991 resultados para Raphe Nuclei


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We measured fragmentation cross sections produced using the primary beam of Kr-86 at 64 MeV/nucleon on Be-9 and Ta-181 targets. The cross sections were obtained by integrating the momentum distributions of isotopes with 25 <= Z <= 36 measured using the RIPS fragment separator at RIKEN. The cross-section ratios obtained with the Ta-181 and Be-9 targets depend on the fragment masses, contrary to the simple geometrical models. We compared the extracted cross sections to EPAX; an empirical parametrization of fragmentation cross sections. Predictions from current EPAX parametrization severely overestimate the production cross sections of very neutron-rich isotopes. Attempts to obtain another set of EPAX parameters specific to the reaction studied here to extrapolate the neutron-rich nuclei more accurately have not been very successful, suggesting that accurate predictions of production cross sections of nuclei far from the valley of stability require information of nuclear properties that are not present in EPAX.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the production of superheavy element Z = 117 in possible projectile-target combinations is analysed systematically. The calculated results show that the production cross sections are strongly dependent on the reaction systems. Optimal combinations, corresponding excitation energies and evaporation channels are proposed, such as the isotopes Bk-248,Bk-249 in Ca-48 induced reactions in 3n evaporation channels and the reactions Sc-45+Cm-246,Cm-248 in 3n and 4n channels, and the system V-51+Pu-244 in 3n channel.


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A double folding method with simplified Skyreme-type nucleon-nucleon interaction is used to calculate the nuclear interaction potential between two nuclei. The calculation is performed in tip-to-tip orientation of the two nuclei if they are deformed. Based on this methods, the potential energy surfaces, the fusion probabilities and the evaporation residue cross sections for some cold fusion reactions leading to super-heavy elements within di-nuclear system model are evaluated. It is indicated that after the improvement, the exponential decreasing systematics of the fusion probability with increasing charge number of projectile on the Pb based target become better and the evaporation residue cross sections are in better agreement with the experimental data.


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A recoil separator Wien-filter which was developed for the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL) as an extension is described. It consists of 2 quadruple triplets and a standard Wien-filter. It was designed for study of the fusion-evaporation reactions. The overall design, background suppression, the transmission efficiency, the angular acceptance and the momentum acceptance have been described. All the performances fulfil the designed requirements. Based on the test results, with some modifications the investigations of the nuclei with Z <= 110 and the drip-line nuclei in the medium-heavy mass region can be carried out with this facility.


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Within a transport model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of squeezed-out nucleons perpendicular to the reaction plane, especially at high transverse momenta, in heavy-ion reactions induced by high energy neutron-rich nuclei can be a useful tool for studying the high density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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High spin states in Re-174 are investigated via the Sm-152(Al-27, 5n gamma)Re-174 reaction and gamma-gamma coincidence relationships are analysed carefully. A new band is identified due to its spectroscopic connection with the known pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 1/2(-)[521] band. This band is proposed to be the ground-state band built on the pi 1/2(-)[541] circle times nu 5/2(-)[512] configuration in view of the low-lying intrinsic states in the neighbouring odd-mass nuclei. It is of particular interesting that the new band exhibits a phenomenon of low-spin signature inversion, providing a new situation for theoretical investigations.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.


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The reduced velocity correlation functions of the Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMFs) were measured in the reactions of Ar-36+ Sn-112,Sn-124 at 35MeV/u. The anti-correlation at small reduced velocities is more pronounced in Ar-36+ Sn-124 system than that in Ar-36+ Sn-112 system. The difference of the correlation functions between the two reactions is mainly contributed by the particle pairs with high momenta. A three-body Coulomb repulsive trajectory code (MENEKA) is employed to calculate the emission time scale of IMFs for-the both systems. The time scale is 150fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-112 system and 120fm/c in the Ar-36+ Sn-124 system, respectively. A calculation based on an Isospin dependence Quantum Molecular Dynamics code (IQMD) reveals that the emission time spectrum of IMFs is shifted slightly leftwards in Ar-36+ Sn-124 compared with that in the Ar-16+ Sn-112 system, indicating a shorter emission time scale. Correspondingly, the central density of the hot nuclei decreases faster in Ar-36+ Sn-124 than in Ar-36+ Sn-112


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The high-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally by means of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques via the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) fusion-evaporation reaction. The high-spin level scheme of Pt-187 has been established, including three rotational bands. Based on the systematics of level structure in neighboring nuclei and by comparing the experimental and theoretical B(M1)/B(E2) ratios, configurations of 11/2+ [615], 7/2(-)[5031 and 1/2(-)[521] have been proposed for the three rotational bands, respectively. Band properties of band crossing frequency, alignment gain and signature splitting have been discussed.


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In the concept of dinuclear system, the quasifission rate from Kramers formula has been incorporated in the master equation in order to study the competition between fusion and qusifission. Mass yields of quasifission products of the three reactions Ca-48 + Pu-244, Ca-48 + U-238 and Fe-58 + Th-232 have been calculated, and the experimental data are reproduced very well, which is a critical test for the existing fusion model. Also we have shown the time evolution of the mass distributions of quasifission products, which provides valuable information of the process of competition between fusion and quasifission.


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Fusion barriers have been calculated for different orientations of the axial symmetry axis of deformed projectile-and target-nucleus. Using the concept of dinuclear system, considering the strong competition between fusion and quasifission processes, by solving the master equation numerically to calculate the fusion probability of superheavy nuclei, we have estimated the dependence of the fusion probabilities for Ge-76 + Pb-208 and Ca-48 + Pu-244 on the orientation angles of the symmetry axis of projectile-and target-nucleus, which shows that belly-belly is the most favorable orientation for synthesizing superheavy nuclei.


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The history of experimental study on beta-delayed proton decays in the rare-earth region was simply reviewed. The physical results of the beta-delayed proton decays obtained at IMP, Lanzhou over the last 10 years were summarized, mainly including the first observation of 9 new beta-delayed proton precursors along the odd-Z proton drip line and the new data for 2 waiting-point nuclei in the rp-process. The results were compared and discussed with different nuclear model calculations. Finally, the perspective in near future was briefly introduced.


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The differential cross-sections for elastic scattering of F-17 and O-17 on Pb-208 have been measured at Radioactive Ion Beam Line at Lanzhou (RIBLL). The variation of the logarithms of differential cross-sections with the square of scattering angles, viz. angulax dispersion plot, shows clearly that there exists a turning point in the range of small scattering angles (6 degrees-20 degrees) for F-17 due to its exotic structure, while no turning point was observed for O-17. The experimental results have been compared with previous data of other groups. Systematical analysis on the available data seems to conclude that there is an exotic behavior of elastic scattering angular dispersion of weakly bound nuclei with halo or skin structure as compared with that of the stable nuclei. Therefore the fact that the turning point of the elastic scattering angular dispersion plot appears at small angle for weakly bound nuclei can be used as a new probe to investigate the halo and skin phenomenon.


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The gamma rays following the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176,Ir-178 nuclei have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray experiment. In addition, with the aid of a helium-jet recoil fast tape transport system, the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176 was further studied, the new gamma rays were proved and a low-spin isomer was proposed in Ir-176. The isomeric state was analysized according to the systematics in neighboring nuclei.


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Search for low-spin signature inversion in the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) bands in odd-odd Au-182,Au-184,Au-186 has been conducted through the standard in-beam gamma-spectroscopy techniques via the Sm-152(Cl-35,5n) Au-182, Yb-172(F-19,5n) (186)An, and Tb-159(Si-29,4n) (184)An reactions, respectively. The pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) bands in these three nuclei have been identified and extended up to high-spin states. In particular, the inter-band connection between the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band and the ground-state band in Au-184 has been established, leading to a firm spin-and-parity assignment for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band. The low-spin signature inversion is found in the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) bands according to our spin-assignment and-the signature crossing observed at high-spin states.