961 resultados para Secondary Impact
Comunicação apresentada na 30th Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, em Riva del Garda, Itália, a 3 de Julho de 2010.
The Online Mathematics Education Project (MatActiva) is an exciting new initiative which aims to support and enhance mathematics education. The project is led by the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), part of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). It provides innovative resources and carefully constructed materials around themes such as Elementary Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Financial Mathematics to help support and inspire students and teachers of mathematics. The goal is to increase mathematical understanding, confidence and enjoyment, enrich the mathematical experience of each person, and promote creative and imaginative approaches to mathematics. Furthermore the project can be used to deliver engaging and effective mathematics instruction through the flipped classroom model. This paper also presents the findings of a large survey, whose propose was to study the student’s reaction to the project.
The anthropometric (body weight, height, upper arm circumference, triceps and subescapular skinfolds; Quetelet index and arm muscle circunference) and blood biochemistry (proteins and lipids) parameters were evaluated in 93 males and 27 females, 17-72 years old voluntaries living in the malarial endemic area of Humaita city (southwest Amazon). According to their malarial history they were assembled in four different groups: G1-controls without malarial history (n:30); G2 - controls with malarial history but without actual manifestation of the disease (n:40); G3 - patients with Plasmodium vivax (n:19) and G4 - patients with Plasmodium falciparum (n:31). The malarial status was stablished by clinical and laboratory findings. The overall data of anthropometry and blood biochemistry discriminated the groups differently. The anthropometric data were low sensitive and contrasted only the two extremes (G1>G4) whereas the biochemistry differentiated two big groups, the healthy (G1+G2) and the patients (G3+G4). The nutritional status of the P. falciparum patients was highly depressed for most of the studied indices but none was sensitive enough to differentiate this group from the P. vivax group (G3). On the other hand the two healthy groups could be differentiated through the levels of ceruloplasmin (G1
A evolução dos transportes de mercadorias, em Portugal e na União Europeia, assume uma enorme repercussão na economia global, de modo que a combinação dos vários modos de transporte, com vista à obtenção de ganhos ao nível da eficiência, adquire extrema importância. Os programas europeus de apoio aos transportes, enquadrados na rede transeuropeia de transportes e plataformas logísticas, também contribuem para a otimização do transporte de mercadorias. A importância do transporte ferroviário de mercadorias no eixo Leixões- Salamanca, nomeadamente para as empresas exportadoras e importadoras da região norte e centro, que utilizam meios alternativos ao ferroviário, constitui o principal objetivo desta dissertação. A revisão bibliográfica inclui uma abordagem aos transportes de mercadorias em geral e de forma mais aprofundada aos modos ferroviário e rodoviário na península ibérica, passando pela logística, bem como pela integração de modos: intermodalidade e multimodalidade na rede europeia de transportes e ainda a referência aos portos secos e às plataformas logísticas. Isto permite caraterizar as diferentes empresas operadoras do setor dos transportes de mercadorias e os produtos transacionados, assim como enumerar vantagens e/ou desvantagens do meio de transporte ferroviário face a outros meios, mais concretamente no eixo alvo deste estudo. A metodologia utilizada consiste na análise de informação proveniente de fontes secundárias havendo lugar a uma referência mais detalhada sobre as plataformas logísticas de Leixões e Salamanca, o eixo E-80, o corredor ferroviário nº4 e os programas europeus promotores da eficiência no transporte ferroviário de mercadorias: Marathon, Ferremed e Marco Polo. Para a recolha de informação primária o instrumento adotado foi a entrevista semiestruturada, efetuada a dois representantes da empresa CP-Carga e a um representante da empresa KLog, ambas as empresas ligadas ao setor dos transportes e logística. A análise e tratamento de toda a informação recolhida possibilitam, desde logo, evidenciar as potencialidades do eixo Leixões-Salamanca no que se refere ao transporte ferroviário de mercadorias, delinear recomendações para a sua otimização, bem como efetuar uma análise SWOT. As considerações finais revelam que é imperativo adotar medidas, de forma integrada, para que o seu efeito na potenciação do transporte ferroviário de mercadorias, não só no eixo Leixões-Salamanca, mas também a nível europeu, se afirme como uma verdadeira alternativa a outros modos, particularmente ao domínio rodoviário.
Master’s Thesis in Computer Engineering
A seroepidemiologic survey was carried out in schoolchildren from public schools of the Niterói municipality, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after a period of sequential epidemics by dengue virus type 1 and 2 (DEN-1 and DEN-2). 450 blood samples were obtained by fingertip puncture and collected on filter paper discs. The hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test was carried out using DEN-1 and DEN-2 antigens. HAI titres were demonstrated in 66% (297/450) of the sera and the geometric means of the titres were 1/182 and 1/71 for DEN-1 and DEN-2, respectively. Secondary infections were observed in 61% (181/297) of positive cases. Among these, 75% (135/181) were under fifteen years old. No dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) was reported in these children. Asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic infections were detected in 56% of the studied population. The absolute and relative frequencies of positive tests by age group and sex did not evidence statistically significant difference. The number of individuals infected probably produced a immunologic barrier responsible for the non occurrence of dengue epidemic in the latter years.
Journal of Cleaner Production, nº 16, p. 639-645
Starting from theoretical perspectives on globalisation, the following article analyses how current working conditions are affected by globalisation processes. For this purpose, recent developments in the German clothing sector are traced back to the power of economic globalisation processes. Characterising the German clothing sector as pioneer in economic globalisation, we use empirical findings to illustrate how current processes of globalisation influence the work place: At organisational level, corporate strategies aim at rationalisation, standardisation and flexibilisation of work in order to response to the economic pressure of global markets. At individual level these strategies, in turn, speed up working processes and intensify working processes for the employees. Although these developments form strong trends, we conclude that the local embeddedness of companies is still of high importance with regard to organisational and individual consequences of globalisation.
In this work, the impact of distributed generation in the transmission expansion planning will be simulated through the performance of an optimization process for three different scenarios: the first without distributed generation, the second with distributed generation equivalent to 1% of the load, and the third with 5% of distributed generation. For modeling the expanding problem the load flow linearized method using genetic algorithms for optimization has been chosen. The test circuit used is a simplification of the south eastern Brazilian electricity system with 46 buses.
Cryptococcus neoformans is the fifth most common opportunistic agent of infection in patients with AIDS in the USA, exceeded only by Candida species, Pneumocystis carinii, cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium avium1, 2, 6, 10, 11. In Brazil is the sixth, exceeded by Candida species, P. carinii, Mycobacterium species, Toxoplasma gondii, and herpes simplex virus (AIDS, Boletim Epidemiológico, set/nov 96, Ministério da Saúde, Brasil). During 30 years, the treatment of C. neoformans meningitis was based on the use of amphotericin B with or without flucytosine13. Nowadays, with the immunodepression caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the availability of new antifungal drugs as the triazoles, the concept related to cure and relapses of cryptococcosis has been altered7, 20. Patients are treated with amphotericin B with or without flucytosine as initial therapy, but maintenance therapy is always necessary in AIDS patients with C. neoformans infections
The aims of the this prospective study were to analyze physical activity (PA) engagement during the first and second trimesters, considering the different guidelines published on PA, to document the individual characteristics associated with the accomplishment of these guidelines and to examine pregnant women’s perceived barriers to leisure PA, using a socioecological framework. A sample of 133 pregnant women in two stages – at 10–12 weeks’ gestation (T1) and 20– 22 weeks’ gestation (T2) – were evaluated. PA was assessed by accelerometry during the T1 and T2 evaluation stages. Socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors and barriers to leisure PA were assessed via questionnaire. A large proportion of women (ranging from 32% to 96%) did not reach the levels of PA recommended by the guidelines. There were no significant differences between T1 and T2 with regard to compliance with PA recommendations. A decrease in PA levels from T1 to T2 was noted for all recommendations. No associations were found between participants’ characteristics and adherence to the recommendations in T1 and T2. No significant differences were found in barriers to leisure PA between T1 and T2. The most commonly reported barriers to leisure PA were intrapersonal, not health related. Our results indicate that there were no differences between trimesters regarding compliance of PA recommendations, and perceived barriers were similar in both trimesters.
Pharmaceutical spending in many other countries has had a steep increase in the last decade. The Portuguese Government has adopted several measures to reduce pharmaceutical expenditure growth, ranging from increased co-payments to price decreases determined administratively. Promotion of generic consumption has also ranked high in political priorities. We assess the overall impact of the several policy measures on total pharmaceutical spending, using monthly data over the period January 1995 – August 2008. Endogenous structural breaks (time-series) methods were employed. Our findings suggest that policy measures aimed at controlling pharmaceutical expenditure have been, in general, unsuccessful. Two breaks were identified. Both coincide with administratively determined price decreases. Measures aimed at increasing competition in the market had no visible effect on the dynamics of Government spending in pharmaceutical products. In particular, the introduction of reference pricing had only a transitory effect of less than one year, with historical growth resuming quickly. The consequence of it is a transfer of financial burden from the Government to the patients, with no apparent effect on the dynamics of pharmaceutical spending. This strongly suggests that pharmaceutical companies have been able to adjust to policy measures, in order to sustain their sales. It remains a challenge for the future to identify firms’ strategies that supported continued growth of sales, despite the several policy measures adop
The process of Competences Recognition, Validation and Certification , also known as Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL), is an innovative means of attaining school certificates for individuals without an academic background. The main objective of this process is to validate what people have learned in informal contexts, in order to attribute academic certificates. With the increasing interest of the qualification of workers and governmental support, more and more Portuguese organizations promote this process within their facilities and their work hours. This study explores the relationship between the promotion of this Human Resource Development Programme and employee’s attitudes (Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment) and behaviours (Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviours) towards the organization they work for. Results of a cross-sectional survey of Portuguese Industrial Workers (N=135) showed that statistical significant results are in the higher levels of Voice Behaviours (a dimension of Extra-role Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the groups of workers who were involved or had graduated from the firm promoted APL process.