998 resultados para Pillared interlayered clay (PILC)


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The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) is associated with abrupt climate change, carbon cycle perturbation, ocean acidification, as well as biogeographic shifts in marine and terrestrial biota that were largely reversed as the climatic transient waned. We report a clear exception to the behavior of the PETM as a reversing climatic transient in the eastern North Atlantic (Deep-Sea Drilling Project Site 401, Bay of Biscay) where the PETM initiates a greatly prolonged environmental change compared to other places on Earth where records exist. The observed environmental perturbation extended well past the d13C recovery phase and up to 650 kyr after the PETM onset according to our extraterrestrial 3He-based age-model. We observe a strong decoupling of planktic foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca values during the PETM d13C recovery phase, which in combination with results from helium isotopes and clay mineralogy, suggests that the PETM triggered a hydrologic change in western Europe that increased freshwater flux and the delivery of weathering products to the eastern North Atlantic. This state change persisted long after the carbon-cycle perturbation had stopped. We hypothesize that either long-lived continental drainage patterns were altered by enhanced hydrological cycling induced by the PETM, or alternatively that the climate system in the hinterland area of Site 401 was forced into a new climate state that was not easily reversed in the aftermath of the PETM.


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Examination of the clay mineralogy of Cenozoic sediment samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 604 and 605 on the upper continental rise off New Jersey indicates that sediment deposition of two different clay mineral facies has occurred. These sites are marked by Paleogene deposition of illite with subordinate kaolinite and smectite covarying in inverse proportion, and by Neogene deposition dominated by illite with subordinate kaolinite and chlorite. Leg 93 results agree with the clay mineral facies proposed by Hathaway (1972), which defined a "Northern facies" consisting of illite and chlorite, with feldspar and hornblende, from erosion of rocks north of Cape Hatteras, and a "Southern facies" composed of smectite, kaolinite, and mixed-layer illite-smectites. Neogene and Quaternary sediments at Sites 604 and 605 contain the "Northern facies," and Paleogene sediments contain the "Southern facies" minerals. Feldspar is exclusively found in Neogene-Quaternary sediments, as is the majority of the amphibole found in these samples. Widespread Paleogene volcanic source materials are suggested by the presence of smectite throughout the early Paleocenemiddle Eocene sediments recovered at Site 605. The clay mineral stratigraphy at Leg 93 sites is comparable to the record at nearby DSDP sites on the lower continental rise and abyssal plain of the northwestern Atlantic (DSDP Sites 388, 105, and 106), and also with the sediments recovered by drilling on the Mazagan Plateau off northwestern Morocco (DSDP Sites 544-547) in the eastern North Atlantic.


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The western flank of the Great Bahama Bank, drilled during ODP Leg 166 at seven sites, represents a prograding carbonate sequence from late Oligocene to Holocene [Eberli et al., Proc. ODP Init. Reports 166 (1997)]. The signatures of the detrital input and of diagenetic alteration are evident in clay enriched intervals from the most distal Sites 1006 and 1007 in the Straits of Florida. Mineralogical and chemical investigations (XRD, TEM, SEM, ICP-MS) run on bulk rocks and on the clay fractions enable the origin and evolution of silicate parageneses to be characterized. Plio-Pleistocene silt and clay interbeds contain detrital clay assemblages comprising chlorite, illite, interstratified illite smectite, smectite, kaolinite and palygorskite. The greater smectite input within late Pliocene units than in Pleistocene oozes may relate either varying source areas or change in paleoclimatic conditions and weathering intensity. The clay intervals from Miocene-upper Oligocene wackestone sections are fairly different, with prevalent smectite in the fine fraction, whose high crystallinity and Mg contents that point towards an authigenic origin. The lower Miocene section, below 1104 mbsf, at depths where compaction features are well developed, is particularly characterized by abundant authigenic Na-K-clinoptilolite filling foraminifer tests. The authigenic smectite and clinoptilolite paragenesis is recorded by the chemical trends, both of the sediment and the interstitial fluid. This diagenetic evolution implies Si- and Mg rich fluids circulating in deeper and older sequences. For lack of any local volcaniclastic input, the genesis of zeolite and the terms of water rock interaction are discussed. The location of the diagenetic front correlates with that of the seismic sequence boundary P2 dated as 23.2 Ma. This correspondence may allow the chronostratigraphic significance of some specific seismic reflections to be reassessed.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188 to Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, several of the shipboard scientists formed the High-Resolution Integrated Stratigraphy Committee (HiRISC). The committee was established in order to furnish an integrated data set from the Pliocene portion of Site 1165 as a contribution to the ongoing debate about Pliocene climate and climate evolution in Antarctica. The proxies determined in our various laboratories were the following: magnetostratigraphy and magnetic properties, grain-size distributions (granulometry), near-ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectrophotometry, calcium carbonate content, characteristics of foraminifer, diatom, and radiolarian content, clay mineral composition, and stable isotopes. In addition to the HiRISC samples, other data sets contained in this report are subsets of much larger data sets. We included these subsets in order to provide the reader with a convenient integrated data set of Pliocene-Pleistocene strata from the East Antarctic continental margin. The data are presented in the form of 14 graphs (in addition to the site map). Text and figure captions guide the reader to the original data sets. Some preliminary interpretations are given at the end of the manuscript.


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The clay mineral assemblages of upper Eocene to lower Miocene sediments recovered at the CIROS-1 and MSSTS-1 drill sites on the McMurdo Sound shelf, Antarctica, were analyzed in order to reconstruct the Cenozoic Antarctic paleoclimate and ice dynamics. The assemblages are dominated by smectite and illite, with minor amounts of chlorite and kaolinite. The highest smectite amounts and best smectite crystallinities occur in the upper Eocene part of CIROS-1, below 425-445 mbsf. They indicate that during their deposition, chemical weathering conditions prevailed on the nearby continent. Large parts of East Antarctica were probably ice-free at that time, but some glaciers reached the sea and contributed to the glaciomarine sedimentation. In contrast, only minor total amounts of smectite are present in Oligocene and younger sediments due to the shift to mainly physical weathering on an ice-covered Antarctic continent. However, relative smectite percentages rise to more than 60% during two late Oligocene intervals (ca. 27.5-26.2 and 25.0-24.5 Ma) and during one early Miocene interval starting at ca. 23.3 Ma. These intervals are characterized by ice masses coming probably from the south, where volcanic rocks acted as a source, as also indicated by the composition of the sand and gravel fractions. During the other intervals, the ice came from the west, where the physical erosion of basement rocks and sedimentary rocks of the Beacon Supergroup in the Transantarctic Mountains provided high illite concentrations. Because the two drill sites are only 4 km apart, their clay mineral records can be correlated. This led to a new interpretation of the Oligocene paleomagnetic data of the MSSTS-1 site and to a more detailed lithostratigraphic correlation of the Miocene parts of the cores.


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During 2006, the SHALDRIL program recovered cores of Eocene through Pliocene material at four locations in the northwestern Weddell Sea, each representing a key period in the evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula ice cap. The recovered cores are not continuous, yet they provide a record of climate change with samples from the late Eocene, late Oligocene, middle Miocene, and early Pliocene and represent the only series of samples recovered from the northwestern Weddell Sea and spanning the Cenozoic and the initial growth of the peninsula ice cap. Late Eocene sediments sampled in the James Ross Basin are typically characterized by very dark greenish-gray muddy fine sand with some preserved burrowing and are interpreted to represent a shallow water continental shelf setting. Rare dropstones, primarily of well-cemented sandstones and minor ice-rafted material consisting of angular grains with glacially influenced surface features record the onset of mountain glaciation, the earliest such evidence in the region. The remaining cores were collected on the Joinville Plateau to the north of the James Ross Basin. The late Oligocene sediments consist of dark gray sandy mud with some clay lenses and many burrows, likely representing a distal delta or shelf setting. This core contains only very few and small dropstones, and the individual grains show decreased angularity and fewer glacial surface features relative to late Eocene deposits. The middle Miocene strata are composed of pebbly gray diamicton, representing proximal glacimarine sediments. The lower Pliocene section also contains many ice-rafted pebbles but is dominated by sandy units rather than diamicton and is interpreted to represent a current-winnowed deposit, similar to the modern contour current-influenced sediments of the region.


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