875 resultados para Reproductive diseases
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is recognized as an occupational hazard in the hospitality industry. Although Portuguese legislation banned smoking in most indoor public spaces, it is still allowed in some restaurants/bars, representing a potential risk to the workers’ health, particularly for chronic respiratory diseases. The aims of this work were to characterize biomarkers of early genetic effects and to disclose proteomic signatures associated to occupational exposure to ETS and with potential to predict respiratory diseases development. A detailed lifestyle survey and clinical evaluation (including spirometry) were performed in 81 workers from Lisbon restaurants. ETS exposure was assessed through the level of PM 2.5 in indoor air and the urinary level of cotinine. The plasma samples were immunodepleted and analysed by 2D-SDSPAGE followed by in-gel digestion and LC-MS/MS. DNA lesions and chromosome damage were analysed innlymphocytes and in exfoliated buccal cells from 19 cigarette smokers, 29 involuntary smokers, and 33 non-smokers not exposed to tobacco smoke. Also, the DNA repair capacity was evaluated using an ex vivo challenge comet assay with an alkylating agent (EMS). All workers were considered healthy and recorded normal lung function. Interestingly, following 2D-DIGE-MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF), 61 plasma proteins were found differentially expressed in ETS-exposed subjects, including 38 involved in metabolism, acute-phase respiratory inflammation, and immune or vascular functions. On the other hand, the involuntary smokers showed neither an increased level of DNA/chromosome damage on lymphocytes nor an increased number of micronuclei in buccal cells, when compared to non-exposed non-smokers. Noteworthy, lymphocytes challenge with EMS resulted in a significantly lower level of DNA breaks in ETS-exposed as compared to non-exposed workers (P<0.0001) suggestive of an adaptive response elicited by the previous exposure to low levels of ETS. Overall, changes in proteome may be promising early biomarkers of exposure to ETS. Likewise, alterations of the DNA repair competence observed upon ETS exposure deserves to be further understood. Work supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, ACSS and FCT/Polyannual Funding Program.
Backgound - In developed countries people are living longer and the incidence of chronic disease is increasing. Chronic disease and its treatments can have a negative impact on sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction. Aim of study - To explore and to compare sexual function and sexual satisfaction in people with stable chronic diseases.
Resumo Uma estratégia de avaliação e prevenção de riscos na exposição a agentes químicos deve ter sempre em conta que a vigilância do ambiente de trabalho e a da saúde dos trabalhadores são aspectos complementares de uma mesma realidade – os riscos resultantes da interacção entre um agente químico e os trabalhadores a ele expostos. Se à Vigilância Ambiental compete apreciar o risco, pela caracterização do agente no ambiente de trabalho, a Vigilância Biológica pronuncia-se sobre a interacção entre o tóxico e o organismo, avaliando a resposta à agressão química e a evolução das reacções de adaptação ou de desajuste face à absorção do tóxico. Os Indicadores Biológicos, deste modo, assumem um estatuto de instrumento privilegiado na vigilância da saúde dos trabalhadores expostos, na medida em que medem a quantidade de tóxico que efectivamente penetrou e foi absorvido, ou o resultado (efeito) determinado por essa mesma dose. O presente estudo procura contribuir para a definição de um quadro metodológico de utilização dos Indicadores Biológicos na avaliação/gestão da exposição profissional ao chumbo, designadamente apreciando a variação da protoporfirina-zinco (PPZ), indicador até ao presente ainda não utilizado em Portugal. O chumbo é um metal de ocorrência natural, cujos níveis nos diversos ecossistemas resultam, principalmente, das actividades antropogénicas de natureza doméstica e industrial. A sua capacidade poluente é assinalável, representando uma fonte de exposição permanente para o homem, demonstrável pela sua constante presença no organismo apesar de não desempenhar qualquer tipo de função fisiológica. São actualmente inúmeras as suas aplicações, tornando a exposição profissional ao chumbo uma realidade vasta: indústrias de acumuladores eléctricos, de vidros, de plásticos e de munições, construção civil, manutenção e reparação automóvel e de navios, fabrico de tintas, indústrias electrónicas, fundições e actividades de soldadura são, entre outras, situações onde é uma realidade a ter em conta. A penetração dos compostos inorgânicos de chumbo no organismo efectua-se principalmente por via respiratória, não sendo, no entanto, desprezável, a sua penetração por via digestiva. As partículas absorvidas são transportadas pelo sangue principalmente ligadas aos eritrocitos (95%), distribuem-se pelos tecidos moles e depositam-se essencialmente no tecido ósseo, onde representam mais de 90% da carga corporal do total absorvido e tendo aí um elevado tempo de semi-vida (mais de 20 anos). Não é metabolizado no organismo e a sua eliminação efectua-se essencialmente por via renal,sendo igualmente excretado, em menor escala, através das fezes, do suor, da saliva, das faneras e do leite materno. O conhecimento científico evidencia que concentrações sanguíneas de chumbo entre 20 e 50 mg/dL são susceptíveis de determinar efeitos adversos no homem, podendo ser afectados o sistema hematopoiético, o sistema nervoso, o sistema cardiovascular, o sistema reprodutor e o sistema imunitário. Contudo, ainda muito há a clarificar no âmbito da toxicidade do chumbo. Os níveis de exposição a que correspondem as alterações nos diversos órgãos e sistemas continuam a ser motivo de alguma controvérsia. As características carcinogénicas e mutagénicas do chumbo são, ainda, um campo de vasta exigência de investigação. A intoxicação por chumbo e seus sais (Saturnismo) de origem ocupacional é reconhecida em Portugal como doença profissional (grupo 1 - Doenças Provocadas por Agentes Químicos, da Lista das Doenças Profissionais). É uma intoxicação do tipo crónico, fruto da absorção contínua de doses relativamente pequenas durante longo período, evidenciando-se no seu início por sinais e sintomas vagos e difusos de grande inespecificidade, que podem incluir, nomeadamente, perda de apetite, sabor metálico na boca, palidez, mal-estar e fadiga, cefaleias, mialgias e artralgias, irritabilidade, tremores finos, obstipação, cólicas abdominais, insónias, déficit da memória de curto prazo e da capacidade de concentração. Um importante conjunto de indicadores biológicos pode ser utilizado na vigilância periódica da saúde de trabalhadores nestas condições de exposição. Tais indicadores (de dose ou de efeito), encerram diferentes significados e comportam distintas exigências, competindo ao Médico do Trabalho, no âmbito dos programas de prevenção dos efeitos adversos relacionados com a exposição profissional a chumbo, seleccionar a sua utilização e interpretar a sua informação, de modo a avaliar a interacção do tóxico com o organismo numa fase de reversibilidade. O presente estudo envolveu 180 trabalhadores dos quais 110 apresentavam plumbémias (Pb-S) iguais ou superiores a 40 mg/dL. Além da Pb-S, a todos foi doseada a protoporfirina-zinco (PPZ) e efectuado o Hemograma e a cerca de 25% foi determinada a concentração do ácido d-aminolevulínico urinário (ALA-U). Os doseamentos da PPZ efectuados em amostra de sangue capilar através de um hematofluorímetro portátil revelaram-se de total fiabilidade, dando significado a uma técnica de fácil execução e baixo custo. A avaliação do tipo de colheita urinária para doseamento do ALA-U concluiu pela necessidade de recurso a urinas de 24 horas.Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram uma elevada associação entre a PPZ e a Pb-S, com uma maior magnitude e de início mais precoce do que o que registado na associação da Pb-S com o ALA-U. Revelaram, ainda, fracos níveis de associação da hemoglobina (e outros parâmetros hematológicos) com a Pb-S. E demonstraram para um cut-off de 100 mg/ dL de PPZ, taxa de falsos negativos e falsos positivos, para plumbémias a partir de 70 mg/dL, inferiores a 20%. Assim, concluiu-se que, nos protocolos de vigilância de saúde de trabalhadores expostos a chumbo, o doseamento da PPZ por hematofluorímetro, em sangue de colheita capilar, é adequado, fiável e de realização preferencial em relação ao do ALA-U. Concluiu-se, também, que a realização do hemograma apenas se justifica em situações individuais que clinicamente o tornem aconselhável. E que estes protocolos devem incluir a realização da Pb-S e da PPZ, podendo, em situações de controlo rigoroso (ambiental, biológico e clínico), basear-se apenas na determinação da PPZ reservando os outros indicadores para aprofundar a investigação médica nos casos de taxas elevadas desta ou de situações limitantes. ■ Résumée Une stratégie d’évaluation et de prévention des risques d’exposition aux agents chimiques doit toujours tenir en considération que la vigilance du lieu de travail et de la santé des travailleurs sont des aspects complémentaires d’une même réalité – les risques résultant d’une interaction entre l’agent chimique et les travailleurs exposés. Si c’est à la Vigilance Ambiantale de juger le risque, par la caractérisation de l’agent dans le lieu de travail, la Vigilance Biologique, elle, se prononce sur l’interaction entre le toxique et l’organisme, évaluant la réponse à l’agression chimique et l’évolution des réactions d’adaptation ou de rupture face à l’absorption du toxique. Les Indicateurs Biologiques assument ainsi un statut d’instrument privilégié de vigilance de la santé des travailleurs exposés, dans la mesure où ils déterminent la quantité de toxique qui a effectivement été pénétré et absorbé, ou le résultat (effet) déterminé par cette dose. Cette étude-ci cherche à contribuer à la définition d’un cadre méthodologique d’utilisation des Indicateurs Biologiques dans l’évaluation/ gestion de l’exposition professionnelle au plomb inorganique, évaluant spécialement le comportement de la protoporphirine-zinc (PPZ), indicateur pas encore utilisé au Portugal.Le plomb est un métal d’occurrence naturelle dont les niveaux dans les différents écosystèmes en résultent, principalement, des activités anthropogéniques de nature domestique et industrielle. Sa capacité polluante peut être signalée, représentant une source d’exposition permanente pour l’homme, celle-ci démontrable par sa présence continue dans l’organisme, même si elle n’y accomplit aucune fonction physiologique. Actuellement ses applications sont innombrables, faisant de l’exposition professionnelle au plomb une réalité de grande ampleur : industries d’accumulateurs électriques, de verre, de plastique et de munitions, bâtiments, manutention et réparation automobile et navale, fabrication d’encres, industries électroniques, fontes et activités de soudure sont, entre autres, des situations réelles a en tenir compte. La pénétration du plomb inorganique dans l’organisme se fait principalement par voie respiratoire, pouvant se faire également par voie digestive. Les particules absorbées sont transportées par le sang, surtout liées aux érythrocytes (95%), se repartent à travers les tissus mous et se déposent essentiellement dans le tissu osseux, où elles représentent plus de 90% de la charge corporelle de ce qui a été absorbé et ont un temps de demi-vie élevé (plus de 20 ans). Le plomb n’est pas métabolisé dans l’organisme et son élimination se fait essentiellement par voie rénale, pouvant tout de même, à une moindre échelle, être excrété dans les fèces, de la sueur, de la salive, des ongles, des cheveux et du lait maternel. La connaissance scientifique met en évidence que des concentrations sanguines de plomb entre 20 et 50 mg/dL sont susceptibles de déterminer des effets adverses dans l’homme, pouvant les systèmes hématopoïétique, nerveux, cardiovasculaire, reproducteur et immunitaire en être affectés. Cependant, il en reste beaucoup à éclaircir dans le domaine de la toxicité du plomb. Les niveaux d’exposition auxquels correspondent les modifications des divers organes et systèmes, demeurent toujours sujet de quelque controverse. Les caractéristiques carcinogèniques et mutagèniques du plomb restent toujours un champ d’investigation d’une grande exigence. L’intoxication par le plomb et ses sels (Saturnisme) d’origine occupationnelle est reconnue, au Portugal, comme une maladie professionnelle (groupe 1- Maladies Provoquées par des Agents Chimiques, de la Liste des Maladies Professionnelles). C’est une intoxication du tipe chronique, due à l’absorption continue de doses relativement petites pendant une longue période, mise en évidence à travers des signes et des symptômes vagues et diffus sans grande spécificité, lesquels peuvent inclure, particulièrement, le manque d’appétit, goût métallique dans la bouche, pâleur, malaise et fatigue, céphalées, myalgies et arthralgies, irritabilité, tremblements fins, constipation, coliques abdominales, insomnies, déficit de la mémoire à court terme et de la capacité de concentration.Un ensemble important d’indicateurs biologiques peut être employé dans la vigilance périodique de la santé des travailleurs dans ces conditions d’exposition. Ces indicateurs (de dose ou d’effet) renferment différentes significations et comportent diverses exigences, devant le Médecin de Travail, dans le domaine des programmes de prévention des effets adverses qui sont en relation avec l’exposition professionnelle au plomb, sélectionner son utilisation et interpréter son information de façon à évaluer l’interaction de l’élément toxique avec l’organisme à un stade de réversibilité. L’étude ci-présent engloba 180 travailleurs desquels 110 présentaient des plombémies (Pb-S) égales ou supérieures à 40 mg/dL. À part la Pb-S, la protoporphyrine-zinc (PPZ) leur a été prise en dosage et un Hémogramme fut effectué et fut déterminé l’acide d- aminolévulinique urinaire (ALA-U) sur environ 25% des travailleurs. Le dosage de la PPZ efectué en échantillon de sang capillaire par un fluorimètre portable, s’est accomplit d’une fiabilité total, donnant du sgnificat à une téchnique de facile execution et bas prix. L’évaluation de la prise urinaire par dosage du ALA-U conclut au besoin d’un recours aux urines de 24 heures Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence une association élevée entre la PPZ et la Pb- S, avec une intensité majeure et de début plus précoce par rapport à celui qui fut registré lors de l’association de la Pb-S avec la ALA-U. Ces résultats ont également montré de faibles niveaux d’association entre l’hémoglobine (et autres paramètres hématologiques) et la Pb-S. Ils ont démontré aussi, une valeur de cut-off de 100 mg/dL de PPZ, des taux de faux négatifs et faux positifs, pour des plombémies de 70 mg/dL, inférieurs à 20%. On peut donc conclure que dans les protocoles de vigilance de la santé des travailleurs exposés au plomb, le dosage de la PPZ par fluorimetrie dans le sang capillaire est adéquat, fiable et de réalisation préférentielle par rapport à celui du ALA-U. On peut également conclure que la réalisation de l’hémogramme ne se justifie que dans les cas individuels où, cliniquement, celui-ci est conseillé. De plus, ces protocoles doivent inclure la réalisation de la Pb-S et de la PPZ, pouvant, en cas de contrôle rigoureux (ambiantal, biologique et clinique), s’appuyer que dans la détermination de la PPZ réservant les autres indicateurs pour approfondir l’investigation médicale dans les cas où les taux de celle-ci sont élevés ou dans les cas de situations limitantes. ■ Summary Any strategy to evaluate and prevent the risks of chemical agents exposure must always regard the work environment and workers health as complementary aspects of one reality - the resulting risks from the interaction between the chemical agent and the exposed workers. It is the responsibility of Environmental Monitoring to evaluate the risks of exposure by the characterization of the chemical agent in the work environment. Biological Monitoring, on the other hand, pronounces itself over the toxin and body interaction, evaluating human response to the chemical aggression and the body adaptations to the toxic absorption. Biological Exposure Indices (BEI) assume, therefore, a privileged status among exposed workers' health monitoring instruments, as they measure the actual penetrated and absorbed toxic quantity and the effect it produces. This research study aims to contribute to the definition of a methodological strategy on the utilization of BEI’s in evaluating inorganic lead's occupational exposure, more specifically appreciating the zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) variation, an index that has never been taken under consideration in Portugal until now. Lead is a natural metal whose ecosystem’s levels are mainly due to domestic and industrial anthropogenic activities. Its pollutant capacity is notable, representing a permanent exposure risk shown by its constant presence in the human body, although it has no physiologic function. Nowadays, lead's applications are countless, turning its professional exposure a huge reality: storage batteries industries, glass industries, plasterers and munitions industries, building construction, ships and motor car maintenance and repairing, ink manufacture, electronics industries, foundries and other soldering activities are, among so many other, realities to attend to. Respiration is the main cause of human body's inorganic lead absorption, although digestive pathway must not to be ignored. The absorbed particles are transported by blood, essentially bounded to erythrocytes (95%). It is distributed by soft tissues and settled mainly on bone tissues, where it represents approximately 90% of the total body charge and has a high half-life time (more than 20 years). It is not metabolized by the organism, its elimination being effectuated by renal activity and, in smaller scale, through lees, sweat, saliva, nails, hair and maternal milk.Scientific knowledge shows that concentrations of lead in blood between 20 e 50 mg/dL are susceptible to determine adverse effects in man and able to affect the hematopoietic system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the reproductive system and the immunological system. Nevertheless, there's still much to be learned and clarified about lead's toxicity. The correlation between exposure levels and human's systems and organs alteration levels continues to be a centre of controversies. Still, lead's carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics continue to be a high demanding research field. Intoxication by lead and its compounds (saturnism), from occupational origin, is recognized in Portugal as an occupational disease, included in Group 1 - Chemical Agents Caused Diseases, on the Occupational Diseases List. It is a chronic intoxication caused by a continuous absorption of small doses, throughout a long period of time. Its signs and symptoms are diffuse and imprecise, of great unspecificity, such as loss of appetite, metallic flavor in the mouth, paleness, ailment and fatigue, headaches, myalgia and arthralgia, irritability, thin tremors, constipation, abdominal pain, insomnias, short memory loses and inability to concentrate. A considered number of BEI’s can be used in Periodic Health Monitoring of workers in such exposure conditions. Such BEI (dose indices or effect indices) provide different meanings and imply different procedures, being Occupational Doctors responsibility, in the context of lead related adverse effects preventive programmes, to select and interpret its information, in order to evaluate the interaction between toxic and organism in a reversible phase of the toxic action. The present research study involved 180 workers, 110 of which presented blood lead levels (PbB) above or equal to 40 mg/dL. Besides PbB, all workers has been evaluated for zinc protoporphyrin levels (PPZ) and submitted to a haemogram. About 25% of the workers were selected for d-aminolevulinic urinary acid (ALA-U) determination. The evaluation of PPZ, by a portable hematofluorometer using capillary blood samples, turned out to be an easy procedure with low costs and total warrantability. As in regard for ALA- U procedure, it was concluded the necessity of 24 hours urine samples. This research results underlined a strong connection between ZPP and PbB, which was found to to be stringer and to begin earlier than it was registered for PbB and ALA-U association. The same study also revealed a low association level between PbB and hemoglobin or other hematological indices. It was also verified less than 20% of false negatives and false positives cases when admitted a ZPP 100 mg/dL cut off value for PbB³ 70 mg/dL. As in result it was concluded that in Health Monit
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree (Doutoramento) in Chemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biol6gica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
This work proposes a novel approach for a suitable orientation of antibodies (Ab) on an immunosensing platform, applied here to the determination of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a biomarker of oxidative stress that has been associated to chronic diseases, such as cancer. The anti-8OHdG was bound to an amine modified gold support through its Fc region after activation of its carboxylic functions. Non-oriented approaches of Ab binding to the platform were tested in parallel, in order to show that the presented methodology favored Ab/Ag affinity and immunodetection of the antigen. The immunosensor design was evaluated by quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation, atomic force microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square-wave voltammetry. EIS was also a suitable technique to follow the analytical behavior of the device against 8OHdG. The affinity binding between 8OHdG and the antibody immobilized in the gold modified platform increased the charge transfer resistance across the electrochemical set-up. The observed behavior was linear from 0.02 to 7.0 ng/mL of 8OHdG concentrations. The interference from glucose, urea and creatinine was found negligible. An attempt of application to synthetic samples was also successfully conducted. Overall, the presented approach enabled the production of suitably oriented Abs over a gold platform by means of a much simpler process than other oriented-Ab binding approaches described in the literature, as far as we know, and was successful in terms of analytical features and sample application.
RESUMO: A retina é composta, entre outras estruturas, pelo epitélio pigmentar da retina (EPR)e pela coróide. A região central da retina denomina-se mácula, e é a zona mais afetada na degenerescência macular relacionada com a idade, a forma mais comum de degenerescência da retina. Nesta doença, a secreção de fatores de crescimento pelo EPR é afetada, nomeadamente a do fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF), e pouco se sabe ainda sobre os mecanismos moleculares conducentes a esta condição. A família de proteínas Rab GTPases está envolvida nas vias intracelulares de sinalização e tráfego membranares, essenciais na transdução de sinais extracelulares em respostas biológicas. A sua crucial importância nestes mecanismos levou-nos a considerar o seu potencial envolvimento nas vias de secreção do VEGF, e a questionar-nos se teriam algum papel regulador sobre as mesmas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é identificar Rab GTPases importantes para as vias de secreção e endocitose do VEGF no EPR. Essa identificação ajudará a esclarecer a patogénese da degenerescência macular da retina, e poderá servir para uma procura mais direcionada de novos agentes terapêuticos. A caracterização de dois modelos in vitro do EPR, células primárias isoladas de murganho e a linha celular B6-RPE07,levou-nos a concluir que são ambos semelhantes. Contudo, a linha celular foi escolhida como protótipo do EPR por permitir o acesso a um número ilimitado de células. No decurso deste trabalho, desenvolvemos e caracterizámos uma biblioteca de ferramentas moleculares que nos permitiram reduzir os níveis proteicos das proteínas Rab GTPases, com base na tecnologia de ácido ribonucleico (ARN) de interferência. O papel das proteínas Rab GTPases na secreção do VEGF no EPR foi estudado com base no silenciamento de apenas uma proteína, ou combinando várias, segundo a sua localização e funções intracelulares descritas. Este trabalho permitiu-nos concluir que as proteínas Rab GTPases são importantes intervenientes no processo de secreção de VEGF pelo EPR, e confirmar dados anteriores que relatam o envolvimento de algumas Rab GTPases endocíticas no processo. Propomos ainda um novo modelo para a interação destas proteínas no EPR, e sugerimos que a Rab10 e a Rab14 atuam negativamente sobre a Rab8, controlando o seu funcionamento. Os nossos resultados evidenciam a importância das proteínas Rab GTPases na secreção do VEGF pelas células do EPR, e servem de base a futuros estudos que melhor procurem compreender este mecanismo e de que modo a sua alteração se relaciona com a degenerescência da retina.--------ABSTRACT: Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choroid are components of the mammalian retina, of which the central region is called macula. The most common form of retinaldegeneration, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), involves primarily deregulation of growth factors secretion by the RPE. Very little is known about the molecular mechanisms that lead to impairment of RPE’s homeostatic intracellular processes, namely the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Rab GTPases’ family regulates membrane targeting and traffic, being essential in the transduction of signal pathways. Given Rab proteins’ role in intracellular trafficking, we propose to identify key regulatory Rab proteins involved in either the secretory or the recycling pathways of VEGF in RPE. Understanding how Rab proteins’ function disruption could lead to retinal and choroidal pathology would ultimately contribute to find new therapeutic agents. Here, we characterized two mouse RPE in vitro cell models, primary cells and B6-RPE07 cell line, and concluded that both display important epithelial features as the RPE presents in vivo. Considering unlimited cell number and results reproducibility, we chose B6-RPE07 cells to further study Rab proteins’ function. To scrutinize the consequences of Rab proteins’ absence or diminished levels, we have developed novel molecular tools to achieve silencing of these key proteins using miRNA technology. We further addressed the effect of Rab proteins’ absence on VEGF secretion by performing an extensive screening where different Rab proteins were silenced, both individually and in multiple combinations considering their cellular/ compartment location. We conclude that Rab GTPases are important intervenients in VEGF secretion by RPE cells, confirming endocytic Rab proteins’ role in regulation of VEGF biology. We also propose a novel model for Rab proteins’ interaction in RPE. Our results suggest that Rab10 and Rab14 might influence Rab8 in a negative feedback mechanism, important for controlling VEGF secretion. Our achievements’ unravel Rab proteins’ role in VEGF secretion by RPE cells and are the basis for future studies to better understand RPE molecular secretory machinery.
In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.
Abstract In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to become reproductives. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged nonreproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. To identify the molecular changes that occur in virgin queens as they perceive the loss of their mother queen and begin to compete for reproductive dominance, we collected virgin queens before the loss of their mother queen, 6 h after orphaning and 24 h after orphaning. Their RNA was extracted and hybridized against microarrays to examine the expression levels of approximately 10 000 genes. We identified 297 genes that were consistently differentially expressed after orphaning. These include genes that are putatively involved in the signalling and onset of reproductive development, as well as genes underlying major physiological changes in the young queens.
Increasingly the development of novel therapeutic strategies is taking into consideration the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to health and disease. Dysbiosis of the microbial communities colonizing the human intestinal tract has been described for a variety of chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and asthma. In particular, reduction of several so-called probiotic species including Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria that are generally considered to be beneficial, as well as an outgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria is often reported. Thus a tempting therapeutic approach is to shape the constituents of the microbiota in an attempt to restore the microbial balance towards the growth of 'health-promoting' bacterial species. A twist to this scenario is the recent discovery that the respiratory tract also harbors a microbiota under steady-state conditions. Investigators have shown that the microbial composition of the airway flora is different between healthy lungs and those with chronic lung diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as cystic fibrosis. This is an emerging field, and thus far there is very limited data showing a direct contribution of the airway microbiota to the onset and progression of disease. However, should future studies provide such evidence, the airway microbiota might soon join the intestinal microbiota as a target for therapeutic intervention. In this review, we highlight the major advances that have been made describing the microbiota in chronic lung disease and discuss current and future approaches concerning manipulation of the microbiota for the treatment and prevention of disease.
The process to develop a guideline in a European setting remains a challenge. The ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) successfully achieved this endeavour. After two face-to-face meetings, numerous telephone conferences, and email correspondence, an ESCMID task force (basically composed of members of the Society's Fungal Infection Study Group, EFISG) finalized the ESCMID diagnostic and management/therapeutic guideline for Candida diseases. By appreciating various patient populations at risk for Candida diseases, four subgroups were predefined, mainly ICU patients, paediatric, HIV/AIDS and patients with malignancies including haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Besides treatment recommendations, the ESCMID guidelines provide guidance for diagnostic procedures. For the guidelines, questions were formulated to phrase the intention of a given recommendation, for example, outcome. The recommendation was the clinical intervention, which was graded by a score of A-D for the 'Strength of a recommendation'. The 'level of evidence' received a score of I-III. The author panel was approved by ESCMID, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology. The guidelines followed the framework of GRADE and Appraisal of Guidelines, Research, and Evaluation. The drafted guideline was presented at ECCMID 2011 and points of discussion occurring during that meeting were incorporated into the manuscripts. These ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases provide guidance for clinicians in their daily decision-making process.
Trade-offs between the benefits of current reproduction and the costs to future reproduction and survival are widely recognized. However, such trade-offs might only be detected when resources become limited to the point where investment in one activity jeopardizes investment in others. The resolution of the trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance is mediated by hormones such as glucocorticoids which direct behaviour and physiology towards self-maintenance under stressful situations. We investigated this trade-off in male and female barn owls in relation to the degree of heritable melanin-based coloration, a trait that reflects the ability to cope with various sources of stress in nestlings. We increased circulating corticosterone in breeding adults by implanting a corticosterone-releasing-pellet, using birds implanted with a placebo-pellet as controls. In males, elevated corticosterone reduced the activity (i.e. reduced home-range size and distance covered within the home-range) independently of coloration, while we could not detect any effect on hunting efficiency. The effect of experimentally elevated corticosterone on female behaviour was correlated with their melanin-based coloration. Corticosterone (cort-) induced an increase in brooding behaviour in small-spotted females, while this hormone had no detectable effect in large-spotted females. Cort-females with small eumelanic spots showed the normal body-mass loss during the early nestling period, while large spotted cort-females did not lose body mass. This indicates that corticosterone induced a shift towards self-maintenance in males independently on their plumage, whereas in females this shift was observed only in large-spotted females.
The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.
We aimed to compare physical activity level and cardiorespiratory fitness in children with different chronic diseases, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), obesity (OB) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), with healthy controls (HC). We performed a cross-sectional study including 209 children: OB: n = 45, T1DM: n = 48, JIA: n = 31, and HC: n = 85. Physical activity level was assessed by accelerometer and cardiorespiratory fitness by a treadmill test. ANOVA, linear regressions and Pearson correlations were used. Children with chronic diseases had reduced total daily physical activity counts (T1DM 497 +/- 54 cpm, p = 0.003; JIA 518 +/- 28, p < 0.001, OB 590 +/- 25, p = 0.003) and cardiorespiratory fitness (JIA 39.3 +/- 1.7, p = 0.001, OB 41.7 +/- 1.2, p = 0.020) compared to HC (668 +/- 35 cpm; 45.3 +/- 0.9 ml kg(-1) min(-1), respectively). Only 60.4% of HC, 51.6% of OB, 38.1% of JIA and 38.5% of T1DM children met the recommended daily 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Low cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with female gender and low daily PA. Children with chronic diseases had reduced physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. As the benefits of PA on health have been well demonstrated during growth, it should be encouraged in those children to prevent a reduction of cardiorespiratory fitness and the development of comorbidities.