757 resultados para Prevention and intervention
Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.
BACKGROUND: Reducing the fraction of transmissions during recent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is essential for the population-level success of "treatment as prevention". METHODS: A phylogenetic tree was constructed with 19 604 Swiss sequences and 90 994 non-Swiss background sequences. Swiss transmission pairs were identified using 104 combinations of genetic distance (1%-2.5%) and bootstrap (50%-100%) thresholds, to examine the effect of those criteria. Monophyletic pairs were classified as recent or chronic transmission based on the time interval between estimated seroconversion dates. Logistic regression with adjustment for clinical and demographic characteristics was used to identify risk factors associated with transmission during recent or chronic infection. FINDINGS: Seroconversion dates were estimated for 4079 patients on the phylogeny, and comprised between 71 (distance, 1%; bootstrap, 100%) to 378 transmission pairs (distance, 2.5%; bootstrap, 50%). We found that 43.7% (range, 41%-56%) of the transmissions occurred during the first year of infection. Stricter phylogenetic definition of transmission pairs was associated with higher recent-phase transmission fraction. Chronic-phase viral load area under the curve (adjusted odds ratio, 3; 95% confidence interval, 1.64-5.48) and time to antiretroviral therapy (ART) start (adjusted odds ratio 1.4/y; 1.11-1.77) were associated with chronic-phase transmission as opposed to recent transmission. Importantly, at least 14% of the chronic-phase transmission events occurred after the transmitter had interrupted ART. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a high fraction of transmission during recent HIV infection but also chronic transmissions after interruption of ART in Switzerland. Both represent key issues for treatment as prevention and underline the importance of early diagnosis and of early and continuous treatment.
Thrombosis is a well known phenomenon among physicians since antiquity. A variety of peculiar agents, such as leeches and bark, were used to prevent it. Hirudin was used during the 19th century. The next eon, heparin, strepokinase, urokinase, TPA, dicumarol, warfarin, aspirin, ticlopidine, Clopidogrel, SSHA and SP54 provoked huge advances in anticoagulation. During 21st century with the use of fondaparinux, dabigatran, rivaroxaban and Ticagrelor antithrombotic prevention and therapeutic interaction entered an era of medical challenges. Although the risk after a thrombotic episode is now highly reduced, blood clots still present damaging or even lethal consequences in human organisms and further research is strongly recommended.
The main purpose of this study was to examine the changes in the prevalence, incidence, and characteristics of headache in childhood and adolescence. In addition, the predictors of the change in the occurrence of childhood headache and the association between adolescent headache and behavior were studied. The occurrence and characteristics of headache were investigated as part of a prospective follow-up study, where 6-year-old children and their families (n=1132) were followed to the age of 12-years (n=1126). The study design entailed both a cohort and case-control group. The incidence of headache and the association between headache and behavior were studied in another cohort, consisting of 11-year-old twins (n=5393), who were followed to the age of 17 (n=4159). The prevalence rates of headache increased during the follow-up, especially in boys whose mothers suffered from frequent headache. The incidence rates of frequent headache changed the most in girls between ages of 11 and 14. Early-onset migraine and tension-type headache were equal predictors of migraine at age 12. The age-related changes observed in pain localization, concurrent symptoms and triggers were considerable. Headache frequency was significantly associated with externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors and adaptive behaviors as rated by parents, but only with externalizing problem behaviors as rated by teachers. Headache both in children and adolescents is characterized by its changing nature. Its prevention and treatment should take familial, environmental and psychosocial aspects into account.
Les úlceres per pressió són considerades com una de les cinc causes més comunes de dany al pacient. El 95% de les lesions, són evitables i els membres de l’equip d’infermeria són responsables de la seva prevenció. Varis estudis demostren un dèficit de coneixement dels professionals de l’equip d’infermeria envers prevenció d’UPP.En el següent projecte d’estudi, de disseny experimental longitudinal ambispectiu, es proposa avaluar l’eficàcia d’una intervenció educativa enfocada en la prevenció d’UPP i dirigida a l’equip d’infermeria per la disminució de la incidència d’UPPEl projecte consta de 6 fases. Una primera en la que es determinarà, mitjançant la revisió de les històries clíniques, la prevalença d’UPP. Posteriorment i amb l’aplicació d’un qüestionari, es valoraran els coneixements d’infermeria abans (fase 2) i després (fase 4) de la realització d’un programa educatiu (fase 3). Durant la fase 5 i amb l’ajuda d’una graella d’observació, es determinarà la incidència d’UPP durant un any des de l’aplicació del programa educatiu. A la fase 6 i passat més d’un any, es tornaran a avaluar els coneixements de l’equip d’infermeria
Introduction: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a neurocutaneous syndrome produced by a number of genetic mutations. The disease is characterized by the development of benign tumors affecting different body systems. The most common oral manifestations of TSC are fibromas, gingival hyperplasia and enamel hypoplasia. Clinical Case: A 35-year-old woman diagnosed with TSC presented with a reactive fibroma of considerable size and rapid growth in the region of the right lower third molar. Discussion: In the present case the association of TSC with dental malpositioning gave rise to a rapidly evolving reactive fibroma of considerable diameter. Few similar cases can be found in the literature. Patients with TSC present mutations of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes, which intervene in cell cycle regulation and are important for avoiding neoplastic processes. No studies have been found associating TSC with an increased risk of oral cancer, though it has been shown that the over-expression of TSC2 could exert an antitumor effect. Careful oral and dental hygiene, together with regular visits to the dentist, are needed for the prevention and early detection of any type of oral lesion. The renal, pulmonary and cardiac alterations often seen in TSC must be taken into account for the correct management of these patients.
La reserva cognitiva és un concepte hipotètic actual que sembla presentar la clau per a fer front al repte de les malalties neurodegeneratives. Aquesta es defineix com aquelles capacitats funcionals del cervell que ajuden a la persona a tolerar un major dany cerebral sense presentar manifestació clínica al respecte. La estreta relació del concepte amb els hàbits positius de les persones (lifestyles) la converteix en una variable independent per a la intervenció, prevenció i promoció de la salut. Els canvis morfològics del cervell i la consolidació de circuits neuronals més robustos i eficients semblen explicar els mecanismes de funcionament de la reserva cognitiva. Aquesta revisió defineix el concepte de reserva cognitiva i els models que l'expliquen, troba formes de mesurar-la i representar-la, i evidencia la seva relació amb els lifestyles positius mitjançant estudis epidemiològics i de neuroimatge, per tal de comprendre millor el concepte i enfocar-lo en una línia futura d'investigació.
The underlying cause of many human autoimmune diseases is unknown, but several environmental factors are implicated in triggering the self-destructive immune reactions. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, potentially leading to persistent neurological deterioration. The cause of MS is not known, and apart from immunomodulatory treatments there is no cure. In the early phase of the disease, relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) is characterized by unpredictable exacerbations of the neurological symptoms called relapses, which can occur at different intervals ranging from 4 weeks to several years. Microbial infections are known to be able to trigger MS relapses, and the patients are instructed to avoid all factors that might increase the risk of infections and to properly use antibiotics as well as to take care of dental hygiene. Among those environmental factors which are known to increase susceptibility to infections, high ambient air inhalable particulate matter levels affect all people within a geographical region. During the period of interest in this thesis, the occurrence of MS relapses could be effectively reduced by injections of interferon, which has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. In this thesis, ecological and epidemiological analyses were used to study the possible connection between MS relapse occurrence, population level viral infections and air quality factors, as well as the effects of interferon medication. Hospital archive data were collected retrospectively from 1986-2001, a period in time ranging from when interferon medication first became available until just before other disease-modifying MS therapies arrived on the market. The grouped data were studied with logistic regression and intervention analysis, and individual patient data with survival analysis. Interferons proved to be effective in the treatment of MS in this observational study, as the amount of MS exacerbations was lower during interferon use as compared to the time before interferon treatment. A statistically significant temporal relationship between MS relapses and inhalable particular matter (PM10) concentrations was found in this study, which implies that MS patients are affected by the exposure to PM10. Interferon probably protected against the effect of PM10, because a significant increase in the risk of exacerbations was only observed in MS patients without interferon medication following environmental exposure to population level specific viral infections and PM10. Apart from being antiviral, interferon could thus also attenuate the enhancement of immune reactions caused by ambient air PM10. The retrospective approach utilizing carefully constructed hospital records proved to be an economical and reliable source of MS disease information for statistical analyses.
Nuorten tunneilmaisun yhteys psyykkiseen oireiluun Aleksitymialla tarkoitetaan persoonallisuuden piirteistöä, jolle on tyypillistä heikko kyky tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita sekä vähäinen mielikuvitus ja konkreettinen, ulkokohtainen ajattelutapa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella aleksitymian yhteyttä psyykkiseen oireiluun nuorilla sekä tutkia aleksitymian kehittymiselle altistavia yksilöllisiä lapsuudenaikaisia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui aiempaan nuorten syömishäiriöoireilua tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen osallistuneista nuorista (n = 320) ja heille satunnaisotannalla poimituista verrokeista (n = 640). Seurantakyselyssä käytettiin vastaajan itsensä täytettäviä mittareita ja aineisto kerättiin postikyselynä. Yhteensä 729 henkilöä (78 %) palautti lomakkeen täytettynä, muodostaen näin lopullisen tutkimusaineiston. Tyttöjä vastanneista oli 74 % ja poikia 26 %. Aineiston keski-ikä oli 19 vuotta tämän tutkimuksen aikaan. Aineistosta oli käytettävissä neuvolatiedot syntymästä lähtien. Tutkimusaineistossa todettiin aleksitymian yleisyydeksi tytöillä 8,2 % ja pojilla 8,5 %. Sukupuolten välillä ei todettu eroa 20-osioisella Toronto Alexithymia Scale-kyselyllä (TAS-20) pistemäärissä (tytöillä 44.7 ja pojilla 46.0). Syömishäiriöoireiden todettiin olevan yleisempiä aleksityymisillä nuorilla verrattuna ei-aleksityymisiin. Syömishäiriöoireita mitattiin SCOFF-mittarilla (“Sick”, “Control”, “One”, “Fat”, “Food”). Aleksityymisten nuorten keskimääräinen SCOFF-pistemäärä oli merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin ei-aleksityymisten ja SCOFF-positiivisten (pistemäärä vähintään 2) osuus oli aleksityymisten ryhmässä kolminkertainen ei-aleksityymisten ryhmään verrattuna. Myös ahdistuneisuuden todettiin olevan yhteydessä aleksitymiaan nuorilla. Ahdistuneisuutta mitattiin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-mittarilla (STAI) ja lisäksi mitattiin masennusoireita ja alkoholinkäyttöä. Aleksityymisten nuorten STAI-pisteet olivat merkitsevästi korkeammat kuin eialeksityymisten. Ahdistuneet aleksityymiset nuoret olivat myös yleisemmin masentuneita ja käyttivät runsaammin alkoholia kuin yhtä ahdistuneet ei-aleksityymiset nuoret. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aleksitymian yhteyttä sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä koettuun vanhempien hoivaan ja ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Käytetyt mittarit olivat Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support ja Parental Bonding Instrument. Aleksitymia oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä sekä heikompaan koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen – erityisesti ystäviltä saatavaan − että korkeampaan vanhempien ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 5-vuotisneuvolatarkastuksen tietoja sen arviointiin, mitkä kehitykselliset tekijät saattavat olla yhteydessä aleksitymian ilmenemiseen. Puheenkehityksen ongelmien todettiin olevan miehillä selvästi yhteydessä aleksitymiaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella aleksityymisillä nuorilla esiintyy ei-aleksityymisiin ikätovereihin verrattuna selvästi yleisemmin psyykkisiä oireita. Koska aleksitymia heikentää hoitovastetta todennäköisesti myös nuorilla, tulisi aleksitymian mahdollisuus selvittää tehokkaasti psyykkisesti oireilevilla nuorilla. Lisääntyvä tutkimustieto aleksitymian kehittymisestä mahdollistaa riskitapausten varhaisemman tunnistamisen ja tilanteeseen puuttumisen.
OBJECTIVE: to determine the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and prophylaxis quality in hospitalized patients undergoing vascular and orthopedic surgical procedures. METHODS: we evaluated 296 patients, whose incidence of deep venous thrombosis was studied by vascular ultrasonography. Risk factors for venous thrombosis were stratified according the Caprini model. To assess the quality of prophylaxis we compared the adopted measures with the prophylaxis guidelines of the American College of Chest Physicians. RESULTS: the overall incidence of deep venous thrombosis was 7.5%. As for the risk groups, 10.8% were considered low risk, 14.9%moderate risk, 24.3% high risk and 50.5% very high risk. Prophylaxis of deep venous thrombosis was correct in 57.7%. In groups of high and very high risk, adequate prophylaxis rates were 72.2% and 71.6%, respectively. Excessive use of chemoprophylaxis was seen in 68.7% and 61.4% in the low and moderate-risk groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: although most patients are deemed to be at high and very high risk for deep vein thrombosis, deficiency in the application of prophylaxis persists in medical practice.
Probiotic bifidobacteria are used in the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. On the other hand, these bacteria are also connected to dental caries. The purpose of the present work was to test a food supplement containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 (B. lactis BB-12) and xylitol, and to investigate its health effects, properties and safety when used in a novel pacifier in early childhood. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, newborn infants (n=163) were assigned randomly to receive B. lactis BB-12, xylitol, or sorbitol from the age of 1– 2 monthsto 2 years with a pacifier or a spoon. Children were followed up to four years of age. A part of the parents participating in the clinical trial evaluated the feasibility of the novel administration method. The pattern of tablet release from the pouch of the pacifier was tested in adults. The food supplement tablet containing B. lactis BB-12 and xylitol could be delivered in a safe and controlled way with the novel pacifier. The early administration of B. lactis BB-12 did not result in permanent oral colonization of this probiotic or affect the colonization of mutans streptococci in early childhood. Moreover, B. lactis BB-12 did not increase the occurrence of caries. Controlled administration of B. lactis BB-12 significantly reduced the incidence of respiratory infections during the first eight months of life in a Finnish population with breastfed infants. To conclude, administration of B. lactis BB-12 in early childhood is safe with regard to the future dental health of the child. In addition, B. lactis BB-12 may add to the protection against respiratory infections provided by human breast milk in infancy.
Millions of enterprises move their applications to a cloud every year. According to Forrester Research “the global cloud computing market will grow from a $40.7 billion in 2011 to $241 billion in 2020”. Due to increased interests and demand broad range of providers and solutions have appeared in the market. It is vital to be able to predict possible problems correctly and to classify and mitigate risks associated with the migration process. The study will show the main criteria that should be taken into consideration while making decision of moving enterprise applications to the cloud and choosing appropriate vendor. The main goal of the research is to identify main problems during the migration to a cloud and propose a solution for their prevention and mitigation of consequences in case of occurrence. The research provides an overview of existing cloud solutions and deployment models for enterprise applications. It identifies decision drivers of an applications migration to a cloud and potential risks and benefits associated with this. Finally, the best practices for the successful enterprise-to-cloud migration based on the case studies analysis are formulated.
Purpose To compare the predictive capability of HPV and Pap smear tests for screening pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix over a three-year follow-up, in a population of users of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). Methods This is a retrospective cohort study of 2,032 women with satisfactory results for Pap smear and HPV tests using second-generation hybrid capture,made in a previous study. We followed them for 36 months with data obtained from medical records, the Cervix Cancer Information System (SISCOLO), and the Mortality Information System (SIM). The outcome was a histological diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more advanced lesions (CIN2ş). We constructed progression curves of the baseline test results for the period, using the Kaplan-Meier method, and estimated sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and positive and negative likelihood ratios for each test. Results A total of 1,440 women had at least one test during follow-up. Progression curves of the baseline test results indicated differences in capability to detect CIN2ş (p < 0.001) with significantly greater capability when both tests were abnormal, followed by only a positive HPV test. The HPV test was more sensitive than the Pap smear (88.7% and 73.6%, respectively; p < 0.05) and had a better negative likelihood ratio (0.13 and 0.30, respectively). Specificity and positive likelihood ratio of the tests were similar. Conclusions These findings corroborate the importance of HPV test as a primary cervical cancer screening.
The resistance of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) to imidazolinone herbicides is a worldwide problem in paddy fields. A rapid diagnosis is required for the selection of adequate prevention and control practices. The objectives of this study were to develop expedite bioassays to identify the resistance to imidazolinone herbicides in barnyardgrass and to evaluate the efficacy of alternative herbicides for the post-emergence control of resistant biotypes. Three experiments were conducted to develop methods for diagnosis of resistance to imazethapyr and imazapyr + imazapic in barnyardgrass at the seed, seedling and tiller stages, and to carry out a pot experiment to determine the efficacy of six herbicides applied at post-emergence in 13 biotypes of barnyardgrass resistant to imidazolinones. The seed soaking bioassay was not able to differentiate the resistant and susceptible biotypes. The resistance of barnyardgrass to imidazolinones was effectively discriminated in the seedlings and tiller bioassays seven days after incubation at the concentrations of 0.001 and 0.0001 mM, respectively, for both imazethapyr and imazapyr + imazapic. The biotypes identified as resistant to imidazolinones showed different patterns of susceptibility to penoxsulam, bispyribac-sodium and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, and were all controlled with profoxydim and cyhalofop-butyl. The seedling and tiller bioassays are effective in the diagnosis of barnyardgrass resistance to imidazolinone herbicides, providing an on-season opportunity to identify the need to use alternative herbicides to be applied at post-emergence for the control of the resistant biotypes.
Väitöskirja on kriminologista kontrollin ja rikoksentorjunnan tutkimusta sekä poliisitutkimusta. Kohteena on ympäri maailmaa levinnyt nollatoleranssiksi kutsuttu järjestyspoliisistrategia. Strategiaa kokeiltiin vuosituhannen vaihteessa vuoden kestäneessä järjestyksenvalvonnan hankkeessa Tampereella. Vaikka kyseessä oli kokeilu, niin tutkimuksessa osoitetaan toimintatavan olleen ja olevan pitkälti kiinteä osa perinteistä suomalaisen järjestyspoliisin toimintaperiaatetta. Artikkeliväitöskirja sisältää viisi vuosina 1998–2005 julkaistua kirjoitusta. Kokoavan yhteenvetoartikkelin tutkimusongelmat ovat seuraavat: Millaisia ovat Yhdysvaltojen ja Suomen järjestyspoliisitoiminnan nollatoleranssien mekanismien, kontekstien ja vaikutusten keskeiset erot ja yhtäläisyydet? Millainen on Tampereen nollatoleranssikokeilu ja New Yorkin rikottujen ikkunoiden nollatoleranssi rikoksentorjunnan arvioinnin ja moraalisäätelyn esimerkkeinä? Tampereen kokeilun prosessi- ja vaikuttavuusarviointitutkimus koostaa tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston. Hankkeen alku- ja loppumittauksena toimi lomakekysely tamperelaisille (2 x n2000). Lisäksi analyysissä käytettiin kansalaiskyselyn uhrikyselyä, poliisin rikos- ja päivystyskeskustilastoja, Tilastokeskuksen tilastoja, hankkeen suoritelomakkeita sekä rangaistusvaatimus- ja rikesakkolomakkeita sekä kouluterveystutkimuksia. Tampereen poliiseille tehtiin lomakekysely ja teemahaastatteluja. Sosiaali-, nuoriso- ja vapaaehtoistyöntekijöitä sekä yli viisikymmentä tamperelaista nuorta sekä kymmenkunta tamperelaista aikuista haastateltiin. Yhdysvaltojen osalta nojaudutaan verrattain suureen määrään julkaistua korkeatasoista ja ajankohtaista kriminologista tutkimusta. New Yorkiin ja Yhdysvaltoihin sovelletussa hallintavalta- ja moraalisäätelyanalyysissa rikotut ikkunat -teoria osoittautuu uuskonservatiiviseksi moraaliprojektiksi, joka opastaa kaupunkeja hankkimaan itselleen oikeuden tiukkaan järjestyksenvalvontaan. Aiemmin sen oli estänyt kansalaisoikeusmyönteinen lakien tulkinta. New Yorkissa ja Tampereella syntyi useita kielteisiä sivu- ja vastavaikutuksia, kuten ongelmien siirtymistä (displacement). Tämä on yksi keskeinen tulos tilannetorjunnan ja kontrollin tehostamisen ja kohdistamisen hankkeissa. Tulokset haastavat arvioimaan kriittisesti, ovatko kaikki lapsiin ja nuoriin kohdistuvat varhaisen puuttumisen hankkeet seuraustensa perusteella oikeutettuja.