940 resultados para Non-invasive method
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi es investigar l’organització cortical junt amb la connectivitat còrtico-subcortical en subjectes sans, com a estudi preliminar. Els mapes corticals s’han fet per TMS navegada, i els punts motors obtinguts s’han exportant per estudi tractogràfic i anàlisi de las seves connexions. El coneixement precís de la localització de l’àrea cortical motora primària i les seves connexions es la base per ser utilitzada en estudis posteriors de la reorganització cortical i sub-cortical en pacients amb infart cerebral. Aquesta reorganització es deguda a la neuroplasticitat i pot ser influenciada per els efectes neuromoduladors de la estimulació cerebral no invasiva.
INTRODUCTION: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) is a non-invasive neurosurgical stereotactic procedure, increasingly used as an alternative to open functional procedures. This includes targeting of the ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (e.g. Vim) for tremor. We currently perform an indirect targeting, as the Vim is not visible on current 3Tesla MRI acquisitions. Our objective was to enhance anatomic imaging (aiming at refining the precision of anatomic target selection by direct visualisation) in patients treated for tremor with Vim GKS, by using high field 7T MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODSH: Five young healthy subjects were scanned on 3 (T1-w and diffusion tensor imaging) and 7T (high-resolution susceptibility weighted images (SWI)) MRI in Lausanne. All images were further integrated for the first time into the Gamma Plan Software(®) (Elekta Instruments, AB, Sweden) and co-registered (with T1 was a reference). A simulation of targeting of the Vim was done using various methods on the 3T images. Furthermore, a correlation with the position of the found target with the 7T SWI was performed. The atlas of Morel et al. (Zurich, CH) was used to confirm the findings on a detailed analysis inside/outside the Gamma Plan. RESULTS: The use of SWI provided us with a superior resolution and an improved image contrast within the basal ganglia. This allowed visualization and direct delineation of some subgroups of thalamic nuclei in vivo, including the Vim. The position of the target, as assessed on 3T, perfectly matched with the supposed one of the Vim on the SWI. Furthermore, a 3-dimensional model of the Vim-target area was created on the basis of the obtained images. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the integration of SWI high field MRI into the LGP, aiming at the improvement of targeting validation of the Vim in tremor. The anatomical correlation between the direct visualization on 7T and the current targeting methods on 3T (e.g. quadrilatere of Guyot, histological atlases) seems to show a very good anatomical matching. Further studies are needed to validate this technique, both by improving the accuracy of the targeting of the Vim (potentially also other thalamic nuclei) and to perform clinical assessment.
A major advance in our understanding of the natural history of Schistosoma haematobium-related morbidity has come through the introduction of the portable ultrasound machines for non-invasive examination of the kidneys and bladder. With the use of generators or battery packs to supply power in non-clinical field settings, and with the use of instant photography or miniaturized thermal printers to record permanent images, it is possible to examine scores of individuals in endemic communities every day. Broad-based ultrasound screening has allowed better definition of age-specific disease risks in urinary schistosomiasis. Results indicate that urinary tract abnormalities are common (18% overall prevalence) in S. haematobium transmission areas, with a 2-4% risk of either severe bladder abnormality or advanced ureteral obstruction. In longitudinal surveys, ultrasound studies have shown that praziquantel and metrifonate therapy are rapidly effective in reversing urinary tract abnormalities among children. The benefits of treating adults are less well known, but research in progress should help to define this issue. Similarly, the prognosis of specific ultrasound findings needs to be clarified, and the ease of sonographic examination will make such long-term follow-up studies feasible. In summary, the painless, quick, and reproducible ultrasound examination has become an essential tool in the study of urinary schistosomiasis.
Objectifs: Comprendre les principes physique de la diffusion. Comprendre le principe de mesure de la diffusion par IRM. Ccomprendre la relation entre la diffusion de l'eau en milieu biologique et l'organisation de la matière blanche. Comprendre comment cartographier la connectivité cérébrale par irm de diffusion. Messages à retenir: Les propriétés de diffusion du tissu cérébral sont conditionnées par l'architecture axonale. La mesure de la diffusion par IRM permet de cartographier les trajectoires de fibres nerveuses et donc la connectivité cérébrale. La connectivité cérébrale peut être mesurés de manière non-invasive. Résumé: La "connectomique" est un domaine émergeant et prometteur des neurosciences qui utilise l'IRM de diffusion en combinaison avec des traitements algorithmiques avancés afin de mesurer les trajectoires de faisceaux de fibres et la connectivité cérébrale permettant d'étudier l'organisation de la structure du réseau neuronal cérébral dans son ensemble. Lors de ce cours nous reverrons les méthodes rendant cette cartographie possible et exposerons les techniques d'analyse utilisées pour obtenir de nouvelles informations sur l'architecture cérébrale. Nous reverrons également un certains nombre d'exemple d'applications où la connectomique offre une nouvelle manière d'analyser et de comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau normal ou malade.
Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM), is a new imaging technique allowing to provide quantitative phase images with a high accuracy and stability making possible to explore a large variety of relevant processes, occurring on the p.s to day time scale, in the fields including material research as well as cell biology. As a non invasive and real time imaging technique, DHM is particularly well suited for high throughput screening
The transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO) is widely used in pulmonary function laboratories because it represents a unique non-invasive window on pulmonary microcirculation. The TLCO is the product of two primary measurements, the alveolar volume (VA) and the CO transfer coefficient (KCO). This test is most informative when VA and KCO are examined, together with their product TLCO. In a normal lung, a low VA due to incomplete expansion is associated with an elevated KCO, resulting in a mildly reduced TLCO. Thus, in case of low VA, a seemingly "normal KCO" must be interpreted as an abnormal gas transfer. The most common clinical conditions associated with an abnormal TLCO are characterised by a limited number of patterns for VA and KCO: incomplete lung expansion, discrete loss of alveolar units, diffuse loss of alveolar units, emphysema, pulmonary vascular disorders, high pulmonary blood volume, alveolar haemorrhage.
Messages à retenir: Connaître le principe physique de l'imagerie de diffusion (DWI) à l'IRM adaptée à l'exploration des tumeurs du foie.Savoir la bonne technique d'acquisition des séquences pour évaluer la diffusion du parenchyme hépatique ainsi que des lésions focales intra -hépatiques les plusfréquentes.Apprendre l'utilité de la DWI pour évaluer le succès d'un traitement médical oncologique ou interventionnel .Discuter les avantages et les pièges liés à la DWI hépatique susceptibles d'influencer l'interprétation des tumeurs hépatiques. Résumé: Le principe d'imagerie de diffusion (DWI) à l'IRM repose sur la mobilité des molécules d'eau dans les différents tissus. Ce «mouvement Brownien» dépend de lacellularité tissulaire , des membranes cellulaires intactes et de la vascularisation . L'augmentation de ces paramètres précités résulte en une restriction de ladiffusion moléculaire, caractérisée par un hypersignal, puis quantifié par le calcul d'un coefficient apparent de diffusion (ADC). Basée sur des séquenceséchoplanaires pondérées en T2, la technique d'acquisition est rapide et non-invasive, donc souvent intégrée à l'IRM hépatique de routine. La DWI s'est révéléetrès sensible pour la détection de tumeurs hépatiques, même à un diamètre infracentimétrique. Néanmoins, sans être très spécifique, elle ne donne pas d'information certaine sur le caractère bénin ou malin, et elle doit être interprétée avec les autres séquences d'IRM et dans le contexte clinique donné. L'informationdiagnostique résultant de la DWI est morphologique et fonctionnelle, ce qui permet d'évaluer le succès de traitements oncologiques, notamment en absence dechangement de taille ou persistance de prise de contraste des lésions hépatiques. Très sensibles aux mouvements respiratoires, la DWI hépatique peut êtreaccompagnée d'artéfacts, qui influencent le calcul de l'ADC dont la valeur dépend de la machine IRM utilisée.
Many studies demonstrate that intestinal inflammation is either initiated or exaggerated by a component of the normal microbiota, most likely commensal bacteria or products derived from these organisms. We review the nature of human inflammatory bowel disease, the evidence for the involvement of the normal bacterial flora in these disorders and the relevance of maintaining the integrity of the epithelial barrier. Moreover, we, and others, have shown abnormal mitochondria structure in tissue resections from patients with inflammatory bowel disease and tissues from rodents that demonstrated psychological stress-induced increases in epithelial permeability. Thus, we also consider the possibility that a defect in epithelial mitochondrial function would predispose an individual to respond to their commensal bacteria flora - no longer considering them as a beneficial passive inhabitant, but rather perceiving them as a threatening and pro-inflammatory stimulus. In support of this postulate, we discuss our recent findings from an in vitro model showing that the human colon-derived T84 cell line exposed to the metabolic stressor, dinitrophenol, and the non-pathogenic, non-invasive, Escherichia coli (strain HB101) display a loss of barrier function, increased signal transduction and increased production of the chemokine, interleukin 8.
Rapport de synthèse:Le but de cette étude était d'investiguer pour la première fois chez l'homme l'effet du sodium alimentaire et de l'hypertension artérielle sur l'oxygénation tissulaire par une technique spéciale d'imagerie à résonance magnétique nommée 'BOLD-IRM' (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent-IRM). Le BOLD-IRM est une technique nouvelle qui permet de mesurer la bio disponibilité tissulaire d'oxygène de façon non-invasive chez l'homme, en utilisant le déoxyhémoglobine comme produit de contraste endogène.Le rational de cette étude était double. Premièrement, des changements dans l'apport sodique alimentaire devraient théoriquement influencer l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale, étant donné que la réabsorption tubulaire du sodium est un transport actif nécessitant de l'énergie et de l'oxygène. Deuxièmement, des études chez l'animal suggèrent une rôle possible de l'hypoxie tissulaire dans le développement de la néphropathie hypertensive.Nous avons déterminé l'oxygénation rénale avec le BOLD-IRM chez dix hommes normo tendus (âgés de 26.5±7.4 ans) et huit hommes hypertendus non-traités (âgés de 28.8±5.7 ans) une semaine après un régime riche en sel (>200 mmol/jour), et de nouveau une semaine après un régime pauvre en sel (<100 mmol/jour). En parallèle, nous avons mesuré la clearance de l'inuline, du p- aminohippurate (PAH) et du lithium endogène, afin de déterminer respectivement la filtration glomérulaire, le flux sanguin rénal et le 'renal sodium handling', tous des paramètres ayant la capacité d'influencer la consommation et/ou la disponibilité d'oxygène tissulaire. Nous nous attendions d'une côté à une oxygénation rénale diminuée chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normo tendus, et d'une autre côté à une augmentation de l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale après une semaine de régime pauvre en sel par rapport à la phase d'un régime riche en sel.Nous retenons comme résultat principal une augmentation de l'oxygénation rénale médullaire suite à une restriction sodique par rapport à un régime riche en sel chez tous les participants (normo-et hypertendus). Chez les participants normotendus ces changements correlaient avec des changements dans le transport actif du sodium, et ceci indépendamment du flux sanguin rénal. Contrairement à ce qu'on attendait, l'oxygénation rénale médullaire était plus élevé chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normotendus.En résumé, ces observations offrent possiblement une explication pour les bénéfices rénaux liés à un régime pauvre en sel. En plus, la combinaison d'études de clearance et le BOLD- IRM comme utilisé dans cette étude se sont révélés un outil performant et prometteur qui peut stimuler la recherche dans ce domaine.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to test whether oligonucleotide-targeted gene repair can correct the point mutation in genomic DNA of PDE6b(rd1) (rd1) mouse retinas in vivo. METHODS: Oligonucleotides (ODNs) of 25 nucleotide length and complementary to genomic sequence subsuming the rd1 point mutation in the gene encoding the beta-subunit of rod photoreceptor cGMP-phosphodiesterase (beta-PDE), were synthesized with a wild type nucleotide base at the rd1 point mutation position. Control ODNs contained the same nucleotide bases as the wild type ODNs but with varying degrees of sequence mismatch. We previously developed a repeatable and relatively non-invasive technique to enhance ODN delivery to photoreceptor nuclei using transpalpebral iontophoresis prior to intravitreal ODN injection. Three such treatments were performed on C3H/henJ (rd1) mouse pups before postnatal day (PN) 9. Treatment outcomes were evaluated at PN28 or PN33, when retinal degeneration was nearly complete in the untreated rd1 mice. The effect of treatment on photoreceptor survival was evaluated by counting the number of nuclei of photoreceptor cells and by assessing rhodopsin immunohistochemistry on flat-mount retinas and sections. Gene repair in the retina was quantified by allele-specific real time PCR and by detection of beta-PDE-immunoreactive photoreceptors. Confirmatory experiments were conducted using independent rd1 colonies in separate laboratories. These experiments had an additional negative control ODN that contained the rd1 mutant nucleotide base at the rd1 point mutation site such that the sole difference between treatment with wild type and control ODN was the single base at the rd1 point mutation site. RESULTS: Iontophoresis enhanced the penetration of intravitreally injected ODNs in all retinal layers. Using this delivery technique, significant survival of photoreceptors was observed in retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODNs but not control ODNs as demonstrated by cell counting and rhodopsin immunoreactivity at PN28. Beta-PDE immunoreactivity was present in retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODN but not from those treated with control ODNs. Gene correction demonstrated by allele-specific real time PCR and by counts of beta-PDE-immunoreactive cells was estimated at 0.2%. Independent confirmatory experiments showed that retinas from eyes treated with wild type ODN contained many more rhodopsin immunoreactive cells compared to retinas treated with control (rd1 sequence) ODN, even when harvested at PN33. CONCLUSIONS: Short ODNs can be delivered with repeatable efficiency to mouse photoreceptor cells in vivo using a combination of intravitreal injection and iontophoresis. Delivery of therapeutic ODNs to rd1 mouse eyes resulted in genomic DNA conversion from mutant to wild type sequence, low but observable beta-PDE immunoreactivity, and preservation of rhodopsin immunopositive cells in the outer nuclear layer, suggesting that ODN-directed gene repair occurred and preserved rod photoreceptor cells. Effects were not seen in eyes treated with buffer or with ODNs having the rd1 mutant sequence, a definitive control for this therapeutic approach. Importantly, critical experiments were confirmed in two laboratories by several different researchers using independent mouse colonies and ODN preparations from separate sources. These findings suggest that targeted gene repair can be achieved in the retina following enhanced ODN delivery.
Coronary magnetic resonance imaging is a powerful non-invasive technique for the combined assessment of coronary artery anatomy and function. In the present review article, challenges in coronary artery imaging are discussed and results obtained in both healthy volunteers and patients with cardiovascular disease are presented. This includes a short overview of coronary artery vessel lumen and wall imaging, contrast agents, permeability of the coronary vessel wall, high-field imaging and imaging of endothelial function.
Objectifs: Comparer le CT et l'échocardiographie cardiaques pour l'évaluation pré-interventionnelle des patients éligibles pour un remplacement aortique percutané (TAVI). Matériels et méthodes: Trente patients (15F/15H, âge 84±7y) éligibles pour un TAVI par voie transfémorale (n=15) ou transapicale (n=15) ont bénéficié d'un CT pré-procédural pour évaluer le diamètre (DCT) valvulaire aortique. Une échographie trans-thoracique pré et post-TAVI a été effectuée pour évaluer le gradient trans-valvulaire (Gmax) et la différence (ΔGmax), et une échographie trans-oesophagienne (ETO) pour confirmer le diamètre valvulaire (DUS). Le test-t de Student, le test de Lin (ρc) et le test de Bland-Altman (LOA) ont été utilisés pour les comparaisons. Résultats: Le DCT était similaire chez les patients bénéficiant d'un TAVI transfémoral ou transapical (22.9±3.0mm vs. 21.2±1.5mm,p=0.06). Le DCT était plus bas que le DUS (22.2±2.6mm vs. 23.3±2.1mm,p=0.017) et l'agrément entre DCT et DUS était modéré (ρc=0.62,différence moyenne=-1.1±1.9mm, 95%LOA:-4.8-2.6). Le Gmax pré-TAVI était similaire chez les patients ayant un TAVI transfémoral ou transapical (70.8±33.7 vs. 86.3±24.0mmHg,p=0.17). Le Gmax post-TAVI était plus bas que le Gmax pré-TAVI (78.5±29.7 vs. 16.8±5.1mmHg,p<0.001). Le ΔGmax était similaire pour les TAVI transfémoraux ou transapicaux (46.3±28.6 vs. 70.4±25.1 mmHg,p=0.05). Conclusion: Le CT cardiaque représente une alternative non-invasive à l'ETO pour l'évaluation pré-TAVI du diamètre valvulaire aortique.
We reviewed ultrasound features in patients with schistosomiasis mansoni. The alterations that we observed in acute and hepatosplenic schistosomiasis are described. The advantages and disadvantages of using ultrasound patterns in the evaluation of liver fibrosis are discussed. Other diseases that are important in the differential diagnosis of schistosomal liver fibrosis are presented. Ultrasound is an effective and flexible diagnostic tool in the evaluation of a variety of diseases. It presents no harmful effects to patients, allowing non-invasive studies in hospitalized patients and in other facilities.
BACKGROUND We studied anomalous extracellular mRNAs in plasma from patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and their survival implications. mRNAs studied have been reported in the literature as markers of poor (BCL2, CCND2, MYC) and favorable outcome (LMO2, BCL6, FN1) in tumors. These markers were also analyzed in lymphoma tissues to test possible associations with their presence in plasma. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS mRNA from 42 plasma samples and 12 tumors from patients with DLBCL was analyzed by real-time PCR. Samples post-treatment were studied. The immunohistochemistry of BCL2 and BCL6 was defined. Presence of circulating tumor cells was determined by analyzing the clonality of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by PCR. In DLBCL, MYC mRNA was associated with short overall survival. mRNA targets with unfavorable outcome in tumors were associated with characteristics indicative of poor prognosis, with partial treatment response and with short progression-free survival in patients with complete response. In patients with low IPI score, unfavorable mRNA targets were related to shorter overall survival, partial response, high LDH levels and death. mRNA disappeared in post-treatment samples of patients with complete response, and persisted in those with partial response or death. No associations were found between circulating tumor cells and plasma mRNA. Absence of BCL6 protein in tumors was associated with presence of unfavorable plasma mRNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Through a non-invasive procedure, tumor-derived mRNAs can be obtained in plasma. mRNA detected in plasma did not proceed from circulating tumor cells. In our study, unfavorable targets in plasma were associated with poor prognosis in B-cell lymphomas, mainly MYC mRNA. Moreover, the unfavorable targets in plasma could help us to classify patients with poor outcome within the good prognosis group according to IPI.
BACKGROUND: Animal societies are diverse, ranging from small family-based groups to extraordinarily large social networks in which many unrelated individuals interact. At the extreme of this continuum, some ant species form unicolonial populations in which workers and queens can move among multiple interconnected nests without eliciting aggression. Although unicoloniality has been mostly studied in invasive ants, it also occurs in some native non-invasive species. Unicoloniality is commonly associated with very high queen number, which may result in levels of relatedness among nestmates being so low as to raise the question of the maintenance of altruism by kin selection in such systems. However, the actual relatedness among cooperating individuals critically depends on effective dispersal and the ensuing pattern of genetic structuring. In order to better understand the evolution of unicoloniality in native non-invasive ants, we investigated the fine-scale population genetic structure and gene flow in three unicolonial populations of the wood ant F. paralugubris. RESULTS: The analysis of geo-referenced microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes revealed the presence of cryptic clusters of genetically-differentiated nests in the three populations of F. paralugubris. Because of this spatial genetic heterogeneity, members of the same clusters were moderately but significantly related. The comparison of nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial differentiation indicated that effective gene flow was male-biased in all populations. CONCLUSION: The three unicolonial populations exhibited male-biased and mostly local gene flow. The high number of queens per nest, exchanges among neighbouring nests and restricted long-distance gene flow resulted in large clusters of genetically similar nests. The positive relatedness among clustermates suggests that kin selection may still contribute to the maintenance of altruism in unicolonial populations if competition occurs among clusters.