821 resultados para Relevance, IS Research, Focus Group, IS Success
Background: Angola is one of the African countries with the highest morbidity and mortality rates and a devastating lack of human resources for health, including nursing. The World Health Organization stimulates and takes technical cooperation initiatives for human resource education and training in health and education, with a view to the development of countries in the region. The aim in this study was to identify how nurses affiliated with nursing education institutions perceive the challenges nursing education is facing in Angola. Methods: After consulting the National Directory of Human Resources in Angola, the nurse leaders affiliated with professional nursing education institutions in Angola were invited to participate in the study by email. Data were collected in February 2009 through the focus group technique. The group of participants was focused on the central question: what are the challenges faced for nursing education in your country? To register and understand the information, besides the use of a recorder, the reporters elaborated an interpretative report. Data were coded using content analysis. Results: Fourteen nurses participated in the meeting, most of whom were affiliated with technical nursing education institutions. It was verified that the nurse leaders at technical and higher nursing education institutions in Angola face many challenges, mainly related to the lack of infrastructure, absence of trained human resources, bureaucratic problems to regularize the schools and lack of material resources. On the opposite, the solutions they present are predominantly centered on the valuation of nursing professionals, which implies cultural and attitude changes. Conclusions: Public health education policies need to be established in Angola, including action guidelines that permit effective nursing activities. Professional education institutions need further regularizations and nurses need to be acknowledged as key elements for the qualitative enhancement of health services in the country.
Culex quinquefasciatus is a vector of human pathogens, including filarial nematodes and several viruses. Although its epidemiological relevance is known to vary across geographical regions, an understanding of its population genetic structure is still incipient. In light of this, we evaluated the genetic diversity of Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens x Cx. quinquefasciatus hybrids collected from nine localities in Brazil and one site in Argentina. We used mitochondrial genes cox1 and nd4, along with the coxA and wsp genes of the maternally-inherited Wolbachia endosymbiont. The nd4 fragment was invariant between samples, whilst cox1 exhibited four haplotypes that separated two types of Cx. quinquefasciatus, one clustered in southern Brazil. Low sequence diversity was generally observed, being discussed. Both Brazilian and Argentinian mosquitoes were infected with a single Wolbachia strain. As reported in previous studies with these populations, cox1 and nd4 diversity is not congruent with the population structure revealed by nuclear markers or alar morphology. Future Cx. quinquefasciatus research should, if possible, evaluate mtDNA diversity in light of other markers.
Background: It is well known, since the pioneristic observation by Jenkins and Dallenbach (Am J Psychol 1924;35:605-12), that a period of sleep provides a specific advantage for the consolidation of newly acquired informations. Recent research about the possible enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation has focused on procedural memory (part of non-declarative memory system, according to Squire’s taxonomy), as it appears the memory sub-system for which the available data are more consistent. The acquisition of a procedural skill follows a typical time course, consisting in a substantial practice-dependent learning followed by a slow, off-line improvement. Sleep seems to play a critical role in promoting the process of slow learning, by consolidating memory traces and making them more stable and resistant to interferences. If sleep is critical for the consolidation of a procedural skill, then an alteration of the organization of sleep should result in a less effective consolidation, and therefore in a reduced memory performance. Such alteration can be experimentally induced, as in a deprivation protocol, or it can be naturally observed in some sleep disorders as, for example, in narcolepsy. In this research, a group of narcoleptic patients, and a group of matched healthy controls, were tested in two different procedural abilities, in order to better define the size and time course of sleep contribution to memory consolidation. Experimental Procedure: A Texture Discrimination Task (Karni & Sagi, Nature 1993;365:250-2) and a Finger Tapping Task (Walker et al., Neuron 2002;35:205-11) were administered to two indipendent samples of drug-naive patients with first-diagnosed narcolepsy with cataplexy (International Classification of Sleep Disorder 2nd ed., 2005), and two samples of matched healthy controls. In the Texture Discrimination task, subjects (n=22) had to learn to recognize a complex visual array on the screen of a personal computer, while in the Finger Tapping task (n=14) they had to press a numeric sequence on a standard keyboard, as quickly and accurately as possible. Three subsequent experimental sessions were scheduled for each partecipant, namely a training session, a first retrieval session the next day, and a second retrieval session one week later. To test for possible circadian effects on learning, half of the subjects performed the training session at 11 a.m. and half at 17 p.m. Performance at training session was taken as a measure of the practice-dependent learning, while performance of subsequent sessions were taken as a measure of the consolidation level achieved respectively after one and seven nights of sleep. Between training and first retrieval session, all participants spent a night in a sleep laboratory and underwent a polygraphic recording. Results and Discussion: In both experimental tasks, while healthy controls improved their performance after one night of undisturbed sleep, narcoleptic patients showed a non statistically significant learning. Despite this, at the second retrieval session either healthy controls and narcoleptics improved their skills. Narcoleptics improved relatively more than controls between first and second retrieval session in the texture discrimination ability, while their performance remained largely lower in the motor (FTT) ability. Sleep parameters showed a grater fragmentation in the sleep of the pathological group, and a different distribution of Stage 1 and 2 NREM sleep in the two groups, being thus consistent with the hypothesis of a lower consolidation power of sleep in narcoleptic patients. Moreover, REM density of the first part of the night of healthy subjects showed a significant correlation with the amount of improvement achieved at the first retrieval session in TDT task, supporting the hypothesis that REM sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of visuo-perceptual skills. Taken together, these results speak in favor of a slower, rather than lower consolidation of procedural skills in narcoleptic patients. Finally, an explanation of the results, based on the possible role of sleep in contrasting the interference provided by task repetition is proposed.
I rifiuti come oggetti impegnano tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione del posto che occupano e quindi del valore che assumono. In tale dinamica la gestione dei rifiuti diventa un fatto sociale totale che coinvolge tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione territorializzata. La storia del movimento ambientalista ci mostra come partendo dal disagio nei confronti dell’oggetto si è passati ad un disagio nei confronti delle idee che lo generano. Modernizzazione ecologica e modernizzazione democratica sembrano andare per un certo periodo d’accordo. Nei casi di conflittualità recente, e nello studio di caso approfondito di un piano provinciale della gestione rifiuti, il carattere anticipatore dell’attivismo ambientalista, sta rendendo sempre più costosi e incerti, investimenti e risultati strategici . Anche i principi delle politiche sono messi in discussione. La sostenibilità è da ricercare in una relativizzazione dei principi di policy e degli strumenti tecnici di valutazione (e.g. LCA) verso una maggiore partecipazione di tutti gli attori. Si propone un modello di governance che parta da un coordinamento amministrativo territoriale sulle reti logistiche, quindi un adeguamento geografico degli ATO, e un loro maggior ruolo nella gestione del processo di coordinamento e pianificazione. Azioni queste che devono a loro volta aprirsi ai flussi (ecologici ed economici) e ai loro attori di riferimento: dalle aziende multiutility agli ambientalisti. Infine è necessario un momento di controllo democratico che può avere una funzione arbitrale nei conflitti tra gli attori o di verifica. La ricerca si muove tra la storia e la filosofia, la ricerca empirica e la riflessione teorica. Sono state utilizzate anche tecniche di indagine attiva, come il focus group e l’intervista.
The focus of this research is to develop and apply an analytical framework for evaluating the effectiveness and practicability of sustainability certification schemes for biofuels, especially in a developing country’s perspective. The main question that drives the research analysis is “Which are the main elements of and how to develop sustainability certification schemes that would be effective and practicable in certifying the contribution of biofuels in meeting the goals Governments and other stakeholders have set up?”. Biofuels have been identified as a promising tool to reach a variety of goals: climate change protection, energy security, agriculture development, and, especially in developing countries, economic development. Once the goals have been identified, and ambitious mandatory targets for biofuels use agreed at national level, concerns have been raised by the scientific community on the negative externalities that biofuels production and use can have at environment, social and economic level. Therefore certification schemes have been recognized as necessary processes to measure these externalities, and examples of such schemes are in effect, or are in a negotiating phase, both at mandatory and voluntary levels. The research focus has emerged by the concern that the ongoing examples are very demanding in terms of compliance, both for those that are subject to certification and those that have to certify, on the quantity and quality of information to be reported. A certification system, for reasons linked to costs, lack of expertise, inadequate infrastructure, absence of an administrative and legislative support, can represent an intensive burden and can act as a serious impediment for the industrial and agriculture development of developing countries, going against the principle of equity and level playing field. While this research recognizes the importance of comprehensiveness and ambition in designing an important tool for the measurement of sustainability effects of biofuels production and use, it stresses the need to focus on the effectiveness and practicability of this tool in measuring the compliance with the goal. This research that falls under the rationale of the Sustainability Science Program housed at Harvard Kennedy School, has as main objective to close the gap between the research and policy makers worlds in the field of sustainability certification schemes for biofuels.
Il seguente lavoro di tesi verte sulla ricerca-azione formazione triennale “Il Filo di Arianna” realizzata in convenzione tra Associazione Italiana Sindrome X Fragile e Dipartimento Di Scienze dell’Educazione – Università di Bologna, finalizzata alla superamento degli handicap che la X fragile propone. La ricerca ha un fuoco in Pedagogia Speciale e un carattere multidisciplinare e inter istituzionale grazie alla sinergia con l’area neuroriabilitativa (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) San Raffaele Pisana di Roma) e l’area della Psicologia Clinica (Ospedale Bambin Gesù di Roma). Il lavoro di tesi descrive il percorso per giungere alle linee guida di intervento scaturite dalla ricerca, per il potenziamento cognitivo ed affettivo di bambini e persone con x fragile nei contesti di casa, scuola e tempo libero.
Il mio progetto di ricerca è nato da una riflessione concernente una domanda fondamentale che si pongono gli studiosi della comunicazione digitale: le attuali tecnologie mediali che hanno creato nuovi modelli comunicativi e inaugurato inedite modalità di interrelazione sociale conducono a un dualismo digitale o a una realtà aumentata? Si è cercato di dare una risposta a questo interrogativo attraverso un’indagine compiuta su un social network, Facebook, che è la piattaforma digitale più diffusa nel mondo. L’analisi su Facebook, è stata preceduta da una riflessione sui concetti dello spazio e del tempo elaborati dalla letteratura filosofica e sociologica. Tale riflessione è stata propedeutica all’analisi volta a cogliere l’impatto che hanno avuto sulla relazionalità intersoggettiva e sulle dinamiche di realizzazione del sé l’interazione semantica nello spazio delimitato della piazza tradizionale, la molteplicità e la potenza seduttiva delle offerte comunicative dei media elettronici nella estensione della piazza massmediale e soprattutto la nascita e l’affermazione del cyberspazio come luogo della comunicazione nella piazza digitale. Se la peculiarità della piazza tradizionale è nel farsi dei rapporti face to face e quella della piazza massmediale nella funzione rilevante della fonte rispetto al destinatario, la caratteristica della piazza digitale consiste nella creazione autonoma di un orizzonte inclusivo che comprende ogni soggetto che si collega con la rete il quale, all’interno del network, riveste il doppio ruolo di consumatore e di produttore di messaggi. Con l’avvento dell’online nella prassi della relazionalità sociale si producono e si attuano due piani di interazioni comunicative, uno relativo all’online e l’altro relativo all’offline. L’ipotesi di lavoro che è stata guida della mia ricerca è che la pervasività dell’online conduca all’integrazione dei due segmenti comunicativi: l’esperienza della comunicazione digitale si inserisce nella prassi sociale quotidiana arricchendo i rapporti semantici propri della relazione face to face e influenzandoli profondamente.
Mittels gründlicher Literaturrecherchen wurde dokumentiert, wie Wissenschaft, Medien, Wirtschaft und Staatsregierungen den globalen Klimawandel seit der Industriellen Revolution bewertet haben. Dabei wurde der breite wissenschaftliche Konsens über die ausschlaggebende Rolle des Treibhauseffektes dokumentiert. Kontrovers dazu wurden aber auch anderslautende Meinungen über „natürliche Faktoren“ im Klimasystem aufgezeigt. Bedenken des Verfassers bestehen zur Praktikabilität des Kyoto-Protokolls und zur politischen Anwendbarkeit der IPCC-Berichte, die in der Gefahr stehen, durch ihre nicht ableitbaren Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussagen eine wissenschaftliche Neutralität vermissen zu lassen. Im Blick auf die Klimaschutzpolitik kann Deutschland in der Welt als Vorreiter mit Einschränkungen angesehen werden. Die anwendungsbezogene Klimaforschung wird in Deutschland gefördert, in den USA dagegen die Grundlagenforschung, was mit der Herkunft der Klimaskeptiker einhergeht, die vorwiegend aus dem angloamerikanischen Kulturkreis stammen und kaum aus Deutschland kommen. Dies spiegelt sich als roter Faden in den Forschungsergebnissen verschiedener Medienwissenschaftler wider, wonach die US-Medien im Gegensatz zu deutschen um eine Balance zwischen anthropogenen und natürlichen Ursachen des Klimawandels bemüht sind. Ein in den USA medial präsentierter scheinbarer Dissens der Klimaforschung findet sich als Abbild in heterogenen klimaschutzpolitischen Ausrichtungen der USA auf föderaler und bundesstaatlicher Ebene wieder, wohingegen sich in Deutschland der wissenschaftliche Konsens und die mediale Berichterstattung in einer homogenen Klimaschutzpolitik niederschlagen.
Between 2005 and 2006, we investigated vaginal practices in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Tete, Mozambique; KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; and Bangkok and Chonburi, Thailand. We sought to understand women's practices, their motivations for use and the role vaginal practices play in women's health, sexuality and sense of wellbeing. The study was carried out among adult women and men who were identified as using, having knowledge or being involved in trade in products. Further contacts were made using snowball sampling. Across the sites, individual interviews were conducted with 229 people and 265 others participated in focus group discussions. We found that women in all four countries have a variety of reasons for carrying out vaginal practices whose aim is to not simply 'dry' the vagina but rather decrease moisture that may have other associated meanings, and that they are exclusively "intravaginal" in operation. Practices, products and frequency vary. Motivations generally relate to personal hygiene, genital health or sexuality. Hygiene practices involve external washing and intravaginal cleansing or douching and ingestion of substances. Health practices include intravaginal cleansing, traditional cutting, insertion of herbal preparations, and application of substances to soothe irritated vaginal tissue. Practices related to sexuality can involve any of these practices with specific products that warm, dry, and/or tighten the vagina to increase pleasure for the man and sometimes for the woman. Hygiene and health are expressions of femininity connected to sexuality even if not always explicitly expressed as such. We found their effects may have unexpected and even undesired consequences. This study demonstrates that women in the four countries actively use a variety of practices to achieve a desired vaginal state. The results provide the basis for a classification framework that can be used for future study of this complex topic.
Our study group recently evaluated an ED(95) local anaesthetic volume of 0.11 ml.mm(-2) cross-sectional nerve area for the ulnar nerve. This prospective, randomised, double-blind crossover study investigated whether this volume is sufficient for brachial plexus blocks at the axillary level. Ten volunteers received an ultrasonographic guided axillary brachial plexus block either with 0.11 ('low' volume) or 0.4 ('high' volume) ml.mm(-2) cross-sectional nerve area with mepivacaine 1%. The mean (SD) volume was in the low volume group 4.0 (1.0) and 14.8 (3.8) ml in the high volume group. The success rate for the individual nerve blocks was 27 out of 30 in the low volume group (90%) and 30 out of 30 in the high volume group (100%), resulting in 8 out of 10 (80%) vs 10 out of 10 (100%) complete blocks in the low vs the high volume groups, respectively (NS). The mean (SD) sensory onset time was 25.0 (14.8) min in the low volume group and 15.8 (6.8) min in the high volume group (p < 0.01). The mean (SD) duration of sensory block was 125 (38) min in the low volume group and 152 (70) min in the high volume group (NS). This study confirms our previous published ED(95) volume for mepivacaine 1% to block peripheral nerves. The volume of local anaesthetic has some influence on the sensory onset time.
Several studies have documented women's use of vaginal practices in South Africa to enhance their desirability to men. This article describes a little known practice of this kind among women in KwaZulu-Natal. It involves the use of small incisions in the genital area (and often abdomen and breasts) to introduce herbal substances, described as love medicines, into the body through the incisions. In-depth interviews were carried out with 20 key informants and 20 women, and eight focus group discussions with women and men, in a rural and urban site in 2005-06. A province-wide household survey was then conducted using a multi-stage cluster sample design among 867 women aged 18-60. Forty-two per cent of the women in the household survey had heard of genital incisions; only 3% had actually used them. The main motivation was the enhancement of sexual attractiveness and long-term partner commitment. It appears to be a very recent practice, but may be an extension of an older healing practice not involving the genitals. It was most prevalent among rural women aged 24-29 (although not significant), those with less education, and those who suspected their partners of having other partners. It is linked to the modern popularity of love medicines, which in turn illustrates the troubling state of gender relations in KwaZulu-Natal today.
We report the results of a prospective, randomized phase 3 trial evaluating autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (ASCT) versus intensive consolidation chemotherapy in newly diagnosed AML patients in complete remission (CR1). Patients with AML (16-60 years) in CR1 after 2 cycles of intensive chemotherapy and not eligible for allogeneic SCT were randomized between intensive chemotherapy with etoposide and mitoxantrone or ASCT ater high-dose cyclophosphamide and busulfan. Of patients randomized (chemotherapy, n = 259; ASCT, n = 258), more than 90% received their assigned treatment. The 2 groups were comparable with regard to prognostic factors. The ASCT group showed a markedly reduced relapse rate (58% vs 70%, P = .02) and better relapse-free survival at 5 years (38% vs 29%, P = .065, hazard ratio = 0.82; 95% confidence interval, 0.66-1.1) with nonrelapse mortality of 4% versus 1% in the chemotherapy arm (P = .02). Overall survival was similar (44% vs 41% at 5 years, P = .86) because of more opportunities for salvage with second-line chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation in patients relapsing on the chemotherapy arm. This large study shows a relapse advantage for ASCT as postremission therapy but similar survival because more relapsing patients on the chemotherapy arm were salvaged with a late transplantation for relapse. This trial is registered at www.trialregister.nl as #NTR230 and #NTR291.
The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a complex avascular organ of viscoelastic properties. The current research focus is to regenerate and to partially restore a degenerated IVD by ‘smart’ biomaterials in combination of cell therapy and/or growth factors. For the two tissues of the IVD, that is, the nucleus pulposus (NP) and the annulus fibrosus (AF), biomaterials of different mechanical properties are needed. The ideal biomaterial to restore the water-rich NP and the tensile-force resistant AF has not been identified yet. The lack of blood vessels and the relative scarcity of specially adapted cells of the IVD organ demand novel concepts of tissue-engineered biological approaches to regenerate or replace the IVD. Injectable biodegradable hydrogels with swelling properties are in focus for NP replacement, whereas electrospun biphasic composites and silk, among other biodegradable polymers, are discussed for AF reinforcement.
Background The release of quality data from acute care hospitals to the general public is based on the aim to inform the public, to provide transparency and to foster quality-based competition among providers. Due to the expected mechanisms of action and possibly the adverse consequences of public quality comparison, it is a controversial topic. The perspective of physicians and nurses is of particular importance in this context. They are mainly responsible for the collection of quality-control data, and are directly confronted with the results of public comparison. The research focus of this qualitative study was to discover what the views and opinions of the Swiss physicians and nurses were regarding these issues. It was investigated as to how the two professional groups appraised the opportunities as well as the risks of the release of quality data in Switzerland. Methods A qualitative approach was chosen to answer the research question. For data collection, four focus groups were conducted with physicians and nurses who were employed in Swiss acute care hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was applied to the data. Results The results revealed that both occupational groups had a very critical and negative attitude regarding the recent developments. The perceived risks were dominating their view. In summary, their main concerns were: the reduction of complexity, the one-sided focus on measurable quality variables, risk selection, the threat of data manipulation and the abuse of published information by the media. An additional concern was that the impression is given that the complex construct of quality can be reduced to a few key figures, and it that it is constructed from a false message which then influences society and politics. This critical attitude is associated with the different value system and the professional self-concept that both physicians and nurses have, in comparison to the underlying principles of a market-based economy and the economic orientation of health care business. Conclusions The critical and negative attitude of Swiss physicians and nurses must, under all conditions, be heeded to and investigated regarding its impact on work motivation and identification with the profession. At the same time, the two professional groups are obligated to reflect upon their critical attitude and take a proactive role in the development of appropriate quality indicators for the publication of quality data in Switzerland.