of the urban gates, and how the beverage outlets have represented the various urban narratives from different political orientations over time. The case of Évora is the base of work by being a readable group, from traces, minimally preserved specimens, historical, printed and photographic sources. The typical and recurrent urban articulation, in a direct relation tavern-gate, can be seen in other Alentejo towns, and walled cities in general.


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Shows the prison with wooden fence, 18 guard towers, the famous "deadline," the north and south gates, Sweetwater Creek, "Valley of Death," fortification, batteries, and cook house. He depicts overcrowding by a blizzard of tiny dots everywhere, writing the dots stand for "Union soldiers."


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For many years, battles raged between those who saw knowledge as perception of a given reality and those who saw it as being constructed through rational activity. More recently, epistemological debates have focused on that activity being essentially individual or social. Initially, the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) was heavily influenced by the idea that mathematical knowledge is constructed by individuals, and particularly by von Glasersfeld’s “radical” constructivism. The social constructivist thesis that mathematics is a social construction challenged this dominant notion, but Steve Lerman critiqued the “shared consciousness” interpretation of social constructivism and articulated the sociocultural idea of the centrality of social interactions. His influence led a strong turn to the social, with a focus on intersubjectivity in mathematical knowledge and mathematics learning. Steve not only challenged individual people’s ideas but also drew PME into a position where sociocultural and other poststructural theories are in regular use.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis is a widely used approach to improve the functional, nutritionaland physiological properties of food proteins. In this study, cross-linked enzyme aggre-gates (CLEAs) have been prepared from cell-envelope proteinases (CEPs) of Lactobacillusdelbrueckii subsp. lactis 313 and their proteolytic properties have been evaluated using severalfood proteins. We have optimized cross-linking conditions including ammonium sulphateconcentration, incubation temperatures, agitation speed, glutaraldehyde cross-linker con-centration, reaction time and the addition of proteic feeders. Particularly, the presence ofBSA improves retained activity of cross-linked CEP aggregates (CLCEPAs) from 21.5% to 40.9%.Blocking unreacted cross-linking groups on aggregates is important to enhance recyclabil-ity of CLCEPAs. CLCEPAs had attractive thermal stability at 50◦C and it showed enhancedcatalytic activity over long-term storage after lyophilization. We have demonstrated thatCLCEPAs has proteolytic properties on different food proteins including complex (chickenegg albumin, skimmed-milk protein), fractionated (bovine casein, whey protein isolate), andpurified (bovine serum albumin) proteins. Being the first report of CLEAs from lactobacilliCEPs, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using LDL 313 CLCEPAs for degradation ofvarious food proteins.


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New infrastructure, particularly in the developing countries, demands substantial capital investment and a loss of durability of the concrete means a waste of oportunity. Improving durability of concrete structures is a non-trivial task. The durability of concrete has been related to its ability to resist the transport of water and the potentail imporvements to concrete durability using supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) has been well documented. With access to neutron and synchrotron facilities it has become possible to; (a) measure the ability of SCM to inhibit transport of water in concrete (b) measure particle size increase of hydrating cements (with and without SCM) by ultra-small angle neutron scattering (c) use neutron tomography combined with x-ray tomography to determine the three dimensional flaws in the structure of concretes that enable water ingress into structures, and (d) determine the amount of curing or degree of hydration on the durability of SCM/OPC blends. This review will detail preliminary results on cement and concrete obtained using the newly available neutron, synchrotron and other facilities in Australia and Brazil and highlights their ability to estimate factors which determine the service life of concrete


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Rietveld Analysis of cement diffraction patterns have been used to determined the composition of cement since John Taylor's pioneering work in the 1990's. Since then many workers have used this techniques to analyse cement and supplementary cementitious materials and their hydration products, both for research and production control purposes. Nevertheless there are a number of factors, including the amorphous content of the cement and relative proportion of mineral polymorphs present in the initial clinker, whose impact on analysis are still not completely understood. X-ray powder diffraction beamlines from the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) and the Australian Synchrotron, which produce more intensity and better resolution than normal x-ray diffraction sources, were used to investigate cement diffraction patterns and the hydration products of a range of cement pastes cured for up to 28 days. This study highlights the information that can be obtained from X-ray diffraction analysis for controlling and optimizing cement production and concrete durability.


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A gas flow unified measurement system (UMS-G) for sequential measurement of gas diffusion and gas permeability of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) under applied stress conditions (2 to 20 kPa) is described. Measurements made with the UMS-G are compared with measurements made with conventional experimental devices and are found to give similar results. The UMS-G removes the need to rely on two separate systems and increases further the reliability of the gas properties’ measurements. This study also shows that the gas diffusion and gas permeability reduce greatly with the increase of both gravimetric water content and apparent degree of saturation. The effect of applied stress on gas diffusion and gas permeability is found to be more pronounced at gravimetric water content greater than 60%. These findings suggest that at a nominal overburden stress of 20 kPa, the GCL used in the present investigation needs to be hydrated to 134% gravimetric water content (65% apparent degree of saturation) before gas diffusion and gas permeability drop to 5.5 × 10−11 m2·s−1 and 8.0 × 10−13 m·s−1, respectively, and to an even higher gravimetric water content (apparent degrees of saturation) at lower stress.


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Five-membered cyclic organic carbonates (COC) are of interest for their ability to modify the surface properties of smectites and enhance the hydraulic resistance of bentonites to saline leachates. The mechanism of interaction of glycerol carbonate (GC) and several other hydroxyl containing cyclic organic carbonates (generally having progressively greater molecular masses) with sodium montmorillonite (Na+-Mt) was studied using powder X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The 001 reflection for GC/Na+-Mt intercalates varied with the amount COC added, and the measured d001 value increased from 1.29 nm to as large as 2.22 nm at equal-mass coverage of the COC to Na+-Mt. In general, when intercalated, the cyclic carbonyl (Cdouble bond; length as m-dashO) stretch and the fundamental hydroxyl (O–H) stretch bands of COC derivatives were red-shifted with respect to these bands for neat COC, indicating strong ion-dipole interaction of the carbonyl group with interlayer Na+, and H-bonding of the OH group with both interlayer water and Mt surfaces. A stable and highly ordered intercalate was produced at a 1:1 mass loading with Mt in which about 6 GC molecules per unit cell (~ 7 molecules per Na+ ion) replaced most of the interlayer water.


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The effect of adding glycerol carbonate (GC) or propylene carbonate (PC) to sodium (Na)-bentonite on the hydraulic performance of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) under hypersaline conditions is examined. Fluid loss (FL), swell index (SI) and solution retention capacity (SRC) measurements were carried out to compare the potential hydraulic performance of these two cyclic organic carbonates (COCs) as bentonite modifiers. A modified FL test enabled quantitative measurement of both the water retention characteristics of untreated and COC modified bentonites as well as calculation of hydraulic conductivity values. Tests under aggressively saline conditions (ionic strength, I ≥ 1 M of NaCl and ≥3 M of CaCl2) showed that at a mass ratio of 1:1 (GC to bentonite), the FL of a GC-Na-bentonite was ≈40–104 mL in NaCl and ≈61–91 mL in CaCl2. This was about 10–20 mL and 70–200 mL, respectively, lower than that of a comparable PC-Na-bentonite (1:1 PC to bentonite) and untreated Na-bentonite. Greater swelling (SI) and greater solution retention capacity (SRC) was observed for the GC treated Na-bentonite compared to untreated Na-bentonite in all salt solutions, and for PC-Na-bentonite at high ionic strength of both NaCl and CaCl2 solutions, demonstrating the superior hydraulic barrier performance of COC-bentonites under severely saline conditions. Experiments conducted in flexible-wall permeameters with I = 3 M CaCl2 showed approximately one order of magnitude lower (∼10−11 m/s vs ∼1.9 × 10−10 m/s) hydraulic conductivity of GC treated bentonite cake compared to the k value of the untreated Na-bentonite cake. Calculated hydraulic conductivity from fluid loss tests estimated the measured values in a conservative way (overestimation).


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An overview of the design and performance of geosynthetics in composite barrier systems for biopiles used to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated soil at Casey Station, Antarctica, is presented. Seven instrumented biopiles were constructed over three field seasons. To minimize the risk of hydrocarbon migration to groundwater, composite barrier systems were used (each using different combinations of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes (GMB), and geotextiles (GTXs)). One biopile used a co-extruded geomembrane (HDPE with an ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) core). The liner system was subject to a combination of coupled phenomena that could interact and affect the GMB-GCL composite barrier performance. The exposure conditions involved potential freeze-thaw cycling, hydration-desiccation cycles, cation exchange, direct and diffusive exposure to hydrocarbons. The effect of these phenomena was investigated by monitoring GCL and GMB sacrificial coupons. GCL coupons were placed between the main GCL component and the main geomembrane component of the composite liner and GMB coupons placed between the main GMB sheet and the GTX protection layer. Coupons were exhumed from the biopiles each year. The exhumed GCL field moisture content values ranged from 162% to 22%. After three (3) years in the field, GCL coupons that had undergone at least one hydration/desiccation cycle showed no significant change in swell index values or fluid loss values. The measured hydraulic conductivity of exhumed GCL coupons from Biopiles 1 and 2 (3 × 10-11 m s-1) was within the expected range and not significantly different from the values for virgin GCL. GMB coupons exhumed after three years from Biopiles 1 and 2 showed no significant change in oxidative induction time (OIT), melt flow index or tensile properties. Diffusion tests were performed as an index test for establishing the performance of the GMBs as a diffusive barrier to hydrocarbons, with permeation parameters for BTEX contaminants ranging from P g = 0.9-9.2 × 10-13 m2 s-1 for the exhumed GMB (with values depending on the contaminant and GMB). These values were similar to the parameters obtained for virgin GMBs and there was no significant change with field exposure, with GMBs appearing to be performing well.