842 resultados para Reinforcement Learning,Deep Neural Networks,Python,Stable Baseline,Gym


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Population coding is widely regarded as a key mechanism for achieving reliable behavioral decisions. We previously introduced reinforcement learning for population-based decision making by spiking neurons. Here we generalize population reinforcement learning to spike-based plasticity rules that take account of the postsynaptic neural code. We consider spike/no-spike, spike count and spike latency codes. The multi-valued and continuous-valued features in the postsynaptic code allow for a generalization of binary decision making to multi-valued decision making and continuous-valued action selection. We show that code-specific learning rules speed up learning both for the discrete classification and the continuous regression tasks. The suggested learning rules also speed up with increasing population size as opposed to standard reinforcement learning rules. Continuous action selection is further shown to explain realistic learning speeds in the Morris water maze. Finally, we introduce the concept of action perturbation as opposed to the classical weight- or node-perturbation as an exploration mechanism underlying reinforcement learning. Exploration in the action space greatly increases the speed of learning as compared to exploration in the neuron or weight space.


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Accurate quantitative estimation of exposure using retrospective data has been one of the most challenging tasks in the exposure assessment field. To improve these estimates, some models have been developed using published exposure databases with their corresponding exposure determinants. These models are designed to be applied to reported exposure determinants obtained from study subjects or exposure levels assigned by an industrial hygienist, so quantitative exposure estimates can be obtained. ^ In an effort to improve the prediction accuracy and generalizability of these models, and taking into account that the limitations encountered in previous studies might be due to limitations in the applicability of traditional statistical methods and concepts, the use of computer science- derived data analysis methods, predominantly machine learning approaches, were proposed and explored in this study. ^ The goal of this study was to develop a set of models using decision trees/ensemble and neural networks methods to predict occupational outcomes based on literature-derived databases, and compare, using cross-validation and data splitting techniques, the resulting prediction capacity to that of traditional regression models. Two cases were addressed: the categorical case, where the exposure level was measured as an exposure rating following the American Industrial Hygiene Association guidelines and the continuous case, where the result of the exposure is expressed as a concentration value. Previously developed literature-based exposure databases for 1,1,1 trichloroethane, methylene dichloride and, trichloroethylene were used. ^ When compared to regression estimations, results showed better accuracy of decision trees/ensemble techniques for the categorical case while neural networks were better for estimation of continuous exposure values. Overrepresentation of classes and overfitting were the main causes for poor neural network performance and accuracy. Estimations based on literature-based databases using machine learning techniques might provide an advantage when they are applied to other methodologies that combine `expert inputs' with current exposure measurements, like the Bayesian Decision Analysis tool. The use of machine learning techniques to more accurately estimate exposures from literature-based exposure databases might represent the starting point for the independence from the expert judgment.^


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We apply diffusion strategies to propose a cooperative reinforcement learning algorithm, in which agents in a network communicate with their neighbors to improve predictions about their environment. The algorithm is suitable to learn off-policy even in large state spaces. We provide a mean-square-error performance analysis under constant step-sizes. The gain of cooperation in the form of more stability and less bias and variance in the prediction error, is illustrated in the context of a classical model. We show that the improvement in performance is especially significant when the behavior policy of the agents is different from the target policy under evaluation.


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La presente Tesis investiga el campo del reconocimiento automático de imágenes mediante ordenador aplicado al análisis de imágenes médicas en mamografía digital. Hay un interés por desarrollar sistemas de aprendizaje que asistan a los radiólogos en el reconocimiento de las microcalcificaciones para apoyarles en los programas de cribado y prevención del cáncer de mama. Para ello el análisis de las microcalcificaciones se ha revelado como técnica clave de diagnóstico precoz, pero sin embargo el diseño de sistemas automáticos para reconocerlas es complejo por la variabilidad y condiciones de las imágenes mamográficas. En este trabajo se analizan los planteamientos teóricos de diseño de sistemas de reconocimiento de imágenes, con énfasis en los problemas específicos de detección y clasificación de microcalcificaciones. Se ha realizado un estudio que incluye desde las técnicas de operadores morfológicos, redes neuronales, máquinas de vectores soporte, hasta las más recientes de aprendizaje profundo mediante redes neuronales convolucionales, contemplando la importancia de los conceptos de escala y jerarquía a la hora del diseño y sus implicaciones en la búsqueda de la arquitectura de conexiones y capas de la red. Con estos fundamentos teóricos y elementos de diseño procedentes de otros trabajos en este área realizados por el autor, se implementan tres sistemas de reconocimiento de mamografías que reflejan una evolución tecnológica, culminando en un sistema basado en Redes Neuronales Convolucionales (CNN) cuya arquitectura se diseña gracias al análisis teórico anterior y a los resultados prácticos de análisis de escalas llevados a cabo en nuestra base de datos de imágenes. Los tres sistemas se entrenan y validan con la base de datos de mamografías DDSM, con un total de 100 muestras de entrenamiento y 100 de prueba escogidas para evitar sesgos y reflejar fielmente un programa de cribado. La validez de las CNN para el problema que nos ocupa queda demostrada y se propone un camino de investigación para el diseño de su arquitectura. ABSTRACT This Dissertation investigates the field of computer image recognition applied to medical imaging in mammography. There is an interest in developing learning systems to assist radiologists in recognition of microcalcifications to help them in screening programs for prevention of breast cancer. Analysis of microcalcifications has emerged as a key technique for early diagnosis of breast cancer, but the design of automatic systems to recognize them is complicated by the variability and conditions of mammographic images. In this Thesis the theoretical approaches to design image recognition systems are discussed, with emphasis on the specific problems of detection and classification of microcalcifications. Our study includes techniques ranging from morphological operators, neural networks and support vector machines, to the most recent deep convolutional neural networks. We deal with learning theory by analyzing the importance of the concepts of scale and hierarchy at the design stage and its implications in the search for the architecture of connections and network layers. With these theoretical facts and design elements coming from other works in this area done by the author, three mammogram recognition systems which reflect technological developments are implemented, culminating in a system based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), whose architecture is designed thanks to the previously mentioned theoretical study and practical results of analysis conducted on scales in our image database. All three systems are trained and validated against the DDSM mammographic database, with a total of 100 training samples and 100 test samples chosen to avoid bias and stand for a real screening program. The validity of the CNN approach to the problem is demonstrated and a research way to help in designing the architecture of these networks is proposed.


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Una Red de Procesadores Evolutivos o NEP (por sus siglas en ingles), es un modelo computacional inspirado por el modelo evolutivo de las celulas, específicamente por las reglas de multiplicación de las mismas. Esta inspiración hace que el modelo sea una abstracción sintactica de la manipulation de information de las celulas. En particu¬lar, una NEP define una maquina de cómputo teorica capaz de resolver problemas NP completos de manera eficiente en tóerminos de tiempo. En la praóctica, se espera que las NEP simuladas en móaquinas computacionales convencionales puedan resolver prob¬lemas reales complejos (que requieran ser altamente escalables) a cambio de una alta complejidad espacial. En el modelo NEP, las cóelulas estóan representadas por palabras que codifican sus secuencias de ADN. Informalmente, en cualquier momento de cómputo del sistema, su estado evolutivo se describe como un coleccion de palabras, donde cada una de ellas representa una celula. Estos momentos fijos de evolucion se denominan configuraciones. De manera similar al modelo biologico, las palabras (celulas) mutan y se dividen en base a bio-operaciones sencillas, pero solo aquellas palabras aptas (como ocurre de forma parecida en proceso de selection natural) seran conservadas para la siguiente configuracióon. Una NEP como herramienta de computation, define una arquitectura paralela y distribuida de procesamiento simbolico, en otras palabras, una red de procesadores de lenguajes. Desde el momento en que el modelo fue propuesto a la comunidad científica en el año 2001, múltiples variantes se han desarrollado y sus propiedades respecto a la completitud computacional, eficiencia y universalidad han sido ampliamente estudiadas y demostradas. En la actualidad, por tanto, podemos considerar que el modelo teórico NEP se encuentra en el estadio de la madurez. La motivación principal de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es proponer una aproxi-mación práctica que permita dar un salto del modelo teórico NEP a una implantación real que permita su ejecucion en plataformas computacionales de alto rendimiento, con el fin de solucionar problemas complejos que demanda la sociedad actual. Hasta el momento, las herramientas desarrolladas para la simulation del modelo NEP, si bien correctas y con resultados satisfactorios, normalmente estón atadas a su entorno de ejecucion, ya sea el uso de hardware específico o implementaciones particulares de un problema. En este contexto, el propósito fundamental de este trabajo es el desarrollo de Nepfix, una herramienta generica y extensible para la ejecucion de cualquier algo¬ritmo de un modelo NEP (o alguna de sus variantes), ya sea de forma local, como una aplicación tradicional, o distribuida utilizando los servicios de la nube. Nepfix es una aplicacion software desarrollada durante 7 meses y que actualmente se encuentra en su segunda iteration, una vez abandonada la fase de prototipo. Nepfix ha sido disenada como una aplicacion modular escrita en Java 8 y autocontenida, es decir, no requiere de un entorno de ejecucion específico (cualquier maquina virtual de Java es un contenedor vólido). Nepfix contiene dos componentes o móodulos. El primer móodulo corresponde a la ejecución de una NEP y es por lo tanto, el simulador. Para su desarrollo, se ha tenido en cuenta el estado actual del modelo, es decir, las definiciones de los procesadores y filtros mas comunes que conforman la familia del modelo NEP. Adicionalmente, este componente ofrece flexibilidad en la ejecucion, pudiendo ampliar las capacidades del simulador sin modificar Nepfix, usando para ello un lenguaje de scripting. Dentro del desarrollo de este componente, tambióen se ha definido un estóandar de representacióon del modelo NEP basado en el formato JSON y se propone una forma de representation y codificación de las palabras, necesaria para la comunicación entre servidores. Adicional-mente, una característica importante de este componente, es que se puede considerar una aplicacion aislada y por tanto, la estrategia de distribution y ejecución son total-mente independientes. El segundo moódulo, corresponde a la distribucióon de Nepfix en la nube. Este de-sarrollo es el resultado de un proceso de i+D, que tiene una componente científica considerable. Vale la pena resaltar el desarrollo de este modulo no solo por los resul-tados prócticos esperados, sino por el proceso de investigation que se se debe abordar con esta nueva perspectiva para la ejecución de sistemas de computación natural. La principal característica de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en la nube es que son gestionadas por la plataforma y normalmente se encapsulan en un contenedor. En el caso de Nepfix, este contenedor es una aplicacion Spring que utiliza el protocolo HTTP o AMQP para comunicarse con el resto de instancias. Como valor añadido, Nepfix aborda dos perspectivas de implementation distintas (que han sido desarrolladas en dos iteraciones diferentes) del modelo de distribution y ejecucion, que tienen un impacto muy significativo en las capacidades y restricciones del simulador. En concreto, la primera iteration utiliza un modelo de ejecucion asincrono. En esta perspectiva asincrona, los componentes de la red NEP (procesadores y filtros) son considerados como elementos reactivos a la necesidad de procesar una palabra. Esta implementation es una optimization de una topologia comun en el modelo NEP que permite utilizar herramientas de la nube para lograr un escalado transparente (en lo ref¬erente al balance de carga entre procesadores) pero produce efectos no deseados como indeterminacion en el orden de los resultados o imposibilidad de distribuir eficiente-mente redes fuertemente interconectadas. Por otro lado, la segunda iteration corresponde al modelo de ejecucion sincrono. Los elementos de una red NEP siguen un ciclo inicio-computo-sincronizacion hasta que el problema se ha resuelto. Esta perspectiva sincrona representa fielmente al modelo teórico NEP pero el proceso de sincronizacion es costoso y requiere de infraestructura adicional. En concreto, se requiere un servidor de colas de mensajes RabbitMQ. Sin embargo, en esta perspectiva los beneficios para problemas suficientemente grandes superan a los inconvenientes, ya que la distribuciín es inmediata (no hay restricciones), aunque el proceso de escalado no es trivial. En definitiva, el concepto de Nepfix como marco computacional se puede considerar satisfactorio: la tecnología es viable y los primeros resultados confirman que las carac-terísticas que se buscaban originalmente se han conseguido. Muchos frentes quedan abiertos para futuras investigaciones. En este documento se proponen algunas aproxi-maciones a la solucion de los problemas identificados como la recuperacion de errores y la division dinamica de una NEP en diferentes subdominios. Por otra parte, otros prob-lemas, lejos del alcance de este proyecto, quedan abiertos a un futuro desarrollo como por ejemplo, la estandarización de la representación de las palabras y optimizaciones en la ejecucion del modelo síncrono. Finalmente, algunos resultados preliminares de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado han sido presentados recientemente en formato de artículo científico en la "International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN)-2015" y publicados en "Ad-vances in Computational Intelligence" volumen 9094 de "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" de Springer International Publishing. Lo anterior, es una confirmation de que este trabajo mas que un Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es solo el inicio de un trabajo que puede tener mayor repercusion en la comunidad científica. Abstract Network of Evolutionary Processors -NEP is a computational model inspired by the evolution of cell populations, which might model some properties of evolving cell communities at the syntactical level. NEP defines theoretical computing devices able to solve NP complete problems in an efficient manner. In this model, cells are represented by words which encode their DNA sequences. Informally, at any moment of time, the evolutionary system is described by a collection of words, where each word represents one cell. Cells belong to species and their community evolves according to mutations and division which are defined by operations on words. Only those cells are accepted as surviving (correct) ones which are represented by a word in a given set of words, called the genotype space of the species. This feature is analogous with the natural process of evolution. Formally, NEP is based on an architecture for parallel and distributed processing, in other words, a network of language processors. Since the date when NEP was pro¬posed, several extensions and variants have appeared engendering a new set of models named Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP). During this time, several works have proved the computational power of NBP. Specifically, their efficiency, universality, and computational completeness have been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, we can say that the NEP model has reached its maturity. The main motivation for this End of Grade project (EOG project in short) is to propose a practical approximation that allows to close the gap between theoretical NEP model and a practical implementation in high performing computational platforms in order to solve some of high the high complexity problems society requires today. Up until now tools developed to simulate NEPs, while correct and successful, are usu¬ally tightly coupled to the execution environment, using specific software frameworks (Hadoop) or direct hardware usage (GPUs). Within this context the main purpose of this work is the development of Nepfix, a generic and extensible tool that aims to execute algorithms based on NEP model and compatible variants in a local way, similar to a traditional application or in a distributed cloud environment. Nepfix as an application was developed during a 7 month cycle and is undergoing its second iteration once the prototype period was abandoned. Nepfix is designed as a modular self-contained application written in Java 8, that is, no additional external dependencies are required and it does not rely on an specific execution environment, any JVM is a valid container. Nepfix is made of two components or modules. The first module corresponds to the NEP execution and therefore simulation. During the development the current state of the theoretical model was used as a reference including most common filters and processors. Additionally extensibility is provided by the use of Python as a scripting language to run custom logic. Along with the simulation a definition language for NEP has been defined based on JSON as well as a mechanisms to represent words and their possible manipulations. NEP simulator is isolated from distribution and as mentioned before different applications that include it as a dependency are possible, the distribution of NEPs is an example of this. The second module corresponds to executing Nepfix in the cloud. The development carried a heavy R&D process since this front was not explored by other research groups until now. It's important to point out that the development of this module is not focused on results at this point in time, instead we focus on feasibility and discovery of this new perspective to execute natural computing systems and NEPs specifically. The main properties of cloud applications is that they are managed by the platform and are encapsulated in a container. For Nepfix a Spring application becomes the container and the HTTP or AMQP protocols are used for communication with the rest of the instances. Different execution perspectives were studied, namely asynchronous and synchronous models were developed for solving different kind of problems using NEPs. Different limitations and restrictions manifest in both models and are explored in detail in the respective chapters. In conclusion we can consider that Nepfix as a computational framework is suc-cessful: Cloud technology is ready for the challenge and the first results reassure that the properties Nepfix project pursued were met. Many investigation branches are left open for future investigations. In this EOG implementation guidelines are proposed for some of them like error recovery or dynamic NEP splitting. On the other hand other interesting problems that were not in the scope of this project were identified during development like word representation standardization or NEP model optimizations. As a confirmation that the results of this work can be useful to the scientific com-munity a preliminary version of this project was published in The International Work- Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN) in May 2015. Development has not stopped since that point and while Nepfix in it's current state can not be consid¬ered a final product the most relevant ideas, possible problems and solutions that were produced during the seven months development cycle are worthy to be gathered and presented giving a meaning to this EOG work.


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We present the results of applying automated machine learning techniques to the problem of matching different object catalogues in astrophysics. In this study, we take two partially matched catalogues where one of the two catalogues has a large positional uncertainty. The two catalogues we used here were taken from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) and SuperCOSMOS optical survey. Previous work had matched 44 per cent (1887 objects) of HIPASS to the SuperCOSMOS catalogue. A supervised learning algorithm was then applied to construct a model of the matched portion of our catalogue. Validation of the model shows that we achieved a good classification performance (99.12 per cent correct). Applying this model to the unmatched portion of the catalogue found 1209 new matches. This increases the catalogue size from 1887 matched objects to 3096. The combination of these procedures yields a catalogue that is 72 per cent matched.


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Objective: Inpatient length of stay (LOS) is an important measure of hospital activity, health care resource consumption, and patient acuity. This research work aims at developing an incremental expectation maximization (EM) based learning approach on mixture of experts (ME) system for on-line prediction of LOS. The use of a batchmode learning process in most existing artificial neural networks to predict LOS is unrealistic, as the data become available over time and their pattern change dynamically. In contrast, an on-line process is capable of providing an output whenever a new datum becomes available. This on-the-spot information is therefore more useful and practical for making decisions, especially when one deals with a tremendous amount of data. Methods and material: The proposed approach is illustrated using a real example of gastroenteritis LOS data. The data set was extracted from a retrospective cohort study on all infants born in 1995-1997 and their subsequent admissions for gastroenteritis. The total number of admissions in this data set was n = 692. Linked hospitalization records of the cohort were retrieved retrospectively to derive the outcome measure, patient demographics, and associated co-morbidities information. A comparative study of the incremental learning and the batch-mode learning algorithms is considered. The performances of the learning algorithms are compared based on the mean absolute difference (MAD) between the predictions and the actual LOS, and the proportion of predictions with MAD < 1 day (Prop(MAD < 1)). The significance of the comparison is assessed through a regression analysis. Results: The incremental learning algorithm provides better on-line prediction of LOS when the system has gained sufficient training from more examples (MAD = 1.77 days and Prop(MAD < 1) = 54.3%), compared to that using the batch-mode learning. The regression analysis indicates a significant decrease of MAD (p-value = 0.063) and a significant (p-value = 0.044) increase of Prop(MAD


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Machine learning techniques have been recognized as powerful tools for learning from data. One of the most popular learning techniques, the Back-Propagation (BP) Artificial Neural Networks, can be used as a computer model to predict peptides binding to the Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA). The major advantage of computational screening is that it reduces the number of wet-lab experiments that need to be performed, significantly reducing the cost and time. A recently developed method, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), which has superior properties over BP has been investigated to accomplish such tasks. In our work, we found that the ELM is as good as, if not better than, the BP in term of time complexity, accuracy deviations across experiments, and most importantly - prevention from over-fitting for prediction of peptide binding to HLA.


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In this letter, we propose a class of self-stabilizing learning algorithms for minor component analysis (MCA), which includes a few well-known MCA learning algorithms. Self-stabilizing means that the sign of the weight vector length change is independent of the presented input vector. For these algorithms, rigorous global convergence proof is given and the convergence rate is also discussed. By combining the positive properties of these algorithms, a new learning algorithm is proposed which can improve the performance. Simulations are employed to confirm our theoretical results.


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The eye-blink startle reflex can be modulated by attentional and emotional processes. The reflex is facilitated during stimuli that engage attention. A linear pattern of emotional modulation has also been consistently demonstrated: the reflex is facilitated during unpleasant stimuli and attenuated during pleasant stimuli. However, during anticipation of pleasant or unpleasant stimuli it is unclear whether emotion or attention drives startle reflex modulation. This study used a differential learning procedure to investigate whether startle modulation during anticipation of a salient stimulus reflected emotional or attentional processes. In acquisition, a CS+ was paired with a pleasant or unpleasant US and a CS- was presented alone. In extinction, blink startle magnitude was measured during CS+ and CS-. Post-acquisition valence ratings and affective priming showed that CS+ had acquired the same affective value as the pleasant or unpleasant US with which it was paired. No differences in modulation of blink startle reflexes during pleasant CS+ and unpleasant CS+ were found throughout extinction. Blink startle facilitation occurred during CS+ but not CS- across the first third of extinction. Thus, attentional rather than emotional processes appeared to facilitate blink startle during anticipation of salient stimuli.


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An emerging issue in the field of astronomy is the integration, management and utilization of databases from around the world to facilitate scientific discovery. In this paper, we investigate application of the machine learning techniques of support vector machines and neural networks to the problem of amalgamating catalogues of galaxies as objects from two disparate data sources: radio and optical. Formulating this as a classification problem presents several challenges, including dealing with a highly unbalanced data set. Unlike the conventional approach to the problem (which is based on a likelihood ratio) machine learning does not require density estimation and is shown here to provide a significant improvement in performance. We also report some experiments that explore the importance of the radio and optical data features for the matching problem.


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Fast Classification (FC) networks were inspired by a biologically plausible mechanism for short term memory where learning occurs instantaneously. Both weights and the topology for an FC network are mapped directly from the training samples by using a prescriptive training scheme. Only two presentations of the training data are required to train an FC network. Compared with iterative learning algorithms such as Back-propagation (which may require many hundreds of presentations of the training data), the training of FC networks is extremely fast and learning convergence is always guaranteed. Thus FC networks may be suitable for applications where real-time classification is needed. In this paper, the FC networks are applied for the real-time extraction of gene expressions for Chlamydia microarray data. Both the classification performance and learning time of the FC networks are compared with the Multi-Layer Proceptron (MLP) networks and support-vector-machines (SVM) in the same classification task. The FC networks are shown to have extremely fast learning time and comparable classification accuracy.


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Pac-Man is a well-known, real-time computer game that provides an interesting platform for research. We describe an initial approach to developing an artificial agent that replaces the human to play a simplified version of Pac-Man. The agent is specified as a simple finite state machine and ruleset. with parameters that control the probability of movement by the agent given the constraints of the maze at some instant of time. In contrast to previous approaches, the agent represents a dynamic strategy for playing Pac-Man, rather than a pre-programmed maze-solving method. The agent adaptively "learns" through the application of population-based incremental learning (PBIL) to adjust the agents' parameters. Experimental results are presented that give insight into some of the complexities of the game, as well as highlighting the limitations and difficulties of the representation of the agent.


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As an alternative to traditional evolutionary algorithms (EAs), population-based incremental learning (PBIL) maintains a probabilistic model of the best individual(s). Originally, PBIL was applied in binary search spaces. Recently, some work has been done to extend it to continuous spaces. In this paper, we review two such extensions of PBIL. An improved version of the PBIL based on Gaussian model is proposed that combines two main features: a new updating rule that takes into account all the individuals and their fitness values and a self-adaptive learning rate parameter. Furthermore, a new continuous PBIL employing a histogram probabilistic model is proposed. Some experiments results are presented that highlight the features of the new algorithms.


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