651 resultados para RFA


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bstract: During the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) process in south-east Queensland, the conservation status of, and threats to, priority vascular plant taxa in the region was assessed. Characteristics of biology, demography and distribution were used to assess the species' intrinsic risk of extinction. In contrast, the threats to the taxa (their extrinsic risk of extinction) were assessed using a decision-support protocol for setting conservation targets for taxa lacking population viability analyses and habitat modelling data. Disturbance processes known or suspected to be adversely affecting the taxa were evaluated for their intensity, extent and time-scale. Expert opinion was used to provide much of the data and to assess the recommended protection areas. Five categories of intrinsic risk of extinction were recognised for the 105 priority taxa: critically endangered (43 taxa); endangered (29); vulnerable (21); rare (10); and presumed extinct (2). Only 6 of the 103 extant taxa were found to be adequately reserved and the majority were considered inadequately protected to survive the current regimes of threatening processes affecting them. Data were insufficient to calculate a protection target for one extant taxon. Over half of the taxa require all populations to be conserved as well as active management to alleviate threatening processes. The most common threats to particular taxa were competition from weeds or native species, inappropriate fire regimes, agricultural clearing, forestry, grazing by native or feral species, drought, urban development, illegal collection of plants, and altered hydrology. Apart from drought and competition from native species, these disturbances are largely influenced or initiated by human actions. Therefore, as well as increased protection of most of the taxa, active management interventions are necessary to reduce the effects of threatening processes and to enable the persistence of the taxa.


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Though there is now growing commitment to publicly engaged research, the role and definition of the public in such processes is wide-ranging, contested, and often rather vague. This article addresses this problem by showing that, although there is no single agreed upon theory or way of being public, it is still possible and very important to develop clear, public-centric, understandings of engaged research practice. The article introduces a multi-dimensional framework based on the theoretical literature on the ‘public’, and demonstrates – in the context of a recent engaged research project – how it possible to conceptualise, design and evaluate context-specific formations of the public. Starting from an understanding of publics as mediated and dynamic entities, the article seeks to illuminate some of the choices that researchers face and how the framework can help them navigate these. This article is for all those interested in what it means to address, support and account for an engaged public in contemporary settings.


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The MCH Administrative Manual provides the basis for the development of business practices and programming for maternal and child health services made available through an Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) competitive bid process every five years. For each five year project period, policies in the manual provide the basis for the competitive Request for Proposal (RFP). During intervening years, policies provide the basis for the RFP and the Request for Application (RFA) covering the applicable contract year.


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Im niedersächsischen Teil des Osnabrücker Berglands wurde der Muschelkalk lithostratigraphisch untersucht und sein Gesteinsinventar im Hinblick auf dessen Eignung für die Herstellung von Straßenbaumaterial sowie andere Nutzungsmöglichkeiten überprüft. Die methodischen Schwerpunkte lagen bei der Aufschluß-Bearbeitung, der Ermittlung technologischer Kennwerte nach den einschlägigen Prüf-Vorschriften für Straßenbaustoffe und der Bestimmung der durchschnittlichen geochemischen Zusammensetzung von Teilschichtfolgen mittels RFA-Analysen. Durch geologische Aufnahme und Korrelation von zahlreichen Tagesaufschlüssen und zwei Kernbohrungen gelang es, eine detaillierte lithostratigraphische Regionalgliederung des ca. 80 m mächtigen Unteren Muschelkalks für den Raum Osnabrück zu erarbeiten. Eine von DUCHROW & GROETZNER (1984) publizierte lithostratigraphische Gliederung des Oberen Muschelkalks (ca. 60 m mächtig) im Arbeitsgebiet erwies sich als nachvollziehbar und wird auch in Gamma- Ray-Logs aus Bohrungen deutlich. Die Interpretation der geologischen Befunde ergab, daß die 1ithofaziellen Voraussetzungen für den Hartsteinabbau im Oberen Muschelkalk am günstigsten im Raum SW Osnabrücks sind. Nach den Ergebnissen der technologischen Untersuchungen sind nicht nur die zur Zeit bereits im Abbau stehenden, dickbankigen, sehr karbonatreichen Einschaltungen in den Oberen Muschelkalk (Haupt-Trochitenkalk, Terebratelkalk) für die Herstellung von Straßenbaumaterial geeignet, sondern mit einigen Einschränkungen auch der hierfür bisher nicht genutzte Untere Muschelkalk und die Gelben Basisschichten (Oberer Muschelkalk). Der Abbau und Einsatz dieses Gesteinsmaterials im Straßen- und Wegebau kann einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Streckung der nur noch geringen Vorräte an hochwertigem Kalkstein liefern. Die Gesteine des Unteren Muschelkalks und der Gelben Basisschichten (Oberer Muschelkalk) sind darüber hinaus aufgrund ihrer geochemischen Zusammensetzung ein gutes Rohmaterial für die Herstellung von "Kohlensaurem Kalk" und "Kohlensaurem Magnesiumkalk". Diese Produkte werden in zunehmendem Maße in der Forst- und Landwirtschaft eingesetzt, um durch saure Niederschläge hervorgerufene Vegetationsschäden zu begrenzen.


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A aviação, enquanto elemento crucial na aproximação entre culturas, povos e esforços de guerra, atravessa atualmente um período de elevada valorização e consequente evolução da sua componente de Segurança de Voo (SV). A larga maioria das ocorrências aeronáuticas resultam de falhas humanas, isto é, são grandemente oriundas de erros na interface homem-máquina. Tal facto, alerta para a pertinência da criação, e posterior aplicação, de um sistema cada vez mais eficaz de análise e classificação das causas das ocorrências. A Força Aérea (FA) recorre, desde 1999, ao anexo F do RFA 330-1 para proceder à classificação das causas das ocorrências, o qual, face às necessidades atuais – frequentemente aventadas por quem proximamente lida com esta área – poderá beneficiar com um trabalho periódico de estudo e reformulação, catalisador de um processo de análise e de classificação cada vez mais ajustado às exigências da realidade envolvente. A presente dissertação propõe uma abordagem de classificação e análise de Fatores Humanos (FH) adaptada ao contexto da FA, a qual se convencionou designar por abordagem HFACS adaptada à FA. Para tal, utilizou-se uma metodologia essencialmente qualitativa, recorrendo a entrevistas semiestruturadas a Oficiais e Civis da FA com experiência direta e indireta nesta área. A abordagem HFACS adaptada, neste estudo, à FA, revelou-se como uma resposta adequada às necessidades atuais, quer em termos de pressupostos teórico-práticos, quer no plano fundamentalmente prático, também aqui operacionalizado através do seu teste a quatro relatórios de ocorrências reais.


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Este trabajo tiene como propósito determinar los factores de motivación en los trabajadores de la industria de la construcción en Colombia, tomando como muestra una población de empleados de la ciudad de Pasto, Colombia. Inicialmente se revisaron artículos científicos de diversos países que estudian los efectos de factores motivadores, desmotivadores, características intrínsecas y extrínsecas, relacionados con el rendimiento laboral. De esta forma se identificaron los factores que conforman la base del instrumento “Study Of Motivators And Demotivators Affecting The Performance Of Employees In The Construction Industry–Questionare” entregado a 190 empleados. Los resultados fueron clasificados, mediante un software estadístico SPSS.