983 resultados para Olmsted, Harry Aborn, 1873-
Residue types at the interface of protein-protein complexes (PPCs) are known to be reasonably well conserved. However, we show, using a dataset of known 3-D structures of homologous transient PPCs, that the 3-D location of interfacial residues and their interaction patterns are only moderately and poorly conserved, respectively. Another surprising observation is that a residue at the interface that is conserved is not necessarily in the interface in the homolog. Such differences in homologous complexes are manifested by substitution of the residues that are spatially proximal to the conserved residue and structural differences at the interfaces as well as differences in spatial orientations of the interacting proteins. Conservation of interface location and the interaction pattern at the core of the interfaces is higher than at the periphery of the interface patch. Extents of variability of various structural features reported here for homologous transient PPCs are higher than the variation in homologous permanent homomers. Our findings suggest that straightforward extrapolation of interfacial nature and inter-residue interaction patterns from template to target could lead to serious errors in the modeled complex structure. Understanding the evolution of interfaces provides insights to improve comparative modeling of PPC structures.
Size regulation of human cell nucleus and nucleolus are poorly understood subjects. 3D reconstruction of live image shows that the karyoplasmic ratio (KR) increases by 30-80% in transformed cell lines compared to their immortalized counterpart. The attenuation of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport causes the KR value to increase by 30-50% in immortalized cell lines. Nucleolus volumes are significantly increased in transformed cell lines and the attenuation of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport causes a significant increase in the nucleolus volume of immortalized cell lines. A cytosol and nuclear fraction swapping experiment emphasizes the potential role of unknown cytosolic factors in nuclear and nucleolar size regulation.
To study electron affinity kinetics, a shock tube method was applied, in which the test gas was ionized by a reflected shock wave and subsequently quenched by a strong rarefaction wave. As the quenching speed of 106 K/s was reached, a nonequilibrium ionization-recombination process occurred, which was dominated by ion recombination with electrons. A Langmuir electrostatic probe was used to monitor variation in the ion number density at the reflection shock region. The working state of the probe was analyzed...
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar cinco materiales de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum Milll) ante infestaciones natura les del complejo mosca blanca- geminivirus en la región Central del país en el período comprendido de Diciembre 2002 – Abril 2003. En este experimento se evaluaron las líneas TY-4, TY-12, TY-13 y las variedades MTT-013 y MTT-019, el diseño utilizado fue el de Bloques Completo al Azar (BCA). Las variables evaluadas fueron: población de moscas blancas/pta, incidencia de la enfermedad, severidad de la enfermedad, número de racimos florales, número de flores, número de frutos por planta y rendimientos (kg/ha). A los datos obtenidos se les aplicó un Análisis de Varianza y una separación de medias según Tukey. Los resultados indicaron que la línea TY-4 y la TY-13 fueron las más tolerantes al complejo mosca blanca – geminivirus, siendo la variedad MTT-013 la más susceptible. En cuanto a la severidad, la mejor línea es la TY-4 seguida de la TY-13 y la TY-12, siendo la más severamente afectada la variedad MTT-013. En el caso de la población de mosca blanca, la variedad MTT-013 fue en la que se encontró el mayor número de adultos y en la que se encontraron el menor número de adultos de mosca blanca fue la línea TY-13. Para las variables racimos florales y flores la variedad que obtuvo el mayor promedio fue la variedad MTT-013 y el menor la línea TY-4. En el caso de los frutos, el material con menor promedio fue la variedad MTT-013 y los mayores promedios los alcanzaron las líneas TY-12 y TY-13, respectivamente. El mayor rendimiento lo alcanzó la línea TY-13 con un rendimiento equivalente de 19,000 kg/ha y el menor la variedad MTT-013 con un rendimiento equivalente de 7,000 kg/ha. En la etapa de laboratorio se comprobó efectivamente la presencia de geminivirus en todos los materiales evaluados.
Abstract: Nancy Cartwright understands scientific explanation in terms of stable causes which she calls “capacities” or “natures”. She has been criticized for her interpretation of Mill’s tendencies, for her stress on individual causes, for the contrast between her empiricism and her metaphysical approach, and for her “local realism”. This paper will analyze those criticisms and will argue that a greater reliance on Aristotle might help to answer them and consolidate her proposals. Note that Cartwright is more skeptical about the possibilities of causal explanation in the social realm than about its possibilities in natural science. The paper thus also examines Aristotelian social capacities and provides some Aristotelian arguments for Cartwright’s skepticism about our knowledge of them and our using them to arrive at social scientific explanations.
<正> 光是由无静止质量的基本粒子组成,而这些粒子能对物质施加压力的认识,从理论预测到实验证实经历了漫长的时间.早在1873年,苏格兰物理学家麦克斯韦在研究光的本质时,根据他的电磁波理论,断言了光对物质能施加压力,并且予言,这种力的大小取决于
The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground water in the Ruskin area, especially as related to the problem of salt-water encroachment. The major objectives of the program includes: (1) An inventory of wells to determine their number and distribution, their depths and diameters, and other pertinent information. (2) A study of artesian pressures. (3) Analyses of water from selected wells to determine the location and extent of any areas in which the artesian water is salty. (4) A study of the surface and subsurface geology as related to the occurrence and movement of ground water. (5) An estimate of the quantity of ground water withdrawn. (PDF contains 24 pages.)
A large part of western Manatee County is devoted to the growing of winter vegetables and citrus fruits. As in most of peninsular Florida, rainfall in the county during the growing season is not sufficient for crop production and large quantites of artesian water are used for irrigation. The large withdrawals of artesian water for irrigation result in a considerable decline of the artesian head in the western part of the county. This seasonal decline of the artesian head has become larger as the withdrawal of artesian water has increased. The lowering of the fresh-water head in some coastal areas in the State has resulted in an infiltration of sea water into the water-bearing formations. The presence of salty water in the artesian aquifer in parts of the coastal area of Manatee County indicates that sea water may also have entered the waterbearing formations in this area as a result of the decline of artesian pressure during the growing season. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county, primarily to determine whether salt-water encroachment has occurred or is likely to occur in the coastal area. (PDF contains 38 pages.)
A detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of Manatee County (fig. 1) was made during the period from 1950 to 1955. This report contains a table of well records that was compiled from data collected during that investigation. The well-numbering system used in the table is based on latitude and longitude. (PDF contains 204 pages.)
A detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the Ruskin area (fig. 1) was made during the period from 1950 to 1955, by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Survey and the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County. The results of this study are given in a report by Harry M. Peek entitled "The artesian water of the Ruskin area of Hillsborough County, Florida" and published by the Florida Geological Survey as Report of Investigations No. 21. This report contains tables of well records that were compiled from data collected during that investigation. The well-numbering system used in the tables is based on latitude and longitude. (PDF contains 88 pages.)
This monograph is the case study for China, with a particular focus on Henan Province, the project location. Written in three parts, it first describes the historical background, production levels and trends, economic and institutional environment, policy issues, and market situation in China in general. The main part of the study presents findings from two different surveys conducted in Henan Province. County-level information is used to analyze the current situation of aquaculture, providing a more disaggregated picture than what is generally available from national statistics. Data collected in a survey of fish farmers in two locations in Henan are then analyzed with regard to the prevailing aquaculture technology and production practices, economic performance of pond fish farming, and the key reasons for aquaculture adoption. In the final chapter, constraints and opportunities for the aquaculture sector in China in general are discussed. (pdf contains 68 pages.)
Discusión de límites zoogeográficos marinos con el objetivo de ser utilizados en la preparación de un catálogo de animales marinos. (PDF tiene 9 paginas.)
Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz foi professor e naturalista suíço naturalizado americano. Nasceu em Motiers, em 28 de maio de 1807, e morreu em Cambridge, em 1873. Estudou em Universidades suíças e alemãs, doutorando-se em Medicina, em Munique, em 1830. Em 1846, fixou-se nos Estados Unidos, onde lecionou em Harvard, e, em 1861, tornou-se cidadão americano. O estudo e a classificação de espécies de peixes brasileiros despertou-lhe o interesse pelo Brasil e , em 1865, chegou ao País à frente de uma expedição científica, que ficou conhecida como Thayer Expedition, custeada pelo milionário americano Nathanael Thayer e patrocinada pelo Imperador D. Pedro II. Permaneceu no País por quinze meses, explorando o Rio Amazonas e o interior cearense, período em que classificou 1.800 espécies da fauna ictiológica. Dessa viagem, resultou o livro A journey in Brasil. Seus estudos de Zoologia e Paleontologia, assim como os dos glaciares da Europa e da América, tornaram-se célebre. A obra científica de Agassiz é constituída por mais de quatrocentos volumes.
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
Joaquim Nabuco não teve êxito na defesa dos limites do Brasil com a a Guiana Inglesa, no juízo arbitral presidido pelo Rei da Itália. No entanto, o atlas com o qual ilustrou a sua argumentação é um importante trabalho da cartografia histórica, hoje muito raro.