989 resultados para Pulmonary artery catheter complications
Background: Indigenous Australians are at high risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Carotid artery intimal medial thickness (CIMT) and brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) are ultrasound imaging based surrogate markers of cardiovascular risk. This study examines the relative contributions of traditional cardiovascular risk factors on CIMT and FMD in adult Indigenous Australians with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Method: One hundred and nineteen Indigenous Australians were recruited. Physical and biochemical markers of cardiovascular risk, together with CIMT and FMD were meausred for all subjects. Results: Fifty-three Indigenous Australians subjects (45%) had type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was a significantly greater mean CIMT in diabetic versus non-diabetic subjects (p = 0.049). In the non-diabetic group with non-parametric analyses, there were significant correlations between CIMT and: age (r = 0.64, p < 0.001), systolic blood pressure (r = 0.47, p < 0.001) and non-smokers (r = -0.30, p = 0.018). In the diabetic group, non-parametric analysis showed correlations between CIMT, age (r = 0.36, p = 0.009) and duration of diabetes (r = 0.30, p = 0.035) only. Adjusting forage, sex, smoking and history of cardiovascular disease, Hb(A1c) became the sole significant correlate of CIMT (r = 0.35,p = 0.01) in the diabetic group. In non-parametric analysis, age was the sole significant correlate of FMD (r = -0.31,p = 0.013), and only in non-diabetic subjects. Linear regression analysis showed significant associations between CIMT and age (t = 4.6,p < 0.001), systolic blood pressure (t = 2.6, p = 0.010) and Hb(A1c) (t = 2.6, p = 0.012), smoking (t = 2.1, p = 0.04) and fasting LDL-cholesterol (t = 2.1, p = 0.04). There were no significant associations between FMD and examined cardiovascular risk factors with linear regression analysis Conclusions: CIMT appears to be a useful surrogate marker of cardiovascular risk in this sample of Indigenous Australian subjects, correlating better than FMD with established cardiovascular risk factors. A lifestyle intervention programme may alleviate the burden of cardiovascular disease in Indigenous Australians by reducing central obesity, lowering blood pressure, correcting dyslipidaemia and improving glycaemic control. CIMT may prove to be a useful tool to assess efficacy of such an intervention programme. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The first derivative of pressure over time (dP/dt) is a marker of left ventricular (LV) systolic function that can be assessed during cardiac catheterization and echocardiography. Radial artery dP/dt (Radial-dP/dt) has been proposed as a possible marker of LV systolic function (Nichols & O’Rourke, McDonald’s Blood Flow in Arteries) and we sought to test this hypothesis. Methods:We compared simultaneously recorded RadialdP/ dt (by high-fidelity tonometry) with LV-dP/dt (by highfidelity catheter and echocardiography parameters analogous to LV-dP/dt) in patients without aortic valve disease. In study 1, beat to beat Radial-dP/dt and LV-dP/dt were recorded at rest and during supine exercise in 12 males (aged 61±12 years) undergoing cardiac catheterization. In study 2, 2D-echocardiography and Radial-dP/dt were recorded in 59 patients (43 men; aged 64±10 years) at baseline and peak dobutamine-induced stress. Three measures at the basal septum were taken as being analogous to LV-dP/dt: (1) peak systolic strain rate, (2) strain rate (SR-dP/dt), and (3) tissue velocity during isovolumic contraction. Results: Study 1; there was a significant difference between resting LV-dP/dt (1461±383 mmHg/s) and Radial-dP/dt (1182±319 mmHg/s; P < 0.001), and a poor, but statistically significant, correlation between the variables (R2 = 0.006; P < 0.001) due to the high number of data points compared (n = 681). Similar results were observed during exercise. Study 2; there was a moderate association between baseline Radial-dP/dt and SRdP/ dt (R2 =−0.17; P < 0.01), but no significant relationship between Radial-dP/dt and all other echocardiographic measures analogous to LV-dP/dt at rest or peak stress (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The radial pressurewaveform is not a reliable marker of LV contractility.
Central venous catheters have become an integral part of patient management however they are associated with many complications including infection. Despite efforts being made to reduce the incidence of such infect ions the problem continues to increase and has resource implications for the Health Service. Studies relating to the source of microorganisms causing CVC-associated infection, the cost of such infections and the efficacy of an antimicrobial catheter have been undertaken. Thirty patients who required a CVC as part of their medical management and underwent cardiac surgery had the distal tips of their catheters sampled whilst in situ. Sampling took place within 1 h of catheter placement. Bacteria were isolated from 16% of the catheter distal tips sampled in situ. The guidewires used to insert the devices were also contaminated (50%). When CVC were inserted via a protective sheath, avoiding contact with the skin. the incidence of microbial contamination was reduced. These findings suggest that despite rigorous skin disinfection and strict aseptic technique, viable microorganisms are impacted onto the distal tip of CVC during the insertion procedure. Needleless intravascular access devices have been introduced in order to reduce the incidence of need1estick injury. However, it was unclear whether such connectors would act as a portal of entry for microorganisms to CVC. The efficacy of these devices was investigated. Within the controlled laboratory environment it was demonstrated that needleless devices, when challenged with microorganisms, did not allow the passage of microbes when flu id was injected. This therefore suggested that the devices should not increase the risk of catheter colonisation. When used in clinical practice however microbial contamination of the needleless connectors was 55 % in comparison to the routinely used luer connectors (23%). The cost of infections associated with CVC was determined. Twenty patients catheterised with a CVC designed for long term use who were admitted to hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of catheter-related infection were studied. The treatment given specifically for this infection was costed. The mean cost of such an infection was £ 1781.81. Throughout the UK this may amount to £1.565.906 per annum. The cost of infections associated with CVC designed for short term use was estimated to be between 5 and 7 million pounds per annum in the UK. In an attempt to reduce both the incidence and cost of catheter- related infection antimicrobial CVC have been developed. The efficacy of a novel polyurethane CVC impregnated on both the internal and external catheter surface with the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride was investigated. Eighty eight patients received an antimicrobial catheter and 78 patients a conventional polyurethane CVC. The anti-microbial CVC resulted in a reduction in microbial colonisation of the external and internal polymer surfaces as compared to the control device. The observed reduction in microbial colonisation with the anti-microbial CVC may decrease the likelihood of subsequent infection offering a useful approach to the prevention of catheter-related infections.
Central venous catheters (CVCs) are being utilized with increasing frequency in intensive care and general medical wards. In spite of the extensive experience gained in their application, CVCs are related to the long-term risks of catheter sheath formation, infection, and thrombosis (of the catheter or vessel itself) during catheterization. Such CVC-related-complications are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, duration of hospitalization, and medical care cost [1]. The present study incorporates a novel group of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa, plasma transglutaminase) inhibitors into a lubricious silicone elastomer in order to generate an optimized drug delivery system whereby a secondary sustained drug release profile occurs following an initial burst release for catheters and other medical devices. We propose that the incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitors into catheters, stents, and other medical implant devices would reduce the incidence of catheter sheath formation, thrombotic occlusion, and associated staphylococcal infection. This technique could be used as a local delivery system for extended release with an immediate onset of action for other poorly aqueous soluble compounds. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite improvements in interventional and pharmacological therapy of atherosclerotic disease, it is still the leading cause of death in the developed world. Hence, there is a need for further development of effective therapeutic approaches. This requires better understanding of the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology of the disease. Atherosclerosis has long been identified as having an inflammatory component contributing to its pathogenesis, whereas the available therapy primarily targets hyperlipidemia and prevention of thrombosis. Notwithstanding a pleotropic anti-inflammatory effect to some therapies, such as acetyl salicylic acid and the statins, none of the currently approved medicines for management of either stable or complicated atherosclerosis has inflammation as a primary target. Monocytes, as representatives of the innate immune system, play a major role in the initiation, propagation, and progression of atherosclerosis from a stable to an unstable state. Experimental data support a role of monocytes in acute coronary syndromes and in outcome post-infarction; however, limited research has been done in humans. Analysis of expression of various cell surface receptors allows characterization of the different monocyte subsets phenotypically, whereas downstream assessment of inflammatory pathways provides an insight into their activity. In this review we discuss the functional role of monocytes and their different subpopulations in atherosclerosis, acute coronary syndromes, cardiac healing, and recovery with an aim of critical evaluation of potential future therapeutic targets in atherosclerosis and its complications. We will also discuss technical difficulties of delineating different monocyte subpopulations, understanding their differentiation potential and function.
L’ingénierie des biomatériaux a connu un essor prodigieux ces dernières décennies passant de matériaux simples à des structures plus complexes, particulièrement dans le domaine cardiovasculaire. Cette évolution découle de la nécessité des biomatériaux de permettre la synergie de différentes propriétés, dépendantes de leurs fonctions, qui ne sont pas forcément toutes compatibles. Historiquement, les premiers matériaux utilisés dans la conception de dispositifs médicaux étaient ceux présentant le meilleur compromis entre les propriétés physico-chimiques, mécaniques et biologiques que nécessitait leur application. Cependant, il se peut qu’un tel dispositif possède les bonnes propriétés physico-chimiques ou mécaniques, mais que sa biocompatibilité soit insuffisante induisant ainsi des complications cliniques. Afin d’améliorer ces propriétés biologiques tout en conservant les propriétés de volume du matériau, une solution est d’en modifier la surface. L’utilisation d’un revêtement permet alors de moduler la réponse biologique à l’interface biomatériau-hôte et de diminuer les effets indésirables. Ces revêtements sont optimisés selon deux critères principaux : la réponse biologique et la réponse mécanique. Pour la réponse biologique, les deux approches principales sont de mettre au point des revêtements proactifs qui engendrent l’adhérence, la prolifération ou la migration cellulaire, ou passifs, qui, principalement, sont inertes et empêchent l’adhérence de composés biologiques. Dans certains cas, il est intéressant de pouvoir favoriser certaines cellules et d’en limiter d’autres, par exemple pour lutter contre la resténose, principalement due à la prolifération incontrôlée de cellules musculaires lisses qui conduit à une nouvelle obstruction de l’artère, suite à la pose d’un stent. La recherche sur les revêtements de stents vise, alors, à limiter la prolifération de ces cellules tout en facilitant la ré-endothélialisation, c’est-à-dire en permettant l’adhérence et la prolifération de cellules endothéliales. Dans d’autres cas, il est intéressant d’obtenir des surfaces limitant toute adhérence cellulaire, comme pour l’utilisation de cathéter. Selon leur fonction, les cathéters doivent empêcher l’adhérence cellulaire, en particulier celle des bactéries provoquant des infections, et être hémocompatibles, principalement dans le domaine vasculaire. Il a été démontré lors d’études précédentes qu’un copolymère à base de dextrane et de poly(méthacrylate de butyle) (PBMA) répondait aux problématiques liées à la resténose et qu’il possédait, de plus, une bonne élasticité, propriété mécanique importante due à la déformation que subit le stent lors de son déploiement. L’approche de ce projet était d’utiliser ce copolymère comme revêtement de stents et d’en améliorer l’adhérence à la surface en formant des liens covalents avec la surface. Pour ce faire, cela nécessitait l’activation de la partie dextrane du copolymère afin de pouvoir le greffer à la surface aminée. Il était important de vérifier pour chaque étape l’influence des modifications effectuées sur les propriétés biologiques et mécaniques des matériaux obtenus, mais aussi d’un point de vue de la chimie, l’influence que cette modification pouvait induire sur la réaction de copolymérisation. Dans un premier temps, seul le dextrane est considéré et est modifié par oxydation et carboxyméthylation puis greffé à des surfaces fluorocarbonées aminées. L’analyse physico-chimique des polymères de dextrane modifiés et de leur greffage permet de choisir une voie de modification préférentielle qui n’empêchera pas ultérieurement la copolymérisation. La carboxyméthylation permet ainsi d’obtenir un meilleur recouvrement de la surface tout en conservant la structure polysaccharidique du dextrane. Le greffage du dextrane carboxyméthylé (CMD) est ensuite optimisé selon différents degrés de modification, tenant compte aussi de l’influence que ces modifications peuvent induire sur les propriétés biologiques. Finalement, les CMD précédemment étudiés, avec des propriétés biologiques définies, sont copolymérisés avec des monomères de méthacrylate de butyle (BMA). Les copolymères ainsi obtenus ont été ensuite caractérisés par des analyses physico-chimiques, biologiques et mécaniques. Des essais préliminaires ont montrés que les films de copolymères étaient anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des cellules, ce qui a permis de trouver de nouvelles applications au projet. Les propriétés élastiques et anti-adhérentes présentées par les films de copolymères CMD-co-PBMA, les rendent particulièrement intéressants pour des applications comme revêtements de cathéters.
Arterial entrapment syndrome (AES) at elbow level is very rare and to our knowledge no case of AES by lacertus fibrosus in the cubital fossa in presence of brachial artery duplication has been described to date. We describe a rare case of acute arterial thrombosis of one of two brachial arteries highlighted in the cubital fossa which developed after strenuous right elbow flexor muscle activity and hyper-extensions presumably related to AES by lacertus fibrosus at elbow level. A 43-year-old right-handed woman, experienced paleness, coldness and numbness of the right hand, after 8 consecutive hours of gardening. As she worked, her ipsilateral flexor elbow muscles remained in prolonged and inappropriate tension. Clinical examination evidenced the absence of radial artery pulse in the wrist and mild hypothermia in the second and third finger. During surgical exploration two anastomosed brachial arteries were detected in the cubital fossa under the lacertus fibrosus. The lateral superficial brachial artery was occluded. Intraoperative arteriography evidenced brachial artery duplication at the third superior of the arm and normal vascular pattern at the forearm level. In cases of unexplained atypical intermittent upper extremity claudication or acute ischemic symptoms an AES should always be ruled out, particularly when symptoms are exacerbated by strenuous upper extremity activity or when upper limb muscular hypertrophy is evident. In these cases a thorough dynamic clinical and instrumental examination is mandatory to confirm a diagnosis of AES and to avoid possible future ischemic complications.
Background. Several pregnancies have been reported after embolization of uterine artery. This procedure is an accepted nonsurgical treatment for symptomatic uterine fibroids but its safety in women desiring future childbearing is not well established. Case Report. We present a 40-year-old woman with leiomyomata who became pregnant after previously undergone uterine artery embolization for three times. The placenta was previa and the fetus was in transverse position. She had a cesarean delivery of an appropriately grown fetus at 37 weeks, which was followed by uterine atony requiring hysterectomy. Conclusion. Although pregnancy-related outcomes remain understudied, the available reports evidence that pregnancies after uterine artery embolization may be at significantly increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage, cesarean delivery, abnormal placentation, and malpresentation. In patients who are undergoing this type of treatment and contemplating pregnancy, the possibility of adverse complications should be taken in consideration and women should be appropriately advised.
Carotid artery dissection (CAD) is a major cause of stroke in those under age 45, accounting for around 20% of ischaemic events[1,2]. In the absence of known connective tissue disorders, most dissections are traumatic[2]. First-line management is comprised of antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy, but many traumatic dissections progress despite this and carry the risk of long-term complications from embolism or stenosis[3]. We report a case of traumatic bilateral carotid dissection leading to progressive neurological symptoms and hypoperfusion on computed tomography perfusion (CTP), despite escalation in anticoagulation, which led to emergency carotid stenting.
A patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis was admitted with acute peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis. On the 10th day of intraperitoneal antibacterial therapy, the patient’s dialysate developed a green color. Gallbladder perforation was revealed. The patient underwent a conventional cholecystectomy with a preserved peritoneal catheter. There are few cases in the medical literature about green dialysate. In all of them, peritoneal dialysis catheters were removed after cholecystectomy. The present case report shows a patient with an intact peritoneal catheter and with no further complications.
Background: Morbidity and mortality of preterm babies are important issues in perinatal medicine. In developed countries, preterm delivery is the cause of about 70% of mortality and 75% of morbidity in the neonatal period, respectively. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors for preterm labor and the outcomes, in terms of perinatal mortality and morbidity at the time of discharge home, among preterm infants at less than 34 weeks gestation. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted and all infants with a gestational age of 24 to 33 weeks and 6 days who were born from November 1st , 2011 to March 31, 2012 were enrolled in this study. Results: From 1185 preterm infants were born during this period, 475 (40.08%) infants with less than 34 weeks gestational age were included in the study. Our study showed the major obstetrical risk factors for preterm labor were as follows: preeclampsia (21%), premature rupture of membranes (20.3%), abruption of placenta (10%), and idiopathic cases (48.7%). The neonatal mortality rate in less than 34 weeks was 9.05%. Significant perinatal morbidity causesd in less than 34 weeks were as follows: sepsis (46.94%), respiratory distress syndrome (41.47%), patent ductus arteriosus (21.47%), retinopathy of prematurity (3.57%), necrotizing entrocolitis (1.68%), intra-ventricular hemorrhage (9%), and broncho-pulmonary dysplasia (0.84%). Conclusion: Preterm birth is associated with adverse perinatal outcome. This situation needs to be improved by directing appropriately increased resources for improving prenatal health services and providing advanced neonatal care.
The establishment of radiofrequency catheter ablation techniques as the mainstay in the treatment of tachycardia has renewed new interest in cardiac anatomy. The interventional arrhythmologist has drawn attention not only to the gross anatomic details of the heart but also to architectural and histological characteristics of various cardiac regions that are relevant to the development or recurrence of tachyarrhythmias and procedural related complications of catheter ablation. In this review, therefore, we discuss some anatomic landmarks commonly used in catheter ablations including the terminal crest, sinus node region, Koch’s triangle, cavotricuspid isthmus, Eustachian ridge and valve, pulmonary venous orifices, venoatrial junctions, and ventricular outflow tracts. We also discuss the anatomical features of important structures in the vicinity of the atria and pulmonary veins, such as the esophagus and phrenic nerves. This paper provides basic anatomic information to improve understanding of the mapping and ablative procedures for cardiac interventional electrophysiologists.
The rapid development of interventional procedures for the treatment of arrhythmias in humans, especially the use of catheter ablation techniques, has renewed interest in cardiac anatomy. Although the substrates of atrial fibrillation (AF), its initiation and maintenance, remain to be fully elucidated, catheter ablation in the left atrium (LA) has become a common therapeutic option for patients with this arrhythmia. Using ablation catheters, various isolation lines and focal targets are created, the majority of which are based on gross anatomical, electroanatomical, and myoarchitectual patterns of the left atrial wall. Our aim was therefore to review the gross morphological and architectural features of the LA and their relations to extracardiac structures. The latter have also become relevant because extracardiac complications of AF ablation can occur, due to injuries to the phrenic and vagal plexus nerves, adjacent coronary arteries, or the esophageal wall causing devastating consequences.
Questo studio si concentra sull'ischemia critica cronica dell'arto inferiore (CLTI), una patologia globale con gravi complicanze e impatto sociale elevato. Recentemente, la "Medial Artery Calcification" (MAC) è emersa come fattore prognostico significativo nei pazienti con CLTI e malattia grave dei vasi del piede, ma le informazioni sono principalmente retrospettive. Questa tesi esplora la relazione tra MAC e CLTI in tre sezioni. Nella sezione clinica, 248 pazienti sono stati divisi in gruppi MAC per valutare l'impatto prospettico sulla guarigione e sul salvataggio dell'arto. Nella sezione isto-patologica, campioni arteriosi di 26 pazienti sottoposti ad amputazione maggiore sono stati analizzati per comprendere la relazione tra MAC, aterosclerosi e occlusione vascolare. Nella sezione di arterializzazione, 16 pazienti sottoposti all'arterializzazione delle vene del piede (AVP) sono stati esaminati per valutare i risultati clinici prospettici. I risultati della sezione clinica indicano che la presenza di MAC severa è associata a risultati clinici peggiori nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. L'analisi isto-patologica mostra una prevalenza elevata di MAC rispetto all'aterosclerosi, con una associazione importante tra MAC e iperplasia intimale. L'AVP presenta risultati promettenti nei pazienti affetti da CLTI. In conclusione, la MAC influisce sui risultati clinici della CLTI, e l'AVP potrebbe essere una strategia efficace di trattamento.
Bleeding complications in dengue may occur irrespective of the presence of plasma leakage. We compared plasma levels of modulators of the endothelial barrier among three dengue groups: bleedings without plasma leakage, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and non-complicated dengue. The aim was to evaluate whether the presence of subtle alterations in microvascular permeability could be detected in bleeding patients. Plasma levels of VEGF-A and its soluble receptors were not associated with the occurrence of bleeding in patients without plasma leakage. These results provide additional rationale for considering bleeding as a complication independent of endothelial barrier breakdown, as proposed by the 2009 WHO classification.