821 resultados para Nonlinear optical polymers


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The nonlinear dynamics of longitudinal dust lattice waves propagating in a dusty plasma bi-crystal is investigated. A “diatomic”-like one-dimensional dust lattice configuration is considered, consisting of two distinct dust grain species with different charges and masses. Two different frequency dispersion modes are obtained in the linear limit, namely, an optical and an acoustic wave dispersion branch. Nonlinear solitary wave solutions are shown to exist in both branches, by considering the continuum limit for lattice excitations in different nonlinear potential regimes. For this purpose, a generalized Boussinesq and an extended Korteweg de Vries equation is derived, for the acoustic mode excitations, and their exact soliton solutions are provided and compared. For the optic mode, a nonlinear Schrödinger-type equation is obtained, which is shown to possess bright- (dark-) type envelope soliton solutions in the long (short, respectively) wavelength range. Optic-type longitudinal wavepackets are shown to be generally unstable in the continuum limit, though this is shown not to be the rule in the general (discrete) case.


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A homologous family of dialkyl phthalates has been used to investigate the effect of plasticizer/polymer compatibility on the response characteristics of transparent, plastic, thin optical gas sensing films for CO2 and oxygen. Plasticizer/polymer compatibilities were determined through the value of the difference in solubility parameter, i.e. Delta delta, for the plasticizer and polymer with a Delta delta value of zero indicating high compatibility. A strong correlation was found between plasticizer/polymer compatibility and sensitivity in phenol red/ethyl cellulose CO2-sensitive films and this relationship extended to CO2-sensitive films based on other polymers such as polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate). It extended also to optical O-2-sensitive films implying that the relationship is general for thin-film optical sensors. Other results from the CO2-sensitive films in different polymers indicated that the film sensitivity is largely independent of the polymer matrix regardless of its inherent gas permeability, when a sufficient quantity of compatible plasticizer is present. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We describe and analyse the operation and stabilization of a Mach--Zehnder interferometer, which separates the carrier and the first-order sidebands of a phase-modulated laser field, and which is locked using the H\"ansch--Couillaud method. In addition to the necessary attenuation, our interferometer introduces, via total internal reflection, a significant polarization-dependent phase delay. We employ a general treatment to describe an interferometer with an object which affects the field along one path, and we examine how this phase delay affects the error signal. We discuss the requirements necessary to ensure the lock point remains unchanged when phase modulation is introduced, and we demonstrate and characterize this locking experimentally. Finally, we suggest an extension to this locking strategy using heterodyne detection.


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Many-body effects are known to play a crucial role in the electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures. Nevertheless, the majority of theoretical and numerical approaches able to capture the influence of Coulomb correlations are restricted to the linear response regime. In this work, we introduce an approach based on a real-time solution of the electronic dynamics. The proposed approach reduces to the well-known Bethe-Salpeter equation in the linear limit regime and it makes it possible, at the same time, to investigate correlation effects in nonlinear phenomena. We show the flexibility and numerical stability of the proposed approach by calculating the dielectric constants and the effect of a strong pulse excitation in bulk h-BN.


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The nonlinear response of a ferroic to an applied field has been studied through the phenomenological Rayleigh Law for over a hundred years. Yet, despite this, the fundamental physical mechanisms at the nanoscale that lead to macroscopic Rayleigh behavior have remained largely elusive, and experimental evidence at small length scales is limited. Here, it is shown using a combination of scanning probe techniques and phase field modeling, that nanoscale piezoelectric response in prototypical Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 films appears to follow a distinctly non-Rayleigh regime. Through statistical analysis, it is found that an averaging of local responses can lead directly to Rayleigh-like behavior of the strain on a macroscale. Phase-field modeling confirms the twist of the ferroelastic interface is key in enhancing piezoelectric response. The studies shed light on the nanoscale origins of nonlinear behavior in disordered ferroics.


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The basic concepts and phenomenology of wave mixing and harmonic generation are reviewed in context of the recent advances in the enhanced nonlinear activity in metamaterials and photonic crystals. The effects of dispersion, field confinement and phase synchronism are illustrated by the examples of the on-purpose designed artificial nonlinear structures. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 22:469482, 2012.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of magnetically biased semiconductor layers has been modelled in a self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of carriers. It is shown that magnetic bias not only renders nonreciprocity of the three-wave mixing process but also significantly enhances the nonlinear interactions in the stacks, especially at the frequencies close to the intrinsic magneto-plasma resonances of the constituent layers. The main mechanisms and properties of the combinatorial frequency generation and emission from the stacks are illustrated by the simulation results, and the effects of the individual layer parameters and the structure arrangement on the stack nonlinear and nonreciprocal response are discussed. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of magnetically biased semiconductor layers has been modelled in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of carriers. It has been shown that the nonlinear response of the magnetoactive semiconductor periodic structure is strongly enhanced by magnetic bias and combinations of the layer physical and geometrical parameters. The effects of the pump wave nonreciprocal reflectance and field displacement on the efficiency of three-wave mixing process is illustrated by the simulation results


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We present a comprehensive model for predicting the full performance of a second harmonic generation-optical parametric amplification system that aims at enhancing the temporal contrast of laser pulses. The model simultaneously takes into account all the main parameters at play in the system such as the group velocity mismatch, the beam divergence, the spectral content, the pump depletion, and the length of the nonlinear crystals. We monitor the influence of the initial parameters of the input pulse and the interdependence of the two related non-linear processes on the performance of the system and show its optimum configuration. The influence of the initial beam divergence on the spectral and the temporal characteristics of the generated pulse is discussed. In addition, we show that using a crystal slightly longer than the optimum length and introducing small delay between the seed and the pump ensures maximum efficiency and compensates for the spectral shift in the optical parametric amplification stage in case of chirped input pulse. As an example, calculations for bandwidth transform limited and chirped pulses of sub-picosecond duration in beta barium borate crystal are presented.


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Este trabalho investiga novas metodologias para as redes óticas de acesso de próxima geração (NG-OAN). O trabalho está dividido em quatro tópicos de investigação: projeto da rede, modelos numéricos para efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica, impacto dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica e otimização da rede. A rede ótica de acesso investigada nesse trabalho está projetado para suprir os requisitos de densidade de utilizadores e cobertura, isto é, suportar muitos utilizadores ( 1000) com altas velocidades de conexão dedicada ( 1 Gb/s) ocupando uma faixa estreita do espectro ( 25 nm) e comprimentos de fibra ótica até 100 km. Os cenários são baseados em redes óticas passivas com multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda de alta densidade (UDWDM-PON) utilizando transmissores/receptores coerentes nos terminais da rede. A rede é avaliada para vários ritmos de transmissão usando formatos de modulação avançados, requisitos de largura de banda por utilizador e partilha de banda com tecnologias tradicionais de redes óticas passivas (PON). Modelos numéricos baseados em funções de transferência das séries de Volterra (VSTF) são demonstrados tanto para a análise dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica quanto para avaliação do desempenho total da rede. São apresentadas as faixas de potência e distância de transmissão nas quais as séries de Volterra apresentam resultados semelhantes ao modelo referência Split-Step Fourier (SSF) (validado experimentalmente) para o desempenho total da rede. Além disso, um algoritmo, que evita componentes espectrais com intensidade nulo, é proposto para realizar cálculos rápidos das séries. O modelo VSTF é estendido para identificar unicamente os efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica mais relevantes no cenário investigado: Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) e Four-Wave Mixing (FWM). Simulações numéricas são apresentadas para identificar o impacto isolado de cada efeito não linear da fibra ótica, SPM, XPM e FWM, no desempenho da rede com detecção coerente UDWDM-PON, transportando canais com modulação digital em fase (M-ária PSK) ou modulação digital em amplitude (M-ária QAM). A análise numérica é estendida para diferentes comprimentos de fibra ótica mono modo (SSMF), potência por canal e ritmo de transmissão por canal. Por conseguinte, expressões analíticas são extrapoladas para determinar a evolução do SPM, XPM e FWM em função da potência e distância de transmissão em cenários NG-OAN. O desempenho da rede é otimizada através da minimização parcial da interferência FWM (via espaçamento desigual dos canais), que nesse caso, é o efeito não linear da fibra ótica mais relevante. Direções para melhorias adicionas no desempenho da rede são apresentados para cenários em que o XPM é relevante, isto é, redes transportando formatos de modulação QAM. A solução, nesse caso, é baseada na utilização de técnicas de processamento digital do sinal.


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Este projecto de doutoramento tem como objetivo isolar e caracterizar sistematicamente novos polímeros de coordenação, no estado sólido. A presença de grupos rígidos possuindo, em particular, átomos de oxigénio e de azoto, deverá induzir interessantes propriedades fotoluminescentes (rendimentos quânticos e tempos de vida elevados, assim como vias de transferência de energia eficientes), que poderão permitir a utilização dos compostos poliméricos na produção de dispositivos funcionais. As diferentes abordagens sintéticas foram ajustadas para cada material e basearam-se, preferencialmente, nas sínteses hidrotérmicas e nas assistidas por radiação de microondas. A estrutura dos materiais foi elucidada a partir de métodos de difracção de raios X (de cristal único ou de pós) em conjunto com outras técnicas, tais como RMN de estado sólido, microscopia eletrónica, análises térmicas, espectroscopia vibracional e estudos de composição elementar. Os compostos microcristalinos foram sistematicamente estudados a fim de investigar outras propriedades além das de fotoluminescência. Alguns dos materiais revelaram multifuncionalidade apresentando simultaneamente tempos de vida na ordem dos milisegundos, elevados rendimentos quânticos e elevado desempenho como catalisadores heterogéneos. As propriedades magnéticas de um composto baseado em érbio foram igualmente estudadas, assim como as de adsorpção e permuta de solvente de uma estrutura porosa baseada em cério.


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A compact highly linear microstrip dual - mode optically switchable filter and a reconfigurable power amplifier are presented. The key characteristics of the dual - mode switchable filter are investigated and described. A second order filter design procedure is outlined to facilitate the realisation of Butterworth and Chebyshev functions. The proposed filter was built and tested with an optical switch, which comprised of a silicon dice acti vated using near infrared light. The measured and simulated results are in good agreement. The measured insertion loss in the ON state was 3.0 dB the isolation in the OFF state was 45 dB at the centre frequency. An evaluation of filter distortion is presen ted for digitally modulated M - QAM and M - QAM OFDM singals.


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Beaucoup d'efforts dans le domaine des matériaux polymères sont déployés pour développer de nouveaux matériaux fonctionnels pour des applications spécifiques, souvent très sophistiquées, en employant des méthodes simplifiées de synthèse et de préparation. Cette thèse porte sur les polymères photosensibles – i.e. des matériaux fonctionnels qui répondent de diverses manières à la lumière – qui sont préparés à l'aide de la chimie supramoléculaire – i.e. une méthode de préparation qui repose sur l'auto-assemblage spontané de motifs moléculaires plus simples via des interactions non covalentes pour former le matériau final désiré. Deux types de matériaux photosensibles ont été ciblés, à savoir les élastomères thermoplastiques à base de copolymères à blocs (TPE) et les complexes d'homopolymères photosensibles. Les TPEs sont des matériaux bien connus, et même commercialisés, qui sont généralement composés d’un copolymère tribloc, avec un bloc central très flexible et des blocs terminaux rigides qui présentent une séparation de phase menant à des domaines durs isolés, composés des blocs terminaux rigides, dans une matrice molle formée du bloc central flexible, et ils ont l'avantage d'être recyclable. Pour la première fois, au meilleur de notre connaissance, nous avons préparé ces matériaux avec des propriétés photosensibles, basé sur la complexation supramoléculaire entre un copolymère tribloc simple parent et une petite molécule possédant une fonctionnalité photosensible via un groupe azobenzène. Plus précisément, il s’agit de la complexation ionique entre la forme quaternisée d'un copolymère à blocs, le poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle)-poly(acrylate de n-butyle)-poly(méthacrylate de diméthylaminoéthyle) (PDM-PnBA-PDM), synthétisé par polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atomes (ATRP), et l'orange de méthyle (MO), un composé azo disponible commercialement comportant un groupement SO3 -. Le PnBA possède une température de transition vitreuse en dessous de la température ambiante (-46 °C) et les blocs terminaux de PDM complexés avec le MO ont une température de transition vitreuse élevée (140-180 °C, en fonction de la masse molaire). Des tests simples d'élasticité montrent que les copolymères à blocs complexés avec des fractions massiques allant de 20 à 30% présentent un caractère élastomère. Des mesures d’AFM et de TEM (microscopie à force atomique et électronique à ii transmission) de films préparés à l’aide de la méthode de la tournette, montrent une corrélation entre le caractère élastomère et les morphologies où les blocs rigides forment une phase minoritaire dispersée (domaines sphériques ou cylindriques courts). Une phase dure continue (morphologie inversée) est observée pour une fraction massique en blocs rigides d'environ 37%, ce qui est beaucoup plus faible que celle observée pour les copolymères à blocs neutres, dû aux interactions ioniques. La réversibilité de la photoisomérisation a été démontrée pour ces matériaux, à la fois en solution et sous forme de film. La synthèse du copolymère à blocs PDM-PnBA-PDM a ensuite été optimisée en utilisant la technique d'échange d'halogène en ATRP, ainsi qu’en apportant d'autres modifications à la recette de polymérisation. Des produits monodisperses ont été obtenus à la fois pour la macroamorceur et le copolymère à blocs. À partir d'un seul copolymère à blocs parent, une série de copolymères à blocs partiellement/complètement quaternisés et complexés ont été préparés. Des tests préliminaires de traction sur les copolymères à blocs complexés avec le MO ont montré que leur élasticité est corrélée avec la fraction massique du bloc dur, qui peut être ajustée par le degré de quaternisation et de complexation. Finalement, une série de complexes d'homopolymères auto-assemblés à partir du PDM et de trois dérivés azobenzènes portant des groupes (OH, COOH et SO3) capables d'interactions directionnelles avec le groupement amino du PDM ont été préparés, où les dérivés azo sont associés avec le PDM, respectivement, via des interactions hydrogène, des liaisons ioniques combinées à une liaison hydrogène à travers un transfert de proton (acidebase), et des interactions purement ioniques. L'influence de la teneur en azo et du type de liaison sur la facilité d’inscription des réseaux de diffraction (SRG) a été étudiée. L’efficacité de diffraction des SRGs et la profondeur des réseaux inscrits à partir de films préparés à la méthode de la tournette montrent que la liaison ionique et une teneur élevée en azo conduit à une formation plus efficace des SRGs.