982 resultados para Prenuptial agreements (Roman-Dutch law)


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This issue review examines law changes made during the past three legislative sessions, 2006 through 2008, that directly impact the Iowa School Aid Formula.


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Iowa Law Enforcement Academy provided 383 training opportunities for law enforcement, jailers, and telecommunicators for a total of 3584 individuals receiving training. The Academy remains committed to bringing cutting edge programming to law enforcement, jailers, and telecommunicators across Iowa, as evidenced by partnerships with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Secret Service, the Midwest Counterdrug Training Center, Northwestern University’s Center for Public Safety, and many others. The Academy is looking forward to growing its presence within the law enforcement community as the “go to” resource by also serving as a bulletin board for training around the state.


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Collection : Nouvelle bibliothèque illustrée de vulgarisation


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Water planning efforts typically identify problems and needs. But simply calling attention to issues is usually not enough to spur action; the end result of many well-intentioned planning efforts is a report that ends up gathering dust on a shelf. Vague recommendations like “Water conservation measures should be implemented” usually accomplish little by themselves as they don’t assign responsibility to anyone. Success is more likely when an implementation strategy — who can and should do what — is developed as part of the planning process. The more detailed and specific the implementation strategy, the greater the chance that something will actually be done. The question then becomes who has the legal authority or responsibility to do what? Are new laws and programs needed or can existing ones be used to implement the recommendations? ... This document is divided into four main parts. The first, “Carrots and Sticks” looks at two basic approaches — regulatory and non-regulatory — that can be, and are, used to carry out water policy. Both have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. The second, “The powers of federal, state and local governments…,” looks at the constitutional powers the federal government and state and local governments have to carry out water policy. An initial look at the U. S. Constitution might suggest the federal government’s regulatory authority over water is limited but, in fact, its powers are very substantial. States have considerable authority to do a number of things but have to be mindful of any federal efforts that might conflict with those state efforts. And local governments can only do those things the state constitution or state legislature says they can do and must conform to any requirements or limitations on those powers that are contained in the enabling acts. Parts three and four examine in more detail the main programs and agencies at the federal level as well as Iowa’s state and local levels and the roles they play in national and state water policy.


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Performance Plan


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Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Performance Plan


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The article outlines free online legal resources to conduct research on Catalan and Spanish legislation and case-law. Most of these resources are primary sources made public by government bodies. The list shows how the Spanish and Catalan governments, in their attempt to promote equal access to legislation and case-law, cover the different jurisdictions. The text also mentions some resources to conduct historical legal research about legislation and case law, and some free legal private websites.


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Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Posición particular del heredero beneficiado respecto del caudal relicto: examen de sus derechos o privilegios. 3. Relaciones del heredero beneficiado con los acreedores de la herencia, legatarios y fideicomisarios


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[cat] Aquest article vol refutar la hipòtesi que els partits decideixen sistemes electorals majoritaris i que decideixen també mantenir-los invariables, sempre que el sistema de partits s"aproximi al bipartidisme i cap dels dos grans partits pugui perdre la seva posició a favor d"un nou competidor. De manera inversa, els sistemes electorals proporcionals són la conseqüència del multipartidisme, en el qual cap partit té opcions de rebre la majoria dels vots. El cas valencià, però, confirma només parcialment la hipòtesi: els partits van aprovar el 1982 regles proporcionals perquè les eleccions dels parlaments autonòmics eren considerades secundàries, no només pel multipartidisme existent aleshores. En canvi, sí que es confirma que el canvi iniciat el 2006 amb la reforma estatutària manté, de moment, l"status quo per no alterar la formació de majories parlamentàries. Encara queda pendent, però, que es modifiqui la Llei Electoral, de la qual depèn quin mínim de vots per entrar a les Corts s"establirà.