The annual litter fall production and the concentrations of macronutrients of four leguminous tree species were evaluated. The experiment was installed in a distrophic red yellow latosol (Oxisol), derivative of the Bauru sandstone group. The studied species were: Leucaena leucocephala. Acacia melanoxylon, L. diversifolia and Mimosa scabrella. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four treatments (species) and four replications. The litter fall was collected in boxes measuring 50×50×10 cm, two boxes by treatment in each block. The material was collected monthly and dried, weighed and chemically analyzed. The litter fall deposition occurred in the following order: M. scabrella (7,051 kg ha -1 ano -1), A. melanoxylon (2,789 kg ha -1 ano -1), L. diversifolia (1,576 kg ha -1 ano -1) and L. leucocephala (1,389 kg ha -1 ano -1). The content of nutrients obeyed the following order: N>Ca>K>Mg>P>S, with the exception of L. leucocephala that presented a bigger content of S in relation to the P.
This work describes the synthesis and characterization of 2-aminothiazole modified silica gel (SiAT), and the results of a study of the adsorption and pre-concentration (in batch and using a flow-injection system coupled to an absorption atomic spectrometer) of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) in aqueous medium. The adsorption capacities for each metal ions in mmol g -1 were: Cu(II)= 1.18, Ni(II)= 1.15 and Pb(II)= 1.10. The results obtained in the flow experiments showed a recovery of practically 100% of the metal ions adsorbed in a mini-column packed with 100 mg of SiAT, using 100 μL of 2.0 mol L -1 HCl solution as eluent. The sorption-desorption of the metal ions made possible the application of a flow-injection system for the pre-concentration and quantification by FAAS of metal ions at trace level in natural water samples digested and not digest by an oxidizing UV photolysis.
The interactions of tropical aquatic fulvic acids (AFA) with chlorine and formation of trihalomethanes were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were isolated from a dark-brown stream (located in a environmental protection area near Cubatão city in São Paulo State, Brazil) by means of the collector XAD 8 according the procedure recommended by the International Humic Substances Society. The photoluminescence measurements were made by using a Perkin Elmer spectrometer; AHS, aquatic humic acids (AHA) and AFA samples were assayed. The interactions of AFA and chlorine were characterized by using different reaction times (1, 24, 48, 72 and 168 h) and chlorine concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg L-1). The relative fluorescence intensity for AFA was significantly decreased with the increasing of chlorine concentration and reaction time. The reduction of fluorescence intensity in the region of longer wavelength was interpreted as an indicative of interaction between condensed aromatic groups of AFA and chlorine.
The hybrid Mentha pulegium x spicata, also well-known as poejo de praia, it is a perennial, low plant, with fields, violet stem and opposite leaves, with lance format and sawed board, presenting characteristic smell. The objective of the present work was accomplish a study of the leaf anatomy, including a biometric study of tissue and quantitative analysis of secretory trichomes/mm2 and of stomata/mm2 in both faces of the epidermis, besides a chemical analysis of the essential oil. Histological permanent laminas were made for anatomical analysis of the leaf surface and also sheets of the impression to foliate for the count of the trichomes number and stomatas. The chemical studies were made through the extraction of the essential oil by hydrodistillation and analyzed in GC-MS. The capitate and peltates trichomes are present on both sides of the leaf, even so they prevail in the abaxial surface. The variance analysis show that there are significant differences for the number of capitate trichomes and tectores between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces, but they are not significant for the peltate trichoma. The analyzed of essential oil shows the presence of a majority component, trans piperitone epoxide, being it responsible for more than 80% of the relative composition in the essential oil.
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam., Sterculiaceae, popularly known as mutamba, has a wide geographical distribution, ranging from Mexico to Southern Brazil. The interest in its chemical properties is due to its popular use for hair loss treatment. This activity can be attributed to tannins that have many pharmacological activities such anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-microbial, anti-viral, capillary protective action and radical scavenging properties. In the microscopic analysis of barks and leaves, large secretor ducts could be detected among the parenchyma cells, as well as star shaped trichoms on the epidermis. One of the aims of the anatomical study was to detect tissues with polyphenolic compounds. The results indicated two tissues rich in these compounds: the phloematic region and the periderm. Chemical analyses were carried out on the bark and showed the presence of the following chemical groups: flavonoids, tannins, saponins and mucilages.
HIV patients are predisposed to the development of hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia as a result of both viral infection and HIV infection therapy, especially the protease inhibitors. Chemokines and cytokines are present at sites of inflammation and can influence the nature of the inflammatory response in atherosclerosis. We investigated the correlation between biochemical variables and β-chemokines (MIP-1α and RANTES) and the apolipoprotein E genotype in HIV-infected individuals. The apolipoproteins were measured by nephelometry. Triglycerides and total cholesterol were determined by standard enzymatic procedures. The β-chemokines were detected by ELISA. The genetic category of CCR5 and apolipoprotein E were determined by PCR amplification and restriction enzymes. Immunological and virological profiles were assessed by TCD4 + and TCD8 + lymphocyte counts and viral load quantification. Positive correlations were found between apo E and CD8 + (p = 0.035), apo E and viral load (p = 0.018), MIP-1α and triglycerides (p = 0.039) and MIP-1α and VLDL (p = 0.040). Negative correlations were found between viral load and CD4 + (p = 0.05) and RANTES and CD4 + (p = 0.029). The β-chemokine levels may influence lipid metabolism in HIV-infected individuals. © 2005 by The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Contexto Publishing. All rights reserved.
A site investigation program was carried out to detect salt-water intrusions in a shallow sedimentary aquifer based on electrical resistivity measurements. The site is located close to Paranaguá harbor, in the Paraná State, Brasil. At this site, high chloride concentration contaminated shallow water wells used to supply water for local industries. The site investigation program included a fieldwork, dipole-dipole electrical profiling, resistivity piezocone tests, physical-chemical analysis of sampled water and interpretation of borehole logs. The resistivity piezocone tests provided two simultaneous information; the soil stratigraphy at a very detailed level and a quasi-continuous resistivity profile. Both information adequately complemented dipole-dipole electrical profiling test data. The integration of all test data allowed identifying the contaminated areas as well as guided the location of new water wells to be installed in this area.
This work studied alterations of physical properties of a distroferric red nitosol due to millet (Pennisetum americanum) covering, with or without liming, in a no-tillage system during the agricultural years of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001, using soybean and corn as culture succession. 6m×10m plots, with and without millet as vegetal covering, received only one initial superficial application of limestone, 3.1 t ha-1 in the first half of each plot in order to obtain 70% base saturation (V), after the desiccation of the millet. Some physical properties as soil density, aggregate stability, > 2 mm aggregate proportion, macro and micro porosity were analyzed whereas the chemical analysis determined Ca and Mg macro nutrients, organic matter, soil pH and H+Al. Millet vegetal residues and surface liming did not alter soil density nor the average weight diameter (AWD), > 2 mm aggregate, soil macro porosity and organic matter content, twenty-four months after the no-tillage system implantation for studied experimental conditions. Soil micro porosity was significantly affected in layers deeper than 0.20 m, in treatment with millet and limestone. Calcium, magnesium and H + Al contents and the soil pH values suffered significant alterations in superficial layer, between 0-0.05 m.
Coqueiral lake is a marginal lake located at the southeast São Paulo State, in the mouth zone of the Paranapanema river into Jurumirim Reservoir and it has high connectivity with the Paranapaneina river. This work aimed to verify the benthic biodiversity in areas of the lake bottom. 18 sampling sites in the lake were selected, including shallow and deep areas. The samples were taken every three months during one year. Physical and chemical water variables (level, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, and electric conductivity) were analyzed. Sediment samples were picked up in triplicate for fauna and abiotic factors analysis (granulometric composition and sediment organic content), using Petersen dredge. The material was sorted out and analyzed under stereoscopic microscope. Counting and identification of the organisms were accomplished and diversity, relative abundance, taxonomic richness and dominance index were calculated. The analysis revealed a fauna with low species diversity and, with Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera dominance. Ephemeroptera, Campsurus, dominated in the hottest period and with low lake depth. Organisms' distribution had as main factors depth, transparency, pH, and water temperature. In the comparison between shallow and deep areas, a small density of organism in the deep regions was observed.
Lateral shoots of the Aloe vera (L.) Burm. cultivated in vitro, without addition vegetal regulators, for 90 days, were inoculated in MS culture-medium, containing or not spermine and/or spermidine. After 30 days of cultivation, the plants were submitted to biochemical analysis together with micropropagated plants - that were under in vitro cultivation for 90 days - (denominated as characterization), and matrix plants (in vivo). The levels of free polyamines, total phenols, total flavonoids, and the activity of peroxidase were evaluated in the biochemical analyses. The exogenous application of spermidine have promoted large number of shoots. Spermidine and spermine have promoted, when associated, an increase in the number of shoots as well as an increase of the contents of putrescine and and flavonoids. The putrescine has presented the most significant alterations, enabling to be utilized as marker of morphogenesis in the micropropagated Aloe vera. Tissues under active growth have presented high activity of peroxidase as well as those with greater rate of oxidation. In these tissues, there were noticed also higher contents of total flavonoids, indicating the need of antioxidative compounds. The action of polyamines jointly tseemed to be benefic for the shooting of micropropagated Aloe vera.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Pt-Ru/C materials of this study were prepared by a microemulsion method with fixed water to surfactant molar ratio and heat treated at low temperatures, to avoid changes in the average particle size, in different atmospheres. All samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the mean crystallite size was estimated by using Scherrer's equation. Catalysts morphology was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Average composition was obtained by energydispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The general electrochemical behavior was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M sulfuric acid and the electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of methanol was studied in 0.5 M methanol acid solutions by potential sweeps and chronoamperometry. Oxidation of adsorbed CO was used to estimate the electrochemical active area and to infer the surface properties. ©The Electrochemical Society.
PtFe/C nanocatalysts of different compositions and nearly constant particle size were prepared by a microemulsion method. Crystallite sizes and degree of alloying were determined by X-ray diffraction. Particle size and distribution were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and average composition was determined by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Measurements of electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction were done using the rotating disk electrode technique in O2 saturated 0.5 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solutions, at room temperature. For all catalysts oxygen reduction begins at ̃ 0.90V. Tafel plots show slopes of c.a. 60 and 120 mV dec in the regions of low and high overpotentials, respectively. The best results for the ORR were obtained for the PtFe/C catalyst of composition Pt:Fe 70:30. This catalyst was also found to exhibit the largest methanol tolerance. © The Electrochemical Society.
The high rate of mineralization of organic matter on savannah soils, which is reached fi ve times faster than in temperate regions, leads us to the challenge of electing the best system of management that maintains and/or increase it in soil, guaranteeing its quality and sustainability. In this sense the present research aimed to study the effects of green, organic and mineral manure on the chemical properties on the chemical properties of an Oxisol, on Savannah area, cultivated with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) under conventional tillage and no-tillage in the pasture fi eld (Brachiaria decumbens) for 20 years. The experimental design was a randomized block design with split plots. The main plots consisted of two treatments: conventional tillage and no-tillage, and the subplots of six treatments: control (no fertilizer), mineral fertilizer recommended for the crop, according to the soil chemical analysis, organic fertilizer (cattle manure - 20 t ha-1), organic fertilizer (cattle manure - 20 t ha-1) + 1/2mineral fertilization recommended according to the analysis of soil, green manure-1 (Crotalaria juncea) and green manure-2 (Pennisetum americanum). There were studied the following soil chemical properties: P, OM, pH, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Al + H, S, exchange capacity cations and base saturation. The soil samples for the analysis were performed on layers of 0,00-0,05 m, 0,05-0,10 and 0,10-0,20 m. Then it came the following conclusions: the fertilization interfere in soil chemical properties and the preparation did not interfere, the cattle manure and its association with the mineral fertilizer caused increasing level elements in the soil, Crotalaria juncea and Pennisetum americanum did not infl uence on soil chemical properties.
Chemical analysis carried out in leaves of 18 specimens of Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae) occurring at Ripasa Reserve, Araraquara, SP, Brazil indicated two distinct populations when investigated over a period of 14 months (January 2000 to February 2001) and then submitted to cluster analysis. The two groups were characterized by accumulation of prenylated benzoic acids, chromenes and dihydrochalcone, respectively. A total of seven compounds were identified by HPLC analysis and compared with standards including two prenylated benzoic acid [aduncumene (1) and 3-(3′-7′-dimethyl-2′-6′-octadienyl)- 4-methoxy-benzoic acid (5)], four chromenes [methyl 2,2-dimethyl-8-(3′- methyl-2′-butenyl)-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (4), methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (2b), methyl 8-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H- 1-chromene-6-carboxylate (3) and 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylic acid (2a)] and one dihydrochalcone [2′,6′-dihydroxy-4′-methoxy- dihydrochalcone (6)]. © 2009 Academic Journals.