940 resultados para Preference reversals
Intensification of farming over the past 50 years has homogenised the landscape structure and contributed to the decline of bird populations in Europe. To better target the conservation of the Barn Owl Tyto alba, we assessed the influence of the landscape structure on breeding performance in western Switzerland. The analyses considered a 23-year data set of breeding parameters collected in an area dominated by intensive agriculture. Using a Geographic Information System approach, landscape characteristics were described around 194 nest sites. Our analyses showed that nest-box occupancy, laying date, clutch and brood size, egg volume and probability of producing a second annual clutch were not significantly associated with any of the eight principal landscape variables (agricultural land, woodland, urban area, hedgerows, cereals, sugar beet, maize and meadow). Nevertheless, the probability that a breeding pair occupied a nest-box decreased the more roads there were surrounding the nest-box. The absence of strong associations between habitat features and breeding parameters suggests that prey availability may be relatively similar between the different breeding sites. In our study area Barn Owls can always find suitable foraging habitats around most nest-boxes.
BACKGROUND: Access to antiretroviral therapy may have changed condom use behavior. In January 2008, recommendations on condom use for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive persons were published in Switzerland, which allowed for unprotected sex under well-defined circumstances ("Swiss statement"). We studied the frequency, changes over time, and determinants of unprotected sex among HIV-positive persons. METHODS: Self-reported information on sexual preference, sexual partners, and condom use was collected at semi-annual visits in all participants of the prospective Swiss HIV Cohort Study from April 2007 through March 2009. Multivariable logistic regression models were fit using generalized estimating equations to investigate associations between characteristics of cohort participants and condom use. FINDINGS: A total of 7309 participants contributed to 21,978 visits. A total of 4291 persons (80%) reported sexual contacts with stable partners, 1646 (30%) with occasional partners, and 557 (10%) with stable and occasional partners. Of the study participants, 5838 (79.9%) of 7309 were receiving antiretroviral therapy, and of these, 4816 patients (82%) had a suppressed viral load. Condom use varied widely and differed by type of partner (visits with stable partners, 10,368 [80%] of 12,983; visits with occasional partners, 4300 [88%] of 4880) and by serostatus of stable partner (visits with HIV-negative partners, 7105 [89%] of 8174; visits with HIV-positive partners, 1453 [48%] of 2999). Participants were more likely to report unprotected sex with stable partners if they were receiving antiretroviral therapy, if HIV replication was suppressed, and after the publication of the "Swiss statement." Noninjection drug use and moderate or severe alcohol use were associated with unprotected sex. CONCLUSIONS: Antiretroviral treatment and plasma HIV RNA titers influence sexual behavior of HIV-positive persons. Noninjection illicit drug and alcohol use are important risk factors for unprotected sexual contacts.
To determine the influence of physical factors on oviposition of Lutzomyia migonei (Diptera: Psychodidae) under laboratory conditions, two sets of experiments were performed. The first test was to determine the influence of the size of pots on oviposition. Gravid flies were placed individually or in groups in different oviposition pots. The number of eggs laid, oviposition time and survival of gravid females were observed. In the second experiment, the influence of irregular surfaces on oviposition was studied. The results suggested that physical space was not an important factor in the oviposition behavior of L. migonei and that the flies showed a preference to oviposit on irregular horizontal surfaces in response to thigmotropic behavior
In simultaneous hermaphrodites, gender conflicts that arise from two potential mates sharing the same gender preference may be solved through conditional reciprocity (or gamete trading). Conditional reciprocity had initially been considered widespread, but recent studies suggest that its real occurrence may have been overestimated, possibly because most mating observations have been performed on isolated pairs of individuals. Some resulting patterns (e. g., non-random alternation of sexual roles) were indeed compatible with conditional reciprocity but could also have stemmed from the two partners independently executing their own mating strategy and being experimentally enforced to do so with the same partner. Non-random alternation of gender roles was recently documented in the simultaneously hermaphroditic freshwater snail Physa acuta. To distinguish between conditional and unconditional gender alternations, we observed copulations of individually marked snails reared at three contrasted densities. We showed that density affected the overall frequency of copulations during the first 2 days of the experiment with high-density boxes showing more copulations than low density boxes, but it did not affect gender alternation patterns. A change in gender role was observed more often than expected by chance over two successive copulations by the same individual, confirming previous studies. However, gender switches did not preferentially occur with the same partner. We conclude that gender alternation is not due to conditional reciprocity in P. acuta. It may rather stem from each individual having a preference for gender alternation. We finally discuss the mechanisms and the potential extent of this unconditional reciprocity.
There is a high degree of sex-typing in young children's occupational aspirations and this has consequences for subsequent occupational segregation. Sociologists typically attribute early sex-differences in occupational preferences to gender socialization. Yet we still know surprisingly little about the mechanisms involved in the intergenerational transmission of sex-typical preferences and there is considerable theoretical controversy regarding the role of individual agency in the process of preference formation. This study analyzes the determinants of sex-typed occupational aspirations amongst British children aged between 11 and 15. We specify different mechanisms involved in the transmission of sex-typical preferences and propose an innovative definition of individual agency that is anchored in observable psychological traits linked to self-direction. This allows us to perform a simultaneous test of socialization and agency predictors of occupational sex-typing. We find that parental influences on occupational preferences operate mainly through three distinctive channels: 1) the effect that parental socio-economic resources have on the scope of children's occupational aspirations, 2) children's direct imitation of parental occupations, and 3) children's learning of sex-typed roles via the observation of parental behavior. We also find a strong net effect of children's own psychological predispositions -self-esteem in particular- on the incidence of sex-typical occupational preferences. Yet large differences in the occupational aspirations of girls and boys remain unexplained.
Aquest treball de recerca consisteix en un estudi sobre les preferències vocacionals expressades per adolescents que cursen 4t d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria, amb una anàlisi comparativa per sexes. Es tracta d’un estudi de cas realitzat en un centre del Vallès Oriental, de caràcter longitudinal, en el que s’ha recollit durant 7 cursos acadèmics consecutius les seves preferències vocacionals a través de la prova d’interessos Kuder-C. L'objectiu ha estat comparar les preferències expressades pels nois i per les noies, les influències dels models de gènere estereotipats, així com l’existència o no de diferències entre ambdós col·lectius amb el pas del temps.
BACKGROUND: Previous reports have emphasized the self-limited nature of idiopathic neuroretinitis. There is less information about a subgroup of patients who suffer recurrent episodes with worse visual outcome. We sought to better characterize the clinical features of recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis including the effects of immunosuppressive treatment. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of neuroretinitis patients from a single institution from 1983 to 2008. Inclusion criteria included two or more episodes of acute visual loss with disc oedema and macular exudates in a star pattern. Cases due to a specific infectious or inflammatory aetiology were excluded. RESULTS: Forty-one patients were included with an average follow up of 67 months. Median age at the time of the first episode was 28 years (range 10-54 years). Attacks were bilateral sequential in 34 patients (83%). We documented a total of 147 episodes in 75 eyes with an average of 3.6 attacks per patient. The average interval between attacks was 3 years. Visual field loss had a nerve fibre bundle pattern in most cases. Only 36% of eyes retained 6/12 or better visual acuity and greater than two-thirds of their visual field. Long-term immunosuppressive treatment in 13 patients decreased the attack rate by 72%. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis typically affects young adults, with no gender preference. Recovery is limited and visual loss is cumulative with repeated attacks, often resulting in severe permanent visual loss. Immunosuppressive treatment appears to lessen the attack frequency.
Ectoparasitic batflies were studied on 12 species of phyllostomid bats, by making 35 nightly collections of bats using mist nets at the "Panga" Ecological Reservation near Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, from August 1989 to July 1990. Eleven species of Streblidae and one of Nycteribiidae were collected on 12 species of bats. Prevalence of ectoparasitic flies was lower than those reported by other authors for the New World and may be the result of the lack of caves in the study area, causing bats to roost in less favorable locations, forming smaller colonies. The fly, Trichobius joblingi Wenzel, was found on Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus), showing preference for adult male bats. This could be explained by the predominance of males in the bat colonies, and by the fact that females rest in isolation during the reproductive period making them less exposed to the parasites. The streblid flies, Aspidoptera falcata Wenzel and Megistopoda proxima (Séguy), were found on Sturnira lilium (Geoffroy). A. falcata occurred mainly on young and adult females, whereas M. proxima did not show any preferences relative to the reproductive condition of the host. Ecological factors are important in determining differential numbers of parasites occurring on the different sexes, ages and reproductive state of the hosts.
Persistent viruses are kept in check by specific lymphocytes. The clonal T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), once established following primary infection, exhibits a robust stability over time. However, the determinants contributing to this long-term persistence are still poorly characterized. Taking advantage of an in vivo clinical setting where lymphocyte homeostasis was transiently perturbed, we studied EBV antigen-specific CD8 T cells before and after non-myeloablative lympho-depleting chemotherapy of melanoma patients. Despite more advanced T cell differentiation, patients T cells showed clonal composition comparable to healthy individuals, sharing a preference for TRBV20 and TRBV29 gene segment usage and several co-dominant public TCR clonotypes. Moreover, our data revealed the presence of relatively few dominant EBV antigen-specific T cell clonotypes, which mostly persisted following transient lympho-depletion (TLD) and lymphocyte recovery, likely related to absence of EBV reactivation and de novo T cell priming in these patients. Interestingly, persisting clonotypes frequently co-expressed memory/homing-associated genes (CD27, IL7R, EOMES, CD62L/SELL and CCR5) supporting the notion that they are particularly important for long-lasting CD8 T cell responses. Nevertheless, the clonal composition of EBV-specific CD8 T cells was preserved over time with the presence of the same dominant clonotypes after non-myeloablative chemotherapy. The observed clonotype persistence demonstrates high robustness of CD8 T cell homeostasis and reconstitution.
The objective of the present study was to determine the association of sand flies with the presence of domestic and wild animals in the peridomiciliary area. The sand flies were collected using direct aspiration and CDC light traps placed in animal shelters. The results suggest that different sand flies species have different behavioral characteristics in an apparent preference for animal baits and that Lutzomyia longipalpis and Lu. evandroi were the most eclectic species regarding their biotope choice. Lu. longipalpis showed a distinct preference for horses and Lu. evandroi for armadillos.
Learning and immunity are two adaptive traits with roles in central aspects of an organism's life: learning allows adjusting behaviours in changing environments, while immunity protects the body integrity against parasites and pathogens. While we know a lot about how these two traits interact in vertebrates, the interactions between learning and immunity remain poorly explored in insects. During my PhD, I studied three possible ways in which these two traits interact in the model system Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism in the study of learning and in the study of immunity. Learning can affect the behavioural defences against parasites and pathogens through the acquisition of new aversions for contaminated food for instance. This type of learning relies on the ability to associate a food-related cue with the visceral sickness following ingestion of contaminated food. Despite its potential implication in infection prevention, the existence of pathogen avoidance learning has been rarely explored in invertebrates. In a first part of my PhD, I tested whether D. melanogaster, which feed on food enriched in microorganisms, innately avoid the orally-acquired 'novel' virulent pathogen Pseudomonas entomophila, and whether it can learn to avoid it. Although flies did not innately avoid this pathogen, they decreased their preference for contaminated food over time, suggesting the existence of a form of learning based likely on infection-induced sickness. I further found that flies may be able to learn to avoid an odorant which was previously associated with the pathogen, but this requires confirmation with additional data. If this is confirmed, this would be the first time, to my knowledge, that pathogen avoidance learning is reported in an insect. The detrimental effect of infection on cognition and more specifically on learning ability is well documented in vertebrates and in social insects. While the underlying mechanisms are described in detail in vertebrates, experimental investigations are lacking in invertebrates. In a second part of my PhD, I tested the effect of an oral infection with natural pathogens on associative learning of D. melanogaster. By contrast with previous studies in insects, I found that flies orally infected with the virulent P. entomophila learned better the association of an odorant with mechanical shock than uninfected flies. The effect seems to be specific to a gut infection, and so far I have not been able to draw conclusions on the respective contributions of the pathogen's virulence and of the flies' immune activity in this effect. Interestingly, infected flies may display an increased sensitivity to physical pain. If the learning improvement observed in infected flies was due partially to the activity of the immune system, my results would suggest the existence of physiological connections between the immune system and the nervous system. The basis of these connections would then need to be addressed. Learning and immunity are linked at the physiological level in social insects. Physiological links between traits often result from the expression of genetic links between these traits. However, in social insects, there is no evidence that learning and immunity may be involved in an evolutionary trade-off. I previously reported a positive effect of infection on learning in D. melanogaster. This might suggest that a positive genetic link could exist between learning and immunity. We tested this hypothesis with two approaches: the diallel cross design with inbred lines, and the isofemale lines design. The two approaches provided consistent results: we found no additive genetic correlation between learning and resistance to infection with the diallel cross, and no genetic correlation in flies which are not yet adapted to laboratory conditions in isofemale lines. Consistently with the literature, the two studies suggested that the positive effect of infection on learning I observed might not be reflected by a positive evolutionary link between learning and immunity. Nevertheless, the existence of complex genetic relationships between the two traits cannot be excluded. - L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont deux caractères à valeur adaptative impliqués dans des aspects centraux de la vie d'un organisme : l'apprentissage permet d'ajuster les comportements pour faire face aux changements de l'environnement, tandis que l'immunité protège l'intégrité corporelle contre les attaques des parasites et des pathogènes. Alors que les interactions entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité sont bien documentées chez les vertébrés, ces interactions ont été très peu étudiées chez les insectes. Pendant ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à trois aspects des interactions possibles entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité chez la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster, qui est un organisme modèle dans l'étude à la fois de l'apprentissage et de l'immunité. L'apprentissage peut affecter les défenses comportementales contre les parasites et les pathogènes par l'acquisition de nouvelles aversions pour la nourriture contaminée par exemple. Ce type d'apprentissage repose sur la capacité à associer une caractéristique de la nourriture avec la maladie qui suit l'ingestion de cette nourriture. Malgré les implications potentielles pour la prévention des infections, l'évitement appris des pathogènes a été rarement étudié chez les invertébrés. Dans une première partie de ma thèse, j'ai testé si les mouches, qui se nourrissent sur des milieux enrichis en micro-organismes, évitent de façon innée un 'nouveau' pathogène virulent Pseudomonas entomophila, et si elles ont la capacité d'apprendre à l'éviter. Bien que les mouches ne montrent pas d'évitement inné pour ce pathogène, elles diminuent leur préférence pour de la nourriture contaminée dans le temps, suggérant l'existence d'une forme d'apprentissage basée vraisemblablement sur la maladie générée par l'infection. J'ai ensuite observé que les mouches semblent être capables d'apprendre à éviter une odeur qui était au préalable associée avec ce pathogène, mais cela reste à confirmer par la collecte de données supplémentaires. Si cette observation est confirmée, cela sera la première fois, à ma connaissance, que l'évitement appris des pathogènes est décrit chez un insecte. L'effet détrimental des infections sur la cognition et plus particulièrement sur les capacités d'apprentissage est bien documenté chez les vertébrés et les insectes sociaux. Alors que les mécanismes sous-jacents sont détaillés chez les vertébrés, des études expérimentales font défaut chez les insectes. Dans une seconde partie de ma thèse, j'ai mesuré les effets d'une infection orale par des pathogènes naturels sur les capacités d'apprentissage associatif de la drosophile. Contrairement aux études précédentes chez les insectes, j'ai trouvé que les mouches infectées par le pathogène virulent P. entomophila apprennent mieux à associer une odeur avec des chocs mécaniques que des mouches non infectées. Cet effet semble spécifique à l'infection orale, et jusqu'à présent je n'ai pas pu conclure sur les contributions respectives de la virulence du pathogène et de l'activité immunitaire des mouches dans cet effet. De façon intéressante, les mouches infectées pourraient montrer une plus grande réactivité à la douleur physique. Si l'amélioration de l'apprentissage observée chez les mouches infectées était due en partie à l'activité du système immunitaire, mes résultats suggéreraient l'existence de connections physiologiques entre le système immunitaire et le système nerveux. Les mécanismes de ces connections seraient à explorer. L'apprentissage et l'immunité sont liés sur un plan physiologique chez les insectes sociaux. Les liens physiologiques entre les caractères résultent souvent de l'expression de liens entre ces caractères au niveau génétique. Cependant, chez les insectes sociaux, il n'y a pas de preuve que l'apprentissage et l'immunité soient liés par un compromis évolutif. J'ai précédemment rapporté un effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage chez la drosophile. Cela pourrait suggérer qu'une relation génétique positive existerait entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse par deux approches : le croisement diallèle avec des lignées consanguines, et les lignées isofemelles. Les deux approches ont fournies des résultats similaires : nous n'avons pas détecté de corrélation génétique additive entre l'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection avec le croisement diallèle, et pas de corrélation génétique chez des mouches non adaptées aux conditions de laboratoire avec les lignées isofemelles. En ligne avec la littérature, ces deux études suggèrent que l'effet positif de l'infection sur l'apprentissage que j'ai précédemment observé ne refléterait pas un lien évolutif positif entre l'apprentissage et l'immunité. Néanmoins, l'existence de relations génétiques complexes n'est pas exclue.
This introductory brief has been written as a response to a request for information on HIA and waste management, with particular reference to incineration. EU legislation forms the basis for much of Irish waste management policy. Waste Management – Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) sets targets for increased prevention and minimisation, encourages reuse and gives preference to recovery and recycling, which is in line with the EU’s Sixth Environmental Action Plan (2002). In the area of waste incineration, the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) has been transposed into Irish law and sets operating requirements for the incineration of waste.
Vertebrates show different tendencies in regard to their preference for seeds or fruits infested by insects compared to non-infested ones. Behaviour may include rejection of one type, preferential consumption of one type or no differentiation among them. When comparing infested versus non-infested fruits, most studies have focused on energy content and nutritional components of the food items; but the energy input provided to the consumer is a better measure for the comparison of the value of each type of food. In this study, I calculated the energy assimilated by rodents for the seeds of the palm Attalea butyracea contained in non-infested endocarps and from bruchid beetle larvae contained in infested endocarps. Using the energy assimilation and time of handling by rodents for both types of endocarps, I quantitatively demonstrated that both infested and non-infested endocarps produce a similar energy input. This finding is consistent with the previous hypothesis that there is a trade-off between the energy content and the time required to extract the insect larvae compared with the seeds in endocarps of Attalea butyracea.
Schistosoma mansoni is an important human parasitic disease which is widespread throughout Africa. As Biomphalaria pfeifferi snails act as intermediate host, knowledge of their population ecology is an essential prerequisite towards understanding disease transmission. We conducted a field study and assessed the density and microhabitat preferences of B.pfeifferi in a natural habitat which was a residual pool of a river. Repeated removal collecting revealed a density of 26.6 [95% confidence interval (CI): 24.9-28.3] snails/m2. B.pfeifferi showed microhabitat preferences for shallow water (depths: 0-4cm). They were found most abundantly close to the shoreline (distances: 0-40cm), and preferred either plant detritus or bedrock as substratum. Lymnaea natalensis, a snail which may act as a host for human Fasciola gigantica, also occurred in this habitat with a density of 34.0 (95% CI: 24.7-43.3) snails/m2, and preferred significantly different microhabitats when compared to B.pfeifferi. Microhabitat selection by these snail species was also investigated in a man-made habitat nearby, which consisted of a flat layer of concrete fixed on the riverbed, covered by algae. Here, B.pfeifferi showed no preference for locations close to the shoreline, probably because the habitat had a uniform depth. We conclude that repeated removal collecting in shallow habitats provides reliable estimates of snail densities and that habitat changes through constructions may create favourable microhabitats and contribute to additional disease transmission.
Els sediments del fons marí són molt importants en els ecosistemes aquàtics. Aquests sediments són considerats absorbents naturals, ja que s’hi acumulen moltes substàncies nocives, com ara metalls pesants i contaminants orgànics persistents (COPs). En aquest estudi s’han analitzat mostres de sediments del mar Mediterrani amb la finalitat d’examinar els COPs i la possible procedència d’hidrocarburs derivats del petroli. Les mostres han estat extretes davant de la desembocadura del riu Besòs (se n’ha fet una extracció a 8 km i una altra a 54 km de distància respecte la costa) i davant del municipi català anomenat Vilanova i la Geltrú (se n’ha fet, també, una extracció a 8-10 km i una altra a 30-40 km de distància respecte la costa). D’aquestes mostres, obtingudes per perforació, se n’han analitzat el primer i segon centímetres. S’han quantificat els hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics (PAHs), els bifenils policlorats (PCBs) i els compostos organoclorats (OCPs) utilitzats antigament com a pesticides. S’ha posat de manifest que en les zones més properes a la costa, les concertacions COPs són més elevades a la regió més meridional, tot i estar davant de la desembocadura del riu Besòs. Segurament això és degut a la influència de la deriva litoral (corrent costaner marí en direcció NE-SW). Finalment, l’índex Phytane/Pristane, l’índex de preferència de carboni o, en anglès Carbon Preference Index (CPI) i la barreja complexa sense resoldre o, en anglès, Unresolved Complex Mixture (UCM) apunten a la conclusió que l’origen dels hidrocarburs analitzats (n-alcans) podria ser petrogènic.