799 resultados para Research from practice
Features encapsulate the domain knowledge of a software system and thus are valuable sources of information for a reverse engineer. When analyzing the evolution of a system, we need to know how and which features were modified to recover both the change intention and its extent, namely which source artifacts are affected. Typically, the implementation of a feature crosscuts a number of source artifacts. To obtain a mapping between features to the source artifacts, we exercise the features and capture their execution traces. However this results in large traces that are difficult to interpret. To tackle this issue we compact the traces into simple sets of source artifacts that participate in a feature's runtime behavior. We refer to these compacted traces as feature views. Within a feature view, we partition the source artifacts into disjoint sets of characterized software entities. The characterization defines the level of participation of a source entity in the features. We then analyze the features over several versions of a system and we plot their evolution to reveal how and hich features were affected by changes in the code. We show the usefulness of our approach by applying it to a case study where we address the problem of merging parallel development tracks of the same system.
Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a recently described, rare neoplasm of the anterior pituitary. Clinically and radiologically simulating a non-functioning macroadenoma, its eponymous fusiform cells display a non-epithelial phenotype with conspicuous cytoplasmic accumulation of mitochondria. We report a case of SCO retrospectively identified in a biopsy specimen 16 years after transsphenoidal operation of a 48-year-old woman. Presenting symptoms were adynamia and transient decrease of visual acuity. Neuroimaging showed an isointense, enhancing, sellar-centered mass 1.8 cm in diameter without evidence of invasive growth. No postoperative adjuvant therapy was administered. The patient was left with panhypopituitarism, yet no recurrence was seen during follow-up. Initially diagnosed as a null cell adenoma of oncocytic type, repeat immunohistochemistry showed the characteristic coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, and epithelial membrane antigen. Oncocytic granula stained intensely with antimitochondrial antibody 113-1, and were negative with the lysosomal marker CD68. Anterior pituitary hormones tested negative, and there was no evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation using antibodies to synaptophysin and chromogranin. Few cells stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). SCO has been proposed to represent a neoplasm of folliculo-stellate cells (FSCs). While the dynamic properties of the latter are incompletely characterized, and indeed no specific marker allows for their identification, overlapping features of SCO with look alikes, in particular pituicytoma, point to FSCs being a potential adult stem cell. The favorable outcome of the present case further argues for SCO to be considered a low-grade neoplasm. Moderate tumor size, lack of invasiveness, and low proliferation rate are likely predictors of benign behavior.
We report on clinicopathological findings in two cases of rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle (RGNT) occurring in females aged 16 years (Case 1) and 30 years (Case 2). Symptoms included vertigo, nausea, cerebellar ataxia, as well as headaches, and had been present for 4-months and 1 week, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicated a cerebellar-based tumor of 1.8cm (Case 1) and 5cm (Case 2) diameter each, bulging into the fourth ventricle. Case 2 involved a cyst-mural-nodule configuration. In both instances, the solid component appeared isointense on T(1) sequences, hyperintense in the T(2) mode, and enhanced moderately. Gross total resection was achieved via suboccipital craniotomy. However, functional recovery was disappointing in Case 1. On microscopy, both tumors comprised an admixture of low-grade astrocytoma interspersed with circular aggregates of synaptophysin-expressing round cells harboring oligodendrocyte-like nuclei. The astrocytic moiety in Case 1 was nondescript, and overtly pilocytic in Case 2. The architecture of neuronal elements variously consisted of neurocytic rosettes, of pseudorosettes centered on a capillary core, as well as of concentric ribbons along irregular lumina. Gangliocytic maturation, especially "floating neurons", or a corresponding immunoreactivity for neurofilament protein was absent. Neither of these populations exhibited atypia, mitotic activity, or a significant labeling for MIB-1. Cerebellar parenchyma included in the surgical specimen did not reveal any preexisting malformative anomaly. Despite sharing some overlapping histologic traits with dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT), the presentation of RGNT with respect to both patient age and location is consistent enough for this lesion to be singled out as an autonomous entity.
The effects of climate change are expected to be very severe in arid regions. The Sonora River Basin, in the northwestern state of Sonora, Mexico, is likely to be severely affected. Some of the anticipated effects include precipitation variability, intense storm events, higher overall temperatures, and less available water. In addition, population in Sonora, specifically the capital city of Hermosillo, is increasing at a 1.5% rate and current populations are near 700,000. With the reduction in water availability and an increase in population, Sonora, Mexico is expected to experience severe water resource issues in the near future. In anticipation of these changes, research is being conducted in an attempt to improve water management in the Sonora River Basin, located in the northwestern part of Sonora. This research involves participatory modeling techniques designed to increase water manager awareness of hydrological models and their use as integrative tools for water resource management. This study was conducted as preliminary research for the participatory modeling grant in order to gather useful information on the population being studied. This thesis presents research from thirty-four in-depth interviews with water managers, citizens, and agricultural producers in Sonora, Mexico. Data was collected on perceptions of water quantity and quality in the basin, thoughts on current water management practices, perceptions of climate change and its management, experience with, knowledge of, and trust in hydrological models as water management tools. Results showed that the majority of interviewees thought there was not enough water to satisfy their daily needs. Most respondents also agreed that the water available was of good quality, but that current management of water resources was ineffective. Nearly all interviewees were aware of climate change and thought it to be anthropogenic. May reported experiencing higher temperatures, precipitation changes, and higher water scarcity and attributed those fluctuations to climate change. 65% of interviewees were at least somewhat familiar with hydrological models, though only 28% had ever used them or their output. Even with model usage results being low, 100% of respondents believed hydrological models to be very useful water management tools. Understanding how water, climate change, and hydrological models are perceived by this population of people is essential to improving their water management practices in the face of climate change.
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Standardisierte psychologische Messinstrumente in der Psychotherapie für Personen mit Migrationshintergrund fehlen weitgehend. Fragestellungen: Die türkischsprachigen Übersetzungen des Fragebogens zur Analyse Motivationaler Schemata (FAMOS) und des Inkongruenzfragebogens (INK) wurden in die türkische Sprache übersetzt und psychometrisch überprüft. Methode: Insgesamt füllten 73 türkischsprachige Patienten und 230 gesunde türkischsprachige Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz FAMOS und INK aus. Ergebnisse: Die Skalen von FAMOS und INK zeigen gute Reliabilität und Validität. Patienten weisen stärker ausgeprägte Vermeidungsziele und Inkongruenzwerte als gesunde Personen auf. Schlussfolgerungen: Die türkischen Versionen von FAMOS und INK eignen sich sowohl für die klinisch-psychologische Forschung als auch für die Praxis.
The posters presented at the 6th International Immunoglobulin Symposium covered a wide range of fields and included both basic science and clinical research. From the abstracts accepted for poster presentation, 12 abstracts were selected for oral presentations in three parallel sessions on immunodeficiencies, autoimmunity and basic research. The immunodeficiency presentations dealt with novel, rare class-switch recombination (CSR) deficiencies, attenuation of adverse events following IVIg treatment, association of immunoglobulin (Ig)G trough levels and protection against acute infection in patients with X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (XLA) and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), and the reduction of class-switched memory B cells in patients with specific antibody deficiency (SAD). The impact of intravenous immunoglobulin on fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, pregnancy and postpartum-related relapses in multiple sclerosis and refractory myositis, as well as experiences with subcutaneous immunoglobulin in patients with multi-focal motor neuropathy, were the topics presented in the autoimmunity session. The interaction of dendritic cell (DC)-SIGN and alpha2,6-sialylated IgG Fc and its impact on human DCs, the enrichment of sialylated IgG in plasma-derived IgG, as wells as prion surveillance and monitoring of anti-measles titres in immunoglobulin products, were covered in the basic science session. In summary, the presentations illustrated the breadth of immunoglobulin therapy usage and highlighted the progress that is being made in diverse areas of basic and clinical research, extending our understanding of the mechanisms of immunoglobulin action and contributing to improved patient care.
Many aspects in the area of designing platforms for intra-organizational innovation communities are not well understood. In this article, we examine the impact of technologically induced psychological factors on knowledge exchange in such communities. Using two experimental pretest-posttest experiments, we find that the implementation of (i) technologically induced self-efficacy (expressed by a ‘hurray’ message) and (ii) technologically induced positive affect (expressed by playing some 30 seconds of rock-‘n’-roll music) in the design of the platform results in an influential increase of knowledge exchange. Importantly, the studies suggest that the integration of technologically induced self-efficacy leads to a higher extent of knowledge exchange than technologically induced positive affect. The implications of these results for future research and practice as well as for the design of a platform for such communities are discussed.
Der vorliegende Übersichtsartikel betrachtet Mobile Learning aus einer pädagogisch-psychologischen und didaktischen Perspektive. Mobile Learning (M-Learning), das seit Mitte der 1990er in unterschiedlichsten Kontexten Einzug in den Bildungssektor hielt, ist ein dynamisches und interdisziplinäres Feld. Dynamisch, weil M-Learning durch die rasche Entwicklung im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, wie kaum ein anderes Forschungsfeld, einem derart großen Wandel unterworfen ist. Interdisziplinär, weil durch das Zusammentreffen von mobiler Technik und Lernen auch unterschiedliche Fachdisziplinen betroffen sind. Die verschiedenen Sichtweisen und auch die Komplexität des Feldes haben dazu geführt, dass bis heute keine einheitliche Definition des Begriffs besteht. Ziel dieses Übersichtsartikels ist es, den aktuellen Forschungsstand aus didaktischer und pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht aufzuzeigen. Dazu werden zunächst wichtige Komponenten des M-Learning-Begriffs herausgearbeitet und daran anschließend didaktisch bedeutsame theoretische Ansätze und Modelle vorgestellt sowie kritisch betrachtet. Basierend auf dieser theoretischen Ausgangslage wird dann ein Rahmen gezeichnet, der verdeutlichen soll, wo empirische Forschung aus didaktischer und pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht ansetzen kann. Entsprechende empirische Studien werden ebenfalls vorgestellt, um einen Eindruck des aktuellen empirischen Forschungsstandes zu geben. Dies alles soll als Ausgangspunkt für den zukünftigen Forschungsbedarf dienen.