998 resultados para Polo, Pascual


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In the emergency situation, preoperative patient work-up for cardio-vascular surgery is quite different from the elective setting. We have analyzed a consecutive series of 5576 cases out of which 823 underwent emergency procedures (14.8%). The most frequent problems requiring emergent intervention were peripheral vascular (186 cases; 22.6% of the emergent procedure), followed by coronary artery disease (156 cases; 19.0%), thoracic aortic aneurysms (86 cases; 10.4%), abdominal aortic aneurysms (54 cases; 6.6%), congenital heart disease (36 cases: 4.4%), heart and heart lung transplantation (31 cases; 3.8%), problems with cardiac rythm (25 cases: 3.0%), and others (267 cases: 32.4%). Classification by proportion of urgent procedures with reference to elective operations shows a different picture. As a matter of fact transplantations were always emergency procedures (100%), whereas repair of aortic dissections type A and B was an emergency procedure in 81.5%. Emergency thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair accounted for 30% and 20% respectively and the corresponding proportion for peripheral vascular surgery is 19%. However, emergency surgery for acute coronary ischemia, valvular and congenital heart disease accounted for somewhat less than 10% for each group of these pathologies. Systematic pre-operative diagnostic work-up is a recognized tool for procedure related risk assessment and superior management of diseases. However, hemodynamic instability and other time related events correlated with negative outcome, are the main driving forces for accelerated diagnostic pathways


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Background: Oral valganciclovir (VGC) is hydrolysed into active ganciclovir (GCV) which is eliminated in the kidney by filtration and secretion. VGC dosage has to be adapted in renal failure with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), a condition sometimes encountered early after solid organ transplantation. This investigation aimed to determine whether VGC 450 mg every 48 hours provides appropriate GCV exposure for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis during CRRT. Methods: GCV pharmacokinetics were extensively studied during CRRT in two lung transplant recipients with acute renal failure receiving VGC 450 mg every 48 hours trough a nasogastric tube. In vitro experiments using blank whole blood spiked with GCV further investigated exchanges between plasma and erythrocytes. Results: GCV disposition was characterised by an area under the curve (AUC) of 98.0 and 55.4 mg h/L, resulting in trough concentrations of 0.7 and 0.2 mg/L, an apparent total body clearance of 3.3 and 5.8 L/h, a terminal half-life of 16.9 and 14.1 h, and an apparent volume of distribution of 60.3 and 104.9 L. The observed sieving coefficient (filtrate/plasma) was 1.05 and 0.96, and the hemofiltration clearance 3.3 and 3.1 L/h, respectively. High sieving values could be explained by an efflux of GCV from erythrocytes. In vitro experiments confirmed that erythrocytes are loaded with significant GCV amount and release it quickly into plasma, thus contributing to the apparent efficacy of hemofiltration. Conclusion: These results indicate that a VGC dosage of 450 mg every 48 hours was adequate for CMV prophylaxis during CRRT, providing GCV levels similar to those reported using 900 mg qd in transplant recipients with normal renal function.


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A population of leaping grey mullet (Liza saliens (Risso, 1810) was studied in order to measure seasonal and annual growth rates. The annual growth rates were similar to those reported for other populations from the central Western Mediterranean and intermediate between those living in northern and southern areas. As usual, the growth rate of adult males was slower than that of females. Males reached adulthood in their third summer. Females of the same age showed a moderate gonadal development, but did not ripen until the next summer. Mullets of all ages gained weight only when the water temperature was higher than 20°C. However adults and immature fish showed reduced growth in mid-summer, when that of the juveniles peaked. This difference is not a consequence of the reproductive cost, because the growth rate of immatures was greatly reduced although they did not spawn.


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A stratified study of microhabitat use by grey mullet on the island of Minorca (Balearic archipelago, western Mediterranean) showed that the distribution of all the species was dramatically affected by salinity. Sites with a salinity level under 15 were positively selected in spring and summer by those species whose growth performance was the best in oligomesohaline water (Liza ramado and Mugil cephalus) but also by a species whose growth was not affected by salinity (Chelon labrosus). Liza aurata concentrated in polyhaline and euhaline sites, where growth was improved, a pattern also exhibited by Liza saliens. Both species avoided fresh water sites all year round. As a consequence, community structure was correlated with salinity. The above reported electivity patterns often disappeared in autumn, when most grey mullets migrate off-shore.


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Experimental fishing and visual censuses were conducted at nine Posidonia oceanica sites off Minorca exposed to different levels of fishing intensity to assess the effects of recreational fishing on the species that dominate the catch. Total catch per unit effort (CPUE) was highly seasonal and a statistically significant interaction term existed between the season and the level of fishing intensity. CPUE decreased everywhere at the end of the fishing season (autumn), but such a reduction was more intense at those sites exposed to the highest level of fishing. Visual censuses confirmed that there was a lower abundance of vulnerable fish in autumn. Differences vanished in spring probably because fish reshuffled between the considered sites throughout the winter, when the level of fishing intensity was extremely low. Although the average total lengths of Serranus scriba and Diplodus annularis were unaffected by the level of fishing intensity, the average total length of Coris julis was smaller at the most heavily fished sites. In conclusion, recreational fishing has a relevant impact on most of the exploited species and some of the seasonality reported for the Posidonia oceanica fish assemblages might be caused by the seasonality of the fishery.


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OBJECTIVE: Depth of emotional processing has shown to be related to outcome across approaches to psychotherapy. Moreover, a specific emotional sequence has been postulated and tested in several studies on experiential psychotherapy (Pascual-Leone & Greenberg, 2007). This process-outcome study aims at reproducing the sequential model of emotional processing in psychodynamic psychotherapy for adjustment disorder and linking these variables with ultimate therapeutic outcome. METHOD: In this study, 32 patients underwent short-term dynamic psychotherapy. On the basis of reliable clinical change statistics, a subgroup (n = 16) presented with good outcome and another subgroup (n = 16) had a poor outcome in the end of treatment. The strongest alliance session of each case was rated using the observer-rated system Classification of Affective Meaning States. Reliability coefficients for the measure were excellent (κ = .82). RESULTS: Using 1 min as the fine-grained unit of analysis, results showed that the experience of fundamentally adaptive grief was more common in the in-session process of patients with good outcome, compared with those with poor outcomes (χ2 = 6.56, p = .01, d = 1.23). This variable alone predicted 19% of the change in depressive symptoms as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory at the end of treatment. Moreover, sequences of the original model were supported and related to outcome. CONCLUSIONS: These results are discussed within the framework of the sequential model of emotional processing and its possible relevance for psychodynamic psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).


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In order to prevent allograft rejection, most current immunosuppressive drugs nonspecifically target T-cell activation, clonal expansion or differentiation into effector cells. Experimental models have shown that it is possible to exploit the central and peripheral mechanisms that normally maintain immune homeostasis and tolerance to self-antigens, in order to induce tolerance to alloantigens. Central tolerance results from intrathymic deletion of T cells with high avidity for thymically expressed antigens. Peripheral tolerance to nonself-molecules can be achieved by various mechanisms including deletion of activated/effector T cells, anergy induction and active regulation of effector T cells. In this article, we briefly discuss the pathways of allorecognition and their relevance to current immunosuppressive strategies and to the induction of transplantation tolerance (through haematopoietic mixed chimerism, depleting protocols, costimulatory blockade and regulatory T cells). We then review the prospect of clinical applicability of these protocols in solid organ transplantation.


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Le taux de retour au travail après greffe est généralement bas. Or, on sait que le retour au travail après greffe améliore la qualité de vie des transplantés. Le but de notre étude était donc de comprendre les raisons possibles à ce faible taux en montrant les facteurs professionnels, individuels ou médicaux pouvant l'influencer. Parmi les 61 greffés rénaux ou hépatiques suivis au centre de transplantation d'organe (CTO) du CHUV, 39% ont repris le travail après greffe. Trois facteurs étaient significatifs de retour au travail après greffe, à savoir «travail avant greffe», «diplôme» et «âge < 45 ans». Ainsi, il est utile pour la pratique médicale de connaître les facteurs potentiels influençant le retour au travail car cela permet d'évaluer, au stade prégreffe, les chances de retour au travail et si besoin de proposer des mesures spécifiques le favorisant.


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La reducción al polo, los gradientes horizontales, los mapas de relieves sombreados y la continuación analítica ascendente (CAA) constituyen transformaciones del campo magnético ampliamente utilizadas durante el estudio de la estructura geológica de una región. En la región de Moa (NE de Cuba) estas transformaciones se emplean para resaltar alineaciones en los datos magnéticos que constituyen estructuras tectónicas disyuntivas o zonas de contactos abruptos, así como la estructura geológica en profundidad. Con el análisis de estas transformaciones del campo se comprobó que los principales sistemas de fallas de la región de estudio se manifiestan en el comportamiento del campo magnético, particularmente en los mapas de relieve sombreados a partir de zonas alineadas. En estos mismos mapas se repiten alineaciones con dirección noroeste y noreste que no coinciden con las estructuras descritas en los mapas morfotectónico y geológico, destacando zonas que pueden constituir contactos tectónicos o litológicos no citados en trabajos anteriores. Para la mayoría de las estructuras, los mapas analizados sugieren posiciones, longitudes e incluso formas algo distintas a las señaladas en los mapas morfotectónico y geológico. A partir del modelaje interactivo en los perfiles de interpretación trazados a través de las principales anomalías, se deduce que loscuerpos anómalos poseen formas de cuñas y de capas verticales o ligeramente inclinadas en algunos de sus extremos. Además, yacen a poca profundidad (0-400 m), con la excepción de algunos cuerpos que pueden alcanzar más de 1000 m de profundidad en su límite inferior (perfil III-III' y XII-XII'). Estos resultados corroboran el carácter alóctono de las unidades ofiolíticas en esta región.


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The main clinical features in four patients with IgG1k paraproteinaemia and acquired complement deficiency included xanthomatous skin lesions (in three), panniculitis (in three) and hepatitis (in two). Hypocomplementaemia concerned the early classical pathway components--in particular C1q. Metabolic studies employing 125I-C1q revealed a much faster catabolism of this protein in the four patients than in five normal controls and three patients with cryoglobulinaemia (mean fractional catabolic rates respectively: 23.35%/h; 1.44%/h; 5.84%/h). Various experiments were designed to characterize the mechanism of the hypocomplementaemia: the patients' serum, purified paraprotein, blood cells, bone marrow cells, or xanthomatous skin lesions did not produce significant complement activation or C1q binding. When three of the patients (two with panniculitis and hepatitis) were injected with 123I-C1q, sequential gamma-camera imaging demonstrated rapid accumulation of the radionuclide in the liver, suggesting that complement activation takes place in the liver where it could produce damage.


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Commuting consists in the fact that an important fraction of workers in developed countries do not reside close to their workplaces but at long distances from them, so they have to travel to their jobs and then back home daily. Although most workers hold a job in the same municipality where they live or in a neighbouring one, an important fraction of workers face long daily trips to get to their workplace and then back home.Even if we divide Catalonia (Spain) in small aggregations of municipalities, trying to make them as close to local labour markets as possible, we will find out that some of them have a positive commuting balance, attracting many workers from other areas and providing local jobs for almost all their resident workers. On the other side, other zones seem to be mostly residential, so an important fraction of their resident workers hold jobs in different local labour markets. Which variables influence an area¿s role as an attraction pole or a residential zone? In previous papers (Artís et al, 1998a, 2000; Romaní, 1999) we have brought out the main individual variables that influence commuting by analysing a sample of Catalan workers and their commuting decisions. In this paper we perform an analysis of the territorial variables that influence commuting, using data for aggregate commuting flows in Catalonia from the 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses.These variables influence commuting in two different ways: a zone with a dense, welldeveloped economical structure will have a high density of jobs. Work demand cannot be fulfilled with resident workers, so it spills over local boundaries. On the other side, this economical activity has a series of side-effects like pollution, congestion or high land prices which make these areas less desirable to live in. Workers who can afford it may prefer to live in less populated, less congested zones, where they can find cheaper land, larger homes and a better quality of life. The penalty of this decision is an increased commuting time. Our aim in this paper is to highlight the influence of local economical structure and amenities endowment in the workplace-residence location decision. A place-to-place logit commuting models is estimated for 1991 and 1996 in order to find the economical and amenities variables with higher influence in commuting decisions. From these models, we can outline a first approximation to the evolution of these variables in the 1986-1996 period. Data have been obtained from aggregate flow travel-matrix from the 1986, 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses


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Commuting consists in the fact that an important fraction of workers in developed countries do not reside close to their workplaces but at long distances from them, so they have to travel to their jobs and then back home daily. Although most workers hold a job in the same municipality where they live or in a neighbouring one, an important fraction of workers face long daily trips to get to their workplace and then back home.Even if we divide Catalonia (Spain) in small aggregations of municipalities, trying to make them as close to local labour markets as possible, we will find out that some of them have a positive commuting balance, attracting many workers from other areas and providing local jobs for almost all their resident workers. On the other side, other zones seem to be mostly residential, so an important fraction of their resident workers hold jobs in different local labour markets. Which variables influence an area¿s role as an attraction pole or a residential zone? In previous papers (Artís et al, 1998a, 2000; Romaní, 1999) we have brought out the main individual variables that influence commuting by analysing a sample of Catalan workers and their commuting decisions. In this paper we perform an analysis of the territorial variables that influence commuting, using data for aggregate commuting flows in Catalonia from the 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses.These variables influence commuting in two different ways: a zone with a dense, welldeveloped economical structure will have a high density of jobs. Work demand cannot be fulfilled with resident workers, so it spills over local boundaries. On the other side, this economical activity has a series of side-effects like pollution, congestion or high land prices which make these areas less desirable to live in. Workers who can afford it may prefer to live in less populated, less congested zones, where they can find cheaper land, larger homes and a better quality of life. The penalty of this decision is an increased commuting time. Our aim in this paper is to highlight the influence of local economical structure and amenities endowment in the workplace-residence location decision. A place-to-place logit commuting models is estimated for 1991 and 1996 in order to find the economical and amenities variables with higher influence in commuting decisions. From these models, we can outline a first approximation to the evolution of these variables in the 1986-1996 period. Data have been obtained from aggregate flow travel-matrix from the 1986, 1991 and 1996 Spanish Population Censuses


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BACKGROUND: Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (PVAN) is a serious complication and cause of graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. In the absence of specific antiviral drugs, early detection of the disease and reduction of immunosuppressive regimen is the cornerstone of therapy. Cidofovir, a nucleoside analogue, has been found to inhibit BK virus (BKV) replication in vitro and has been proposed as treatment of refractory PVAN at low doses; however, its efficacy has never been demonstrated in randomized controlled trials. METHODS: Cidofovir therapy (0.5 mg/kg at a 2-week interval for eight consecutive doses) was initiated in two patients with biopsy-proven PVAN and persistent BKV DNA viraemia (> or = 10,000 copies/ml despite sustained reduction of the immunosuppressive regimen). In addition to these two case reports, we performed a critical review of the literature on the use of cidofovir in PVAN. RESULTS: No significant decrease of BKV viral load in blood was observed during cidofovir therapy and in follow-up of the two patients treated with cidofovir. Our literature review identified 21 publications reporting the use of cidofovir for the treatment of PVAN. All were case reports or small series. The efficacy of cidofovir therapy could not be assessed in 17 of these publications because of lack of data or concomitant reduction of immunosuppressive regimen. The four remaining publications were case reports. CONCLUSIONS: In vitro and clinical data to support the efficacy of cidofovir in the treatment of PVAN are currently lacking. More promising compounds should be identified for further clinical studies.