889 resultados para Public buildings -- Energy consumption
Energy efficiency is one of the most important performances of a wireless sensor network. In this paper, we show that choosing a proper transmission scheme given the channel and network conditions can ensure a high energy performance in different transmission environments. Based on the energy models we established for both cooperative and non-cooperative communications, the efficiency in terms of energy consumption per bit for different transmission schemes is investigated. It is shown that cooperative transmission schemes can outperform non-cooperative schemes in energy efficiency in severe channel conditions and when the source-destination distance is in a medium or long range. But the latter is more energy efficient than the former for short-range transmission. For cooperative transmission schemes, the number of transmission branches and the number of relays per branch can also be properly selected to adapt to the variations of the transmission environment, so that the total energy consumption can be minimized.
In wireless sensor networks where nodes are powered by batteries, it is critical to prolong the network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption of each node. In this paper, the cooperative multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) and data-aggregation techniques are jointly adopted to reduce the energy consumption per bit in wireless sensor networks by reducing the amount of data for transmission and better using network resources through cooperative communication. For this purpose, we derive a new energy model that considers the correlation between data generated by nodes and the distance between them for a cluster-based sensor network by employing the combined techniques. Using this model, the effect of the cluster size on the average energy consumption per node can be analyzed. It is shown that the energy efficiency of the network can significantly be enhanced in cooperative MIMO systems with data aggregation, compared with either cooperative MIMO systems without data aggregation or data-aggregation systems without cooperative MIMO, if sensor nodes are properly clusterized. Both centralized and distributed data-aggregation schemes for the cooperating nodes to exchange and compress their data are also proposed and appraised, which lead to diverse impacts of data correlation on the energy performance of the integrated cooperative MIMO and data-aggregation systems.
Electrical energy is an essential resource for the modern world. Unfortunately, its price has almost doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, energy production is also currently one of the primary sources of pollution. These concerns are becoming more important in data-centers. As more computational power is required to serve hundreds of millions of users, bigger data-centers are becoming necessary. This results in higher electrical energy consumption. Of all the energy used in data-centers, including power distribution units, lights, and cooling, computer hardware consumes as much as 80%. Consequently, there is opportunity to make data-centers more energy efficient by designing systems with lower energy footprint. Consuming less energy is critical not only in data-centers. It is also important in mobile devices where battery-based energy is a scarce resource. Reducing the energy consumption of these devices will allow them to last longer and re-charge less frequently. Saving energy in computer systems is a challenging problem. Improving a system's energy efficiency usually comes at the cost of compromises in other areas such as performance or reliability. In the case of secondary storage, for example, spinning-down the disks to save energy can incur high latencies if they are accessed while in this state. The challenge is to be able to increase the energy efficiency while keeping the system as reliable and responsive as before. This thesis tackles the problem of improving energy efficiency in existing systems while reducing the impact on performance. First, we propose a new technique to achieve fine grained energy proportionality in multi-disk systems; Second, we design and implement an energy-efficient cache system using flash memory that increases disk idleness to save energy; Finally, we identify and explore solutions for the page fetch-before-update problem in caching systems that can: (a) control better I/O traffic to secondary storage and (b) provide critical performance improvement for energy efficient systems.
One challenge related to transit planning is selecting the appropriate mode: bus, light rail transit (LRT), regional express rail (RER), or subway. This project uses data from life cycle assessment to develop a tool to measure energy requirements for different modes of transit, on a per passenger-kilometer basis. For each of the four transit modes listed, a range of energy requirements associated with different vehicle models and manufacturers was developed. The tool demonstrated that there are distinct ranges where specific transit modes are the best choice. Diesel buses are the clear best choice from 7-51 passengers, LRTs make the most sense from 201-427 passengers, and subways are the best choice above 918 passengers. There are a number of other passenger loading ranges where more than one transit mode makes sense; in particular, LRT and RER represent very energy-efficient options for ridership ranging from 200 to 900 passengers. The tool developed in the thesis was used to analyze the Bloor-Danforth subway line in Toronto using estimated ridership for weekday morning peak hours. It was found that ridership across the line is for the most part actually insufficient to justify subways over LRTs or RER. This suggests that extensions to the existing Bloor-Danforth line should consider LRT options, which could service the passenger loads at the ends of the line with far greater energy efficiency. It was also clear that additional destinations along the entire transit line are necessary to increase the per passenger-kilometer energy efficiency, as the current pattern of commuting to downtown leaves much of the system underutilized. It is hoped that the tool developed in this thesis can be used as an additional resource in the transit mode decision-making process for many developing transportation systems, including the transit systems across the GTHA.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
Several studies have been undertaken or attempted by industry and academe to address the need for lodging industry carbon benchmarking. However, these studies have focused on normalizing resource use with the goal of rating or comparing all properties based on multivariate regression according to an industry-wide set of variables, with the result that data sets for analysis were limited. This approach is backward, because practical hotel industry benchmarking must first be undertaken within a specific location and segment.1 Therefore, the CHSB study’s goal is to build a representative database providing raw benchmarks as a base for industry comparisons.2 These results are presented in the CHSB2016 Index, through which a user can obtain the range of benchmarks for energy consumption, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions for hotels within specific segments and geographic locations.
The evolution of wireless communication systems leads to Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio, which requires reliable spectrum sensing techniques. Among the spectrum sensing methods proposed in the literature, those that exploit cyclostationary characteristics of radio signals are particularly suitable for communication environments with low signal-to-noise ratios, or with non-stationary noise. However, such methods have high computational complexity that directly raises the power consumption of devices which often have very stringent low-power requirements. We propose a strategy for cyclostationary spectrum sensing with reduced energy consumption. This strategy is based on the principle that p processors working at slower frequencies consume less power than a single processor for the same execution time. We devise a strict relation between the energy savings and common parallel system metrics. The results of simulations show that our strategy promises very significant savings in actual devices.
Le bois subit une demande croissante comme matériau de construction dans les bâtiments de grandes dimensions. Ses qualités de matériau renouvelable et esthétique le rendent attrayant pour les architectes. Lorsque comparé à des produits fonctionnellement équivalents, il apparait que le bois permet de réduire la consommation d’énergie non-renouvelable. Sa transformation nécessite une quantité d’énergie inférieure que l’acier et le béton. Par ailleurs, par son origine biologique, une structure en bois permet de stocker du carbone biogénique pour la durée de vie du bâtiment. Maintenant permis jusqu’à six étages de hauteur au Canada, les bâtiments de grande taille en bois relèvent des défis de conception. Lors du dimensionnement des structures, les zones des connecteurs sont souvent les points critiques. Effectivement, les contraintes y sont maximales. Les structures peuvent alors apparaitre massives et diminuer l’innovation architecturale. De nouvelles stratégies doivent donc être développées afin d’améliorer la résistance mécanique dans les zones de connecteurs. Différents travaux ont récemment porté sur la création ou l’amélioration de types d’assemblage. Dans cette étude, l’accent est mis sur le renforcement du bois utilisé dans la région de connexion. L’imprégnation a été choisie comme solution de renfort puisque la littérature démontre qu’il est possible d’augmenter la dureté du bois avec cette technique. L’utilisation de cette stratégie de renfort sur l’épinette noire (Picea Mariana (Mill.) BSP) pour une application structurale est l’élément de nouveauté dans cette recherche. À défaut d’effectuer une imprégnation jusqu’au coeur des pièces, l’essence peu perméable de bois employée favorise la création d’une mince couche en surface traitée sans avoir à utiliser une quantité importante de produits chimiques. L’agent d’imprégnation est composé de 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate, de triméthylopropane tricacrylate et d’un oligomère de polyester acrylate. Une deuxième formulation contenant des nanoparticules de SiO2 a permis de vérifier l’effet des nanoparticules sur l’augmentation de la résistance mécanique du bois. Ainsi, dans ce projet, un procédé d’imprégnation vide-pression a servi à modifier un nouveau matériau à base de bois permettant des assemblages plus résistants mécaniquement. Le test de portance locale à l’enfoncement parallèle au fil d’un connecteur de type tige a été réalisé afin de déterminer l’apport du traitement sur le bois utilisé comme élément de connexion. L’effet d’échelle a été observé par la réalisation du test avec trois diamètres de boulons différents (9,525 mm, 12,700 mm et 15,875 mm). En outre, le test a été effectué selon un chargement perpendiculaire au fil pour le boulon de moyen diamètre (12,700 mm). La corrélation d’images numériques a été utilisée comme outil d’analyse de la répartition des contraintes dans le bois. Les résultats ont démontré une portance du bois plus élevée suite au traitement. Par ailleurs, l’efficacité est croissante lorsque le diamètre du boulon diminue. C’est un produit avec une valeur caractéristique de la portance locale parallèle au fil de 79% supérieure qui a été créé dans le cas du test avec le boulon de 9,525 mm. La raideur du bois a subi une augmentation avoisinant les 30%. Suite au traitement, la présence d’une rupture par fissuration est moins fréquente. Les contraintes se distribuent plus largement autour de la région de connexion. Le traitement n’a pas produit d’effet significatif sur la résistance mécanique de l’assemblage dans le cas d’un enfoncement du boulon perpendiculairement au fil du bois. De même, l’effet des nanoparticules en solution n’est pas ressorti significatif. Malgré une pénétration très faible du liquide à l’intérieur du bois, la couche densifiée en surface créée suite au traitement est suffisante pour produire un nouveau matériau plus résistant dans les zones de connexion. Le renfort du bois dans la région des connecteurs doit influencer le dimensionnement des structures de grande taille. Avec des éléments de connexion renforcés, il sera possible d’allonger les portées des poutres, multipliant ainsi les possibilités architecturales. Le renfort pourra aussi permettre de réduire les sections des poutres et d’utiliser une quantité moindre de bois dans un bâtiment. Cela engendrera des coûts de transport et des coûts reliés au temps d’assemblage réduits. De plus, un connecteur plus résistant permettra d’être utilisé en moins grande quantité dans un assemblage. Les coûts d’approvisionnement en éléments métalliques et le temps de pose sur le site pourront être revus à la baisse. Les avantages d’un nouveau matériau à base de bois plus performant utilisé dans les connexions permettront de promouvoir le bois dans les constructions de grande taille et de réduire l’impact environnemental des bâtiments.
Abstract—With the proliferation of Software systems and the rise of paradigms such the Internet of Things, Cyber- Physical Systems and Smart Cities to name a few, the energy consumed by software applications is emerging as a major concern. Hence, it has become vital that software engineers have a better understanding of the energy consumed by the code they write. At software level, work so far has focused on measuring the energy consumption at function and application level. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to measure energy consumption at a feature level, cross-cutting multiple functions, classes and systems. We argue the importance of such measurement and the new insight it provides to non-traditional stakeholders such as service providers. We then demonstrate, using an experiment, how the measurement can be done with a combination of tools, namely our program slicing tool (PORBS) and energy measurement tool (Jolinar).
Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces
No panorama energético atual, medidas de desenvolvimento sustentável têm uma preponderância cada vez mais significativa e, sendo os edifícios responsáveis por 40% da energia consumida na EU, enquadra-se o desafio de integrar medidas de eficiência energética nos novos edifícios desde a fase de conceção. Sendo que este setor se encontra em contínua expansão, a redução dos consumos passará largamente pela otimização do comportamento térmico dos edifícios e dos sistemas energéticos que os equipam. No presente trabalho estudou-se o papel da inércia térmica na redução das necessidades de energia para climatização de edifícios com o objetivo de identificar estratégias destinadas ao melhoramento do comportamento térmico e desempenho energético de edifícios construídos com recurso à técnica construtiva LSF, caracterizados por uma fraca inércia térmica quando comparados com edifícios em tudo semelhantes mas construídos recorrendo a tecnologias convencionais sem esquecer as questões relacionadas com a respetiva viabilidade económica. Com resultado geral destaca-se desde logo a importância do local onde é mais benéfico adicionar massa térmica (paredes exteriores, cobertura, paredes interiores), assim como a necessidade de utilização de um material com elevada densidade energética e baixo custo. A análise comparativa dos diferentes modelos de edifício simulados com recurso ao software DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus, foi realizada recorrendo a uma metodologia em que cada modelo construtivo é avaliado considerando quatro níveis de isolamento térmico e duas condições de cargas térmicas internas. A análise energética e económica foi realizada tendo como referência um período de 20 anos. O custo das soluções construtivas foi maioritariamente obtido através da ferramenta computacional Gerador de Preços, da Cype, SA©, tendo-se considerado um consumo energético anual constante e igual às necessidades de climatização anuais, assim como taxas de atualização de capital e de inflação do custo da energia constantes. De uma forma geral conclui-se que edifícios do tipo LSF melhorados através da adição criteriosa de massa térmica em determinados elementos construtivos, apresentam necessidades de climatização anuais na maioria dos casos estudados, inferiores àquelas verificadas em edifícios convencionais com inércia térmica média/forte. Conclui-se, também, que o método construtivo LSF se apresenta mais eficaz em termos energéticos e económicos quando comparado com soluções semelhantes construídas com recurso a um método convencional. Na secção seguinte são identificadas as principais conclusões deste trabalho.
The assessment of building thermal performance is often carried out using HVAC energy consumption data, when available, or thermal comfort variables measurements, for free-running buildings. Both types of data can be determined by monitoring or computer simulation. The assessment based on thermal comfort variables is the most complex because it depends on the determination of the thermal comfort zone. For these reasons, this master thesis explores methods of building thermal performance assessment using variables of thermal comfort simulated by DesignBuilder software. The main objective is to contribute to the development of methods to support architectural decisions during the design process, and energy and sustainable rating systems. The research method consists on selecting thermal comfort methods, modeling them in electronic sheets with output charts developed to optimize the analyses, which are used to assess the simulation results of low cost house configurations. The house models consist in a base case, which are already built, and changes in thermal transmittance, absorptance, and shading. The simulation results are assessed using each thermal comfort method, to identify the sensitivity of them. The final results show the limitations of the methods, the importance of a method that considers thermal radiance and wind speed, and the contribution of the chart proposed
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
The high performance computing community has traditionally focused uniquely on the reduction of execution time, though in the last years, the optimization of energy consumption has become a main issue. A reduction of energy usage without a degradation of performance requires the adoption of energy-efficient hardware platforms accompanied by the development of energy-aware algorithms and computational kernels. The solution of linear systems is a key operation for many scientific and engineering problems. Its relevance has motivated an important amount of work, and consequently, it is possible to find high performance solvers for a wide variety of hardware platforms. In this work, we aim to develop a high performance and energy-efficient linear system solver. In particular, we develop two solvers for a low-power CPU-GPU platform, the NVIDIA Jetson TK1. These solvers implement the Gauss-Huard algorithm yielding an efficient usage of the target hardware as well as an efficient memory access. The experimental evaluation shows that the novel proposal reports important savings in both time and energy-consumption when compared with the state-of-the-art solvers of the platform.