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A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
Information on pregnancy discrimination under Chapter 216 of the Iowa Code and Title VII and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult basic education and literacy services.
The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult basic education and literacy services.
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employment, retention, earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • streamlining services; • empowering individuals; • universal access; • increased accountability; • new roles for local boards; • state and local flexibility; • improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. The major purposes of Iowa’s Adult Literacy Program State Plan Extension for Program Year 2006 are: • provide a comprehensive blue print for implementation of Title II of the Act; • serve as a basis for both immediate and long-range planning and continuous, systematic evaluation of program effectiveness; • provide basis for common understanding among Iowa’s literacy partners, other interested entities and the U.S. Department of Education. The plan extension is designed to update Iowa’s Adult Literacy State Plan for Program Year 2006 in line with the guidelines provided by the United States Department of Education: Division of Adult Education and Literacy (USDE:DAEL).
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employability, retention, and earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • Streamlining services; • Empowering individuals; • Universal access; • Increased accountability; • New roles for local boards; • State and local flexibility; • Improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • Assist adults become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • Assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • Assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. Adult education is an important part of the workforce investment system. Title II restructures and improves programs previously authorized by the Adult Education Act. AEFLA focuses on strengthening program quality by requiring States to give priority in awarding funds to local programs that are based on a solid foundation of research, address the diverse needs of adult learners, and utilize other effective practices and strategies. To promote continuous program involvement and to ensure optimal return on the Federal investment, AEFLA also establishes a State performance accountability system. Under this system, the Secretary and each State must reach agreement on annual levels of performance for a number of “core indicators” specified in the law: • Demonstrated improvements in literacy skill levels in reading, writing, and speaking the English language, numeracy, problem solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills. • Placement in, retention in, or completion of postsecondary education, training, unsubsidized employment or career advancement. • Receipt of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Iowa’s community college based adult basic education program has implemented a series of proactive strategies in order to effectively and systematically meet the challenges posed by WIA. The Iowa TOPSpro Data Dictionary is a direct result of Iowa’s pro-active efforts in this educational arena.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the annual monitoring and evaluation of Iowa’s adult literacy funded local programs. Section 224(b)(3) of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) states that the State Education Agency (SEA) will provide “a description of how the eligible agency [Iowa Department of Education] will evaluate annually the effectiveness of the adult education and literacy activities based on the performance measures described in section 212.” In compliance with that mandate, the following describes the Iowa Department of Education’s procedures for local adult literacy program evaluation strategies.
Spermatogenesis is a temporally regulated developmental process by which the gonadotropin-responsive somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells act interdependently to direct the maturation of the germinal cells. The metabolism of Sertoli and Leydig cells is regulated by the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH, which, in turn, activate adenylate cyclase. Because the cAMP-second messenger pathway is activated by FSH and LH, we postulated that the cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) plays a physiological role in Sertoli and Leydig cells, respectively. Immunocytochemical analyses of rat testicular sections show a remarkably high expression of CREB in the haploid round spermatids and, to some extent, in pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. Although most of the CREB antigen is detected in the nuclei, some CREB antigen is also present in the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the cytoplasmic CREB results from the translation of a unique alternatively spliced transcript of the CREB gene that incorporates an exon containing multiple stop codons inserted immediately up-stream of the exons encoding the DNA-binding domain of CREB. Thus, the RNA containing the alternatively spliced exon encodes a truncated transcriptional transactivator protein lacking both the DNA-binding domain and nuclear translocation signal of CREB. Most of the CREB transcripts detected in the germinal cells contain the alternatively spliced exon, suggesting a function of the exon to modulate the synthesis of CREB. In the Sertoli cells we observed a striking cyclical (12-day periodicity) increase in the levels of CREB mRNA that coincides with the splicing out of the restrictive exon containing the stop codons. Because earlier studies established that FSH-stimulated cAMP levels in Sertoli cells are also cyclical, and the CREB gene promoter contains cAMP-responsive enhancers, we suggest that the alternative RNA splicing controls a positive autoregulation of CREB gene expression mediated by cAMP.
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. A major component of the 2010-2014 Program is the full integration of funding allocated to the Iowa DOT from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). To date, the Recovery Act has provided over $400 million of additional federal funding for transportation in Iowa, including funding that is allocated to local governments and entities. Recovery Act funding will result in a record year for transportation construction in Iowa and the creation and retention of jobs. Opportunities for additionalRecovery Act transportation funding remain and will be pursued as they becomeavailable. While Recovery Act funding will make a one-time significant impact in addressing Iowa’s backlog of needs, it is important to note that there remains a large shortfall in sustained annual transportation investment to meet Iowa’s current and future critical transportation needs. In recognition of this shortfall, Governor Culver introduced and the legislature passed an I-JOBS proposal. I-JOBS will result in an additional $50 million of state funding to reduce structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges on the primary road system and approximately $10 million in funding for other modes of transportation including $3 million of new funding to support the expansion of passenger rail service in Iowa. I-JOBS, and the continuing gradual increase in funding due to TIME-21, will complement and extend the benefits of Recovery Act funding and set the stage for addressing the shortfall in annual funding in the next few years. Iowa’s transportation system is multi-modal; therefore, the Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of the Program is the highway section. The FY2010-2014 highway section is financially balanced and was developed to achieve several objectives. The Commission’s primary highway investment objective is stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. The highway section includes an annual average of $104 million for preserving the interstate system; an annual average of $78 million for non-interstate pavement preservation; an annual average of $36 million for non-interstate bridges; and an annual average of $14 million for safety projects. Another objective is to maintain the scheduled completion of interstate and non-interstate capacity and economic development projects that were identified in the previous Program and this Program does so. The final Commission objective is to further address capacity and economic development needs and the Commission has done so by adding several such projects to the Program. Construction improvements are partially funded through the current federal transportation act, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The act will expire September 30, 2009. With the expiration of SAFETEA-LU, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues in the out-years of this Program. The Commission and Iowa DOT will monitor federal actions closely and make adjustments to the Program as necessary. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter, or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change. You are invited to visit the Iowa DOT’s Web site at iowadot.gov for additional and regular updates about the department’s programs and activities.
Les organitzacions afronten una nova era industrial, la era de la Societat del Coneixement. Als recursos clàssics necessaris per mantenir-se competitiu en un mercat cada cop més exigent (RRHH, recursos naturals, recursos financers, etc.), s'hi ha afegit el recurs del coneixement, associat a les persones que tenen la capacitat d'aportar un elevat valor afegit a les organitzacions. Aquestes persones amb aptitud, actitud i sensibilitat per actuar amb intel·ligència són recursos de talent (RRT) i han de considerar-se un factor clau per qualsevol organització. L'estudi dut a terme sobre l'estat de l'art de la gestió de RRT evidencia la manca d'estratègies en aquest sentit. A més a més, s'han detectat alguns aspectes millorables en l'actual percepció entre informació-empresa. Per tots aquests motius, s'ha dut a terme una nova proposta per entendre la relació informacióempresa i s'ha desenvolupat un model de vigilància de RRT, que hauria de quedar integrat en l'estratègia de Gestió del Coneixement de qualsevol organització. L'estudi inclou també la presentació d'algunes eines de vigilància d'informació, fent incís en les eines de cerca d'informació a Internet, per la seva creixent rellevància. Aquesta nova situació industrial presentarà noves oportunitats de negoci relacionades amb la gestió de RRT, així com obrirà possiblement nous debats ètics sobre la conveniència o no, d'entendre les persones com a un recurs més per a les organitzacions.
It’s really quite simple. IPERS is a sure thing. IPERS benefits carry a lifetime guarantee. A bad economy and declining stock market do not decrease your benefits. Instead, your benefit amount is determined by a pre-established formula that replaces a percentage of your pre-retirement wages. How close your benefits get to the maximum of the IPERS plan—replacing 65 percent of pre-retirement wages or 72 percent for public safety personnel—is mostly up to you. Current employees don’t have to worry about where to invest or what to do when there is a slump in the stock market. Retirees don’t have to worry that a down market will reduce their monthly payments, and they never have to worry about outliving their IPERS benefits. Disability payments and death benefits act as a safety net for members and their families.
Mutualism often involves reciprocal exploitation due to individual selection for increased benefits even at the expense of the partner. Therefore, stability and outcomes of such interactions crucially depend on cost limitation mechanisms. In the plant, pollinator /seed predator interaction between Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and Hadena bicruris (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), moths generate pollination benefits as adults but impose seed predation costs as larvae. We examined whether floral morphology limits over-exploitation by constraining oviposition site. Oviposition site varies naturally inside vs. outside the corolla tube, but neither its determinants nor its effect on the interaction have been investigated. In a common garden with plants originating from eight populations, corolla tube length predicted oviposition site, but not egg presence or pollination efficiency, suggesting that long corolla tubes constrain the moth to lay eggs on petals. Egg position was also predicted by the combined effect of corolla tube and moth ovipositor lengths, with shorter ovipositor than corolla tube resulting in higher probability for eggs outside. Egg position on a given plant was repeatable over different exposure nights. When egg position was experimentally manipulated, eggs placed on the petal resulted in significantly fewer successful fruit attacks compared with eggs placed inside the corolla tube, suggesting differences in egg/larval mortality. Egg position also differently affected larval mass, fruit mass and fruit development. Our results indicate that constraining oviposition site through a long corolla tube reduces seed predation costs suffered by the plant without negatively affecting pollination efficiency and, hence may act to limit over-exploitation. However, the net effects of corolla tube depth variation on this interaction may fluctuate with extrinsic factors affecting egg mortality, and with patterns of gene flow affecting trait matching between the interacting species. The intermediate fitness costs incurred by both plant and insect associated with the different egg positions may reduce selective pressures for this interaction to evolve towards antagonism, favouring instead a mutualistic outcome. While a role for oviposition site variation in cost limitation is a novel finding in this system, it may apply more generally also to other mutualisms involving pollinating seed predators.
The goal of the project was to develop a new type of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) for slip-form paving to simplify construction an make smoother pavements. Developing the new SCC involved two phases: a feasibility study (Phase I sponsored by TPF-5[098] and concrete admixtures industry) and an in-depth mix proportioning and performance study and field applications (Phase II). The phase I study demonstrated that the new type of SCC needs to possess not only excellent self-consolidating ability before a pavement slab is extruded, but also sufficient “green” strength (the strength of the concrete in a plastic state) after the extrusion. To meet these performance criteria, the new type of SCC mixtures should not be as fluid as conventional SCC but just flowable enough to be self-consolidating. That is, this new type of SCC should be semi-flowable self-consolidating concrete (SFSCC). In the phase II study, effects of different materials and admixtures on rheology, especially the thixotropy, and green strength of fresh SFSCC have been further investigated. The results indicate that SFSCC can be designed to (1) be workable enough for machine placement, (2) be self-consolidating without segregation, (3) hold its shape after extrusion from a paver, and (4) have performance properties (strength and durability) comparable with current pavement concrete. Due to the combined flowability (for self-consolidation) and shape-holding ability (for slip-forming) requirements, SFSCC demands higher cementitious content than conventional pavement concrete. Generally, high cementitious content is associated with high drying shrinkage potential of the concrete. However, well-proportioned and well-constructed SFSCC in a bike path constructed at Ames, IA, has not shown any shrinkage cracks after approximately 3 years of field service. On the other hand, another SFSCC pavement with different mix proportions and construction conditions showed random cracking. The results from the field SFSCC performance monitoring implied that not only the mix proportioning method but also the construction practice is important for producing durable SFSCC pavements. A carbon footprint, energy consumption, and cost analysis conducted in this study have suggested that SFSCC is economically comparable to conventional pavement concrete in fixed-form paving construction, with the benefit of faster, quieter, and easier construction.