920 resultados para Partido Liberal Radical Auténtico
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Creative Economy is an experimental laboratory for the creation , innovation , invention and reinvention of the universe of media - analog and digital . The scenery in the media and converging technologies favors the process of “ creative destruction and destructive creation “ of this field . The mapping of basins and technological corridors distributed through the territory of concentrated areas creates an infrastructural chassis for the production of content , information and entertainment . As locus and logos of immaterial production , digital ecology that gives speed to the flow of production - planning, fundraising , publishing , distribution and enjoyment - and allows the dispossession of their local clusters , the fragmentation and dilution of their creative chains . The collective cultural production and creation appropriating these capilarizados articles and produce content against political, economic and social status quo . The land is fertile and favorable to the emergence of radical media and rebels that recreate the public sphere , and edit poor public spheres , alternative , radical and efficient , the tactical point of view . This article aims to contribute to studies and research that scour the ecosystem of the media for understanding the management of their creative processes, actors and critics of tangible and intangible resources that support their communication actions .
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O crescimento desordenado, a precariedade, a obsolência dos espaços e o desrespeito às preexistência construídas e não construídasrevelam áreas humanas deterioradas, vazias e abandonadas, espaços residuais sem destinação e a desvalorização de áreas centrais consolidadas, acarretando uma generalização de ordem moral, em que os espaços públicospassam a ser lidos como Terra de ninguém. Uma questão difícil para ser enfrentada pelas novas gerações, que estão sendo educadas diante da proliferação dos espaços privatizados e autonomizados. Mas, sobretudo, perante uma falta de reconhecimentodo espaço públicocomo um espaço necessário de convíveo e das trocas humanas, como ummeio o Estado de violência, medo e insegurança nas nossas cidades...
Antioxidant capacities of seven species of Passiflora were evaluated through comparation of the free radical DPPH scavenging activity. The studied species included cultivated and traditionally used P. edulis, P. incarnata and P. alata and less common species P. coccinea, P. laurifolia, P. mucronata and P. gardneri. The experimental design was completely randomized with ANOVA and Tukey test as main statistical analyses. The results showed that species of Passiflora had variable antioxidant capacities, ranging from 28 to 95% of free radical DPPH scavenging activity.
Antioxidant capacities of seven species of Passiflora were evaluated through comparation of the free radical DPPH scavenging activity. The studied species included cultivated and traditionally used P. edulis, P. incarnata and P. alata and less common species P. coccinea, P. laurifolia, P. mucronata and P. gardneri. The experimental design was completely randomized with ANOVA and Tukey test as main statistical analyses. The results showed that species of Passiflora had variable antioxidant capacities, ranging from 28 to 95% of free radical DPPH scavenging activity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A seleção de pessoal visa a introduzir na organização os candidatos mais apropriados as suas necessidades. Existe uma carência de literatura behaviorista radical acerca desse tema, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de trabalhos que orientem atuações coerentes com essa teoria. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir os métodos utilizados na seleção à luz dos pressupostos conceituais do behaviorismo radical. Os métodos de seleção existentes são analisados e discutidos em termos de aumento do controle das variáveis presentes no contexto da seleção a fim de proceder à identificação dos repertórios comportamentais dos candidatos. Propõe-se uma análise de cargo baseada nos conceitos behavioristas, discute-se a possibilidade de condução de entrevistas de seleção focadas no comportamento bem como o uso de técnicas de simulação que permitam a identificação de repertórios comportamentais. Conclui-se que é necessário desenvolver discussões teóricas e instrumentos operacionais facilitadores de uma prática psicológica vinculada aos pressupostos behavioristas radicais.
Embora não haja um consenso acerca de questões sobre o que são os sonhos, porque sonhamos, etc., a maioria dos estudos sobre a natureza dos sonhos concorda que ela está relacionada a condições internas do organismo. Contrariamente, o behaviorismo radical analisa os sonhos como comportamentos privados, sendo produtos das histórias filogenética, ontogenética e cultural. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os sonhos a partir da perspectiva behaviorista radical, considerando-os como comportamentos perceptuais encobertos, argumentando-se que são aprendidos. Afirma-se que a interpretação dos sonhos é impossível se não se conhecem as contingências de reforço com as quais a pessoa está interagindo.
O artigo discute a proposta de Skinner para a ciência do comportamento, caracterizando-a como "externalista" (voltada para as relações do organismo com eventos que lhe são externos). Examina-se o discurso de Skinner sobre diferentes explicações para o comportamento, em obras de 1938, 1953 e 1990, a fim de indicar sua preocupação permanente com a definição das fronteiras entre análise do comportamento e (neuro)fisiologia. Apontam-se aspectos da elaboração skinneriana que a tornam insuficiente para sustentar uma declaração coerente sobre a autonomia de uma ciência do comportamento e procura-se ilustrar como essa dificuldade se reflete na literatura contemporânea da área.
This paper focuses first on cultural syncretism, used to characterize Brazilian culture. The other aspect of this socially and racially blended culture is the unfinished assimilation of liberalism in politics and the economy, which defines Brazilian society. The increased assimilation and dissemination of psychology may be linked with these in cultural and social aspects. During the military period (1964-1974) the major expansion in university-level studies in psychology contributed ideologically to the dissemination of psychology throughout Brazilian society. This introduced a type of psychology that was related primarily to clinical practice and developed in opposition to social work practice. This paper examines the ideological bases for this conflict between clinical and social work. Criteria for understanding the cultural dissemination of psychoanalysis are then discussed, and it is argued that cultural incorporation of psychoanalysis involves the development of discourse complexes to reflect particular aspects of Brazilian society. The criteria (a non-totalitarian society and the displacement of a magical and religious interpretation of mental disturbance by psychiatric interpretation) are evaluated in relation to the peculiarities of Brazilian syncretism. The paper argues that cultural syncretism and the incomplete assimilation of liberal ideology must be included as criteria in understanding the particular cultural incorporation of psychoanalysis in Brazil.
Background and Purpose: Becoming proficient in laparoscopic surgery is dependent on the acquisition of specialized skills that can only be obtained from specific training. This training could be achieved in various ways using inanimate models, animal models, or live patient surgery-each with its own pros and cons. Currently, there are substantial data that support the benefits of animal model training in the initial learning of laparoscopy. Nevertheless, whether these benefits extent themselves to moderately experienced surgeons is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to determine if training using a porcine model results in a quantifiable gain in laparoscopic skills for moderately experienced laparoscopic surgeons. Materials and Methods: Six urologists with some laparoscopic experience were asked to perform a radical nephrectomy weekly for 10 weeks in a porcine model. The procedures were recorded, and surgical performance was assessed by two experienced laparoscopic surgeons using a previously published surgical performance assessment tool. The obtained data were then submitted to statistical analysis. Results: With training, blood loss was reduced approximately 45% when comparing the averages of the first and last surgical procedures (P = 0.006). Depth perception showed an improvement close to 35% (P = 0.041), and dexterity showed an improvement close to 25% (P = 0.011). Total operative time showed trends of improvement, although it was not significant (P = 0.158). Autonomy, efficiency, and tissue handling were the only aspects that did not show any noteworthy change (P = 0.202, P = 0.677, and P = 0.456, respectively). Conclusions: These findings suggest that there are quantifiable gains in laparoscopic skills obtained from training in an animal model. Our results suggest that these benefits also extend to more advanced stages of the learning curve, but it is unclear how far along the learning curve training with animal models provides a clear benefit for the performance of laparoscopic procedures. Future studies are necessary to confirm these findings and better understand the impact of this learning tool on surgical practice.
How might the continuous changes in the standing orders of the Camera dei Deputati between 1861 and 1922 be explained? To answer this question, the text investigates the political events associated with standing order reforms. Two results are emphasized. On the one hand, and contrary to common views, the study shows that the reforms were not casual or episodic, but resulted from different sets of political pressure, internal or external to the parliamentary ambit. This fact, on the other hand, draws attention to the need to go deeper into the question of the institutional evolution of the liberal parliament, chiefly with regard to relations among institutional actors.