AIMS: Regenerative medicine is an emerging field with the potential to provide widespread improvement in healthcare and patient wellbeing via the delivery of therapies that can restore, regenerate or repair damaged tissue. As an industry, it could significantly contribute to economic growth if products are successfully commercialized. However, to date, relatively few products have reached the market owing to a variety of barriers, including a lack of funding and regulatory hurdles. The present study analyzes industry perceptions of the barriers to commercialization that currently impede the success of the regenerative medicine industry in the UK. MATERIALS & METHODS: The analysis is based on 20 interviews with leading industrialists in the field. RESULTS: The study revealed that scientific research in regenerative medicine is thriving in the UK. Unfortunately, lack of access to capital, regulatory hurdles, lack of clinical evidence leading to problems with reimbursement, as well as the culture of the NHS do not provide a good environment for the commercialization of regenerative medicine products. CONCLUSION: Policy interventions, including increased translational government funding, a change in NHS and NICE organization and policies, and regulatory clarity, would likely improve the general outcomes for the regenerative medicine industry in the UK.
Avalia a condição de saúde dos membros da 54ª Legislatura (2011-2014), mediante avaliação de alguns parâmetros de saúde. O texto levanta dados sócio demográficos, antropométricos, clínicos e hábitos individuais de um grupo de parlamentares. Foram pesquisadas variáveis para avaliação de riscos à saúde, abrangendo a síndrome metabólica, o sedentarismo, o estresse, a alimentação desregrada, o tabagismo e as próprias peculiaridades da atividade legislativa na Câmara dos Deputados. Junto às questões referentes a situações de possível potencial patológico, foi aplicado questionário de risco cardíaco elaborado pela Michigan Hearth Association. Foi aplicado questionário, na forma de entrevista semiestruturada, para obter-se a percepção dos deputados acerca do impacto da atividade legislativa na sua saúde. A pesquisa levantou dados que permitem confrontar os desconfortos relatados e os dados antropométricos obtidos. Os números obtidos para o índice de massa corporal e circunferências abdominal, de quadril e de cintura apontam para a existência de doença metabólica entre aqueles de nenhuma ou pouca prática de atividade física regular, além de um risco cardiovascular estimado em médio e alto para 45% da amostra.
We assume that 2 x 2 matrix games are publicly known and that players perceive a dichotomous characteristic on their opponents which defines two types for each player. In turn, each type has beliefs concerning her opponent's types, and payoffs are assumed to be type-independent. We analyze whether the mere possibility of different types playing different strategies generates discriminatory equilibria. Given a specific information structure we find that in equilibrium a player discriminates between her types if and only if her opponent does so. We also find that for dominant solvable 2x2 games no discriminatory equilibrium exists, while under different conditions of concordance between players' beliefs discrimination appears for coordination and for competitive games. A complete characterization of the set of Bayesian equilibria is provided.
This research is part of the Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), which was initiated in 1998. In 1995-96, a baseline study on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of proposed FKNMS management strategies and regulations of commercial fishers, dive operators and on selected environmental group members was conducted by researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Atmospheric and Marine Science (RSMAS). The baseline study was funded by the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, and components of the study were published by Florida Sea Grant and in several peer reviewed journals. The study was accepted into the Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program at a workshop to design the program in 1998, and workshop participants recommended that the study be replicated every ten years. The 10-year replication was conducted in 2004-05 (commercial fishers) 2006 (dive operators) and 2007 (environmental group members) by the same researchers at RSMAS, while the University of Florida researchers were replaced by Thomas J. Murray & Associates, Inc., which conducted the commercial fishing panels in the FKNMS. The 10-year replication study was funded by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program. The study not only makes 10-year comparisons in the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of FKNMS management strategies and regulations, but it also establishes new baselines for future monitoring efforts. Things change, and following the principles of “adaptive management”, management has responded with changes in the management plan strategies and regulations. Some of the management strategies and regulations that were being proposed at the time of the baseline 1995-96 study were changed before the management plan and regulations went into effect in July 1997. This was especially true for the main focus of the study which was the various types of marine zones in the draft and final zoning action plan. Some of the zones proposed were changed significantly and subsequently new zones have been created. This study includes 10-year comparisons of socioeconomic/demographic profiles of each user group; sources and usefulness of information; knowledge of purposes of FKNMS zones; perceived beneficiaries of the FKNMS zones; views on FKNMS processes to develop management strategies and regulations; views on FKNMS zone outcomes; views on FKNMS performance; and general support for FKNMS. In addition to new baseline information on FKNMS zones, new baseline information was developed for spatial use, investment and costs-and-earnings for commercial fishers and dive operators, and views on resource conditions for all three user groups. Statistical tests were done to detect significant changes in both the distribution of responses to questions and changes in mean scores for items replicated over the 10-year period. (PDF has 143 pages.)
Estuda as percepções de cidadãos sobre políticas educacionais e a atuação do Poder Legislativo no contexto recente. A metodologia consiste na técnica de survey, com aplicação de questionário com amostragem nacional de 1.010 informantes, além de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. O papel do Poder Legislativo é associado pelos cidadãos consultados diretamente à garantia de recursos orçamentários e à fiscalização financeira relativa à aplicação dos investimentos públicos no setor. As preocupações prioritárias dos cidadãos manifestam-se de forma ambígua: ora com o nível elementar/instrumental do ensino, ora com a formação cultural, moral e ética, de acordo com a pergunta.
8 p.
Este trabalho utilizou modelos de nível misto para estimar as avaliações da democracia a partir de dados do documento Wave 6 do European Social Survey. Foram utilizadas novas medidas de expectativas democráticas acerca de eleições e sistemas partidários, juntamente com o item "satisfação com a democracia”, para testar os efeitos de regras eleitorais sobre a percepção da democracia.
This paper examines the data recently collected from Lake Victoria (SEDAWOG, 2000a). In the first section, it provides the results from the survey that examines fishermen's perceptions of the status of the resource base. In the second section, it starts with an examination of boundaries, followed by an examination of these data insofar as they relate to fishermen's understanding of roles. We conclude the paper with a brief discussion of what these findings mean for fisheries management on Lake Victoria in particular, and our understanding of co-managerial applications more generally