955 resultados para Rowfant Club (Cleveland, Ohio)


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Good afternoon, and thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. One of the things I'm enjoying most in my new position as University of Nebraska Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources is meeting the people who live in this state, in urban and rural areas, from Scottsbluff to Omaha, from Lincoln to Curtis, and at any number of towns - north, south, east, west - in between.


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Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. I've now completed four months as University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and I welcome every opportunity that comes my way to meet and talk with Nebraska's residents. I'm particularly happy to be here with you; I appreciate your interest in agriculture, and Ed Woeppel tells me that many members of this group are very supportive of the Institute, and worked hard to create IANR in the '70s.


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During autumn 2003, several thousand European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) began roosting on exposed I-beams in a newly constructed, decorative glass canopy that covered the passenger pick-up area at the terminal building for Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, Ohio. The use of lethal control or conventional dispersal techniques, such as pyrotechnics and fire hoses, were not feasible in the airport terminal area. The design and aesthetics of the structure precluded the use of netting and other exclusion materials. In January 2004, an attempt was made to disperse the birds using recorded predator and distress calls broadcast from speakers installed in the structure. This technique failed to disperse the birds. In February 2004, we developed a technique using compressed air to physically and audibly harass the birds. We used a trailer-mounted commercial air compressor producing 185 cubic feet per minute of air at 100 pounds per square inch pressure and a 20-foot long, 1-inch diameter PVC pipe attached to the outlet hose. One person slowly (< 5 mph) drove a pick-up truck through the airport terminal at dusk while the second person sat on a bench in the truck bed and directed the compressed air from the pipe into the canopy to harass starlings attempting to enter the roost site. After 5 consecutive nights of compressed-air harassment, virtually no starlings attempted to roost in the canopy. Once familiar with the physical effects of the compressed air, the birds dispersed at the sound of the air. Only occasional harassment at dusk was needed through the remainder of the winter to keep the canopy free of starlings. Similar harassment with the compressor was conducted successfully in autumn 2004 with the addition of a modified leaf blower, wooden clappers, and laser. In conclusion, we found compressed air to be a safe, unobtrusive, and effective method for dispersing starlings from an urban roost site. This technique would likely be applicable for other urban-roosting species such as crows, house sparrows, and blackbirds.


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It is a real pleasure to present the 2006 Omaha Agri- Business Club Leadership Award this evening during National Agriculture Week. I commend the Omaha Agri-Business Club for establishing this fine award. We always need to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals whose leadership efforts contribute to our agricultural industry which is the backbone of Nebraska and our nation.


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Did you know if you look up the word "integrity" in the dictionary, the definition is Alan Moeller?


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We enacted a bill in Ohio this year, Senate Bill 445, that has to do with the application of pesticides. It is a very wide bill as you would normally look at it with most of the meat going to come from the regulations that are presently being written into it. In other words, the framework was developed and accepted by the two houses in our state legislature and empowered the Director of Agriculture to establish the regulations or the so-called teeth to this bill. The governor signed the bill in June and it became effective in September. The committees as of this time are meeting to develop philosophies and regulations that will be promulgated and brought into hearings and sifted through, and eventually, with a target date of December of this year, (1970), brought to the Director of Agriculture's office for acceptance. There is a committee established for rodent and bird control which is very well represented by our industry here in Ohio. John Beck (Rose Exterminator Company) is the chairman of the committee, William B. Jackson (Bowling Green State University) and Robert Yaeger (Cincinnati) are also on the committee. The important feature of this new law, in terms of pest control operators, is the examinations that will be required. We operators and our service people will both be tested and licensed, if sufficient proficiency is demonstrated on the tests. For your information they use a little different terminology in the bill than we in the industry normally use. We think of an applicator in the industry as service people. In the bill an applicator is defined as an operator. Therefore in reading the law the word operator means the man who does the job, the service man. Just the reverse is true in the industry. We think of the operator as the man who owns or manages the company while these people are referred to in the bill as applicators. The Bill calls for the development of schools for the training of our people throughout the state. Those of us who are in bird control should begin to prepare ourselves to meet this request, to be available for the schooling, have our people available for the schooling, and give this program all the co-operation that we can.


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In 1966, when the annual damage survey was initiated, Dr. C. R. Weaver, Statistician at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, drew up a sampling plan, balancing costs against desired precision. The plan included three combinations of fields to be sampled and stations per field for high damage areas, three combinations for moderate damage areas, and two combinations for light damage areas. Alternatives for the high damage area included (1) 497 fields with two stations per field (± .48), (2) 775 fields with two stations per field (± .26), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (— .68). For the moderate damage areas, the alternatives were (1) 441 fields with three stations per field (± .26), (2) 155 fields with three stations per field (± .50), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (± .32). The light dam¬age area alternatives were (1) 297 fields with three stations per field (- .26), and (2) 81 fields with three stations per field (± .50). The original survey in 1966 sampled eight counties in three regions. In 1967, 14 counties in the same three regions were sampled. Two new counties were added to one region and two new regions with two counties each (treated as one region for sampling purposes) were added to the 1968 survey. The 1968 survey was of sufficient size to be representative of the corn damage picture in Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The 1969 survey was identical to the 1968 survey.


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Intervención radiofónica realizada el 14 de noviembre de 2009 en Radio ECCA (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) sobre el Club de lectura "La calma lectora", creado por la Biblioteca Universitaria de la ULPGC y disponible en http://clubdelecturaulpgc.wordpress.com


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Comunicación para el XII Encuentro de Bibliotecarios Municipales de Gran Canaria Vega de San Mateo, 15 de octubre de 2010. Realizada por Fernando Barrera Luján coordinador del Grupo de Extensión y Marketing de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


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[ES]El objetivo principal de este proyecto es como su nombre indica el desarrollo de un sistema de información para el Club baloncesto Gran Canaria. Ya que este club estaba interesado en actualizar su imagen de cara a los aficionados, nos solicitó que desarrolláramos una serie de herramientas que permitieran aumentar la iteración de éstos con el sitio web del club. En primer lugar se pidió el desarrollo de la web del club, que se llevó a cabo mediante Joomla, siguiendo todos los requisitos y especificaciones indicadas por los responsables. El motivo era que la anterior estaba bastante anticuada, y aprovechando que iban a disponer de esta nueva herramienta querían renovar su imagen por completo ya que el sistema iría alojado en dicha web. A continuación el segundo punto es el sistema de información en sí, desarrollado en Monet, que dispone de datos, tanto de jugadores, como de equipos y clubs, además de partidos y múltiples estadísticas. Dichos datos están divididos en dos unidades de negocio que interoperan entre sí, ya que una es la encargada de descargar la información desde la web de la federación, y enviársela a la otra unidad una vez que ésta se la solicita. La otra unidad es la encargada de mostrar todos los datos y es la única unidad a la que el usuario tendrá acceso. Finalmente el desarrollo de las librerías, que mediante el protocolo SOAP nos permite descargar los datos desde la FEB que serán incorporadas en la unidad de negocio correspondiente.


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[ES] Durante muchos años hemos visto el desarrollo de software como un proceso de ingeniería similar a los de producción y construcción, que siguen un rígido proceso de Análisis-Diseño-Implementación dirigido por documentación. Recientemente ha surgido forma radicalmente diferente de afrontar un proyecto, un nuevo paradigma llamado Agilismo, que valora más: individuos e interacciones sobre procesos y herramientas. Software funcionando sobre documentación extensiva. Colaboración con el cliente sobre negociación contractual. Respuesta ante el cambio sobre seguir un plan. ¿Una forma tan diferente de trabajar, no basada en documentación y calidad de procesos, no resulta excesivamente caótica? ¿Cómo puede funcionar?. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado es un estudio práctico de las Metodologías Ágiles y el Desarrollo Dirigido por Test, en el que, usando las mismas, se ha realizado una implementación parcial sobre un dominio elegido, analizando los resultados de forma cualitativa (mediante análisis comparativo y argumentación) y cuantitativa (a través de métricas del código). Al mismo tiempo, en la memoria se exponen los elementos que definen este nuevo paradigma, algunas herramientas de las que hace uso, y cómo se han integrado en la realización del proyecto. El objetivo de este TFG es, por tanto, al mismo tiempo de investigación y didáctico. Se pretende argumentar y dar respuesta al interrogante sobre la calidad del código usando estos nuevos modelos, y, simultáneamente, ser una guía de introducción para todos aquellos profesionales que deseen conocer esta metodología emergente.