940 resultados para Prisons Establishments
[EN] This porfolio is an Objective Structured Competence Examination (OSCE) designed for the Assessment of essentian competences defined by The European Asociation of Establishments for Veterinay Education (EAEVE) in its programme Evaluation of Veterinary Training in Europe
[ES] Los inquisidores castigaron a Pablo de Olavide en 1776, pero fueron Grimaldi, ministro de Estado, y Carlos III los que le eligieron como castigo ejemplar para responder a la agitación política provocada por el conde de Aranda en su deseo de volver al poder. Como no podían tocar a un grande de España como Aranda, se vengaron en su protegido Olavide y lo llevaron a las cárceles secretas de la Inquisición. Todo se acordó con Su Majestad. [EN] Inquisitors punished Pablo de Olavide in 1776, but Grimaldi, Minister of State, Inquisitors punished Pablo de Olavide in 1776, but Grimaldi, Minister of State, and Charles III were the ones who chose his case as an exemplary punishment to respond to the political turmoil caused by the Count of Aranda after an attemp to return to power. As they could not punish a grandee of Spain such as Aranda, they took revenge on his protégé Olavide and took him to the secret prisons of the Inquisition. Everything was agreed with His Majesty.
This thesis deals with Context Aware Services, Smart Environments, Context Management and solutions for Devices and Service Interoperability. Multi-vendor devices offer an increasing number of services and end-user applications that base their value on the ability to exploit the information originating from the surrounding environment by means of an increasing number of embedded sensors, e.g. GPS, compass, RFID readers, cameras and so on. However, usually such devices are not able to exchange information because of the lack of a shared data storage and common information exchange methods. A large number of standards and domain specific building blocks are available and are heavily used in today's products. However, the use of these solutions based on ready-to-use modules is not without problems. The integration and cooperation of different kinds of modules can be daunting because of growing complexity and dependency. In this scenarios it might be interesting to have an infrastructure that makes the coexistence of multi-vendor devices easy, while enabling low cost development and smooth access to services. This sort of technologies glue should reduce both software and hardware integration costs by removing the trouble of interoperability. The result should also lead to faster and simplified design, development and, deployment of cross-domain applications. This thesis is mainly focused on SW architectures supporting context aware service providers especially on the following subjects: - user preferences service adaptation - context management - content management - information interoperability - multivendor device interoperability - communication and connectivity interoperability Experimental activities were carried out in several domains including Cultural Heritage, indoor and personal smart spaces – all of which are considered significant test-beds in Context Aware Computing. The work evolved within european and national projects: on the europen side, I carried out my research activity within EPOCH, the FP6 Network of Excellence on “Processing Open Cultural Heritage” and within SOFIA, a project of the ARTEMIS JU on embedded systems. I worked in cooperation with several international establishments, including the University of Kent, VTT (the Technical Reserarch Center of Finland) and Eurotech. On the national side I contributed to a one-to-one research contract between ARCES and Telecom Italia. The first part of the thesis is focused on problem statement and related work and addresses interoperability issues and related architecture components. The second part is focused on specific architectures and frameworks: - MobiComp: a context management framework that I used in cultural heritage applications - CAB: a context, preference and profile based application broker which I designed within EPOCH Network of Excellence - M3: "Semantic Web based" information sharing infrastructure for smart spaces designed by Nokia within the European project SOFIA - NoTa: a service and transport independent connectivity framework - OSGi: the well known Java based service support framework The final section is dedicated to the middleware, the tools and, the SW agents developed during my Doctorate time to support context-aware services in smart environments.
The survey approachs the issue of health and the problem of its effective protection in a context of deprivation of liberty and coercion, which is the prison. The theoretical reflection born from the reform of the Legislative Decree 230/99 which marked the transition from an employee by the Prison Health within prison a fully integrated in the National Health Service. The comparison between an institution of health promotion and institution of punishment which may operate on the same subject held produces multiple attrits, making their relationship problematic. The work shows the daily difficulties in the management of prison health within the institution, physician-patient between different health care roles, and between the latter and prison workers. The coexistence, in fact, is not always harmonious though quite often it is common sense and the willingness of operators to reduce barriers: overcrowding, limited resources and insufficient staff make the application of the rule and therefore the right to goal a difficult to be pursued. It is designed for a scheme of semi-structured interview essay is divided into 3 sections covering: "staff and its functions", "health reform" and "health of the prisoner"; questions were directed to doctors, nurses and psychologists engaged inside the prison of Rimini with the specific aim of examining the ambivalent relationship between the demand for health care in prisons and the need for security and a clear - albeit partial - point of view. We tried to reconstruct the situation of prison health care through the perception of prison operators, capturing the problematic issues that deal on both issues is instrumental to the experience of persons detained by analyzing, in terms of operators , what happens inside of a prison institution in everyday health care.
Urban systems consist of several interlinked sub-systems - social, economic, institutional and environmental – each representing a complex system of its own and affecting all the others at various structural and functional levels. An urban system is represented by a number of “human” agents, such as individuals and households, and “non-human” agents, such as buildings, establishments, transports, vehicles and infrastructures. These two categories of agents interact among them and simultaneously produce impact on the system they interact with. Try to understand the type of interactions, their spatial and temporal localisation to allow a very detailed simulation trough models, turn out to be a great effort and is the topic this research deals with. An analysis of urban system complexity is here presented and a state of the art review about the field of urban models is provided. Finally, six international models - MATSim, MobiSim, ANTONIN, TRANSIMS, UrbanSim, ILUTE - are illustrated and then compared.
Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik, das drei der vier fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen beschreibt, stimmt bisher sehr gut mit den Messergebnissen der Experimente am CERN, dem Fermilab und anderen Forschungseinrichtungen überein. rnAllerdings können im Rahmen dieses Modells nicht alle Fragen der Teilchenphysik beantwortet werden. So lässt sich z.B. die vierte fundamentale Kraft, die Gravitation, nicht in das Standardmodell einbauen.rnDarüber hinaus hat das Standardmodell auch keinen Kandidaten für dunkle Materie, die nach kosmologischen Messungen etwa 25 % unseres Universum ausmacht.rnAls eine der vielversprechendsten Lösungen für diese offenen Fragen wird die Supersymmetrie angesehen, die eine Symmetrie zwischen Fermionen und Bosonen einführt. rnAus diesem Modell ergeben sich sogenannte supersymmetrische Teilchen, denen jeweils ein Standardmodell-Teilchen als Partner zugeordnet sind.rnEin mögliches Modell dieser Symmetrie ist das R-Paritätserhaltende mSUGRA-Modell, falls Supersymmetrie in der Natur realisiert ist.rnIn diesem Modell ist das leichteste supersymmetrische Teilchen (LSP) neutral und schwach wechselwirkend, sodass es nicht direkt im Detektor nachgewiesen werden kann, sondern indirekt über die vom LSP fortgetragene Energie, die fehlende transversale Energie (etmiss), nachgewiesen werden muss.rnrnDas ATLAS-Experiment wird 2010 mit Hilfe des pp-Beschleunigers LHC mit einer Schwerpunktenergie von sqrt(s)=7-10 TeV mit einer Luminosität von 10^32 #/(cm^2*s) mit der Suche nach neuer Physik starten.rnDurch die sehr hohe Datenrate, resultierend aus den etwa 10^8 Auslesekanälen des ATLAS-Detektors bei einer Bunchcrossingrate von 40 MHz, wird ein Triggersystem benötigt, um die zu speichernde Datenmenge zu reduzieren.rnDabei muss ein Kompromiss zwischen der verfügbaren Triggerrate und einer sehr hohen Triggereffizienz für die interessanten Ereignisse geschlossen werden, da etwa nur jedes 10^8-te Ereignisse für die Suche nach neuer Physik interessant ist.rnZur Erfüllung der Anforderungen an das Triggersystem wird im Experiment ein dreistufiges System verwendet, bei dem auf der ersten Triggerstufe mit Abstand die höchste Datenreduktion stattfindet.rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit rn%, die vollständig auf Monte-Carlo-Simulationen basiert, rnist zum einen ein wesentlicher Beitrag zum grundlegenden Verständnis der Eigenschaft der fehlenden transversalen Energie auf der ersten Triggerstufe geleistet worden.rnZum anderen werden Methoden vorgestellt, mit denen es möglich ist, die etmiss-Triggereffizienz für Standardmodellprozesse und mögliche mSUGRA-Szenarien aus Daten zu bestimmen. rnBei der Optimierung der etmiss-Triggerschwellen für die erste Triggerstufe ist die Triggerrate bei einer Luminosität von 10^33 #/(cm^2*s) auf 100 Hz festgelegt worden.rnFür die Triggeroptimierung wurden verschiedene Simulationen benötigt, bei denen eigene Entwicklungsarbeit eingeflossen ist.rnMit Hilfe dieser Simulationen und den entwickelten Optimierungsalgorithmen wird gezeigt, dass trotz der niedrigen Triggerrate das Entdeckungspotential (für eine Signalsignifikanz von mindestens 5 sigma) durch Kombinationen der etmiss-Schwelle mit Lepton bzw. Jet-Triggerschwellen gegenüber dem bestehenden ATLAS-Triggermenü auf der ersten Triggerstufe um bis zu 66 % erhöht wird.
The US penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, was retrofitted in 2008 to offer the country’s first federal Special Management Unit (SMU) program of its kind. This model SMU is designed for federal inmates from around the country identified as the most intractably troublesome, and features double-celling of inmates in tiny spaces, in 23-hour or 24-hour a day lockdown, requiring them to pass through a two-year program of readjustment. These spatial tactics, and the philosophy of punishment underlying them, contrast with the modern reform ideals upon which the prison was designed and built in 1932. The SMU represents the latest punitive phase in American penology, one that neither simply eliminates men as in the premodern spectacle, nor creates the docile, rehabilitated bodies of the modern panopticon; rather, it is a late-modern structure that produces only fear, terror, violence, and death. This SMU represents the latest of the late-modern prisons, similar to other supermax facilities in the US but offering its own unique system of punishment as well. While the prison exists within the system of American law and jurisprudence, it also manifests features of Agamben’s lawless, camp-like space that emerges during a state of exception, exempt from outside scrutiny with inmate treatment typically beyond the scope of the law.
This article examines religious practices in the United States, which govern modesty and other dress norms for men. I focus both on the spaces within which they most collide with regulatory regimes of the state and the legal implications of these norms, particularly for observant Muslim men. Undergirding the research are those ‘‘gender equality’’ claims made by many religious adherents, that men are required to maintain proper modesty norms just as are women. Also undergirding the research is the extensive anti-Islam bias in American culture today. The spaces within which men’s religiously proscribed dress and grooming norms are most at issue—indicated by First Amendment legal challenges to rights of religious practice—are primarily those state-controlled, total institutions Goffman describes, such as in the military and prisons. The implications of gendered modesty norms are important, as state control over religious expression in prisons, for example, is much more difficult to contest than in other spaces, although this depends entirely on who is doing the contesting and within which religious context. In American society today—and particularly within the context of growing Islamaphobia following the 9/11 attacks—the implications are greatest for those men practicing ‘‘prison Islam.’’
The US penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, was retrofitted in 2008 to offer the country's first federal Special Management Unit (SMU) program of its kind. This model SMU is designed for federal inmates from around the country identified as the most intractably troublesome, and features double-celling of inmates in tiny spaces, in 23-hour or 24-hour a day lockdown, requiring them to pass through a two-year program of readjustment. These spatial tactics, and the philosophy of punishment underlying them, contrast with the modern reform ideals upon which the prison was designed and built in 1932. The SMU represents the latest punitive phase in American penology, one that neither simply eliminates men as in the premodern spectacle, nor creates the docile, rehabilitated bodies of the modern panopticon; rather, it is a late-modern structure that produces only fear, terror, violence, and death. This SMU represents the latest of the late-modern prisons, similar to other supermax facilities in the US but offering its own unique system of punishment as well. While the prison exists within the system of American law and jurisprudence, it also manifests features of Agamben's lawless, camp-like space that emerges during a state of exception, exempt from outside scrutiny with inmate treatment typically beyond the scope of the law
SETTING: Correctional settings and remand prisons. OBJECTIVE: To critically discuss calculations for epidemiological indicators of the tuberculosis (TB) burden in prisons and to provide recommendations to improve study comparability. METHODS: A hypothetical data set illustrates issues in determining incidence and prevalence. The appropriate calculation of the incidence rate is presented and problems arising from cross-sectional surveys are clarifi ed. RESULTS: Cases recognized during the fi rst 3 months should be classifi ed as prevalent at entry and excluded from any incidence rate calculation. The numerator for the incidence rate includes persons detected as having developed TB during a specifi ed period of time subsequent to the initial 3 months. The denominator is persontime at risk from 3 months onward to the end point (TB or end of the observation period). Preferably, entry time, exit time and event time are known for each inmate to determine person-time at risk. Failing that, an approximation consists of the sum of monthly head counts, excluding prevalent cases and those persons no longer at risk from both the numerator and the denominator. CONCLUSIONS: The varying durations of inmate incarceration in prisons pose challenges for quantifying the magnitude of the TB problem in the inmate population. Recommendations are made to measure incidence and prevalence.
The United States¿ Federal and State laws differentiate between acceptable (or, legal) and unacceptable (illegal) behavior by prescribing restrictive punishment to citizens and/or groups that violate these established rules. These regulations are written to treat every person equally and to fairly serve justice; furthermore, the sanctions placed on offenders seek to reform illegal behavior through limitations on freedoms and rehabilitative programs. Despite the effort to treat all offenders fairly regardless of social identity categories (e.g., sex, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, ability, and gender and sexual orientation) and to humanely eliminate illegal behavior, the American penal system perpetuates de facto discrimination against a multitude of peoples. Furthermore, soaring recidivism rates caused by unsuccessful re-entry of incarcerated offenders puts economic stress on Federal and State budgets. For these reasons, offenders, policy-makers, and law-abiding citizens should all have a vested interest in reforming the prison system. This thesis focuses on the failure of the United States corrections system to adequately address the gender-specific needs of non-violent female offenders. Several factors contribute to the gender-specific discrimination that women experience in the criminal justice system: 1) Trends in female criminality that skew women¿s crime towards drug-related crimes, prostitution, and property offenses; 2) Mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes that are disproportionate to the crime committed; 3) So-called ¿gender-neutral¿ educational, vocational, substance abuse, and mental health programming that intends to equally rehabilitate men and women, but in fact favors men; and 4) The isolating nature of prison structures that inhibits smooth re-entry into society. I argue that a shift in the placement and treatment of non-violent female offenders is necessary for effective rehabilitation and for reducing recidivism rates. The first component of this shift is the design and implementation of gender- responsive treatment (GRT) rather than gender-neutral approaches in rehabilitative programming. The second shift is the utilization of alternatives to incarceration, which provide both more humane treatment of offenders and smoother reintegration to society. Drawing on recent scholarship, information from prison advocacy organizations, and research with men in an alternative program, I provide a critical analysis of current policies and alternative programs, and suggest several proposals for future gender- responsive programs in prisons and in place of incarceration. I argue that the expansion of gender-responsive programming and alternatives to incarceration respond to the marginalization of female offenders, address concerns about the financial sustainability of the United States criminal justice system, and tackle high recidivism rates.
The teaching of economics in Hungary has changed fundamentally since the 1980s for two main reasons. Firstly, the transformation towards a market economy has changed the needs of students, and secondly, there has been a move to harmonise Hungarian methods of teaching with Western ones. The number of institutions involved in economics education has increased substantially to meet new demand and these institutions offer a wide range of programs, though the topics covered tend to be more practically based than previously. A survey of students set out to evaluate economics as a profession by investigating social esteem, financial compensation, career prospects, and mobility within the profession. Amongst full-time students there was a strong correlation between the parents' background and the students' career prospects. Full-time students were more optimistic than part-time students, although the latter had a higher opinion of the academic level of their educational establishments. A second survey, this time of economics teachers, revealed the disturbing fact that teachers rated themselves in the last but one position according to social esteem and felt that society had a poor opinion of them. Fifty percent expressed a desire to leave the profession and 70% supplemented their income with work outside their school, rarely within the domain of economics. The final part of the research analysed the situation in private educational institutions, nothing that unemployment retraining grants offered by the Ministry of Labour have created an incentive for private entrepreneurs to organise courses and that the quality of these courses varies considerably.
From medical view the main problems of investigation and convicts are in particular in the range of the drugs and alcohol illnesses to see transferable diseases (HIV, hepatitis B - C and tuberculosis) and psychological illnesses. These complex diseases require a close meshed and intensive support of each individual patient and represent actually the main problem during an arrest. The development of the health service could address the new requirements making possible cost-conscious acting in handling with resources in the health service. In the canton Berne 957197 inhabitants live on a total area of 5959 km2. The police and military management operates the regional and district prisons as well as the transportation service for prisoners in the canton Berne for prisoners. The canton Berne has altogether 327 places. Since May 1971 persons from the regional and district prison and the penal institutions needing hospitalisation can be accepted. In the University hospital Berne on a specially equipped guard station and be cared for their medical problems. The prisoners profit in such a way from the entire range of the university facilities.
Although Great Britain is not normally credited with the achievement of having been the first nation state to implement measures characteristic of a welfare state (this honour goes to Germany and Bismarck's strategy of promoting social insurance in the 1880s) it nevertheless pioneered many models of welfare services in view of the early onset of industrialisation in that country and the subsequent social problems it created. Organisations like the Mutual Insurance and Friendly Societies, the Charity Organisation Society or the Settlement Movement characterised an early approach to welfare that is based on initiatives at the civil society level and express a sense of self-help or of self-organisation in such a way that it did not involve the state directly. The state, traditionally, dealt with matters of discipline and public order, and for this reason institutions like prisons and workhouses represented the other end of the scale of 'welfare' provisions.