986 resultados para Pseudospin and spin symmetry
The coastal deposits of Bonaire, Leeward Antilles, are among the most studied archives for extreme-wave events (EWEs) in the Caribbean. Here we present more than 400 electron spin resonance (ESR) and radiocarbon data on coarse-clast deposits from Bonaire's eastern and western coasts. The chronological data are compared to the occurrence and age of fine-grained extreme-wave deposits detected in lagoons and floodplains. Both approaches are aimed at the identification of EWEs, the differentiation between extraordinary storms and tsunamis, improving reconstructions of the coastal evolution, and establishing a geochronological framework for the events. Although the combination of different methods and archives contributes to a better understanding of the interplay of coastal and archive-related processes, insufficient separation, superimposition or burying of coarse-clast deposits and restricted dating accuracy limit the use of both fine-grained and coarse-clast geoarchives to unravel decadal- to centennial-scale events. At several locations, distinct landforms are attributed to different coastal flooding events interpreted to be of tsunamigenic origin. Coastal landforms on the western coast have significantly been influenced by (sub)-recent hurricanes, indicating that formation of the coarse-clast deposits on the eastern coast is likely to be related to past events of higher energy.
The filamentary model of the metal-insulator transition in randomly doped semiconductor impurity bands is geometrically equivalent to similar models for continuous transitions in dilute antiferromagnets and even to the λ transition in liquid He, but the critical behaviors are different. The origin of these differences lies in two factors: quantum statistics and the presence of long range Coulomb forces on both sides of the transition in the electrical case. In the latter case, in addition to the main transition, there are two satellite transitions associated with disappearance of the filamentary structure in both insulating and metallic phases. These two satellite transitions were first identified by Fritzsche in 1958, and their physical origin is explained here in geometrical and topological terms that facilitate calculation of critical exponents.
Recent experimental data on the conductivity σ+(T), T → 0, on the metallic side of the metal–insulator transition in ideally random (neutron transmutation-doped) 70Ge:Ga have shown that σ+(0) ∝ (N − Nc)μ with μ = ½, confirming earlier ultra-low-temperature results for Si:P. This value is inconsistent with theoretical predictions based on diffusive classical scaling models, but it can be understood by a quantum-directed percolative filamentary amplitude model in which electronic basis states exist which have a well-defined momentum parallel but not normal to the applied electric field. The model, which is based on a new kind of broken symmetry, also explains the anomalous sign reversal of the derivative of the temperature dependence in the critical regime.
The EPR spectra of spin-labeled lipid chains in fully hydrated bilayer membranes of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine containing 40 mol % of cholesterol have been studied in the liquid-ordered phase at a microwave radiation frequency of 94 GHz. At such high field strengths, the spectra should be optimally sensitive to lateral chain ordering that is expected in the formation of in-plane domains. The high-field EPR spectra from random dispersions of the cholesterol-containing membranes display very little axial averaging of the nitroxide g-tensor anisotropy for lipids spin labeled toward the carboxyl end of the sn-2 chain (down to the 8-C atom). For these positions of labeling, anisotropic 14N-hyperfine splittings are resolved in the gzz and gyy regions of the nonaxial EPR spectra. For positions of labeling further down the lipid chain, toward the terminal methyl group, the axial averaging of the spectral features systematically increases and is complete at the 14-C atom position. Concomitantly, the time-averaged 〈Azz〉 element of the 14N-hyperfine tensor decreases, indicating that the axial rotation at the terminal methyl end of the chains arises from correlated torsional motions about the bonds of the chain backbone, the dynamics of which also give rise to a differential line broadening of the 14N-hyperfine manifolds in the gzz region of the spectrum. These results provide an indication of the way in which lateral ordering of lipid chains in membranes is induced by cholesterol.
A general strategy is described for designing proteins that self assemble into large symmetrical nanomaterials, including molecular cages, filaments, layers, and porous materials. In this strategy, one molecule of protein A, which naturally forms a self-assembling oligomer, An, is fused rigidly to one molecule of protein B, which forms another self-assembling oligomer, Bm. The result is a fusion protein, A-B, which self assembles with other identical copies of itself into a designed nanohedral particle or material, (A-B)p. The strategy is demonstrated through the design, production, and characterization of two fusion proteins: a 49-kDa protein designed to assemble into a cage approximately 15 nm across, and a 44-kDa protein designed to assemble into long filaments approximately 4 nm wide. The strategy opens a way to create a wide variety of potentially useful protein-based materials, some of which share similar features with natural biological assemblies.
Symmetry is commonly observed in many biological systems. Here we discuss representative examples of the role of symmetry in structural molecular biology. Point group symmetries are observed in many protein oligomers whose three-dimensional atomic structures have been elucidated by x-ray crystallography. Approximate symmetry also occurs in multidomain proteins. Symmetry often confers stability on the molecular system and results in economical usage of basic components to build the macromolecular structure. Symmetry is also associated with cooperativity. Mild perturbation from perfect symmetry may be essential in some systems for dynamic functions.
The role of symmetry in the folding of proteins is discussed using energy landscape theory. An analytical argument shows it is much easier to find sequences with funneled energy landscape capable of fast folding if the structure is symmetric. The analogy with phase transitions of small clusters with magic numbers is discussed.
Phylogenetic analyses of asymmetry variation offer a powerful tool for exploring the interplay between ontogeny and evolution because (i) conspicuous asymmetries exist in many higher metazoans with widely varying modes of development, (ii) patterns of bilateral variation within species may identify genetically and environmentally triggered asymmetries, and (iii) asymmetries arising at different times during development may be more sensitive to internal cytoplasmic inhomogeneities compared to external environmental stimuli. Using four broadly comparable asymmetry states (symmetry, antisymmetry, dextral, and sinistral), and two stages at which asymmetry appears developmentally (larval and postlarval), I evaluated relations between ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns of asymmetry variation. Among 140 inferred phylogenetic transitions between asymmetry states, recorded from 11 classes in five phyla, directional asymmetry (dextral or sinistral) evolved directly from symmetrical ancestors proportionally more frequently among larval asymmetries. In contrast, antisymmetry, either as an end state or as a transitional stage preceding directional asymmetry, was confined primarily to postlarval asymmetries. The ontogenetic origin of asymmetry thus significantly influences its subsequent evolution. Furthermore, because antisymmetry typically signals an environmentally triggered asymmetry, the phylogenetic transition from antisymmetry to directional asymmetry suggests that many cases of laterally fixed asymmetries evolved via genetic assimilation.
Site-directed chemical cleavage of lactose permease indicates that helix V is in close proximity to helices VII and VIII. To test this conclusion further, permease containing a biotin-acceptor domain and paired Cys residues at positions 148 (helix V) and 228 (helix VII), 148 and 226 (helix VII), or 148 and 275 (helix VIII) was affinity purified and labeled with a sulfhydryl-specific nitroxide spin label. Spin-spin interactions are observed with the 148/228 and 148/275 pairs, indicating close proximity between appropriate faces of helix V and helices VII and VIII. Little or no interaction is evident with the 148/226 pair, in all likelihood because position 226 is on the opposite face of helix VII from position 228. Broadening of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra in the frozen state was used to estimate distance between the 148/228 and the 148/275 pairs. The nitroxides at positions 148 and 228 or 148 and 275 are within approximately 13-15 A. Finally, Cys residues at positions 148 and 228 are crosslinked by dibromobimane, a bifunctional crosslinker that is approximately 5 A. long, while no crosslinking is detected between Cys residues at positions 148 and 275 or 148 and 226. The results provide strong support for a structure in which helix V is in close proximity to both helices VII and VIII and is oriented in such a fashion that Cys-148 is closer to helix VII.
In each facet of the Drosophila compound eye, a cluster of photoreceptor cells assumes an asymmetric trapezoidal pattern. These clusters have opposite orientations above and below an equator, showing global dorsoventral mirror symmetry. However, in the mutant spiny legs, the polarization of each cluster appears to be random, so that no equator is evident. The apparent lack of an equator suggests that spiny legs+ may be involved in the establishment of global dorsoventral identity that might be essential for proper polarization of the photoreceptor clusters. Alternatively, a global dorsoventral pattern could be present, but spiny legs+ may be required for local polarization of individual clusters. Using an enhancer trap strain in which white+ gene expression is restricted to the dorsal field, we show that white+ expression in spiny legs correctly respects dorsoventral position even in facets with inappropriate polarizations; the dorsoventral boundary is indeed present, whereas the mechanism for polarization is perturbed. It is suggested that the boundary is established before the action of spiny legs+ by an independent mechanism.
The use of molecular genetics to introduce both a metal ion binding site and a nitroxide spin label into the same protein opens the use of paramagnetic metalnitroxyl interactions to estimate intramolecular distances in a wide variety of proteins. In this report, a His-Xaa3-His metal ion binding motif was introduced at the N terminus of the long interdomain helix of T4 lysozyme (Lys-65 --> His/Gln-69 --> His) of three mutants, each containing a single nitroxide-labeled cysteine residue at position 71, 76, or 80. The results show that Cu(II)-induced relaxation effects on the nitroxide can be quantitatively analyzed in terms of interspin distance in the range of 10-25 A using Redfield theory, as first suggested by Leigh [Leigh, J.S. (1970) J. Chem. Phys. 52, 2608-2612]. Of particular interest is the observation that distances can be determined both under rigid lattice conditions in frozen solution and in the presence of motion of the spins at room temperature under physiological conditions. The method should be particularly attractive for investigating structure in membrane proteins that are difficult to crystallize. In the accompanying paper, the technique is applied to a polytopic membrane protein, lactose permease.
We compare the critical behavior of the short-range Ising spin glass with a spin glass with long-range interactions which fall off as a power σ of the distance. We show that there is a value of σ of the long-range model for which the critical behavior is very similar to that of the short range model in four dimensions. We also study a value of σ for which we find the critical behavior to be compatible with that of the three-dimensional model, although we have much less precision than in the four-dimensional case.
We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations.