947 resultados para Reutilização de águas residuais - campos de golfe
Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1510x395. Tamanho: 57Kb.
Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Fluxograma. Dimensão: 1351x810. Tamanho: 1.064Kb.
O propósito deste estudo foi o de contribuirmos para uma reflexão que abordasse o Golfe como um dos pólos de desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Começamos por fazer um enquadramento do problema, caracterizando e analisando algumas relações entre a legislação de suporte, a política desportiva regional, as características e potencialidades do Golfe, em geral, e mais especificamente do Swing, através da bibliografia que acerca dos mesmos é produzida, nos seus mais variados contextos e níveis de análise. Apresentamos uma conjectura alicerçada na Sistemática das Actividades Desportivas, mais concretamente, através do Modelo dos Desportos Individuais de Almada et al (2008), onde, identificamos os diferentes tipos de capitais susceptíveis de serem rentabilizados através do Golfe, nomeadamente os capitais Turismo, Saúde e Educação, de modo a que a modalidade se possa constituir como um pólo de desenvolvimento regional. Como forma de refutação da conjectura efectuada analisamos a título exploratório a viabilidade de algumas situações aplicativas ao nível dos capitais identificados. Foi possível concluir que o Golfe pode assumir-se como um pólo de desenvolvimento da Região Autónoma da Madeira caso se considerem, de forma articulada, os diferentes tipos de capital em jogo, pois os mesmos podem ser relevantes no desenvolvimento de uma região ou país.
Cada vez mais, o fenómeno desportivo é suportado pelo conhecimento de um conjunto de disciplinas científicas que, quando devidamente articuladas sob um quadro de complexidade coerente, promovem um melhor entendimento acerca das mudanças que ocorrem no indivíduo. Neste sentido, através da realização do presente trabalho, procurámos perceber qual o enquadramento conferido ao golfe e se esse enquadramento é compatível com a ideia de o golfe servir de ferramenta para a compreensão e transformação do indivíduo. Para isso, através da literatura existente, procurámos conhecer quais as suas origens e evolução, de que forma está caracterizado (conceitos e opiniões dos diferentes agentes desportivos), qual a sua expressão (ao nível dos diferentes mercados) e que tipo de estudos e investigações existentes (focados no jogador) apoiam a sua evolução. De seguida, realizámos o enquadramento do golfe à luz da Taxonomia das Actividades Desportivas de Fernando Almada e analisámos o swing com base no Modelo Taxonómico dos Desportos Individuais. Como forma de testar a conjectura de que o golfe pode servir para a compreensão e transformação do indivíduo, realizámos uma situação experimental com um grupo de 14 jogadores (com handicaps compreendidos entre 5 e 32) de forma a perceber se existiam diferenças significativas no seu desempenho (p _ 0,05), quando expostos a diferentes condições (uma condição confortável e a uma condição de desconfortável). Os resultados globais (da amostra) não evidenciaram diferenças significativas, ao contrário de alguns dos resultados individuais, que por sua vez, permitiram estabelecer ligações com as diferentes variáveis funcionais inerentes à realização do swing,possibilitando-nos a formulação de um conjunto de hipóteses que poderão servir de orientação à compreensão de algumas das características mais marcantes do jogador.
Este trabalho tem como principais objetivos identificar alguns problemas ambientais, perceber as potencialidades das energias renováveis e as diversas maneiras de aproveitamento solar, estabelecer uma comparação entre o Decreto-Lei n.º 80/2006, que deixou de vigorar, e o Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, que veio substituí-lo e dimensionar um sistema solar térmico simples com pré-fabricados de pavimento com função de coletor, recentemente criado e desenvolvido. O conhecimento das técnicas do aproveitamento solar, tanto ao nível do aproveitamento ativo como passivo, aplicadas aos edifícios, são suficientes para uma diminuição significativa na fatura energética dos edifícios, responsáveis pelo consumo de 40% da energia final. No tratamento e análise dos decretos, foi possível estudar um caso de estudo, deste modo estabelecendo mais eficazmente as diferenças entre estes. Para tal foram comparados os valores das soluções adotadas no edifício com os valores limites regulamentares pelo Decreto-Lei com os valores dispostos no Decreto-Lei n.º 118/2013, procedendo a cálculos sempre que necessários. As maiores diferenças sentidas foram ao nível do cálculo das necessidades nominais anuais de energia. No caso de estudo, optou-se pela simplicidade aquando do dimensionamento dos pré-fabricados, pois este projeto está ainda numa fase inicial com muitas melhorias a serem feitas a nível do material a utilizar. A comercialização deste produto ainda não é possível, no entanto, prevê-se que o seu custo venha a ser apelativo. A conjugar com o baixo custo, existe o fator da versatilidade das peças, sendo possível uma instalação com variadas formas ou até mesmo padrões.
This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value
The present research if inserts in the subject of the habitation of social interest and its relation with the sanitation infra-structure questions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). Having as study universe the narrow river of the Forty , situated one in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazon, approaches questions that if present between the necessities of housing and the especificidades of the natural environment, whose characteristics evidence limits for the implantation of adequate habitations. The objective is to analyze the possibilities and the limits of the urbanística regularization in the palafitas of the narrow rivers of Manaus, in view of the factors of habitability and ambient protection, expresses for the sanitation system - sanitary exhaustion, water supply, urban draining and garbage collection. The work approaches initially relative the conceptual aspects to the subject of social habitation in the country and its relation with the habitability factors, also focusing the question of the housing and the processes of urban informality in the city of Manaus. It deals with the process of constitution of the palafitas in the space of the city and its relation with the habitacionais politics, presenting the analysis of the implantation of the palafitas in relation to the sanitation infra-structure conditions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). As conclusion, it identifies to the possibilities and limits of urbanística regularization of the palafitas implanted to the long one of the narrow river of the Forty , taking in consideration the systems of the sanitation infrastructure
The oil production in Brazil has been increasing each year. Consequently, increasing volumes of water produced are generated with large quantities of contaminants, which brings many problems in disposing of these waters. The concern that the concentrations of contaminants in water produced meet existing laws for disposal of effluents, has been extremely important for the development of different techniques for treatment of water produced. The study of clay minerals as adsorbents of organic contaminants has grown considerably so in order to combine the low cost with the efficiency of environmental preservation and health issues. Thus, this study aims to understand the characteristics of vermiculite clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite and diatomite and evaluate their performance as adsorbents for phenol in the water produced. Through adsorption isotherms it was possible to observe the behavior of these adsorptive clay and diatomite for adsorption of phenol, the main phenolic compound found in water produced. Different concentrations of synthetic solutions of phenol were put in touch with these adsorbents under same conditions of agitation and temperature. The adsorbents were composted adsorptive favorable, but the vermiculite and diatomite showed little capacity for absorption, being suggested for absorbs small concentrations of phenol in the balance isothermal
The new oil reservoirs discoveries in onshore and ultra deep water offshore fields and complex trajectories require the optimization of procedures to reduce the stops operation during the well drilling, especially because the platforms and equipment high cost, and risks which are inherent to the operation. Among the most important aspects stands out the drilling fluids project and their behavior against different situations that may occur during the process. By means of sedimentation experiments, a correlation has been validated to determe the sedimentation particles velocity in variable viscosity fluids over time, applying the correction due to effective viscosity that is a shear rate and time function. The viscosity evolution over time was obtained by carrying out rheologic tests using a fixed shear rate, small enough to not interfere in the fluid gelling process. With the sedimentation particles velocity and the fluid viscosity over time equations an iterative procedure was proposed to determine the particles displacement over time. These equations were implemented in a case study to simulate the cuttings sedimentation generated in the oil well drilling during stops operation, especially in the connections and tripping, allowing the drilling fluid project in order to maintain the cuttings in suspension, avoiding risks, such as stuck pipe and in more drastic conditions, the loss of the well
Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal
On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry
This work aims to study the fluctuation structure of physical properties of oil well profiles. It was used as technique the analysis of fluctuations without trend (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis - DFA). It has been made part of the study 54 oil wells in the Campo de Namorado located in the Campos Basin in Rio de Janeiro. We studied five sections, namely: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma rays. For most of the profiles , DFA analysis was available in the literature, though the sonic perfile was estimated with the aid of a standard algorithm. The comparison between the exponents of DFA of the five profiles was performed using linear correlation of variables, so we had 10 comparisons of profiles. Our null hypothesis is that the values of DFA for the various physical properties are independent. The main result indicates that no refutation of the null hypothesis. That is, the fluctuations observed by DFA in the profiles do not have a universal character, that is, in general the quantities display a floating structure of their own. From the ten correlations studied only the profiles of density and sonic one showed a significant correlation (p> 0.05). Finally these results indicate that one should use the data from DFA with caution, because, in general, based on geological analysis DFA different profiles can lead to disparate conclusions
Among the various effects caused by the climate change and human intervention, the mangrove ecosystem changes through of the years has been worth mentioning, which hasn t known which are the pros and cons for the adjacent coastal and estuarine environments yet. It happens due to the present dynamism in these areas, besides of the difficult understanding of the processes associated with evolution. This study aimed to environmentally evaluate adjacent mangroves from the Macau and Serra oil fields, located on Rio Grande do Norte northern coast, to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process, as well as, according to the principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to assess the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by the studied ecosystem. An inventory was conducted through mangrouve mapping which has supplied this research, especially regarding to the structural characterization of mangrove areas. To understand the local mangrove behavior in a greater level detail, techniques of remote sensing, GIS and GPS were used to make an analogy between the current and past states of the mangrove studied, allowing to make anticipated projections for the future impacts or changes in that region. This study combined data from multispectral LANDSAT 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ with radar microwave data from SAR RADARSAT-1, which increased the interpretation capacity of the data from optical sensor systems. The interpretations have been supported by the data field, representing a better and innovative methodology for the environmental and taxonomic characterization of mangrove forests considered. The results reveal that mangroves of the Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve are biologically representative areas and providing a variety of benefits, especially for local communities, constituting the priority sites for actions development aimed at conservation. They also have been showing the necessity to make mitigating measures in order to recover degraded areas through reforestation or creating new areas of mangrove, as currently 7.1% of the mangrove forests studied are dead or in an advanced state of decomposition. The amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered proved very significant when analyzed for the whole area, which is able to sequester atmospheric 4,294,458 Ton CO2 per year