802 resultados para REGENERATED SILK FIBROIN
Interpretation of quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies of agronomic traits is limited by lack of knowledge of biochemical pathways leading to trait expression. To more fully elucidate the biological significance of detected QTL, we chose a trait that is the product of a well-characterized pathway, namely the concentration of maysin, a C-glycosyl flavone, in silks of maize, Zea mays L. Maysin is a host-plant resistance factor against the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). We determined silk maysin concentrations and restriction fragment length polymorphism genotypes at flavonoid pathway loci or linked markers for 285 F2 plants derived from the cross of lines GT114 and GT119. Single-factor analysis of variance indicated that the p1 region on chromosome 1 accounted for 58.0% of the phenotypic variance and showed additive gene action. The p1 locus is a transcription activator for portions of the flavonoid pathway. A second QTL, represented by marker umc 105a near the brown pericarp1 locus on chromosome 9, accounted for 10.8% of the variance. Gene action of this region was dominant for low maysin, but was only expressed in the presence of a functional p1 allele. The model explaining the greatest proportion of phenotypic variance (75.9%) included p1, umc105a, umc166b (chromosome 1), r1 (chromosome 10), and two epistatic interaction terms, p1 x umc105a and p1 x r1. Our results provide evidence that regulatory loci have a central role and that there is a complex interplay among different branches of the flavonoid pathway in the expression of this trait.
Five retrotransposon families of rice (Tos1-Tos5) have been reported previously. Here we report 15 new retrotransposon families of rice (Tos6-Tos20). In contrast to yeast and Drosophila retrotransposons, all of the rice retrotransposons examined appear inactive (or almost inactive) under normal growth conditions. Three of the rice retrotransposons (Tos10, Tos17, and Tos19) are activated under tissue culture conditions. The most active one, Tos17, was studied in detail. The copy number of Tos17 increased with prolonged culture period. In all of the plants regenerated from tissue cultures, including transgenic plants, 5 to 30 transposed Tos17 copies were detected. The transcript of Tos17 was only detected under tissue culture conditions, indicating that the transposition of Tos17 is mainly regulated at the transcriptional level. To examine the target-site specificity of Tos17 transposition, sequences flanking transposed Tos17 copies were analyzed. At least four out of eight target sites examined are coding regions. Other target sites may also be in genes because two out of four were transcribed. The regenerated plants with Tos17-insertions in the phytochrome A gene and the S-receptor kinase-related gene were identified. These results indicate that activation of Tos17 is an important cause of tissue culture-induced mutations. Tissue culture-induced activation of Tos17 may be a useful tool for insertional mutagenesis and functional analysis of genes.
The rhodopsin mutants P23H and G188R, identified in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP), and the site-specific mutants D190A and DeltaY191-Y192 were expressed in COS cells from synthetic mutant opsin genes containing these mutations. The proteins expressed from P23H and D190A partially regenerated the rhodopsin chromophore with 11-cis-retinal and were mixtures of the correctly folded (retinal-binding) and misfolded (non-retinal-binding) opsins. The mixtures were separated into pure, correctly folded mutant rhodopsins and misfolded opsins. The proteins expressed from the ADRP mutant G188R and the mutant DeltaY191-Y192 were composed of totally misfolded non-retinal-binding opsins. Far-UV CD spectra showed that the correctly folded mutant rhodopsins had helical content similar to that of the wild-type rhodopsin, whereas the misfolded opsins had helical content 50-70% of the wild type. The near-UV CD spectra of the misfolded mutant proteins lack the characteristic band pattern seen in the wild-type opsin, indicative of a different tertiary structure. Further, whereas the folded mutant rhodopsins were essentially resistant to trypsin digestion, the misfolded opsins were degraded to small fragments under the same conditions. Therefore, the misfolded opsins appear to be less compact in their structures than the correctly folded forms. We suggest that most, if not all, of the point mutations in the intradiscal domain identified in ADRP cause partial or complete misfolding of rhodopsin.
The codon usage of a hybrid bacterial gene encoding a thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase was modified to match that of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene. Both the modified and unmodified bacterial genes were fused to a DNA segment encoding the barley high-pI alpha-amylase signal peptide downstream of the barley (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase isoenzyme EII gene promoter. When introduced into barley aleurone protoplasts, the bacterial gene with adapted codon usage directed synthesis of heat stable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase, whereas activity of the heterologous enzyme was not detectable when protoplasts were transfected with the unmodified gene. In a different expression plasmid, the codon modified bacterial gene was cloned downstream of the barley high-pI alpha-amylase gene promoter and signal peptide coding region. This expression cassette was introduced into immature barley embryos together with plasmids carrying the bar and the uidA genes. Green, fertile plants were regenerated and approximately 75% of grains harvested from primary transformants synthesized thermostable (1,3-1,4)-beta-glucanase during germination. All three trans genes were detected in 17 progenies from a homozygous T1 plant.
Neovascularization that generates collateral blood flow can limit the extent of tissue damage after acute ischemia caused by occlusion of the primary blood supply. The neovascular response stimulated by the BB homodimeric form of recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) was evaluated for its capacity to protect tissue from necrosis in a rat skin flap model of acutely induced ischemia. Complete survival of the tissue ensued, when the original nutritive blood supply was occluded, as early as 5 days after local PDGF-BB application, and the presence of a patent vasculature was evident compared to control flaps. To further evaluate the vascular regenerative response, PDGF-BB was injected into the muscle/connective tissue bed between the separated ends of a divided femoral artery in rats. A patent new vessel that functionally reconnected the ends of the divided artery within the original 3- to 4-mm gap was regenerated 3 weeks later in all PDGF-BB-treated limbs. In contrast, none of the paired control limbs, which received vehicle with an inactive variant of PDGF-BB, had vessel regrowth (P < 0.001). The absence of a sustained inflammatory response and granulation tissue suggests locally delivered PDGF-BB may directly stimulate the angiogenic phenotype in endothelial cells. These findings indicate that PDGF-BB can generate functional new blood vessels and nonsurgically anastomose severed vessels in vivo. This study supports the possibility of a therapeutic modality for the salvage of ischemic tissue through exogenous cytokine-induced vascular reconnection.
We have developed a system for studying hepatocellular growth potential in which liver cells are introduced into the diseased livers of albumin-urokinase (Alb-uPA) transgenic mice. To use this system to study xenogeneic cell transplantation, rat liver cells were introduced into immunotolerant Alb-uPA transgenic mice. In regenerated recipient livers, up to 100% of hepatocellular gene expression was of rat origin, demonstrating the creation of a functional mouse liver in which parenchyma is derived from xenogeneic (rat) hepatocytes. Immunotolerant Alb-uPA transgenic mice provide a tool for studying hepatocellular biology of any species, including humans, in a controlled experimental setting.
A doença periodontal (DP) corresponde a um grupo de doenças inflamatórias que acomete as estruturas periodontais de proteção e de suporte e pode levar à perda dentária. A etiologia está relacionada à placa dentobacteriana que leva à produção de grande quantidade de citocinas pró-inflamatórias importantes na destruição tecidual. A angiotensina (Ang) II também pode contribuir para a inflamação e destruição tecidual no periodonto agindo como mediador chave. A utilização de drogas que atuem na cascata do sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) poderia interferir no estado de saúde ou inflamação do tecido mole, na perda óssea alveolar e na expressão gênica dos componentes do SRA e mediadores inflamatórios. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se o ramipril, um inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA), altera a progressão da DP induzida experimentalmente em ratos. Foi utilizado o modelo de indução da DP por colocação de ligadura ao redor do primeiro molar inferior direito de ratos. Os grupos com 10 animais cada, foram divididos em tratados com ramipril (via gavagem 10 mg/kg/dia) ou água (veículo) durante 14 e 21 dias e o grupo Sham submetido à indução fictícia da DP. Outros quatro grupos foram submetidos ao pré-tratamento com ramipril durante os períodos de 7 e 14 dias e após a indução da DP e tratados por 14 ou 21 dias. As metodologias de avaliação foram: extração de RNA total, transcrição reversa seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa (RTqPCR), análises histológica e da perda óssea alveolar. Os dados foram analisados por meio de gráficos e os resultados foram submetidos à análise unidirecional de variância (ANOVA) e representaram médias e respectivos desvios-padrão. Diferenças entre os grupos foram consideradas estatisticamente significativas quando p < 0,05. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o ramipril foi capaz de reduzir a progressão da perda óssea no grupo tratado por 21 dias (DP-21d-Rami), entretanto houve aumento do processo inflamatório, além de alteração da expressão de RNAm de ECA-2 e do receptor Mas, alguns mediadores do processo inflamatório, como COX2 e VEGF, e os receptores VEGF-R1 e VEGF-R2.
Uzbekistan has a long and interesting heritage of ancient civilization linked to the historic “Silk Road”, through which transited people, goods, ideas and cultures. The major cities of the Silk Road - Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva are testimonies of the past and leave a deep impression on any visitor. As time goes by, Uzbekistan has become a key country in the whole Central Asian region, because it possesses mineral, agricultural and natural resources and has a huge potential for development. It is rich in energy resources such as oil and gas, but it is very difficult to commercialize them due to its landlocked position. The historical legacy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a valuable heritage. The above mentioned ancient cities used to be centers of science and art, where important architects created palaces, mosques, madrassas, minarets, and mausoleums of the Islamic style, that still exist today. This cultural wealth is an element of internal cohesion and external outreach towards Islamic heritage, related to such Muslim countries as Turkey and the Gulf States. Moreover, this historical and architectural heritage has enormous economic potential for tourism, which can contribute to strengthen the relations of cooperation and friendship between Uzbekistan and the International Society. The influence of tradition and culture has still a huge impact on the society. This can be felt for example, in the traditional gender roles distribution. As a result of which, meńs presence in the areas of decision making is still slightly higher than womeńs one...
Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenos RNAs endógenos não codantes de 21-24 nucleotídeos (nt) que regulam a expressão gênica de genes-alvos. Eles estão envolvidos em diversos aspectos de desenvolvimento da planta, tanto na parte aérea, quanto no sistema radicular. Entre os miRNAs, o miRNA156 (miR156) regula a família de fatores de transcrição SQUAMOSA Promoter-Binding Protein-Like (SPL) afetando diferentes processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. Estudos recentes mostram que a via gênica miR156/SPL apresenta efeito positivo tanto no aumento da formação de raízes laterais, quanto no aumento de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de folhas e hipocótilos em Arabidopsis thaliana. Devido ao fato de que a origem da formação de raiz lateral e a regeneração in vitro de brotos a partir de raiz principal compartilham semelhanças anatômicas e moleculares, avaliou-se no presente estudo se a via miR156/SPL, da mesma forma que a partir de explantes aéreos, também é capaz de influenciar na regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de explantes radiculares. Para tanto foram comparados taxa de regeneração, padrão de distribuição de auxina e citocinina, análises histológicas e histoquímicas das estruturas regeneradas em plantas com via miR156/SPL alterada, incluindo planta mutante hyl1, na qual a produção desse miRNA é severamente reduzida. Além disso, foi avaliado o padrão de expressão do miR156 e específicos genes SPL durante a regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir da raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana. No presente trabalho observou-se que a alteração da via gênica miR156/SPL é capaz de modular a capacidade de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana e a distribuição de auxina e citocinina presente nas células e tecidos envolvidos no processo de regeneração. Plantas superexpressando o miR156 apresentaram redução no número de brotos regenerados, além de ter o plastochron reduzido quando comparado com plantas controle. Adicionalmente, plantas contento o gene SPL9 resistente à clivagem pelo miR156 (rSPL9) apresentaram severa redução na quantidade de brotos, além de terem o plastochron alongado. Interessantemente, plantas mutantes hyl1-2 e plantas rSPL10 não apresentaram regeneração de brotos ao longo da raiz principal, mas sim intensa formação de raízes laterais e protuberâncias, respectivamente, tendo essa última apresentado indícios de diferenciação celular precoce. Tomados em conjunto os dados sugerem que o miR156 apresenta importante papel no controle do processo de regeneração de brotos in vitro. Entretanto, esse efeito é mais complexo em regeneração in vitro a partir de raízes do que a partir de cotilédones ou hipocótilos.
The exchange traffic was a practice that suited the modus vivendi of caravanners and traders in the Islamic world. The inclusion of the Iberian.Peninsula into the most important commercial routes of Muslims – such as the silk route through the North Africa – provides a very solid reason to deepen in the study of the sources that have been preserved about the role that certain credit instruments, which represented an alternative to the coin, might have played in trade centres.
Recently, the steam reforming of biofuels has been presented as a potential hydrogen source for fuel cells. Because this scenario represents an interesting opportunity for Colombia (South America), which produces large amounts of bioethanol, the steam reforming of ethanol was studied over a bimetallic RhPt/La2O3 catalyst under bulk mass transfer conditions. The effect of temperature and the initial concentrations of ethanol and water were evaluated at space velocities above 55,000 h−1 to determine the conditions that maximize the H2/CO ratio and reduce CH4 production while maintaining 100% conversion of ethanol. These requirements were accomplished when 21 mol% H2O and 3 mol% C2H5OH (steam/ethanol molar ratio = 7) were reacted at 600 °C. The catalyst stability was assessed under these reaction conditions during 120 h on stream, obtaining ethanol conversions above 99% during the entire test. The effect of both H2 and air flows as catalyst regeneration treatments were evaluated after 44 and 67 h on stream, respectively. The results showed that H2 treatment accelerated catalyst deactivation, and air regeneration increased both the catalyst stability and the H2 selectivity while decreasing CH4 generation. Fresh and spent catalyst samples were characterized by TEM/EDX, XPS, TPR, and TGA. Although the Rh and Pt in the fresh catalyst were completely reduced, the spent samples showed a partial oxidation of Rh and small amounts of carbonaceous residue. A possible Rh–Pt–Rh2O3 structure was proposed as the active site on the catalyst, which was regenerated by air treatment.
En la literatura y el cine góticos clásicos, el vampiro se concebía como un monstruo al que cabía eliminar. Sin embargo, en los últimos cuarenta años, novelas, películas y series revelan una voluntad de asimilarlo a la sociedad humana, un proceso conocido como domesticación o regeneración. Como metáfora de la diferencia sexual, racial, de género o de clase, tal asimilación representa, de acuerdo con los postulados de Foucault, una operación que lleva a cabo el poder para someterlas, integrándolas en el orden social y cultural establecido. La serie estadounidense True Blood (2008-2014) refleja a la perfección este proceso dual de regeneración que implica, a su vez, sometimiento. Relacionado con los supuestos de la corrección política, el nuevo monstruo ya no simboliza al «perverso» sino al «diferente» que se debe proteger y aceptar en el seno de la sociedad, pese al riesgo de cohesión social y amenaza para la familia que comporta.
Aquestes fotografies de Nova York i de Boston, totes en blanc i negre, es van fer en abril del 1990, amb una cambra rèflex Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II amb objectiu de 50 mm, tot fent servir negatius Kodak Safety Film 5063. El Museu de la Universitat d’Alacant en conserva una col·lecció completa; vuitanta-set còpies fotogràfiques de 32 x 24 cm amb tintes Ultrachrome sobre paper Ilford Gold Fibre Silk de 310 gr/m² realitzades al “Estudio Paco Mora” de València l’any 2015, amb digitalització prèvia a partir dels negatius originals mitjançant un escàner Haselblad Flextight X 1 a una resolució de 3.200 punts per polzada.
Aquestes fotografies de París, totes en color, es van fer en novembre del 1973 amb una cambra rèflex Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II amb objectiu de 50 mm, tot fent servir diapositives Orwo, Kodak i Agfa. El Museu de la Universitat d’Alacant en conserva una col·lecció completa; 147 còpies fotogràfiques de 32 x 24 cm amb tintes Ultrachrome sobre paper Ilford Gold Fibre Silk de 310 gr/m² realitzades al “Estudio Paco Mora” de València l’any 2015, amb digitalització prèvia a partir de les diapositives originals mitjançant un escàner Haselblad Flextight X 1 a una resolució de 3.200 punts per polzada.
Includes bibliographical references.