687 resultados para POLYIMIDE OLIGOMERS


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Spectroscopic studies of pheomelanin and its constituents have been sparse. These data present what is by far the most complete description of the fluorescence characteristics of synthetic pheomelanin. Emission spectra between 260 and 600 nm were acquired,for excitation wavelengths between 250 and 500 nm at 1-nm intervals. A quantum yield map is also presented, correcting the fluorescence intensities for differences in species concentration and molar absorptivity. These fluorescence features exhibit interesting similarities and differences to eumelanin, and these data are interpreted with respect to possible chemical structures. Overall, these data suggest that pheomelanin oligomers may be more tightly coupled than those of eumelanin. Finally, the quantum yield is shown to be on the order of 10(-4) and exhibit a complex dependence on excitation energy, varying by a factor of 4 across the energies employed here. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Arsenic trioxide appears to be effective in the treatment of pro-myelocytic leukaemia. The substituted phenylarsen(III)oxides are highly polar, they have a high tendency to undergo oxidation to As (V) and to form oligomers, to prevent this we protected the As-(OH)2 group as cyclic dithiaarsanes. To increase the compound's biological stability and passive diffusion we conjugated the compound of interest with lipoamino acids (Laas). Alternatively, we further conjugated the dithiaarsane derivative with a carbohydrate to utilize active transport systems and to target compound. We investigated two novel glyco-lipid arsenicals (III) (compounds 9 and 11) for their ability to initiate MCF-7 breast cancer cell death and characterized the mechanism by which death was initiated. A significant decrease in MCF-7 cell proliferation was observed using 1 μM and 10 μM compound (11) and 10 μM of compound (9). Treatment with compound (11) triggered apoptosis of MFC-7 cells while compound (9) induced inhibition of cellular proliferation was not via rapid induction of apoptosis and more likely reflected necrosis and/ or alterations in the cell cycle. Differences in the anti-proliferative potency of the two compounds indicate that structural modifications influence effectiveness. © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Glyoxal, a reactive aldehyde, is a decomposition product of lipid hydroperoxides, oxidative deoxyribose breakdown, or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose. It readily forms DNA adducts, generating potential carcinogens such as glyoxalated deoxycytidine (gdC). A major drawback in assessing gdC formation in cellular DNA has been methodologic sensitivity. We have developed an mAb that specifically recognizes gdC. Balb/c mice were immunized with DNA, oxidatively modified by UVC/hydrogen peroxide in the presence of endogenous metal ions. Although UVC is not normally considered an oxidizing agent, a UVC/hydrogen peroxide combination may lead to glyoxalated bases arising from hydroxyl radical damage to deoxyribose. This damaging system was used to induce numerous oxidative lesions including glyoxal DNA modifications, from which resulted a number of clones. Clone F3/9/H2/G5 showed increased reactivity toward glyoxal-modified DNA greater than that of the immunizing antigen. ELISA unequivocally showed Ab recognition toward gdC, which was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the derivatized adduct after formic acid hydrolysis to the modified base. Binding of Ab F3/9 with glyoxalated and untreated oligomers containing deoxycytidine, deoxyguanosine, thymidine, and deoxyadenosine assessed by ELISA produced significant recognition (p 0.0001) of glyoxal-modified deoxycytidine greater than that of untreated oligomer. Additionally, inhibition ELISA studies using the glyoxalated and native deoxycytidine oligomer showed increased recognition for gdC with more than a 5-fold difference in IC50 values. DNA modified with increasing levels of iron (II)/EDTA produced a dose-dependent increase in Ab F3/9 binding. This was reduced in the presence of catalase or aminoguanidine. We have validated the potential of gdC as a marker of oxidative DNA damage and showed negligible cross-reactivity with 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine or malondialdehyde-modified DNA as well as its utility in immunocytochemistry. Formation of the gdC adduct may involve intermediate structures; however, our results strongly suggest Ab F3/9 has major specificity for the predominant product, 5-hydroxyacetyl-dC.


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HPLC MS/MS has shown great potential in the measurement of DNA oxidative damage. Its accuracy depends on the use of multiply isotopically labelled internal standards. In this report, multiply isotopically labelled (M + 4) guanine internal standards were prepared in the form of base, nucleoside, as well as DNA oligomer. To our knowledge, this is the first chemical synthesis of oligomers containing (M + 4) guanine, and we believe that they can be used to develop a procedure that can make further improvement to the existing analytical procedures. Copyright © Taylor & Francis, Inc.


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Two series of poly(ethylene oxide)-tetrapeptide conjugates have been prepared using a “Click” reaction between an alkyne-modified tetra(phenylalanine) or tetra(valine) and various azide-terminated poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) oligomers. Three different PEO precursors were used to prepare these conjugates, with number-average molecular weights of 350, 1200, and 1800 Da. Assembly of mPEO-F4-OEt and mPEO-V4-OEt conjugates was achieved by dialysis of a THF solution of the conjugate against water or by direct aqueous rehydration of a thin film. The PEO length has a profound effect on the outcome of the self-assembly, with the F4 conjugates giving rise to nanotubes, fibers, and wormlike micelles, respectively, as the length of the PEO block is increased. For the V4 series, the propensity to form ß-sheets dominates, and hence, the self-assembled structures are reminiscent of those formed by peptides alone, even at the longer PEO lengths. Thus, this systematic study demonstrates that the self-assembly of PEO-peptides depends on both the nature of the peptides and the relative PEO block length.


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The polymerization of isobutene initiated by 1-chloro-1-phenylethane has been investigated, and molecular weight studies conducted using size exclusion chromatography. Polymerizations carried out in a 40/60 (v/v) mixture of dichloromethaneIcyclohexane, using titanium (IV) chloride as a catalyst in the presence of pyridine at -30 °C were found to be controlled and living. The number average molecular weights of the polymers increased linearly with monomer conversion, and the molecular weight distributions were between 1.15 and 1.20. Efficiencies of initiation were between 80 and 100%, and evidence was found to suggest that backbiting to the initiator had occurred, resulting in the formation of cyclic oligomers during the early stages of polymerization. The kinetics of polymerization can be explained in terms of active species in. equilibrium with dormant species. The effects of temperature. and dielectric constant on this equilibrium were studied and a model based upon the Fuoss equation was developed. Pyridine was found to behave as proton trap in the system, and when it was used in excess the rate of polymerization was retarded. By assuming that the catalyst and pyridine formed a one to one complex, it was possible to show that the reaction was second order with respect to the catalyst. The synthesis of low molecular weight polyisobutenes was studied. When the concentration of initiator was increased relative to that of the isobutene, such that the theoretical degree of polymerization was 20 or less, the rate of initiation was slow compared to propagation. The efficiency of initiation in these polymerizations was typically between 30 and 40 %. Optimal conditions of temperature. and.catalyst concentration were established, leading to a 60 % efficiency of initiation. A one-pot synthesis of phenol end-capped polyisobutene was attempted by adding phenol at the end of a living polymerization. Evidence to substantiate the existence of capped polymer chains in the resultant product was inconclusive. Block copolymerizations of oxetane and isobutene were conducted using 1-chloro-1phenylethane/TiCl4, but no copolymer or oxetane homopolymer could be isolated.


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Atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) of styrene in xylene solution initiated with 1-phenylethyl bromide and mediated by CuBr/N-propyl-2- pyridinemethanimine catalyst complex was studied. The polymerisation was ill-controlled, yielding polymers with broad molecular weight distributions and values of number average molecular weight considerably higher than the theoretical values calculated from 100% initiator efficiency. The degree of control afforded over the polymerisation was enhanced by use of a more soluble catalyst complex, CuBr/N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine. Furthermore, the use of a more polar solvent, diglyme, generated a homogeneous catalyst complex that facilitated the production of polymers having narrow molecular weight distributions (1.10 < PDi < 1.20). The kinetics of the atom transfer radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate at 90°C in diglyme solution initiated with ethyl-2-bromoisobutyrate and mediated by CuBr/N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine was studied and the orders of the reaction were established. The effect on the rate of polymerisation of the ratio of CuBr:N-octyl-2-pyridinemethanimine was also determined. The temperature dependencies of the rate of polymerisation of methyl methacrylate in diglyme solution and xylene solution were studied, and were found to be non-linear and dependent upon the polarity of the solvent. The use of highly polar aprotic solvents, such as N,N-dimethylformamide and dimethylsulphoxide, was found to be detrimental to the degree of control afforded over the polymerisation of methyl methacrylate. This was circumvented by use of a 5-fold excess, over that conventionally used, of catalyst complex. The atom transfer radical polymerisation of (4-nitrophenyl)-[3-[N-[2- (methacryloyloxy)ethyl]carbazolyl]]diazene in dimethyl sulphoxide solution was studied. Although homopolymerisation yielded only oligomers, copolymerisation of this monomer with methyl methacrylate was found to be readily achievable. Keywords: ATRP, Styrene; Methyl methacrylate; Polar solvents; Fully-functional photorefractive polymer. 2


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The kinetics and mechanisms of ring opening polymerization and copolymerizntion of different cyclic ethers were studied using mainly a cationic system of iinitiation. BF30Et2/ethanediol. The cyclic ethers reacted differently showing that ring strain and basicity are the main driving forces in cationic ring opening polymerizaion. In most cases it was found that the degree of polymerization is controlled kinetically via terminations with the counterion and the monomers, and that the contribution of each type of reaction to the overall termination differs markedly. The Gel permeation chromatography studies showed that the molecular weight distribution of the samples of polyoxetanes were bimodal. This was in accordance with previous work establishing that the cyclic tetramer is found in much higher proportions than any of the other cyclic oligomers. However the molecular weight distribution of the copolymers made from oxetane and THF or from oxetane and oxepane were shown to be unimodal. These observations could be explained by a change in the structure of the growing end involved in the cationic polymerization. In addition crown ethers like dibenzo-crown-6 and compounds such as veratrole are believed to stabilise the propagating end and promote the formation of living polymers from oxetane.


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A novel metathesis catalyst for the polymerisation of acetylene has been developed. The polyacetylene produced by this new catalyst has been characterised by infra-red and NMR spectroscopy. The conductivity of the pristine material has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect on the conductivity of doping the material has also been investigated. The new metathesis catalyst has been incorporated into an anionic-to-metathesis transformation reaction. This novel reaction has been used to prepare samples of poly(styrene-co-acetylene). The copolymer has been characterised using U.V./Visible, NMR, infra-red spectroscopy and the surface morphology looked at using scanning electron microscopy. GPC was also used to give some idea of the molecular weights of the materials prepared. The conductivity of the copolymer has been studied as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. The effect of doping on the conductivity the material has also been investigated. The conductivity results obtained from both materials have been used to try and gain an insight into the mechanism of the conduction processes occurring within the materials. An attempt has also been made to synthesise polyacetylene oligomers (polyenes) by modifying the Ziegler/Natta type catalysts commonly used to synthesise polyacetylene. The polyenes were characterised using U.V./Visible and infra-red spectroscopy together with GPC and GCMS.


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Modified oligonucleotides containing sulphur group have been useful tools for studies of carcinogenesis, protein or nucleic acid structures and functions, protein-nucleic acid interactions, and for antisense modulation of gene expression. One successful example has been the synthesis and study of oligodeoxynucleotides containing 6-thio-2'-deoxyguanine. 6-Thio-2-deoxyguanosine was first discovered as metabolic compound of 6- mercaptopurine (6-MP). Later, it was applied as drug to cure leukaemia. During the research of its toxicity, a method was developed to use the sulphur group as a versatile position for post-synthetic modification. The advantage of application of post-synthetic modification lies in its convenience. Synthesis of oligomers with normal sequences has become routine work in most laboratories. However, design and synthesis of a proper phosphoramidite monomer for a new modified nucleoside are always difficult tasks even for a skilful chemist. Thus an alternative method (post-synthetic method) has been invented to overcome the difficulties. This was achieved by incorporation of versatile nucleotides into oligomers which contain a leaving group, that is sufficiently stable to withstand the conditions of synthesis but can be substituted by nucleophiles after synthesis, to produce, a series of oligomers each containing a different modified base. In the current project, a phosphoramidite monomer with 6-thioguanine has been successfully synthesised and incorporated into RNA. A deprotection procedure, which is specific for RNA was designed for oligomers containing 6-thioguanosine. The results were validated by various methods (UV, HPLC, enzymatic digestion). Pioneer work in utilization of the versatile sulphur group for post-synthetic modification was also tested. Post-synthetic modification was also carried out on DNA with 6- deoxythioguanosine. Electrophilic reagents with various functional groups (alphatic, aromatic, fluorescent) and bi-functional groups have been attached with the oligomers.


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The activity of the chemoattractant cytokines, the chemokines, in vivo is enhanced by oligomerisation and aggregation on glycosaminoglycan (GAG), particularly heparan sulphate, side chains of proteoglycans. The chemokine RANTES (CCL5) is a T-lymphocyte and monocyte chemoattractant, which has a minimum tetrameric structure for in vivo activity and a propensity to form higher order oligomers. RANTES is unusual among the chemokines in having five tyrosine residues, an amino acid susceptible to oxidative cross-linking. Using fluorescence emission spectroscopy, Western blot analysis and LCMS-MS, we show that a copper/H2O2 redox system induces the formation of covalent dityrosine cross-links and RANTES oligomerisation with the formation of tetramers, as well as higher order oligomers. Amongst the transition metals tested, namely copper, nickel, mercury, iron and zinc, copper appeared unique in this respect. At high (400 µM) concentrations of H2O2, RANTES monomers, dimers and oligomers are destroyed, but heparan sulphate protects the chemokine from oxidative damage, promoting dityrosine cross-links and multimer formation under oxidative conditions. Low levels of dityrosine cross-links were detected in copper/H2O2-treated IL-8 (CXCL8), which has one tyrosine residue, and none were detected in ENA-78 (CXCL5), which has none. Redox-treated RANTES was fully functional in Boyden chamber assays of T-cell migration and receptor usage on activated T-cells following RANTES oligomerisation was not altered. Our results point to a protective, anti-oxidant, role for heparan sulphate and a previously unrecognised role for copper in chemokine oligomerisation that may offer an explanation for the known anti-inflammatory effect of copper-chelators such as penicillamine and tobramycin.


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A method is described for the introduction of structural diversity into the thiocarbonyl group of 6-thioguanine within support-bound, fully protected oligonucleotides via 'on-column′ conjugation. 2′-Deoxy-6-thioguanosine with a chemically-labile trigger at its 6-thio function was incorporated at defined sites into chemically synthesized oligonucleotides. Following selective removal of the thio-protection group the support-immobilized oligonucleotides were conjugated with various groups on-column, and then deprotected and purified to produce a number of oligomers each containing a different modified base. Since the modification is accomplished on-column without affecting other functional and protecting groups in the oligomers this method is compatible with introducing structural diversity at multiple sites in DNA. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chemistry used in key bond-forming steps to prepare nucleobases with designed patterns of hydrogen bonding is surveyed. Incorporation of the nucleobases into DNA and RNA oligomers is achieved either chemically using building blocks such as nucleoside phosphoramidites or enzymatically using nucleotide triphosphates. By varying the hydrogen bonding pattern within nucleobases, and by incorporating additional substituents, new structures have been designed that "reach over" so that contacts with both strands in targeted duplex DNA can be made in antigene strategies to control gene expression. Various new base-pairing systems have been evaluated that expand the genetic alphabet beyond Watson-Crick base pairs A.T and G.C. For example, benzo-homologated analogs of the natural DNA bases represent a new genetic set of orthogonal, size-expanded derivatives that have been shown to encode amino acids of a protein in a living organism.


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The transmembrane domain proteins of the claudin superfamily are the major structural components of cellular tight junctions. One family member, claudin-1, also associates with tetraspanin CD81 as part of a receptor complex that is essential for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection of the liver. To understand the molecular basis of claudin-1/CD81 association we previously produced and purified milligram quantities of functional, full-length CD81, which binds a soluble form of HCV E2 glycoprotein (sE2). Here we report the production, purification and characterization of claudin-1. Both yeast membrane-bound and detergent-extracted, purified claudin-1 were antigenic and recognized by specific antibodies. Analytical ultracentrifugation demonstrated that extraction with n-octyl-ß-d-glucopyranoside yielded monodispersed, dimeric pools of claudin-1 while extraction with profoldin-8 or n-decylphosphocholine yielded a dynamic mixture of claudin-1 oligomers. Neither form bound sE2 in line with literature expectations, while further functional analysis was hampered by the finding that incorporation of claudin-1 into proteoliposomes rendered them intractable to study. Dynamic light scattering demonstrated that claudin-1 oligomers associate with CD81 in vitro in a defined molar ratio of 1:2 and that complex formation was enhanced by the presence of cholesteryl hemisuccinate. Attempts to assay the complex biologically were limited by our finding that claudin-1 affects the properties of proteoliposomes. We conclude that recombinant, correctly-folded, full-length claudin-1 can be produced in yeast membranes, that it can be extracted in different oligomeric forms that do not bind sE2 and that a dynamic preparation can form a specific complex with CD81 in vitro in the absence of any other cellular components. These findings pave the way for the structural characterization of claudin-1 alone and in complex with CD81.


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Poly(Nε-trifluoroacetyl-l-lysine) was used as a model solute to investigate the potential of nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (NACE) for the characterization of synthetic organic polymers. The information obtained by NACE was compared to that derived from size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments, and the two techniques were found to be complimentary for polymer characterization. On one hand, NACE permitted (i) the separation of oligomers according to their molar mass and (ii) the separation of the polymers according to the nature of the end groups. On the other hand, SEC experiments were used for the characterization of the molar mass distribution for higher molar masses. Due to the tendency of the solutes (polypeptides) to adsorb onto the fused-silica capillary wall, careful attention was paid to the rinsing procedure of the capillary between runs in order to keep the capillary surface clean. For that purpose, the use of electrophoretic desorption under denaturating conditions was very effective. Optimization of the separation was performed by studying (i) the influence of the proportion of methanol in a methanol/acetonitrile mixture and (ii) the influence of acetic acid concentration in the background electrolyte. Highly resolved separation of the oligomers (up to a degree of polymerization n of ∼50) was obtained by adding trifluoroacetic acid to the electrolyte. Important information concerning the polymer conformations could be obtained from the mobility data. Two different plots relating the effective mobility data to the degree of polymerization were proposed for monitoring the changes in polymer conformations as a function of the number of monomers.