980 resultados para Semi-Open
In this work, we describe a system, which recognises open vocabulary, isolated, online handwritten Tamil words and extend it to recognize a paragraph of writing. We explain in detail each step involved in the process: segmentation, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification and bigram-based post-processing. On our database of 45,000 handwritten words obtained through tablet PC, we have obtained symbol level accuracy of 78.5% and 85.3% without and with the usage of post-processing using symbol level language models, respectively. Word level accuracies for the same are 40.1% and 59.6%. A line and word level segmentation strategy is proposed, which gives promising results of 100% line segmentation and 98.1% word segmentation accuracies on our initial trials of 40 handwritten paragraphs. The two modules have been combined to obtain a full-fledged page recognition system for online handwritten Tamil data. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first ever attempt on recognition of open vocabulary, online handwritten paragraphs in any Indian language.
Long-term (2009-2012) data from ground-based measurements of aerosol black carbon (BC) from a semi-urban site, Pantnagar (29.0 degrees N, 79.5 degrees E, 231 m amsl), in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) near the Himalayan foothills are analyzed to study the regional characterization. Large variations are seen in BC at both diurnal and seasonal scales, associated with the mesoscale and synoptic meteorological processes, and local/regional anthropogenic activities. BC diurnal variations show two peaks (morning and evening) arising from the combined effects of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) dynamics and local emissions. The diurnal amplitudes as well as the rates of diurnal evolution are the highest in winter season, followed by autumn, and the lowest in summer-monsoon. BC exhibits nearly an inverse relation with mixing layer depth in all seasons; being strongest in winter (R-2 = 0.89) and weakest (R-2 = 0.33) in monsoon (July-August). Unlike BC, co-located aerosol optical depths (AOD) and aerosol absorption are highest in spring over IGP, probably due to the presence of higher abundances of aerosols (including dust) above the ABL (in the free troposphere). AOD (500 nm) showed annual peak (>0.6) in May-June, dominated by coarse mode, while fine mode aerosols dominated in late autumn and early winter. Aerosols profiles from CALIPSO show highest values close to the surface in winter/autumn, similar to the feature seen in surface BC, whereas at altitudes > 2 km, the extinction is maximum in spring/summer. WRF-Chem model is used to simulate BC temporal variations and then compared with observed BC. The model captures most of the important features of the diurnal and seasonal variations but significantly underestimated the observed BC levels, suggesting improvements in diurnal and seasonal varying BC emissions apart from the boundary layer processes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work explores the potential of semi-solid heat treatment technique by elucidating its effect on the plastic behavior of 304L SS in hot working domain. To accomplish this objective, hot isothermal compression tests on 304L SS specimens with semi-solid heat treatment and conventional annealing heat treatment have been carried out within a temperature range of 1273-1473 K and strain rates ranging from 0.01 to 1 s(-1). The dynamic flow behavior of this steel in its conventional heat-treated condition and semi-solid heat-treated condition has been characterized in terms of strain hardening, temperature softening, strain rate hardening, and dynamic flow softening. Extensive microstructural investigation has been carried out to corroborate the results obtained from the analysis of flow behavior. Detailed analysis of the results demonstrates that semi-solid heat treatment moderates work hardening, strain rate hardening, and temperature sensitivity of 304L SS, which is favorable for hot deformation. The post-deformation hardness values of semi-solid heat-treated steel and conventionally heat-treated steel were found to remain similar despite the pre-deformation heat treatment conditions. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of semi-solid heat treatment as a pre-deformation heat treatment step to effectively reduce the strength of the material to facilitate easier deformation without affecting the post-deformation properties of the steel.
This paper demonstrates light-load instability in a 100-kW open-loop induction motor drive on account of inverter deadtime. An improved small-signal model of an inverter-fed induction motor is proposed. This improved model is derived by linearizing the nonlinear dynamic equations of the motor, which include the inverter deadtime effect. Stability analysis is carried out on the 100-kW415-V three-phase induction motor considering no load. The analysis brings out the region of instability of this motor drive on the voltage versus frequency (V-f) plane. This region of light-load instability is found to expand with increase in inverter deadtime. Subharmonic oscillations of significant amplitude are observed in the steady-state simulated and measured current waveforms, at numerous operating points in the unstable region predicted, confirming the validity of the stability analysis. Furthermore, simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is more accurate than an existing small-signal model in predicting the region of instability.
We consider the nonabelian sandpile model defined on directed trees by Ayyer et al. (2015 Commun. Math. Phys. 335 1065). and restrict it to the special case of a one-dimensional lattice of n sites which has open boundaries and disordered hopping rates. We focus on the joint distribution of the integrated currents across each bond simultaneously, and calculate its cumulant generating function exactly. Surprisingly, the process conditioned on seeing specified currents across each bond turns out to be a renormalised version of the same process. We also remark on a duality property of the large deviation function. Lastly, all eigenvalues and both Perron eigenvectors of the tilted generator are determined.
The objective of this paper is to study the influence of inverter dead-time on steady as well as dynamic operation of an open-loop induction motor drive fed from a voltage source inverter (VSI). Towards this goal, this paper presents a systematic derivation of a dynamic model for an inverter-fed induction motor, incorporating the effect of inverter dead-time, in the synchronously revolving dq reference frame. Simulation results based on this dynamic model bring out the impact of inverter dead-time on both the transient response and steady-state operation of the motor drive. For the purpose of steady-state analysis, the dynamic model of the motor drive is used to derive a steady-state model, which is found to be non-linear. The steady-state model shows that the impact of dead-time can be seen as an additional resistance in the stator circuit, whose value depends on the stator current. Towards precise evaluation of this dead-time equivalent resistance, an analytical expression is proposed for the same in terms of inverter dead-time, switching frequency, modulation index and load impedance. The notion of dead-time equivalent resistance is shown to simplify the solution of the non-linear steady-state model. The analytically evaluated steady-state solutions are validated through numerical simulations and experiments.
Con el propósito de determinar el comportamiento de rasgos de crecimiento del camarón de agua dulce M. rosenbergii. Se montó un ensayo en la comunidad de los Encuentros, municipio de Limay, Estelí. Para tal efecto se utilizaron tres estanques de tierra de 200m 3 c/u en los que se sembraron 5 post larvas/m2. La alimentación fue a base de concentrado con 35%, 25%, 20% de proteína respectivamente de manera igual para los tres estanques. Se efectuaron muestreos, de talla, peso con respecto a la edad siendo estos el primer muestreo al momento de la siembra el segundo a los 30 días y los restantes cada 20 días, hasta los 190 días que culminó el ensayo, para determinar el crecimiento de los camarones de agua dulce M. rosenhergií mediante análisis estadísticos se empleó el modelo no lineal sugerido por Pearl-read (1923) y = k/1+bea:. Para realizar un menor ajuste de los datos se procedió a linealizarlos por medio de una regresión con la ecuación: Ln (k/y)-1 = Lnb±ax. Para el primer estanque se construyó el modelo Ln(k/y)-1 = 6.69459 = 0.97948 (cm), el error estándar para Lnb y a son de 0.338010.57300 respectivamente, laPr> ltl iguala 1.0001con r2 = 0.976605 y C.V= 29.66412. En el segundo estanque se obtuvo Ln(kly)-1 = 6.53469- 0.89897 (cm) el error standard para Lnb y a son de 0.4235;0.6858. La Pr > ltl para ambos son de 0.0001 con r1 = 0.96084 y C.V= 36.20477, para el tercer estanque se tiene valores de Ln (k/y)-1 = 6.93459- 1.116595 (cm) con error standard de Lnb y a = 1.04923; 0.180752 y para Pr > ltl fue de 0.0003;0.0005 con un r2= 0.8450 y C.V = 126.7102, al hacer un análisis de regresión combinando los tres estanques se obtuvo valores deLn(k/y)-1 = 5.5224-0.8068 (cm) con errores standard de Lnb y a= O.2878; 0.480 y para Pr > ltl fue de 0.0001 con un r2=; 0.9700 y C.V = 31.489, el comportamiento de crecimiento de los camarones de agua dulce M. rosenbergii sometidos a estudio bajo las mismas condiciones de cultivo tuvieron diferencias de talla y peso siendo éstas de 0.331 cm; 2.S02 g. del estanque 2 vs estanque 1; 1.093 cm, 4.3500 g del estanque 2 vs estanque 3 y 0.762 cm; 1.848 g para el estanque 1 vs estanque 3, sin embargo para los estanques en estudio se observó un aumento de talla y peso entre los 110-130 días de edad.
Con el propósito de evaluar el intervalo entre partos (IEP), producción de leche por día (PLDk) y composición de la leche en contenidos de grasa (FATT), proteína (PROTT), lactosa (LACTT), materia seca (DRYMT) y sólidos no gras os (SNFT) en genotipos lecheros (Holstein, Pardo suizo, Jersey y cruces entre estos y con Brahman) de la Finca Las Mercedes de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, manejado intensivamente, se utilizó información de producción del periodo 2005 – 2007, intervalo entre partos (IEP), pesajes de leche por día (diciembre 2005 a Junio 2007) y sus respectivos análisis de composición. Los análisis se efectuaron mediante modelos aditivos lineales que incluyeron efectos fijos de grupo racial (GR), año de parto (AP), númer o de parto (NP), época de parto (EP), periodo de lactancia (PLAC) y sexo de la cría (SC) e interacciones importantes. Para IEP, fueron importantes solamente las interacciones GRxAP (P<0.02), GRxEP (P<0.01) y NP x EP (P<0.07), no así para efectos principale s; se obtuvo una media de mínimos cuadrados para IEP de 14.4 meses y los valores oscilaron entre 11 y 18 meses. Para PLDk, se encontró diferencias importantes para todas las fuentes e interacciones, excepto para AP. PLDk mostró una media de mínimos cuadra dos de 7.5 kg. /día. Los GR 2 y 4 mostraron valores mayores que 12 kg. /día; el parto 3 presento la mayor producción (10.3 kg /día); la época de parto 1 (lluvia) mostró 1.5 kg de leche mayor que la época seca; la tendencia de la curva de lactancia a lo lag o de los PLAC resulto un poco atípica sin pico de producción. De la composición de la leche, los efectos de GR, AP y PLAC resultaron importantes sobre todas las características; los promedios generales para grasa, proteína, lactosa, materia seca y sólidos no grasos fueron de 3.78%, 3.08%, 3.66%, 11.25%, 7.46%, respectivamente. El GR 2 mostró valores mayores en composición de leche; y en general, si se incrementa el volumen de leche por día se reducen todos los parámetros de composición, visto más clarament e en la curva de lactación a través de PLAC. La información generada puede sustentar las políticas de utilización de estos genotipos en Las Mercedes.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de dos tratamientos hormonales en la sincronización del estro en hembras caprinas bajo condiciones semi intensivas del trópico seco. Cada unidad experimental estuvo representada por una hembra caprina reproductora, cuya edad osciló entre los 3½ años con pesos promedios de 38 kg pv, se utilizó un total de 30 hembras. Estas se distribuyeron en tres tratamientos, conformados por diez unidades experimentales cada uno. Tratamiento 1 :EAZI-BREED ® -CIDR ® vía intravaginal, conteniendo 300 mg (0.3 g) de progesterona sintética (que liberó 20 mg d -1 aproximadamente) + ECP (Cipionato de Estradiol) a razón de 2.5ml, vía intramuscular (3 mg/ml) al noveno día (después de retirar el CIDR ® ), se aplicó 3ml de Lutalyse ® (PGF2α, 5 mg Dinopróstamina por ml) vía intramuscular; El segundo tratamiento fue conformada: EAZI-BREED ® -CIDR ® + Lutalyse ® (PGF2α) al retiro del CIDR ® ; Tratamiento 3: control o efecto macho (estas fueron expuestas al macho de forma continua durante toda la duración del experimento). Se detectó celo después de retirar el CIDR ® , a intervalos de 24, 48, 72 y 96 horas. Los resultados obtenidos para las variables en estudio, mostraron que la variable detección de celo fue altamente significativa (P<0.01), estado gestacional fue significativa (P<0.05); mientras que para las variables aparición de celo (h) y número de embriones, no se encontraron diferencias significativas (P˃ 0.05). La sobrevivencia embrionaria por tratamiento fue de 85% para T1, 80% para T2 y 70% para T3. El análisis financiero determino que el tratamiento T2 fue el más viable.
Traffic classification using machine learning continues to be an active research area. The majority of work in this area uses off-the-shelf machine learning tools and treats them as black-box classifiers. This approach turns all the modelling complexity into a feature selection problem. In this paper, we build a problem-specific solution to the traffic classification problem by designing a custom probabilistic graphical model. Graphical models are a modular framework to design classifiers which incorporate domain-specific knowledge. More specifically, our solution introduces semi-supervised learning which means we learn from both labelled and unlabelled traffic flows. We show that our solution performs competitively compared to previous approaches while using less data and simpler features. Copyright © 2010 ACM.
Ground vibration due to underground railways is a significant source of disturbance for people living or working near the subways. The numerical models used to predict vibration levels have inherent uncertainty which must be understood to give confidence in the predictions. A semi-analytical approach is developed herein to investigate the effect of soil layering on the surface vibration of a halfspace where both soil properties and layer inclination angles are varied. The study suggests that both material properties and inclination angle of the layers have significant effect ( ± 10dB) on the surface vibration response. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Highly porous ultralightweight cellular metal foams with open cells have attractive mechanical, thermal, acoustic and other properties and are currently being exploited for high-temperature applications (e.g. acoustic liners for combustion chambers). In such circumstances, thermal radiation in the metal foam becomes a significant mechanism of heat transfer. This paper presents results from experimental measurements on radiative transfer in Fe-Cr-Al-Y (a steel-based high-temperature alloy) foams having high porosity (95 per cent) and different cell sizes, manufactured at low cost from the sintering route. The spectral transmittance and reflectance are measured at different infrared wavelengths ranging from 2.5 to 50 μm, which are subsequently used to determine the extinction coefficient and foam emissivity. The results show that the spectral quantities are strongly dependent on the wavelength, particularly in the short-wavelength regime (less than 25 μm). While the extinction coefficient decreases with increasing cell size, the effect of cell size on foam reflectance is not significant. When the temperature is increased, the total extinction coefficient increases but the total reflectance decreases. The effective radiative conductivity of the metal foam is obtained by using the guarded hot-plate apparatus. With the porosity fixed, the effective radiative conductivity increases with increasing cell size and increasing temperature. © IMechE 2004.