1000 resultados para Seguretat pública -- Girona (Catalunya ) -- Avaluació
The Paleozoic materials of MassÃs de Begur are described from a stratigraphical point of view. We distinguish two units: the lower one, present phillites with carbonate layers ofcambro-ordovician age. The upper one is composed by volcanic rocks, carbonate schistsand black slates, bring from caradocian and ashgillian age
Stratigraphic series concerning the paleogenic materials of the 'Massis de Begur' are described. We note the presence of some diferences between its northem and westem margins
Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area
This paper makes a contribution to the knowledge of the coastal fringe morphology of the ‘Macizo de Begur’. A lithological study, macro and microscopic, has been carried out of a variety of a series of metamorphic, plutonic, phyllonianic and effusive rocks
Un edifici volcà nic inèdit a Caldes de Malavella (la Selva, Girona): el volcà del camp dels Ninots
Es descriu la morfologia i els dipòsits del volcà inèdit del camp dels Ninots (Caldes de Malavella)
Es presenten els resultats d'una campanya de prospecció geofÃsica electromagnètica amb l'objectiu de poder delimitar espaialment les formacions travertÃniques quaternà ries de la vall de Banyoles
Estudi de les formacions travertÃniques que es troben al Pla de Banyoles
Two unknown volcanic outcrops in the Alt Emporda (Girona) are described in this paper . We present their exact situation and a description of their occurrence and their mineralogical and petrological characteristics. Bothhave been classified as alkali-olivine basalts and they probably extruded during the Neogen period
The main volcanic edifice of the Crosa de Sant Dalmai is the largest in the catalonian volcanic area. The crater is 1.300 m long and 74 m deep. At present it is protected by the "Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural" of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Descripció de la seqüència estratigrà fica i dels registres paleoambientals dels sediments holocens de Sant Julià de Boada
Descripció de les diferents fons naturals que es troben al terme municipal de Sant Feliu de GuÃxols
Es descriu la seqüència de materials travessats en un sondatge mecà nic realitzat al cim del turó de Santa Maria de Roses. Es posa de manifest que aquest alt topogrà fic és constituït per una successió de capes de graves amb intercalacions de nivells argilosos i arenosos. La capa més superficial és de l'holocè superior, mentre que la resta pertany al pleistocè i, segurament, ai miocè superior
El entorno de la Depresión donde se ubica el lago de Banyoles presenta unas especiales caracterÃsticas litológicas, morfológicas e hidrogeológicas que se traducen en unos claros ejemplos de inestabilidad gravitatoria. Esta ocasiona, en general, rápidas modificaciones de la superficie topográfica, que delimitan el uso territorial de la zona. Son relativamente frecuentes los fenómenos de inestabilidad de laderas, siempre coincidentes con episodiospluviométricos de carácter extraordinario, asà como manifestaciones gravitatorias de hundimiento por colapso, ligadas a la carstificación del material yesÃfero infrayacente
The influence of geomorphological and hydrologic conditions on travertine deposit formation has been studied in Cogolls Valley (Girona, Spain). Results indicate an evolutive sequence of the Quaternary materials, that is related to instabilities created by progresive changes into the valley system
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