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Polymer conjugates are nano-sized, multicomponent constructs already in the clinic as anticancer compounds, both as single agents or as elements of combinations. They have the potential to improve pharmacological therapy of a variety of solid tumors. Polymer-drug conjugation promotes passive tumor targeting by the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect and allows for lysosomotropic drug delivery following endocytic capture. In the first part of this review, we analyze the promising results arising from clinical trials of polymer-bound chemotherapy. The experience gained on these studies provides the basis for the development of a more sophisticated second-generation of polymer conjugates. However, many challenges still lay ahead providing scope to develop and refine this field. The "technology platform'' of polymer therapeutics allows the development of both new and exciting polymeric materials, the incorporation of novel bioactive agents and combinations thereof to address recent advances in drug therapy. The rational design of polymer drug conjugates is expected to realize the true potential of these "nanomedicines".


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Mixing of aqueous solutions of poly(acrylic acid) and (hydroxypropyl) cellulose results in formation of hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes, which precipitate and do not allow preparation of homogeneous polymeric films by casting. In the present work the effect of pH on the complexation between poly(acrylic acid) and (hydroxypropyl)cellulose in solutions and miscibility of these polymers in solid state has been studied. The pH-induced complexation-miscibility-immiscibility transitions in the polymer mixtures have been observed. The optimal conditions for preparation of homogeneous polymeric films based on blends of these polymers have been found, and the possibility of radiation cross-linking of these materials has been demonstrated. Although the gamma-radiation treatment of solid polymeric blends was found to be inefficient, successful cross-linking was achieved by addition of N, N'- methylenebis(acrylamide). The mucoadhesive potential of both soluble and cross-linked films toward porcine buccal mucosa is evaluated. Soluble films adhered to mucosal tissues undergo dissolution within 30-110 min depending on the polymer ratio in the blend. Cross-linked films are retained on the mucosal surface for 10-40 min and then detach.


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The self-consistent field theory (SCFT) prediction for the compression force between two semi-dilute polymer brushes is compared to the benchmark experiments of Taunton et al. [Nature, 1988, 332, 712]. The comparison is done with previously established parameters, and without any fitting parameters whatsoever. The SCFT provides a significant quantitative improvement over the classical strong-stretching theory (SST), yielding excellent quantitative agreement with the experiment. Contrary to earlier suggestions, chain fluctuations cannot be ignored for normal experimental conditions. Although the analytical expressions of SST provide invaluable aids to understanding the qualitative behavior of polymeric brushes, the numerical SCFT is necessary in order to provide quantitatively accurate predictions.


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An elastomeric, healable, supramolecular polymer blend comprising a chain-folding polyimide and a telechelic polyurethane with pyrenyl end groups is compatibilized by aromatic pi-pi stacking between the pi-electron-deficient diimide groups and the pi-electron-rich pyrenyl units. This interpolymer interaction is the key to forming a tough, healable, elastomeric material. Variable-temperature FTIR analysis of the bulk material also conclusively demonstrates the presence of hydrogen bonding, which complements the pi-pi stacking interactions. Variable-temperature SAXS analysis shows that the healable polymeric blend has a nanophase-separated morphology and that the X-ray contrast between the two types of domain increases with increasing temperature, a feature that is repeatable over several heating and cooling cycles. A fractured sample of this material reproducibly regains more than 95% of the tensile modulus, 91% of the elongation to break, and 77% of the modulus of toughness of the pristine material.


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The introduction of ionic single-tailed surfactants to aqueous solutions of EO18BO10 [EO = poly(ethylene oxide), BO = poly(1,2-butylene oxide), subscripts denote the number of repeating units] leads to the formation of vesicles, as probed by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Dynamic light scattering showed that the dimensions of these aggregates at early stages of development do not depend on the sign of the surfactant head group charge. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis indicated the coexistence of smaller micelles of different sizes and varying polymer content in solution. In strong contrast to the dramatic increase of size of dispersed particles induced by surfactants in dilute solution, the d-spacing of corresponding mesophases reduces monotonically upon increasing surfactant loading. This effect points to the suppression of vesicles as a consequence of increasing ionic strength in concentrated solutions. Maximum enhancements of storage modulus and thermal stability of hybrid gels take place at different compositions, indicating a delicate balance between the number and size of polymer-poor aggregates (population increases with surfactant loading) and the number and size of polymer−surfactant complexes (number and size decrease in high surfactant concentrations).


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Sequence-specific binding is demonstrated between pyrene-based tweezer molecules and soluble, high molar mass copolyimides. The binding involves complementary pi - pi stacking interactions, polymer chain-folding, and hydrogen bonding and is extremely sensitive to the steric environment around the pyromellitimide binding-site. A detailed picture of the intermolecular interactions involved has been obtained through single-crystal X-ray studies of tweezer complexes with model diimides. Ring-current magnetic shielding of polyimide protons by the pyrene '' arms '' of the tweezer molecule induces large complexation shifts of the corresponding H-1 NMR resonances, enabling specific triplet sequences to be identified by their complexation shifts. Extended comonomer sequences (triplets of triplets in which the monomer residues differ only by the presence or absence of a methyl group) can be '' read '' by a mechanism which involves multiple binding of tweezer molecules to adjacent diimide residues within the copolymer chain. The adjacent-binding model for sequence recognition has been validated by two conceptually different sets of tweezer binding experiments. One approach compares sequence-recognition events for copolyimides having either restricted or unrestricted triple-triplet sequences, and the other makes use of copolymers containing both strongly binding and completely nonbinding diimide residues. In all cases the nature and relative proportions of triple-triplet sequences predicted by the adjacent-binding model are fully consistent with the observed H-1 NMR data.


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Selected water-soluble precursors, including sugars, free amino acids and nucleotides, were quantified in raw and cooked goat meat, as a part of a study which the main aim was to better understand the aroma formation in goat meat. When compared with the same precursors in beef, lamb and chicken, levels in goat meat were generally similar, except for fructose and glycine, which were present at higher concentrations in goat meat. Fructose, glucose, IMP, and cysteine suffered the greatest losses during the cooking process and seem to be most involved in aroma formation in goat meat. The effects of these precursor changes on the volatile compound composition and formation process of them on cooked goat meat are discussed.


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The motion in concentrated polymer systems is described by either the Rouse or the reptation model, which both assume that the relaxation of each polymer chain is independent of the surrounding chains. This, however, is in contradiction with several experiments. In this Letter, we propose a universal description of orientation coupling in polymer melts in terms of the time-dependent coupling parameter κ(t). We use molecular dynamics simulations to show that the coupling parameter increases with time, reaching about 50% at long times, independently of the chain length or blend composition. This leads to predictions of component dynamics in mixtures of different molecular weights from the knowledge of monodisperse dynamics for unentangled melts. Finally, we demonstrate that entanglements do not play a significant role in the observed coupling. © 2010 The American Physical Society


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This paper addresses the statistical mechanics of ideal polymer chains next to a hard wall. The principal quantity of interest, from which all monomer densities can be calculated, is the partition function, G N(z) , for a chain of N discrete monomers with one end fixed a distance z from the wall. It is well accepted that in the limit of infinite N , G N(z) satisfies the diffusion equation with the Dirichlet boundary condition, G N(0) = 0 , unless the wall possesses a sufficient attraction, in which case the Robin boundary condition, G N(0) = - x G N ′(0) , applies with a positive coefficient, x . Here we investigate the leading N -1/2 correction, D G N(z) . Prior to the adsorption threshold, D G N(z) is found to involve two distinct parts: a Gaussian correction (for z <~Unknown control sequence '\lesssim' aN 1/2 with a model-dependent amplitude, A , and a proximal-layer correction (for z <~Unknown control sequence '\lesssim' a described by a model-dependent function, B(z).


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Epidemics of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus are caused by strains producing high concentrations of phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs). How neutrophils sense PSMs is revealed in this issue of Cell Host & Microbe. Such interactions are key to infection outcome and may be the basis for development of new treatment strategies.


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The hierarchical and "bob" (or branch-on-branch) models are tube-based computational models recently developed for predicting the linear rheology of general mixtures of polydisperse branched polymers. These two models are based on a similar tube-theory framework but differ in their numerical implementation and details of relaxation mechanisms. We present a detailed overview of the similarities and differences of these models and examine the effects of these differences on the predictions of the linear viscoelastic properties of a set of representative branched polymer samples in order to give a general picture of the performance of these models. Our analysis confirms that the hierarchical and bob models quantitatively predict the linear rheology of a wide range of branched polymer melts but also indicate that there is still no unique solution to cover all types of branched polymers without case-by-case adjustment of parameters such as the dilution exponent alpha and the factor p(2) which defines the hopping distance of a branch point relative to the tube diameter. An updated version of the hierarchical model, which shows improved computational efficiency and refined relaxation mechanisms, is introduced and used in these analyses.


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We have performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of an anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelle and a nonionic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) polymer in aqueous solution. The micelle consisted of 60 surfactant molecules, and the polymer chain lengths varied from 20 to 40 monomers. The force field parameters for PEO were adjusted by using 1,2-dimethoxymethane (DME) as a model compound and matching its hydration enthalpy and conformational behavior to experiment. Excellent agreement with previous experimental and simulation work was obtained through these modifications. The simulated scaling behavior of the PEO radius of gyration was also in close agreement with experimental results. The SDS-PEO simulations show that the polymer resides on the micelle surface and at the hydrocarbon-water interface, leading to a selective reduction in the hydrophobic contribution to the solvent-accessible surface area of the micelle. The association is mainly driven by hydrophobic interactions between the polymer and surfactant tails, while the interaction between the polymer and sulfate headgroups on the micelle surface is weak. The 40-monomer chain is mostly wrapped around the micelle, and nearly 90% of the monomers are adsorbed at low PEO concentration. Simulations were also performed with multiple 20-monomer chains, and gradual addition of polymer indicates that about 120 monomers are required to saturate the micelle surface. The stoichiometry of the resulting complex is in close agreement with experimental results, and the commonly accepted "beaded necklace" structure of the SDS-PEO complex is recovered by our simulations.


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Delayed peak response of plasma retinyl esters (RE) relative to plasma triacylglycerols (TAG) and apolipoprotein (Apo) B-48 responses following a fat load supplemented with vitamin A raised doubts about the use of vitamin A to label dietary-derived lipids and lipoproteins. The present study compared the use of water-miscible and oil-soluble retinyl palmitate (RP) as markers of dietary-derived lipoproteins in healthy subjects along with the measurements of postprandial plasma TAG and ApoB-48 responses to investigate whether the delayed peak response observed was due to delayed intestinal output of RE from oil-based solutions. Nine healthy female subjects were given a standard test meal containing a dose (112 mg) of RP in either water-miscible or oil-soluble form in random order, on two separate occasions after a 12 h overnight fast. The results showed that the mean plasma RE concentrations reached a peak significantly later than mean plasma TAG and ApoB-48 concentrations when oil-soluble RP was consumed, whereas plasma RE peaked earlier relative to plasma TAG and ApoB-48 responses when water-miscible RP was used. The results suggested a more rapid absorption with a significantly higher and earlier peak response of plasma RE when water-miscible RP was consumed. This was in contrast to the delayed initial appearance and later sustained higher concentrations of plasma RE during the late postprandial period when oil-soluble RP was consumed. The RE response to the water-miscible RP showed better concordance with plasma TAG response than that of oil-soluble RP.