678 resultados para Resilience, Psychological
This study was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/H019456/1) to CJvdG, by the Wellcome Trust (WT 098051) to AWW and JP for sequencing costs, and by The Anna Trust (KB2008) to KDB. AWW and The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and Analysis Service (RESAS). We thank Paul Scott, Richard Rance and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s sequencing team for generating 16S rRNA gene sequence data.
Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-13-1-0696). We thank C Asher for her comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
Acknowledgements and Funding The authors are extremely grateful for the receipt of NERC award NE/ D005043/1, which funded the initial Boltysh impact crater study. R. Spicer and J. Leake are thanked for interesting discussions. C. Wellman, W. Gosling and M. Donovan are thanked for constructively critical reviews of the paper. Scientific editing by Quentin Crowley
In human beings of both sexes, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) circulating in blood is mostly an adrenally secreted steroid whose serum concentration (in the micromolar range and 30–50% higher in men than in women) decreases with age, toward ≈20–10% of its value in young adults during the 8th and 9th decades. The mechanism of action of DHEA and DHEAS is poorly known and may include partial transformation into sex steroids, increase of bioavailable insulin-like growth factor I, and effects on neurotransmitter receptors. Whether there is a cause-to-effect relationship between the decreasing levels of DHEAS with age and physiological and pathological manifestations of aging is still undecided, but this is of obvious theoretical and practical interest in view of the easy restoration by DHEA administration. Here we report on 622 subjects over 65 years of age, studied for the 4 years since DHEAS baseline values had been obtained, in the frame of the PAQUID program, analyzing the functional, psychological, and mental status of a community-based population in the south-west of France. We confirm the continuing decrease of DHEAS serum concentration with age, more in men than in women, even if men retain higher levels. Significantly lower values of baseline DHEAS were recorded in women in cases of functional limitation (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), confinement, dyspnea, depressive symptomatology, poor subjective perception of health and life satisfaction, and usage of various medications. In men, there was a trend for the same correlations, even though not statistically significant in most categories. No differences in DHEAS levels were found in cases of incident dementia in the following 4 years. In men (but not in women), lower DHEAS was significantly associated with increased short-term mortality at 2 and 4 years after baseline measurement. These results, statistically established by taking into account corrections for age, sex, and health indicators, suggest the need for further careful trials of the administration of replacement doses of DHEA in aging humans. Indeed, the first noted results of such “treatment” are consistent with correlations observed here between functional and psychological status and endogenous steroid serum concentrations.
Un figlio con un Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, caratterizzato da gravi difficoltà nelle relazioni, nei comportamenti e nella comunicazione, costringe tutto il sistema familiare a gestire un notevole stress dovuto alla gestione quotidiana di una patologia così complessa. Per questi motivi, i genitori necessitano di un sostegno il più possibile personalizzato rispetto alle caratteristiche del loro contesto familiare. Per fare questo sarebbe importante individuare quali siano i parametri correlati ai livelli di stress nei familiari di pazienti con autismo e che potrebbero avere un’influenza sul benessere familiare. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare quali caratteristiche di personalità, stili di coping e capacità di gestire le emozioni possano essere in relazione con la reattività individuale alle situazioni di stress, valutata attraverso alcuni correlati biologici, quali il livello di cortisolo (l’ormone dello stress) e la variabilità della frequenza cardiaca. L’ottica di ricerca applicata fa sì che gli obiettivi ultimi di questo lavoro siano anche quelli di diminuire l’accesso ai servizi per questi soggetti, considerando il fatto che progetti individualizzati di sostegno genitoriale costituiscono un fattore protettivo rispetto a conseguenze fisiche e psicologiche di disagio se implementati tenendo conto della variabilità individuale rispetto alle caratteristiche sopra citate.
Peer reviewed
This review provides an overview of the role of circadian preference in psychological functioning of adolescents taking into account their shift to eveningness during this stage of life. After a brief explanation about morningness/eveningness and other terms related, an overview of the changes that occur on three of the most important areas in the adolescent‟s life is presented: school performance, personality styles, and health. Consequences of evening preference on school achievement are considered from the analysis of the relevance of sleep debt and time-of-day in cognition and mood aspects. In general, students who are able to choose activity times coinciding with their preferred times may have a greater opportunity to optimize their performance. The personality styles and health of morning and evening types are also important factors related to school and family adaptation. At last, some recommendations and conclusions in order to promote a healthy psychological functioning are described.
Expulsion from school is life changing. This single event can alter the trajectory of a student's life--for better or for worse. How life changes is unique for each individual student. Risk and protective factors that impact an individual student's resilience determine the level of positive or negative outcomes experienced as a result of expulsion. Educators have the opportunity to take advantage of this disruption in students' education to improve the trajectory of students' lives. However, without thoughtful intervention from caring educators, this interruption in students' education may have an irreparable destructive impact on students' future. The purpose of this study was to understand the expulsion experience from the point of view of the student in order to represent this critical stakeholder group in future policy and program development, implementation, and decision-making. Students' narratives are a means for members of the educational community to access students' experiences and perceptions in order to understand the impact of expulsion on students' lives. Students' perspectives are presented through thick description in this narrative case study. The experience of these eight students is evidence that expulsion can change students' lives in a positive way. Knowing this, responsible educators must develop interventions for expelled students that channel the positive life-changing potential of this experience. Educators must develop interventions focused on bringing forth protective factors that are documented to increase resilience and to make students less susceptible to the risks inherent in removing them from school. Recommendations for educators and policy-makers are presented to assist educators in preventing expulsion and improving educational and socio-emotional outcomes for expelled students.
The author attempted to develop a brief scale to measure clients' beliefs about the effectiveness of psychotherapy. The study is an early pilot study to determine if the scale can predict therapy outcomes. While the scale did differ significantly between clients who were active in therapy and those who were not, higher scores on the instrument were not indicative of greater involvement. Possibilities for future research to refine the instrument are discussed.