980 resultados para Past events recollection


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The first experimental evidence for the development of polarized CD4+ Th1 and Th2 responses in vivo has been obtained using the murine model of infection with Leishmania major, an intracellular parasite of macrophages in their vertebrate host. Genetically determined resistance and susceptibility to infection with this parasite have been clearly demonstrated to result from the development of polarized Th1 and Th2 responses, respectively. Using this model system, the dominant role of cytokines in the induction of polarized CD4+ responses has been validated in vivo. The requisite role of IL-4 in mediating both Th2 differentiation and susceptibility to infection in BALB/c mice has directed interest towards the search for evidence of IL-4 production early after infection and identification of its cellular source. We have been able to demonstrate a burst of IL-4 production in susceptible BALB/c mice within the first day of infection with L. major and could establish that this rapidly produced IL-4 instructed Th2 lineage commitment of subsequently activated CD4+ T cells and stabilized this commitment by downregulating IL-12 Rbeta2 chain expression, resulting in susceptibility to infection. Strikingly, this early IL-4 response to infection resulted from the cognate recognition of a single epitope in a distinctive antigen, LACK, from this complex microorganism by a restricted population of CD4+ T cells that express Vbeta4-Valpha8 T cell receptors.


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RESUME Peu d'informations sont disponibles concernant la prévalence et les motifs de refus de la vaccination contre la grippe dans la population âgée. Le but de notre recherche était d'investiguer les vrais motifs de refus de la vaccination (c'est-à-dire pas uniquement les raisons de non-vaccination parfois indépendantes du patient lui- même) chez les personnes âgées. Tous les patients ambulatoires de plus de 65 ans consultant la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire (PMU) de Lausanne ou leur médecin traitant durant les périodes de vaccination contre la grippe 1999-2000 et 2000-2001 ont été inclus. Chaque patient recevait une information sur la grippe et ses complications, de même que sur la nécessité de la vaccination, son efficacité et ses effets seconda ires éventuels. En l'absence de contre-indication, la vaccination était proposée. En cas de refus, les motifs étaient investigués par une question ouverte. Sur 1398 sujets inclus, 148 (12%) ont refusé la vaccination. Les raisons principales de refus étaient la perception d'être en bonne santé (16%), de ne pas être susceptible à la grippe (15%) ou le fait de ne jamais avoir été vacciné contre la grippe dans le passé (15%). On retrouvait également la mauvaise expérience personnelle ou d'un proche lors d'une vaccination (15%) et l'impression d'inutilité du vaccin (10%). 17% des personnes interrogées ont donné des motifs autres et 12% n'ont pas explicité leur non-acceptation. Les refus de vaccination contre la grippe dans la population âgée sont essentiellement liés aux convictions intimes du patient quant à son état de santé et à sa susceptibilité à la grippe, de même qu'à l'efficacité supposée de la vaccination. La résistance au changement semble être un obstacle majeur à l'introduction de la vaccination chez les personnes de plus de 65 ans. SUMMARY More knowledge on the reasons for refusal of the influenza vaccine in elderly patients is essential to target groups for additional information, and hence improve coverage rate. The objective of the present study was to describe precisely the true motives for refusal. All patients aged over 64 who attended the Medical Outpatient Clinic, University of Lausanne, or their private practitioner's office during the 1999 and 2000 vaccination periods were included. Each patient was informed on influenza and its complications, as well as on the need for vaccination, its efficacy and adverse events. The vaccination was then proposed. In case of refusal, the reasons were investigated with an open question. Out of 1398 patients, 148 (12%) refused the vaccination. The main reasons for refusal were the perception of being in good health (16%), of not being susceptible to influenza (15%), of not having had the influenza vaccine in the past (15%), of having had a bad experience either personally or a relative (15%), and the uselessness of the vaccine (10%). Seventeen percent gave miscellaneous reasons and 12% no reason at all for refusal. Little epidemiological knowledge and resistance to change appear to be the major obstacles for wide acceptance of the vaccine by the elderly.


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Background: With the aging of the population, the heart failure (HF) incidence and prevalence trends are expected to significantly worsen unless concentrated prevention efforts are undertaken. ECG abnormalities are common in the elderly but data are limited for their association with HF risk. Objective: To assess whether baseline ECG abnormalities or dynamic changes are associated with an increased risk of HF. Method: A prospective cohort study of 2915 participants aged 70 to 79 years without a preexisting HF followed for a median period of 11.4 (IQR 7.0-11.7) years from the Health Aging and Body Composition study. The Minnesota Code was used to define major and minor ECG abnormalities at baseline and at 4-year. Main outcome measure was adjudicated incident HF events. Using Cox models, the (1) the association between ECG abnormalities and incident HF and (2) incremental value of adding ECG to the Health ABC HF Risk Score, was assessed. Results: At baseline, 380 participants (13.0%) had minor and 620 (21.3%) had major ECG abnormalities. During follow-up, 485 (16.6%) participants developed incident HF. After adjusting for the eight clinical variables in the Health ABC HF Risk Score, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.27 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.96-1.68) for minor and 1.99 (CI 1.61-2.44) for major ECG abnormalities (P for trend <0.001) compared to no ECG abnormalities. The association did not change according to presence of baseline CHD. At 4-year, 263 participants developed new and 549 had persistent abnormalities and both were associated with increased HF risk (HR = 1.94, CI 1.38-2.72 for new and HR=2.35, CI 1.82-3.02 for persistent compared to no ECG abnormalities). Baseline ECG correctly reclassified 10.6% of overall participants across the categories of the Health ABC HF Risk Score. Conclusion: Among older adults, baseline ECG abnormalities and changes in them over time are common; both are associated with an increased risk of HF. Whether ECG should be incorporated in routine screening of older adults should be evaluated in randomized controlled trials.


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Chemokines are small chemotactic molecules widely expressed throughout the central nervous system. A number of papers, during the past few years, have suggested that they have physiological functions in addition to their roles in neuroinflammatory diseases. In this context, the best evidence concerns the CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1alpha or CXCL12) and its receptor CXCR4, whose signalling cascade is also implicated in the glutamate release process from astrocytes. Recently, astrocytic synaptic like microvesicles (SLMVs) that express vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) and are able to release glutamate by Ca(2+)-dependent regulated exocytosis, have been described both in tissue and in cultured astrocytes. Here, in order to elucidate whether SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 system can participate to the brain fast communication systems, we investigated whether the activation of CXCR4 receptor triggers glutamate exocytosis in astrocytes. By using total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy and the membrane-fluorescent styryl dye FM4-64, we adapted an imaging methodology recently developed to measure exocytosis and recycling in synaptic terminals, and monitored the CXCR4-mediated exocytosis of SLMVs in astrocytes. We analyzed the co-localization of VGLUT with the FM dye at single-vesicle level, and observed the kinetics of the FM dye release during single fusion events. We found that the activation of CXCR4 receptors triggered a burst of exocytosis on a millisecond time scale that involved the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. These results support the idea that astrocytes can respond to external stimuli and communicate with the neighboring cells via fast release of glutamate.


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CONTEXT: In populations of older adults, prediction of coronary heart disease (CHD) events through traditional risk factors is less accurate than in middle-aged adults. Electrocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities are common in older adults and might be of value for CHD prediction. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether baseline ECG abnormalities or development of new and persistent ECG abnormalities are associated with increased CHD events. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A population-based study of 2192 white and black older adults aged 70 to 79 years from the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study (Health ABC Study) without known cardiovascular disease. Adjudicated CHD events were collected over 8 years between 1997-1998 and 2006-2007. Baseline and 4-year ECG abnormalities were classified according to the Minnesota Code as major and minor. Using Cox proportional hazards regression models, the addition of ECG abnormalities to traditional risk factors were examined to predict CHD events. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Adjudicated CHD events (acute myocardial infarction [MI], CHD death, and hospitalization for angina or coronary revascularization). RESULTS: At baseline, 276 participants (13%) had minor and 506 (23%) had major ECG abnormalities. During follow-up, 351 participants had CHD events (96 CHD deaths, 101 acute MIs, and 154 hospitalizations for angina or coronary revascularizations). Both baseline minor and major ECG abnormalities were associated with an increased risk of CHD after adjustment for traditional risk factors (17.2 per 1000 person-years among those with no abnormalities; 29.3 per 1000 person-years; hazard ratio [HR], 1.35; 95% CI, 1.02-1.81; for minor abnormalities; and 31.6 per 1000 person-years; HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.20-1.90; for major abnormalities). When ECG abnormalities were added to a model containing traditional risk factors alone, 13.6% of intermediate-risk participants with both major and minor ECG abnormalities were correctly reclassified (overall net reclassification improvement [NRI], 7.4%; 95% CI, 3.1%-19.0%; integrated discrimination improvement, 0.99%; 95% CI, 0.32%-2.15%). After 4 years, 208 participants had new and 416 had persistent abnormalities. Both new and persistent ECG abnormalities were associated with an increased risk of subsequent CHD events (HR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.33-3.02; and HR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.18-2.34; respectively). When added to the Framingham Risk Score, the NRI was not significant (5.7%; 95% CI, -0.4% to 11.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Major and minor ECG abnormalities among older adults were associated with an increased risk of CHD events. Depending on the model, adding ECG abnormalities was associated with improved risk prediction beyond traditional risk factors.


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Endocrine therapy remains a mainstay in the treatment of endocrine-sensitive breast cancer. In the adjuvant setting, 5 years of endocrine therapy significantly reduces recurrence rate and mortality. Tamoxifen is the molecule of choice for premenopausal women, whereas for postmenopausal women aromatase inhibitors are currently part of the standard treatment. Endocrine therapy can induce side effects, which can affect patient's quality of life and lead to premature treatment interruption. Identification and adequately addressing these side effects is fundamental to maintain good treatment compliance and therefore improve breast cancer specific outcome.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to explore the periodical patterns of events and deaths related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke in Swiss adults (≥ 18 years). METHODS: Mortality data for period 1969-2007 (N=869,863 CVD events) and hospitalization data for period 1997-2008 (N=959,990 CVD events) were used. The annual, weekly and circadian distribution of CVD-related deaths and events were assessed. Multivariate analysis was conducted using multinomial logistic regression adjusting for age, gender and calendar year and considering deaths from respiratory diseases, accidents or other causes as competitive events. RESULTS: CVD deaths and hospitalizations occurred less frequently in the summer months. Similar patterns were found for AMI and stroke. No significant weekly variation for CVD deaths was found. Stratification by age and gender showed subjects aged <65 years to present a higher probability of dying on Mondays and Saturday, only for men. This finding was confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Finally, a circadian variation in CVD mortality was observed, with a first peak in the morning (8-12 am) and a smaller second peak in the late afternoon (2-6 pm). This pattern persisted after multivariate adjustment and was more pronounced for AMI than for stroke. CONCLUSION: There is a periodicity of hospitalizations and deaths related to CVD, AMI and stroke in Switzerland. This pattern changes slightly according to the age and sex of the subjects. Although the underlying mechanisms are not fully identified, preventive measures should take into account these aspects to develop better strategies of prevention and management of CVD.


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Introduction: Use of paracetamol has been associated with an increased risk of asthma in several epidemiological studies. In contrast, it has been suggested that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) might be protective (Kanabar, Clin Ther 2007), but data relating to these drugs are scarce. Methods: Prevalence of asthma and intake of analgesics in the past 2 years were assessed by questionnaire in 2008 in young adults (≥;16 years) diagnosed with cancer between 1976 and 2003 (Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study). In a multivariate logistic regression we analysed the association between asthma and intake of paracetamol only, NSAIDs only or their combination, adjusting for age, sex, cancer diagnosis, cancer therapy and time since diagnosis. Results: Of the 1293 participants (response rate 68%), 83 (6%) reported asthma and 845 (65%) intake of analgesics in the past 2 years. Of these, 257 (29%) took paracetamol only, 224 (25%) NSAIDs only, 312 (35%) a combination of both and 52 (6%) other analgesics. Adjusted Odds ratios for asthma were 2.2 (95% CI 1.0-4.7; p = 0.04), 1.9 (0.9-4.3; p = 0.12) and 2.9 (1.4-6.1; p <0.01) in those using paracetamol only, NSAIDs only or their combination respectively. Conclusion: These cross-sectional data in a selected population do not support a protective effect of NSAIDs against asthma, neither taken alone nor in combination with paracetamol. All analgesics were positively associated with reported asthma episodes in the past two years. This can be explained by reverse causation, with intake of analgesics being a result rather than a cause of asthma events. Randomised controlled trials in unselected populations are needed to clarify the direction of causation.


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The AASHTO strategic plan in 2005 for bridge engineering identified extending the service life of bridges and accelerating bridge construction as two of the grand challenges in bridge engineering. These challenges have the objective of producing safer and more economical bridges at a faster rate with a minimum service life of 75 years and reduced maintenance cost to serve the country’s infrastructure needs. Previous studies have shown that a prefabricated full-depth precast concrete deck system is an innovative technique that accelerates the rehabilitation process of a bridge deck, extending its service life with reduced user delays and community disruptions and lowering its life-cycle costs. Previous use of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) for bridge applications in the United States has been considered to be efficient and economical because of its superior structural characteristics and durability properties. Full-depth UHPC waffle deck panel systems have been developed over the past three years in Europe and the United States. Subsequently, a single span, 60-ft long and 33-ft wide prototype bridge with full-depth prefabricated UHPC waffle deck panels has been designed and built for a replacement bridge in Wapello County, Iowa. The structural performance characteristics and the constructability of the UHPC waffle deck system and its critical connections were studied through an experimental program at the structural laboratory of Iowa State University (ISU). Two prefabricated full-depth UHPC waffle deck (8 feet by 9 feet 9 inches by 8 inches) panels were connected to 24-ft long precast girders, and the system was tested under service, fatigue, overload, and ultimate loads. Three months after the completion of the bridge with waffle deck system, it was load tested under live loads in February 2012. The measured strain and deflection values were within the acceptable limits, validating the structural performance of the bridge deck. Based on the laboratory test results, observations, field testing of the prototype bridge, and experience gained from the sequence of construction events such as panel fabrication and casting of transverse and longitudinal joints, a prefabricated UHPC waffle deck system is found to be a viable option to achieve the goals of the AASHTO strategic plan.