841 resultados para Public policy education
Objective. To conduct a summative evaluation of an Early Childhood Care, Education and Development (ECCED) Teacher Training Workshop in Mongu, Zambia by assessing changes in knowledge, attitudes and intent to use the information. ^ Study design. A matched cohort survey design was used with additional qualitative data collected by structured observation of workshop sessions, daily facilitator and participant debriefs and participant interviews. ^ Results. Matching pre and post tests were completed by 27 individuals in addition to daily debriefs, structured workshop observation and participant interviews with 22% of the group. The participant population was predominantly female individuals aged 15-44 years old that had completed high school and additional post-secondary training, been teaching children aged 0 – 8 years for 2-5 years in the Western Province and received other HIV/AIDS and ECCED education. Pre-tests indicated a strong understanding of ECCED principles and misconceptions regarding HIV transmission, prevention and the disease's impact on early childhood development. The workshop was found to significantly increase the participants' knowledge of topics covered by the curriculum (paired t-test, N=27, p = 0.004, 95% CI 1.8, 8.6). Participants began with a more limited understanding of HIV/AIDS than ECCED, but the mean gain was much greater at 7.4 +/- 12.3 points. Significantly more participants believed at post-test that HIV/AIDS education should increase for future educators. The 77.8% of participants that increased their knowledge scores at post-test expressed significantly less fear of having a child with HIV/AIDS in the classroom (Independent Samples t-test, N= 27, p = 0.011). Overall participant fear decreased 15.5%. 92.6% and 88.9% of participants planned at post-test to respectively use and share the taught information in their daily professional lives and reported on innovative strategies to communicate with the community. ^ Conclusions. Teacher training workshops can significantly increase HIV/AIDS awareness and promote positive attitudes in educators working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. Using participant suggested teaching techniques such as poems and songs and translating the materials to the local language could assist future facilitators to both culturally and professionally relate to the workshop audience as well as increase participant capacity to share the information with the local community. ^
The Texas Bioterrorism Continuing Education Consortium (BCE) provided National Disaster Life Support (NDLS) training courses throughout the state of Texas in 2005, to help improve knowledge and skills pertaining to bioterrorism and other public health emergencies. The NDLS training courses include curriculum in Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS) and Core Disaster Life Support (CDLS). A course evaluation which included items assessing ability and willingness of training participants, role of responders, and other variables was mailed to all NDLS participants who provided contact information. An analysis was conducted to determine whether the survey respondents participated in the Hurricanes Katrina and/or Rita relief efforts, as well as to evaluate the impact of the NDLS training courses on the participant's ability and willingness to respond during a disaster. The study population (n = 2150) consisted mostly of nurses (50%) (n=1074). A chi-square test of analysis indicated the following results. Among the survey respondents who took the CDLS course, there was no statically significant difference by occupation pertaining to ability or willingness to respond (x2 [df = 5] = 4.02, p= 0.546); (x2 [df = 5] = 2.45, p = .783). However, there was a statistically significant difference among those respondents who took the BDLS course with respect to ability, and a slightly significant difference with respect to willingness (x2 [df = 5] = 13.35, p = .020 and (x2 = [df = 5] = 10.299, p = .067). These findings are similar to previous studies assessing willingness to respond to a disaster.^ A second analysis was conducted with these survey data to evaluate the implications for disaster response training for the NDLS courses. Results indicated that the majority of disaster responders served in the role for which they were professionally trained (Physicians=68%; Nurses = 50.4%). Nurses, EMT, and Fire professionals served in multiple roles. These results suggest the importance of developing training programs that will prepare professionals to serve in multiple roles. The development of standardized evaluation methods would fill an important gap in assessing impact of national training programs. ^
Objectives. The objectives of this report were to describe current best standards in online education, class competencies, class objectives, class activities and to compare the class competencies, objectives and activities undertaken with the current best practices in online teaching and to provide a list of recommendations based on the most efficacious practices. ^ Methods. Utilizing the key words- online teaching, national standards, quality, online courses, I: (1) conducted a search on Google to find the best standard for quality online courses; the search yielded National Standards for Quality Online Teaching as the gold standard in online course quality; (2) specified class objectives and competencies as well as major activities undertaken as a part of the class. Utilizing the Southern Regional Education Board evaluation checklist for online courses, I: (1) performed an analysis comparing the class activities, objectives, and competencies with the current best standards; (2) utilized the information obtained from the analysis and class experiences to develop recommendations for the most efficacious online teaching practices. ^ Results. The class met the criteria set by the Southern Regional Education Board for evaluating online classes completely in 75%, partially in 16% and did not meet the criteria in 9% cases. The majority of the parameters in which the class did not meet the standards (4 of 5) were due to technological reasons beyond the scope of the class instructor, teaching assistant and instructional design. ^ Discussion. Successful online teaching requires awareness of technology, good communication, methods, collaboration, reflection and flexibility. Creation of an online community, engaging online learners and utilizing different learning styles and assessment methods promote learning. My report proposes that online teaching should actively engage the students and teachers with multiple interactive strategies as evidenced from current best standards of online education and my “hands-on” work experience. ^ Conclusion. The report and the ideas presented are intended to create a foundation for efficacious practice on the online teaching platform. By following many of the efficacious online practices described in the report and adding from their own experiences, online instructors and teaching assistants can contribute to effective online learning. ^
There has been a renewed interest in disaster epidemiology after the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks of 2001, the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the overwhelming loss of life that resulted from the tsunami that originated in the Indian Ocean and struck Indonesia and other adjacent countries on December 26, 2004. Institutions that have accepted the challenge of training the next generation of public health professionals as well as to continue the education of the dedicated professionals already serving in public health fields have a responsibility to train practitioners in the basic principles of disaster epidemiology as well as in practical applications of these principles. This culminating experience project involved developing an on-line course complete with the background information as well as relevant case studies that can be used as a curriculum for an introductory course in disaster epidemiology. ^
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the theory-based Eat 5 nutrition badge. It is designed to increase fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake in 4th-6th grade junior Girl Scouts. Twenty-two troops were recruited and randomized by grade level (4th, 5th, 6th, or mixed) into either the intervention or control conditions. The leaders in the intervention condition received a brief training and the materials and conducted the program with their troops during four meetings. The Girl Scouts in the intervention condition completed 1-day Food Frequency Questionnaires and Nutrition Questionnaires both before and after completing the Eat 5 badge, and a third measurement of F&V intake three months after the posttest. Girl Scouts in the control condition were only evaluated at the three time periods.^ The primary hypotheses were that the Girl Scouts in the intervention condition would increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables at both the posttest and three months later, compared to the Girl Scouts in the control condition. Other study questions investigated the impact of the Eat 5 program on intervening variables such as knowledge, self-efficacy, barriers, norms, F&V preference, and F&V selection and preparation skills.^ A nested ANOVA, with troop as the unit of analysis nested within condition, was used to assess the effects of the program. Pretest F&V intake and grade level were used as covariates. Pretest mean F&V intake for the total sample of 210 girls was 2.50 servings per day; 3.0 for the intervention group (n = 101). Significant increases in F&V intake (to 3.4 servings per day), knowledge, and fruit and vegetable preference were found for the intervention condition troops compared to the troops in the control condition. Three months later, the mean F&V intake had returned to pretest levels.^ This study indicates that social groups such as Girl Scouts can provide a channel for nutrition education. Long term effects were not sustained by the intervention; a possible cause was the lack of change in self-efficacy. Therefore, additional interventions are recommended such as booster lessons to maintain increased F&V intake by Girl Scouts. ^
This study explores the issue of teenage pregnancy in a case study of Liberty County, a rural area in Texas with no public health department. It also describes the decision-making process and barriers faced in the beginning phases of adopting a sexual education program, and sets forth an implementation plan for two school districts on disseminating an evidence-based, comprehensive curriculum. Methods include a review of epidemiological data surrounding teenage pregnancy on the national, state, and county level; a literature review of factors related to teenage pregnancy and past interventions implemented in a rural community; a policy review of past and current bills in Legislature; and an analysis of barriers and decision making in implementing an evidence based program through qualitative observations, discussions with community members during meetings, presentations, and discussions. Results of this study indicate that there is a lack of research conducted in rural areas in the field of teenage pregnancy prevention and sexual education programs. Barriers experienced in Liberty County are shown to be consistent in scientific literature such as funding, logistical issues, and problems approaching the School Board in adopting a comprehensive sexual education program. This study fills a large gap in the literature on rural adolescents and attempts to analyze the process of decision-making in a rural area related to adoption of sexual education programming. In order to relieve this health disparity, further research should focus on rural areas to gain insight on the attitudes and behaviors of rural adolescents and beliefs among community stakeholders.^
Purpose: This study translated and adapted the It's Your Game, Keep It Real study currently being implemented with middle school youth in Southeast Texas for a middle school population in rural western Honduras. The study tested the effects of a sexual health education program focused on human immunodeficiency virus, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy prevention. We hypothesized that the number of adolescents in the intervention group who initiate sexual activity will reduce in comparison to the control group and there will be an increase consistent condom use in sexually active adolescents in the intervention group. ^ Methods: The target population included Spanish-speaking Hispanic middle school students from a small, semi-urban city in western Honduras. One school was randomly selected to receive the intervention and one to the comparison condition. The intervention curriculum consisted of 10 seventh-grade lessons that included individual and group classroom-based activities and personal journaling. Follow-up surveys were completed three months after the last lesson with 146 students (79.3% of the defined cohort). ^ Results: In the comparison condition, 21.4% of students initiated sex by the post-test follow-up three months after the intervention compared to 7.8% in the intervention condition. ^ Conclusions: A multi-component, curriculum-based program that is theory driven and culturally relevant can increase knowledge about STIs and HIV, increase self-confidence amongst middle school students, and develop communication skills amongst friends and partners. Further research must be conducted to assess delay in sexual initiation and the generalizability of these results.^
At issue is whether or not isolated DNA is patent eligible under the U.S. Patent Law and the implications of that determination on public health. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patents on DNA since the 1980s, and scientists and researchers have proceeded under that milieu since that time. Today, genetic research and testing related to the human breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 is conducted within the framework of seven patents that were issued to Myriad Genetics and the University of Utah Research Foundation between 1997 and 2000. In 2009, suit was filed on behalf of multiple researchers, professional associations and others to invalidate fifteen of the claims underlying those patents. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which hears patent cases, has invalidated claims for analyzing and comparing isolated DNA but has upheld claims to isolated DNA. The specific issue of whether isolated DNA is patent eligible is now before the Supreme Court, which is expected to decide the case by year's end. In this work, a systematic review was performed to determine the effects of DNA patents on various stakeholders and, ultimately, on public health; and to provide a legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and the likely outcome of the Supreme Court's decision. ^ A literature review was conducted to: first, identify principle stakeholders with an interest in patent eligibility of the isolated DNA sequences BRCA1 and BRCA2; and second, determine the effect of the case on those stakeholders. Published reports that addressed gene patents, the Myriad litigation, and implications of gene patents on stakeholders were included. Next, an in-depth legal analysis of the patent eligibility of isolated DNA and methods for analyzing it was performed pursuant to accepted methods of legal research and analysis based on legal briefs, federal law and jurisprudence, scholarly works and standard practice legal analysis. ^ Biotechnology, biomedical and clinical research, access to health care, and personalized medicine were identified as the principle stakeholders and interests herein. Many experts believe that the patent eligibility of isolated DNA will not greatly affect the biotechnology industry insofar as genetic testing is concerned; unlike for therapeutics, genetic testing does not require tremendous resources or lead time. The actual impact on biomedical researchers is uncertain, with greater impact expected for researchers whose work is intended for commercial purposes (versus basic science). The impact on access to health care has been surprisingly difficult to assess; while invalidating gene patents might be expected to decrease the cost of genetic testing and improve access to more laboratories and physicians' offices that provide the test, a 2010 study on the actual impact was inconclusive. As for personalized medicine, many experts believe that the availability of personalized medicine is ultimately a public policy issue for Congress, not the courts. ^ Based on the legal analysis performed in this work, this writer believes the Supreme Court is likely to invalidate patents on isolated DNA whose sequences are found in nature, because these gene sequences are a basic tool of scientific and technologic work and patents on isolated DNA would unduly inhibit their future use. Patents on complementary DNA (cDNA) are expected to stand, however, based on the human intervention required to craft cDNA and the product's distinction from the DNA found in nature. ^ In the end, the solution as to how to address gene patents may lie not in jurisprudence but in a fundamental change in business practices to provide expanded licenses to better address the interests of the several stakeholders. ^
Este trabajo abordará el dispositivo vivienda mercancía moderna, entendiendo que el mismo surgió para responder a la necesidad de posicionamiento de la profesión frente al mercado inmobiliario de Rosario, en el segundo cuarto del s. XX. Este momento, signado por la creación de las primeras asociaciones profesionales, la institucionalización de la enseñanza, álgidos debates, nuevas regulaciones edilicias y políticas públicas, supuso la emergencia del arquitecto como actor protagónico del mercado inmobiliario. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es reconocer las herramientas de proyecto que aportaron estos arquitectos a la transformación tipológica de las viviendas para el mercado e identificar los insumos conceptuales de dichas herramientas, es decir, la traducción concreta del bagaje disciplinar y su adaptación a las lógicas del mercado de viviendas.
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo
The present study conducted an analysis on policies for early children education in the city of Sao Paulo, establishing a comparison between the callled Direct Early Children Education Centers and the Contracted ones. Within this comparison, we find data extremely different on the two ways of managment listed above, regarding hours of teacher training, their rights and gains, the worked hours and amount of professionals involved in each of them. The results demonstrate that, although there are the same responsabilities in both situations, the rights concerning them are completely distinct
Se evaluó el nivel de conocimiento de la nueva Ley de bosque nativo y fomento forestal que poseen los pequeños propietarios forestales en dos territorios de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, en Chile. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta a 53 personas (10 de las viviendas), que abordó cinco temas centrales: (1) uso del bosque nativo, (2) participación en redes sociales y acceso a la información, (3) conocimiento general de la Ley, (4) conocimiento respecto a la administración y (5) fomento de la Ley. Los resultados mostraron que: (1) el bosque nativo es usado para obtener productos madereros y no madereros, (2) las redes sociales y especialmente la radio son fundamentales para la transferencia de información, (3) tanto el conocimiento general de la Ley como (4) el nivel de conocimiento respecto de la administración de la Ley es insuficiente, y (5) se desconocen los trámites que deben efectuarse para obtener los beneficios de la Ley. Se concluye que: (1) el nivel de conocimiento de la Ley es insuficiente, (2) es fundamental estimular el uso de los instrumentos de esta Ley en la totalidad del territorio, de modo de garantizar el uso sustentable del recurso, y (3) la difusión de los beneficios de la Ley debe considerar las formas de comunicación tradicionales, el nivel de educación y la cultura de los espacios rurales
Se evaluó el nivel de conocimiento de la nueva Ley de bosque nativo y fomento forestal que poseen los pequeños propietarios forestales en dos territorios de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, en Chile. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta a 53 personas (10 de las viviendas), que abordó cinco temas centrales: (1) uso del bosque nativo, (2) participación en redes sociales y acceso a la información, (3) conocimiento general de la Ley, (4) conocimiento respecto a la administración y (5) fomento de la Ley. Los resultados mostraron que: (1) el bosque nativo es usado para obtener productos madereros y no madereros, (2) las redes sociales y especialmente la radio son fundamentales para la transferencia de información, (3) tanto el conocimiento general de la Ley como (4) el nivel de conocimiento respecto de la administración de la Ley es insuficiente, y (5) se desconocen los trámites que deben efectuarse para obtener los beneficios de la Ley. Se concluye que: (1) el nivel de conocimiento de la Ley es insuficiente, (2) es fundamental estimular el uso de los instrumentos de esta Ley en la totalidad del territorio, de modo de garantizar el uso sustentable del recurso, y (3) la difusión de los beneficios de la Ley debe considerar las formas de comunicación tradicionales, el nivel de educación y la cultura de los espacios rurales
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo
The present study conducted an analysis on policies for early children education in the city of Sao Paulo, establishing a comparison between the callled Direct Early Children Education Centers and the Contracted ones. Within this comparison, we find data extremely different on the two ways of managment listed above, regarding hours of teacher training, their rights and gains, the worked hours and amount of professionals involved in each of them. The results demonstrate that, although there are the same responsabilities in both situations, the rights concerning them are completely distinct