999 resultados para Nuclear Physics


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We outline a comprehensive study of spin-0 glueball properties which, in particular, keeps track of the topological gluon structure. Specifically, we implement (semi-hard) topological instanton physics as well as topological charge screening in the QCD vacuum into the operator product expansion (OPE) of the glueball correlators. A realistic instanton size distribution and the (gauge-invariant) renormalization of the instanton contributions are also implemented. Predictions for 0(++) and 0(-+) glueball properties are presented.


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We study the trajectory of Efimov states for a trapped three-boson system when the two-body scattering length a is changed. We show that these states follow the route virtual-bound-continuum resonance state when a is varied, respectively, from large positive to negative values. For a < 0, we include the triatomic continuum resonance effect to extend the three-body recombination length for trap temperatures greater than zero. For a > 0, we predict trimer binding energies based on the recombination length and the two-body scattering length.


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The hybrid formalism for the superstring is used to compute one-loop amplitudes with an arbitrary number of external d = 4 supergravity states. These one-loop N-point amplitudes are expressed as Koba-Nielsen-like formulas with manifest d = 4 supersymmetry. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We employ the NJL model to calculate mesonic correlation functions at finite temperature and compare results with recent lattice QCD simulations. We employ an implicit regularization scheme to deal with the divergent amplitudes to obtain ambiguity-free, scale-invariant and symmetry-preserving physical amplitudes. Making the coupling constants of the model temperature dependent, we show that at low momenta our results agree qualitatively with lattice simulations.


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A unified description of spacelike and timelike hadron form factors within a light-front model was successfully applied to the pion. The model is extended to the nucleon to study the role of qq pair production and of nonvalence components in the nucleon form factors. Preliminary results in the spacelike range 0 <= Q(2) <= 10 (GeV/c)(2) are presented.


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One of the models proposed for the origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR's) suggests that these events are the decay products of relic superheavy metastable particles, which we call S particles. These particles can be produced in the reheating period following the inflationary epoch of the early Universe. We study this possibility and obtain constraints on some parameters such as the lifetime and direct couplings of the X-particle to the inflaton field from the requirement that they are responsible for the observed UHECR flux.


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Two new families of T-dual integrable models of dyonic type are constructed. They represent specific A(n)((1)) singular non-abelian affine Toda models having U(1) global symmetry. Their I-soliton spectrum contains both neutral and U(I)-charged topological solitons sharing the main properties of 4-dimensional Yang-Mills-Higgs monopoles and dyons. The semiclassical quantization of these solutions as well as the exact counterterms and the coupling constant renormalization are studied. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A quantizable action has recently been proposed for the superstring in an AdS(5) x S-5 background with Ramond-Ramond flux. In this paper we construct physical vertex operators corresponding to on-shell fluctuations around the AdS(5) x S-5 background. The structure of these AdS(5) x S-5 vertex operators closely resembles the structure of the massless vertex operators in a flat background. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently there have been suggestions that for a proper description of hadronic matter and hadronic correlation functions within the NJL model at finite density/temperature the parameters of the model should be taken density/temperature dependent. Here we show that qualitatively similar results can be obtained using a cutoff-independent regularization of the NJL model. In this regularization scheme one can express the divergent parts at finite density/temperature of the amplitudes in terms of their counterparts in vacuum.


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The possibility of kaon condensation in high-density symmetric nuclear matter is investigated including both s- and p-wave kaon-baryon interactions within the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory. Above a certain density, we have a collective (D) over bar (S) state carrying the same quantum numbers as the antikaon. The appearance of the (K) over bar (S) state is caused by the time component of the axial-vector interaction between kaons and baryons. It is shown that the system becomes unstable with respect to condensation of K-(K) over bar (S) pairs. We consider how the effective baryon masses affect the kaon self-energy coming from the time component of the axial-vector interaction. Also, the role of the spatial component of the axial-vector interaction on the possible existence of the collective kaonic states is discussed in connection with A-mixing effects in the ground state of high-density matter: Implications of K (K) over bar (S) condensation for high-energy heavy-ion collisions are briefly mentioned. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The subtracted kernel method is implemented recursively to solve scattering equations for the S-1(0) phase-shifts considering the leading and the next-to-leading order NN interaction.


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A semi-classical approach is used to obtain Lorentz covariant expressions for the form factors between the kink states of a quantum field theory with degenerate vacua. Implemented on a cylinder geometry it provides an estimate of the spectral representation of correlation functions in a finite volume. Illustrative examples of the applicability of the method are provided by the sine-Gordon and the broken phi(4) theories in 1 + 1 dimensions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.