970 resultados para Primary failure of tooth eruption


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This report describes the case of an 88-year-old non-diabetic female who presented to the emergency department following a presumed hypoijtycaemic collapse due to self-neglect. Subsequent rewarming and resuscitation demonstrated a number of the significant consequences of severe hypothermia, including apparent secondary impairment of glycaemic autoregulation. The phenomenon of reversible inhibition of insulin secretion due to severe hypothermia has been documented previously in the field of cardiac surgery. The hyperglycaemia was not treated with any antihyperglycaernic agent, and her recovery was uneventful. Subsequent blood sugar level monitoring was normal. If insulin is administered to the hypothermic patient, intensive monitoring of blood glucose is essential due to the increase in endogenous insulin secretion on rewarming. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is a general perception that the problem of tooth wear is increasing due to elements of the modern diet and due to increased retention of dentition into older age. Tooth wear encompasses erosion, abrasion and attrition of dental tissues – these often co-exist – yet in general, erosion is of more significance to the young and attrition is of more significance to the older population. Diet plays a significant role in the aetiology of tooth wear and likewise advanced tooth wear in older age may impose dietary restrictions with consequences for dietary intake and nutritional status. There is a need to increase the awareness of the disease of tooth wear and the associated nutritional problems. At present, the aetiology of tooth wear is poorly understood – especially with respect to the role of diet. Clearer information on how best to measure and monitor the incidence and prevalence is needed in order to obtain longitudinal data on trends in tooth wear and to monitor the factors that contribute to this condition. These issues will be addressed in the following presentations: 1) What is tooth wear? Aetiology, measurement and monitoring, 2) The role of diet in the aetiology of dental erosion, 3) Groups at increased risk of tooth wear: Eating disorders, ‘dieters' sportsmen and those with impairments, 4) Tooth wear in older adults: nutritional implications. In summary this symposium seeks to: 1) increase awareness of the disease of tooth wear, and its associated nutritional problems 2) increase understanding of the aetiology of tooth wear, especially the dietary role, 3) provide information on how to measure and monitor tooth wear, 4) highlight future research requirements in the area of tooth wear and diet.


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This thesis examines the parameters associated with the failure of triangular steel gusset plates. Eighty two results are presented investigating the position of the applied load, the gusset plate height to length ratio, size, thickness, internal angle and the removal of the inside corner. The thickness of the loaded plate and its influence on the gusset plates failure is also investigated. Twenty two similar gusset plates were tested to investigate the welds connecting the gusset plate to the adjacent loaded and support edges. The experimental results are compared with existing methods, none of which cover all the variables tested. Some methods do not consider buckling and most of those that do are inadequate. Most of the methods do not accurately take account of the load position. An alternative method based on experimental observations is presented for design purposes. The method covers any combination of the variables tested. To test assumptions made in the theoretical work forty seven strut tests took place to investigate buckling characteristics and fifteen special gusset plates were also tested. The gusset plates were found to fail in an elastic-plastic buckling manner. A gusset plate has a specific moment of resistance capacity about it’s inside corner and the ultimate load that can be applied is dependent upon the position of the load relative to the supported edge. There is an optimum height to length ratio for strength and any increase in the internal angle from 90 degrees produces little change in moment capacity. The removal of small portions of the inside corner of a gusset plate has little effect upon its moment capacity. The loaded plate does not provide any significant moment of resistance to the applied load at failure. The main functions of the loaded and supported edge welds is to prevent the gusset plate from slipping from between the plates.


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The topographical distribution of the early components of the flash visual evoked response (VER) were investigated using a twenty channel brain mapping system. Thirty subjects, ranging in age from 21 to 84 years, had flash VERs recorded using the standard 10-20 electrode system to a balanced non-cephalic reference. The subjects were divided into three age groups: a young group, a middle group and an older group. The P2 component (positive component around 100-120 msec) of the flash VER was recorded consistently over the occipital region throughout the age range, as was a frontal negative component (N120) of about the same latency. Only the young age group had this single negative component on the frontage channels, whilst the middle age group showed an additional negative component at around 75 msec (N75). Neither group had a recordable P1 component (positive component around 60-75 msec) over the occipital region. The older age group showed both P1 and P2 components over the occipital region with the distribution of the P1 component being more widespread anteriorly. The frontal channels showed both the negative N75 and the later N120 components. The frontal negative components were shown not to be related to the electroretinogram or the balanced non-cephalic reference, but were affected by the type of stimulation. Responses recorded to both pattern reversal and onset/offset stimulation did not show the frontal negative potentials seen with flash stimulation. It was shown that the P1 component is more readily recordable in the elderly and is preceded during middle age by the development of a frontal negative component at around the same latency. The changing morphology of the negative activity in the frontal region across the age range suggests that the use of an Fz reference would produce an artificial P1 component in the middle age group and an enhancement of this component in the elderly, as well as enhance the P2 component in all ages.


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Hydrocarbons are the most common form of energy used to date. The activities involving exploration and exploitation of large oil and gas fields are constantly in operation and have extended to such hostile environments as the North Sea. This enforces much greater demands on the materials which are used, and the need for enhancing the endurance of the existing ones which must continue parallel to the explorations. Due to their ease in fabrication, relatively high mechanical properties and low costs, steels are the most widely favoured material for the construction of offshore platforms. The most critical part of an offshore structure prone to failure are the welded nodal joints, particulary those which are used within the vicinity of the splash zones. This is an area of high complex stress concentrations, varying mechanical and metallurgical properties in addition to severe North Sea environmental conditions. The main are of this work has been concerned with the durability studies of this type of steel, based on the concept of the worst case analysis, consisting of combinations of welds of varying qualities, various degrees of stress concentrations and the environmental conditions of stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. The experiments have been designed to reveal significance of defects as sites of crack initiation in the welded steels and the extent to which stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement will limit their durability. This has been done for various heat treatments and in some experiments deformation has been forced through the welded zone of the specimens to reveal the mechanical properties of the welds themselves to provide data for finite element simulations. A comparison of the results of these simulations with the actual deformation and fracture behaviour has been done to reveal the extent to which both mechanical and metallurgical factors control behaviour of the steels in the hostile environments of high stress, corrosion, and hydrogen embrittlement at their surface.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which generally activates Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), is expressed on commensal colonic bacteria. In a number of tissues, LPS can act directly on epithelial cells to increase paracellular permeability. Such an effect in the colon would have an important impact on the understanding of normal homeostasis and of pathology. Our aim was to use a novel primary culture of colonic epithelial cells grown on Transwells to investigate whether LPS, or Pam(3)CSK( 4), an activator of TLR2, affected paracellular permeability. Consequently, [(14)C]-mannitol transfer and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) were measured. The preparation consisted primarily of cytokeratin-18 positive epithelial cells that produced superoxide, stained for mucus with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and expressed TLR2 and TLR4. Tight junctions and desmosomes were visible by transmission electron microscopy. Basally, but not apically, applied LPS from Escherichia coli increased the permeability to mannitol and to a 10-kDa dextran, and reduced TEER. The LPS from Helicobacter pylori increased paracellular permeability of gastric cells when applied either apically or basally, in contrast to colon cells, where this LPS was active only from the basal aspect. A pan-caspase inhibitor prevented the increase in caspase activity caused by basal E. coli LPS, and reduced the effects of LPS on paracellular permeability. Synthetic Pam(3)CSK(4) in the basal compartment prevented all effects of basal E. coli LPS. In conclusion, LPS applied to the base of the colonic epithelial cells increased paracellular permeability by a mechanism involving caspase activation, suggesting a process by which perturbation of the gut barrier could be exacerbated. Moreover, activation of TLR2 ameliorated such effects.


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Beta-cell failure coupled with insulin resistance is a key factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. Changes in circulating levels of adipokines, factors released from adipose tissue, form a significant link between excessive adiposity in obesity and both aforementioned factors. In this review we consider the published evidence for the role of individual adipokines on the function, proliferation, death and failure of beta-cells, focusing on those reported to have the most significant effects (leptin, adiponectin, TNFa, resistin, visfatin, DPP-IV and apelin). It is apparent that some adipokines have beneficial effects whereas others have detrimental properties; the overall contribution to beta-cell failure of changed concentrations of adipokines in the blood of obese pre-diabetic subjects will be highly dependent on the balance between these effects and the interactions between the adipokines which act on the beta-cell via a number of intersecting intracellular signalling pathways. We emphasise the importance, and comparative dearth, of studies into the combined effects of adipokines on beta-cells.


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Mixing phenomena observed when the flow rate in a single loop of the primary circuit is changed can influence the operation of pressurized water reactor (PWR) by inducing local gradients of boron concentration or coolant temperature. Analysis of one-dimensional Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurements during the start-up and shutdown of pump on a single loop of the ROCOM test facility has been performed. The effect of a step change and a ramped change in the flow rate on the axial and azimuthal velocities was examined. Numerical simulations were also performed for the step change in the flow rate that gave quantitative agreement with the axial velocities. Phenomenological agreement was made on the turbulent kinetic energy; however, observed values were a factor of 2.5 less than the turbulent kinetic energy derived from the measurements. © 2007.


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Ten years after the unanimous approval of the Lisbon Strategy at a special meeting of the European Council on 23-24 March 2000 in Lisbon, it will be inevitable for the European Council, the European Commission and the majority of the EU member states to face with its fi asco and to account for the reasons of their fundamental policy, governance and economic failures in 2010. The recent turbulence of the global economy offers some excuses for the underperformance of the main objectives of the Lisbon Strategy in the essential social and economic domains, like job creation, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Negative growth rates, macroeconomic and fi nancial instability, the contraction of the internal and external markets of the European economy, drop in demand for capital investment, goods and services, sinking corporate revenues, depreciation of corporate assets, increasing private and public indebtedness, falling rate of employment, weakening social cohesion, widening social inequality, and so forth not only deprive the majority of the EU member states of fulfi lling the main objectives of the Lisbon Strategy but also drive them into worse social and economic conditions in many policy domains than they were in 2000.