932 resultados para Psychological process of reading


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Under the process of transition toward a market economy, the economic connections of the Russian Far East (RFE) with external regions changed from a division of labor among the regions of the USSR (Russia) to an international division of labor. This happened due to factors including the liberalization of the trade system away from a state monopoly, the presence of rich natural resources and of developed industries related to these resources, the advantage of geographically proximity to Asia-Pacific countries, and the political and economic division of the once unified national economic space during the process of transition. The economic connections of RFE with external economies changed radically under the transition toward the market economy. First, the value of foreign trade increased dramatically and the importance of foreign trade for the RFE economy increased enormously. Second, however, different territories of RFE traveled along different trajectories, due to factors involving their industrial structure and geographical conditions. Third, in recent years connections with China, in the areas of both exports and imports, have grown. Fourth, the share within exports of "fuel, mineral resources and metal" increased radically from the end of the 1990s, and the share of "machine, facilities and transportation means" increased from 2002 year within imports. Under this situation, especially since 2002, there has been a major change in the structure of foreign trade.


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Historically, the authority to conclude international treaties was exclusively exercised by administrative bodies (or the chief of state). However, recent studies pointed out that the present legislative bodies have come to play a more active role through ratification or the review of treaties in European and American countries. Harrington (2005) studied judicial reform in British dominions and criticized the past executive-dominant treaty-making process as a “democratic deficit” due to a fear that under this system the nation might be bound by international agreements for which a consensus had not been obtained. These studies indicated that people’s participation in the treaty-making process has increased on a global basis, but neither of them provides sufficient descriptive evidence regarding why and how such procedures were established. The present paper therefore attempts to solve these questions by analyzing the legislative and political process of the treaty-making procedure reform in Thailand’s 2007 constitution as a case study.


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This study compares the innovation process of a privately-owned enterprise and a state-owned enterprise in China using their patent data. Huawei and ZTE were selected for this study because they experienced the same historical environment in the same industry from the same region in China leaving their owner types as their critical difference. This study investigates the difference in the innovation process in R&D between a privately-owned and a state-owned enterprise by analyzing (1) domestic and international patent application pattern, (2) co-application and co-applicants, (3) knowledge accumulation inside Huawei and ZTE, and (4) knowledge spillover to domestic and foreign firms.


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There is increasing pressure on developers to produce usable systems, which requires the use of appropriate methods to support user centred design during development. There is currently no consistent advice on which methods are appropriate in which circumstances, so the selection of methods relies on individual experience and expertise. Considerable effort is required to collate information from various sources and to understand the applicability of each method in a particular situation. Usability Planner is a tool aimed to support the selection of the most appropriate methods depending on project and organizational constraints. Many of the rules employed are derived from ISO standards, complemented with rules from the authors’ experience.


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TbxFe1−x thin films deposited by sputtering on Mo were investigated structurally and magnetically. The microstructure consists of TbFe2 nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous matrix, and the Tb content can be correlated with an increase in the volume of these nanoparticles. Similar microstructure and behavior were found when TbFe2 was deposited on glass and on a Pt buffer layer. Nevertheless, thermal treatments promote a different effect, depending on the mechanical stiffness of the buffer layer. The layers deposited on Mo, a rigid material, show crystalline TbFe2 together with α-Tb phase upon thermal treatment. In contrast, TbFe2 does not crystallize properly on Pt, a material with a lower stiffness than Mo. Intermediate results were observed on the film deposited on glass. Experimental results show the impact of the buffer stiffness on the crystallization process. Moreover, the formation of α-Tb appears to be fundamental to crystallized TbFe2 on layers deposited on rigid buffers


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We report on the fabrication details of TES based on Mo/Au bilayers. The Mo layer is deposited by radio frequency (RF) sputtering and capped with a sputter deposited thin Au protection layer. Afterwards, a second Au layer of suitable (lower) resistivity is deposited ex‐situ by e‐beam evaporation, until completion of the total desired Au thickness. The deposition was performed at room temperature (RT) on LPCVD Si3 N4 membranes. Such a deposition procedure is very reproducible and allow controlling the critical temperature (Tc) and normal electrical resistance (RN ) of the Mo/Au bilayer. The process is optimized to achieve low stress bilayers, thus avoiding the undesirable curvature of the membranes. Bilayers are patterned using photolithographic techniques and wet etching procedures. Mo superconducting paths are used to contact the Mo/Au bilayers, thus ensuring good electrical conductivity and thermal isolation. The entire fabrication process let to stable and reproducible sensors with required and tunable functional properties


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The need of the Bourbon monarchy to build a Naval Base in the Bay of Cartagena (Spain) during the eighteenth century, implied performing various actions on the environment which allowed the construction of the new dock. One of the priority actions was the transformation of the watershed of the streams that flowed into Mandaraches´s sea. For this reason, a dike was designed and constructed in the northern part of the city. The design of this great work, which was designed as a fortification of the city, was subject to considerable uncertainties. Its proximity to the city involved the demolition of several buildings in the San Roque´s neighborhood. The greater or lesser number of affected buildings and the value of the just indemnification for the expropriation of them, become decisive factors to determine if the work was viable for the Royal Estate or not.


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Este artículo describe una estrategia de selección de frases para hacer el ajuste de un sistema de traducción estadístico basado en el decodificador Moses que traduce del español al inglés. En este trabajo proponemos dos posibilidades para realizar esta selección de las frases del corpus de validación que más se parecen a las frases que queremos traducir (frases de test en lengua origen). Con esta selección podemos obtener unos mejores pesos de los modelos para emplearlos después en el proceso de traducción y, por tanto, mejorar los resultados. Concretamente, con el método de selección basado en la medida de similitud propuesta en este artículo, mejoramos la medida BLEU del 27,17% con el corpus de validación completo al 27,27% seleccionando las frases para el ajuste. Estos resultados se acercan a los del experimento ORACLE: se utilizan las mismas frases de test para hacer el ajuste de los pesos. En este caso, el BLEU obtenido es de 27,51%.


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Scientific missions constitute fundamental cornerstones of space agencies such as ESA and NASA. Modern astronomy could not be understood without the data provided by these missions. Scientists need to design very carefully onboard instruments. Payloads have to survive the crucial launch moment and later perform well in the really harsh space environ-ment. It is very important that the instrument conceptual idea can be engineered to sustain all those loads


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This study suggests a theoretical framework for improving the teaching/ learning process of English employed in the Aeronautical discourse that brings together cognitive learning strategies, Genre Analysis and the Contemporary theory of Metaphor (Lakoff and Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). It maintains that cognitive strategies such as imagery, deduction, inference and grouping can be enhanced by means of metaphor and genre awareness in the context of content based approach to language learning. A list of image metaphors and conceptual metaphors which comes from the terminological database METACITEC is provided. The metaphorical terms from the area of Aeronautics have been taken from specialised dictionaries and have been categorised according to the conceptual metaphors they respond to, by establishing the source domains and the target domains, as well as the semantic networks found. This information makes reference to the internal mappings underlying the discourse of aeronautics reflected in five aviation accident case studies which are related to accident reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and provides an important source for designing language teaching tasks. La Lingüística Cognitiva y el Análisis del Género han contribuido a la mejora de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas y, en particular, al desarrollo de la competencia lingüística de los alumnos de inglés para fines específicos. Este trabajo pretende perfeccionar los procesos de enseñanza y el aprendizaje del lenguaje empleado en el discurso aeronáutico por medio de la práctica de estrategias cognitivas y prestando atención a la Teoría del análisis del género y a la Teoría contemporánea de la metáfora (Lakoff y Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1993). Con el propósito de crear recursos didácticos en los que se apliquen estrategias metafóricas, se ha elaborado un listado de metáforas de imagen y de metáforas conceptuales proveniente de la base de datos terminológica META-CITEC. Estos términos se han clasificado de acuerdo con las metáforas conceptuales y de imagen existentes en esta área de conocimiento. Para la enseñanza de este lenguaje de especialidad, se proponen las correspondencias y las proyecciones entre el dominio origen y el dominio meta que se han hallado en los informes de accidentes aéreos tomados de la Junta federal de la Seguridad en el Transporte (NTSB)


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A protocol of selection, training and validation of the members of the panel for bread sensory analysis is proposed to assess the influence of wheat cultivar on the sensory quality of bread. Three cultivars of bread wheat and two cultivars of spelt wheat organically-grown under the same edaphoclimatic conditions were milled and baked using the same milling and baking procedure. Through the use of triangle tests, differences were identified between the five breads. Significant differences were found between the spelt breads and those made with bread wheat for the attributes ?crumb cell homogeneity? and ?crumb elasticity?. Significant differences were also found for the odor and flavor attributes, with the bread made with ?Espelta Navarra? being the most complex, from a sensory point of view. Based on the results of this study, we propose that sensory properties should be considered as breeding criteria for future work on genetic improvement.


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Infrared thermography (IRT) is a safe and non-invasive tool used for examining physiological functions based on skin temperature (Tsk) control. Thermograms from 25 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgically operated patients (2 female, 23 male) were taken with a FLIR infrared camera according to the protocol established by the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT). This work consists of 4 studies. Studies 1 and 3 were related to establish the probable thermal difference among different moments of an ACL rupture after surgery: before starting the rehabilitation (P0), at the end of rehabilitation (P1) and 18 months from the end of rehabilitation (P2). For this purpose, on the other hand, studies 2 and 4 were related to establish the skin thermal difference (Tsk) between the injured and the non-injured leg in P0, P1 and P2. Results of the first study showed significant temperature increases in the posterior thigh area between P0 and P1 probably due to a compensatory mechanism. According to this, we can conclude that temperature of the posterior area of the injured and noninjured leg has increased from the first to the last day of the rehabilitation process. In the second study we found significant temperature differences between the injured and non-injured leg in both stages of rehabilitation (p<.01). On the one hand, the temperature of the injured leg is higher in the anterior view and the temperature of the non-injured leg is higher in the posterior view. By the time the patients had recovered from the reconstruction, thermal imbalances should have not been shown between symmetrical parts, but differences seemed to be still latent.. Study 3 shows that temperatures seem to be higher after a year and a half (P2) than in P1. Study 4 shows how thermal values 18 months later seemed to be normalized between both legs. No significant differences were found between the injured leg and the noninjured leg after one year and a half of the rehabilitation process. Considering results from Study 3 and 4 we can conclude that patients seemed to have recovered from a thermal point of view. The temperature in P2 was higher but symmetrical. RESUMEN La termografía infrarroja (IRT) es una herramienta segura y no invasiva utilizada para examinar funciones fisiológicas que se basan en el control de temperatura de la piel (Tsk). Termogramas de 25 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) (2 mujeres, 23 hombres) fueron tomadas con una cámara de infrarrojos FLIR de acuerdo con el protocolo establecido por la Academia Internacional de Termología Clínica (IACT). Este trabajo consiste en 4 estudios. Los estudios 1 y 3 describen la diferencia térmica entre los diferentes momentos tras la operación del ligamento cruzado anterior: antes de comenzar la rehabilitación (P0), al final de la rehabilitación (P1) y 18 meses tras finalizar la rehabilitación (P2). Por otra parte, los estudios 2 y 4 describen la diferencia de temperatura de la piel (Tsk) entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada en P0, P1 y P2. Los resultados del primer estudio mostraron aumentos significativos de temperatura en la zona posterior de los muslos entre P0 y P1, probablemente debido a un mecanismo de compensación. De acuerdo con esto, se puede concluir que la temperatura de la zona posterior de la pierna lesionada y no lesionada se ha incrementado desde el primero hasta el último día del proceso de rehabilitación. En el segundo estudio se encontraron diferencias significativas de temperatura entre la pierna lesionada y no lesionada en ambas etapas de la rehabilitación (p<.01). Por un lado, la temperatura de la pierna lesionada es mayor en la vista anterior. Por otro lado, la temperatura de la pierna no lesionada es mayor en la vista posterior. Una vez que los pacientes se han recuperado de todo el proceso, no deberían existir desequilibrios térmicos entre partes simétricas del cuerpo, pero las diferencias todavía estaban latentes. El tercer estudio muestra que la temperatura es más alta en P2 que en P1. El cuarto estudio muestra cómo los valores térmicos entre ambas piernas en P2 se han normalizado entre ambas piernas. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la pierna lesionada y la pierna no lesionada después de 18 meses tras el proceso de rehabilitación. Considerando los resultados del studio 3 y 4, podemos concluir que se ha llegado a la recuperación total desde un punto de vista térmico. La temperatura es más elevada en P2 pero simétrica.


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A procedure for measuring the overheating temperature (ΔT ) of a p-n junction area in the structure of photovoltaic (PV) cells converting laser or solar radiations relative to the ambient temperature has been proposed for the conditions of connecting to an electric load. The basis of the procedure is the measurement of the open-circuit voltage (VO C ) during the initial time period after the fast disconnection of the external resistive load. The simultaneous temperature control on an external heated part of a PV module gives the means for determining the value of VO C at ambient temperature. Comparing it with that measured after switching OFF the load makes the calculation of ΔT possible. Calibration data on the VO C = f(T ) dependences for single-junction AlGaAs/GaAs and triple-junction InGaP/GaAs/Ge PV cells are presented. The temperature dynamics in the PV cells has been determined under flash illumination and during fast commutation of the load. Temperature measurements were taken in two cases: converting continuous laser power by single-junction cells and converting solar power by triple-junction cells operating in the concentrator modules.


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High performance silk fibers were produced directly from the silk glands of silkworms ("Bombyx mori") following an alternative route to natural spinning. This route is based on a traditional procedure that consists of soaking the silk glands in a vinegar solution and stretching them by hand leading to the so called silkworm guts. Here we present, to the authors’ best knowledge, the first comprehensive study on the formation, properties and microstructure of silkworm gut fibers. Comparison of the tensile properties and microstructural organization of the silkworm guts with those of naturally spun fibers allows gain of a deeper insight into the mechanisms that lead to the formation of the fiber, as well as the relationship between the microstructure and properties of these materials. In this regard, it is proved that an acidic environment and subsequent application of tensile stress in the range of 1000 kPa are sufficient conditions for the formation of a silk fiber.