983 resultados para Shaanxi earthquake


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2005年9月利用铗日法辅以陷阱法对位于秦岭山脉南坡东段的平河梁自然保护区及牛背梁自然保护区小型兽类进行了调查,共设置采集点10个;2 460铗日中共捕获小型兽类689只,隶属于3目6科19属27种(另有两种鼢鼠和一种鼯鼠系其他手段捕获),平均捕获率28.01%.对捕获的27种小型兽类生态和垂直分布进行分析结果表明:平河梁保护区3个群落的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数在2.9288-3.3639之间,Pielou均匀性指数在0.7669-0.8602之间.在上述调查的基础上,结合前人对邻近地区的调查,据一些物种的分布特点,订出平河梁自然保护区小型兽类的名录,计48种,结果显示秦岭南坡东段小型兽类的物种多样性和丰富度要高于秦岭其他地区.另在考察中采集到白尾鼹(Parascaptor leucura)、小纹背鼩鼱(Sorex bedfordiae)、斯氏鼢鼠(Myospalax smithⅡ)、川西白腹鼠(Niviventer excelsior),在秦岭山区尚属首次记录.还整理了秦岭南坡小型兽类名录,认为秦岭南坡有小型兽类55种,在动物地理区划上应属于西南区.


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Centrifuge testing has been undertaken to investigate instability failure of pile groups during seismic liquefaction, with specific reference to the 'top-down' propagation of liquefaction during the earthquake and to account for initial imperfections in pile geometry. The results of these tests were used to validate numerical models within the finite element program ABAQUS, based on the popular p-y analysis method. Pseudostatic classical and post-buckling analyses were conducted to examine the collapse behaviour of the pile groups and were found to give reasonable predictions of collapse load and conservative predictions of the associated deflection conditions. This numerical model was compared to currently published methods which were found to over-predict collapse loads. The resulting insights into the collapse of axially loaded pile groups revealed that the failure load is strongly dependent on both the depth of liquefaction propagation and initial imperfections, which reduce the collapse load.


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Loose saturated sandy soils may undergo liquefaction under cyclic loading, generating positive excess pore pressures due to their contractile nature and inability to dissipate pore pressures rapidly during earthquake loading. These liquefied soils have a near-zero effective stress state, and hence have very low strength and stiffness, causing severe damage to structures founded upon them. The duration for which this near-zero effective stress state persists is a function of the rate of reconsolidation of the liquefied soil, which in turn is a function of the permeability and stiffness of the soil at this very low effective stress. Existing literature based on observation of physical model tests suggests that the consolidation coefficient C v associated with this reconsolidation of liquefied sand is significantly lower than that of the same soil at moderate stress levels. In this paper, the results of a series of novel fluidisation tests in which permeability k and coefficient of consolidation C v were independently measured will be presented. These results allow calculation of the variation of stiffness E 0 and permeability k with effective stress. It is shown that while permeability increases markedly at very low effective stresses, the simultaneous drop in stiffness measured results in a decrease in consolidation coefficient and hence an increase in the duration for which the soil remains liquefied.


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An investigation into the seismic behaviour of municipal solidwaste (MSW) landfills by dynamic centrifuge testing was undertaken. This paper presents physical modelling of MSW landfills for dynamic centrifuge testing, with regard to the following research areas: 1. amplification characteristics of municipal solid waste; 2. tension induced in geomembranes placed on landfill slopes due to earthquake loading; 3. damage to landfill liners due to liquefaction of foundation soil. A model waste, that has engineering properties similar to MSW, is presented. A model geomembrane that can be used in centrifuge tests is also presented. Results of dynamic centrifuge tests with the model geomembrane showed that an earthquake loading induces additional permanent tension (∼25%) in the geomembrane. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The failure of piled foundations has been observed in many earthquake events. The manner in which a pile is able to support its applied superstructure loading during an earthquake is not yet fully understood, particularly with respect to the shaft friction capacity. In this paper, new pile group is presented which has been instrumented to measure the shaft friction distribution along the length of a pile. In addition, this pile group is able to measure the pore pressures directly beneath the pile tips. The pile group was tested in dynamic centrifuge experiments and showed differing shaft friction behaviour in dense and loose soil layers as well as strong dilation beneath the pile tips at the start of earthquake loading. A reduction in shaft friction was observed after the earthquake due to soil down-drag. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique is an image processing tool to obtain instantaneous velocity measurements during an experiment. The basic principle of PIV analysis is to divide the image into small patches and calculate the locations of the individual patches in consecutive images with the help of cross correlation functions. This paper focuses on the application of the PIV analysis in dynamic centrifuge tests on small scale tunnels in loose, dry sand. Digital images were captured during the application of the earthquake loading on tunnel models using a fast digital camera capable of taking digital images at 1000 frames per second at 1 Megapixel resolution. This paper discusses the effectiveness of the existing methods used to conduct PIV analyses on dynamic centrifuge tests. Results indicate that PIV analysis in dynamic testing requires special measures in order to obtain reasonable deformation data. Nevertheless, it was possible to obtain interesting mechanisms regarding the behaviour of the tunnels from PIV analyses. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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One feature of earthquake loading in regions containing sloping ground is a marked increase in accelerations at the crests of slopes. Many field cases exist where such increased accelerations were measured. The observed increase in the amount and severity of observed building damage near the edge of cliff-type topographies has been attributed to the topographic amplification. To counter this, it has been shown that anchoring the soil mass responsible for this to the rest of the stable soil mass can reduce the amount of topographic amplification. In this study, dynamic centrifuge modelling will be used to identify the region affected by topographic amplification in a model slope. The soil accelerations recorded will be compared to those measured in a comparable model treated by anchors. In addition, the tension measured in the anchors will be examined in order to better understand how the anchors are transferring the loads and mitigating these amplifications. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Analytical methods provide a global context from which to understand the dynamics of stone spires, but computational and experimental methods are useful to predict more specific behavior of multiple block structures. In this paper, the spire of St. Mary Magdalene church in Waltham-on-the-Wolds, UK, which was damaged in the 2008 Lincolnshire Earthquake, is used as a case study. Both a physical model and a discrete element computational model of the spire were created and used to investigate collapse under constant horizontal acceleration, impulse base motion, and earthquake ground motion. Results indicate that the global behavior compares well with analytical modeling, but local block displacements evident in DEM and experimental results also reduce the stability of the structure. In this context, the observed damage to St. Mary Magdalene church is evaluated and discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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In an earthquake, underground structures located in liquefiable soil deposits are susceptible to floatation following an earthquake event due to their lower unit weight relative to the surrounding saturated soil. The uplift displacement of an underground structure in liquefiable soil deposit can be affected by the buried depth and size of the structure. Dynamic centrifuge tests have been carried out to investigate the influence of these factors by measuring the uplift displacement of shallow model circular structures. Ratios for the buried depth and diameter effects of the structure are introduced to compare the uplift displacement in different soil and earthquake conditions. With the depth effect and diameter effect ratios, the uplift displacement of a buoyant structure in liquefiable soil can also be estimated based on performance of similar structures in comparable soil condition and subjected to a similar earthquake event. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The widespread use of piled foundations in areas prone to liquefaction has led to significant research being carried out to understand their behaviour during earthquakes. A key challenge inmodelling this problemin a centrifuge is the installation procedure, and in most dynamic centrifuge experiments piles are installed before the test commences, either pushing the piles at 1g, or fixing the piles in the model and the sand poured around them. In this paper, a series of dynamic centrifuge experiments are described in which a 2 × 2 pile group is pushed into the model before the test begins and also once the centrifuge has reached the test acceleration. The paper focuses on the key differences which were observed in the pile group's response to the earthquake motion, and in particular, the very different settlement responses of the pile groups.