985 resultados para Oil well pumps
An 18-year-old man presented with a growing painless left scrotal mass. Sonography showed a hydrocele and a homogeneous, well-encapsulated left extratesticular mass with similar echogenicity as the normal testis, suggestive of a splenogonadal fusion. To substantiate the diagnosis, the patient underwent Tc-99m heat-denatured red blood cell scintigraphy showing normal physiological hyperactivity in the spleen but activity similar to the blood pool projecting on the upper part of the left testis. This made testicular splenic tissue less likely. The patient underwent resection and histopathology revealed a well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma. Inguinal orchidectomy was subsequently performed and the patient was free of recurrence at 18 months.
The Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership has worked to improve local health outcomes by encouraging members of the community to develop skills relating to managing their own health, and providing accessible information on the availability of services of which they can avail of. The aim is to facilitate local people to gain knowledge on various health issues through books, videos, leaflets and enable the most vulnerable and in need to access additional support through the pharmacy to complementary therapy. Outcome: A room in the pharmacy has been renovated and offers access to other support services. Funding has allowed the pharmacist to equip the room with videos, leaflets, books etc. There has been an increase in partnership working between the community group, pharmacist and more contact has been made with primary care. Further funding has allowed for the development of a subsidised support referral service for counselling and complementary therapies. As well as this, the pharmacist has worked with local groups to provide information sessions on lifestyle and on health issues identified by the local groups
This leaflet highlights Northern Ireland's incidence of cancer as an important public health concern, and explains how eating more fruit, vegetables and other fibre rich foods can significantly reduce our risk of getting the disease.
Field tests were carried out during the rainy season of 2001/2002 in São Luís de Montes Belos, Goiás, Brazil, to evaluate the potential of the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, against peridomestic Triatoma sordida. An oil-water formulation of the isolate CG 14 (Embrapa) was applied in triatomine infested hen houses of four farms at a final concentration of 10(6) conidia/cm². Numbers of T. sordida decreased over the next 25 days, after application of the fungus, and B. bassiana developed on dead insects in one hen house. A high number of B. bassiana colonies was detected in substrates collected in treated hen houses 24 h after application of CG 14. In the following three months the presenceof B. bassiana declined to values found before treatment.
SĹN 2007: Older People, Loneliness and Social Support to Mental HealthSĹN, the national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition, shows that most Irish adults have a reasonably high level of positive mental health. It is the largest national survey on positive and negative mental health and social well-being in the Irish adult population.��One finding highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. Finding reveal that 14% of respondents reported being often lonely in the last four weeks, with women, older people and respondents in lower social class groups reporting high levels of loneliness. The SĹN report indicates that being widowed and not being in paid employment are the strongest overall predictors of loneliness. Respondents who are widowed are about five times more likely to feel lonely than those who are married or cohabiting, while 17% of respondents aged 65 and over report being often lonely.��SLAN 2007 highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. It proposes community-based interventions, including community development approaches and strategies to promote community involvement as a way to tackle such social and health inequities at local level. The report also highlights the importance of implementing the recommendations of the policy document A Vision for Change. It says that protection and promotion of the future health and well-being of the Irish population requires the implementation of effective cross-sectoral policies that will help create and maintain a mentally healthy society, with consequent health, economic and social benefits for all.����SLAN is commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and involved face-to-face interviews with 10,364 respondents aged 18 years and over.��
The 1st International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO) was held in Naples (1963). The philosophy behind this symposium and the logical outcome of what is now known as the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) is here reviewed, namely ostracodology over the last 50 years is sociologically analysed. Three different and important historic moments for the scientific achievements of this domain are recognised. The first one, between about 1963-1983, is related to applied research for the oil industry as well as to the great interest in the better description of the marine environment by both zoologists and palaeontologists. Another important aspect during this period was the work by researchers dealing with Palaeozoic ostracods, who had their own discussion group, IRGPO. Gradually, the merger of this latter group with those dealing with post-Palaeozoic ostracods at various meetings improved communication between the two groups of specialists. A second period was approximately delineated between 1983 and 2003. During this time-slice, more emphasis was addressed to environmental research with topics such as the study of global events and long-term climate change. Ostracodologists profited also from the research "politics" within national and international programmes. Large international research teams emerged using new research methods. During the third period (2003-2013), communication and collaborative research reached a global dimension. Amongst the topics of research we cite the reconstruction of palaeoclimate using transfer functions, the building of large datasets of ostracod distributions for regional and intercontinental studies, and the implementation of actions that should lead to taxonomic harmonisation. Projects within which molecular biological techniques are routinely used, combined with sophisticated morphological information, expanded now in their importance. The documentation of the ostracod description improved through new techniques to visualise morphological details, which stimulated also communication between ostracodologists. Efforts of making available ostracod information through newsletters and electronic media are evoked.
One of the core missions of commissioners is to reduce health inequalities. Promoting health and well-being is necessary but not sufficient, and it is essential thatimprovements in commissioning and consequent improvements in service delivery, will not widen the gapbetween different groups in society. It is, of course,already difficult enough to decide how to commission services to promote health and well-being. There are practical, economic and ethical issues involved, but if in addition the commissioner wishes to ensure that the gap between the most healthy and the least healthy does not widen, they will have to think hard and commission carefully. It is also crystal clear that it would be wrong to let 152 Primary Care Trusts find out for themselves how to do this. Firstly, it would be a massive waste of resources, and secondly, many Primary Care Trusts would be unable to deliver. This Guide has been produced by knowledge harvesting; by gathering the knowledge that commissioners have created and accrued, about successes as well as failures; and blending it into a single readable Guide.
A compendium of facts and figures on the health status and the determinants of the health of children and young people in South East England
This framework builds on the White Paper Our health, our care, our say, which promised to help people stay healthy and independent, to give people choice in their care services, to deliver services closer to home and to tackle inequalities. The Commissioning framework for health and well-being sets out the eight steps that health and social care should take in partnership to commission more effectively. It is aimed at commissioners and providers of services in health, social care and local authorities. It is part of the White Paper Our health our care our say implementation.
To determine the repellent activity of Ocimum gratissimum volatile oil against Simulium damnosum (blackflies), a 12 month (January-December 2003) field study was conducted in three onchocerciasis endemic communities (Idomido, Obio camp, and Ikot Adaha) in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The result revealed that topical application of 20% (v/v) concentration of the oil with liquid paraffin as a base, reduced the biting rate of S. damnosum by 90.2, 81.6, and 79.7%, in Idomido, Obiocamp, and Ikot Adaha respectively. The oil gave protection against the bite of S. damnosum for at least 3 h. A total of 710 adults S. damnosum were caught by individuals treated with Ocimum oil, as against 4296 caught by the control group. When the flies caught by the treated individuals were dissected none of them was infected with microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus. Human-vector contact and onchocerciasis transmission could be reduced by the topical application of the volatile oil during the peak biting periods of the vector.
What we eat affects our health. With just a few small changes to what we eat every day, we can help to protect against major illnesses, including some cancers. These changes can also give our health an extra boost.
This poster shows graphically how much of each of the following food groups we should eat for a healthy, balanced diet: fruit and vegetables; bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods; milk and dairy foods; meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein; and foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar.��
PURPOSE: To describe the safety, complications, and liver regeneration associated with the left liver after embolization of the right portal vein (PV) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed in the setting of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients (31 men, nine women; mean age, 62 years) with HCC underwent PV embolization over a 4-year period. Embolization was performed from a left PV percutaneous access with use of n-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) mixed with iodized oil. Computed tomography (CT) volumetry was performed before and 1 month after PV embolization to measure the left lobe volume as well as the functional liver ratio defined by the ratio between the left lobe and the total liver volume minus tumoral volume. PV pressure and liver enzyme levels were compared before and 1 month after the procedure and complications were registered. Factors potentially affecting regeneration (age, sex, diabetes, chemoembolization, functional liver ratio before PV embolization, and Knodell histologic score) were evaluated by one-way and stepwise regression analysis. RESULTS: PV embolization could be achieved successfully in all cases. Two patients had partial PV thrombosis on the 1-month follow-up CT and two patients developed transient ascites after PV embolization. The left lobe volume increase was 41% +/- 32% after PV embolization and the functional liver ratio increased from 28% +/- 10% to 36% +/- 10% (P < .0001). Hypertrophy of the left lobe was greater in patients with a low functional liver ratio before PV embolization and those with an F3 fibrosis score. Other factors had no influence on left lobe regeneration. CONCLUSION: PV embolization with use of NBCA is feasible in patients with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. Hypertrophy of the left lobe of the liver after PV embolization has a statistically significant correlation with lower functional liver ratio and lower degrees of fibrosis.
The ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent proton pumps from tonoplast-enriched vesicles prepared from Rubus hispidus cell cultures were solubilized in the presence of polyoxyethylene(9,10)p-t-octylphenol (Triton X-100) and reconstituted into liposomes of soybean phospholipids, using Bio-Beads SM-2 to remove the detergent. The specific activity of the two pumps was greatly increased by the solubilization-reconstitution procedure. Identical characteristics were found for pyrophosphate-dependent proton transport in native and reconstituted vesicles. On the other hand, the ATP-dependent proton transport of the reconstituted vesicles was no longer inhibited by KNO3.