1000 resultados para Neoplasias do endométrio
BACKGROUND In this study, we evaluated the ability of gene expression profiles to predict chemotherapy response and survival in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). METHODS Gene expression and clinical-pathological data were evaluated in five independent cohorts, including three randomised clinical trials for a total of 1055 patients with TNBC, basal-like disease (BLBC) or both. Previously defined intrinsic molecular subtype and a proliferation signature were determined and tested. Each signature was tested using multivariable logistic regression models (for pCR (pathological complete response)) and Cox models (for survival). Within TNBC, interactions between each signature and the basal-like subtype (vs other subtypes) for predicting either pCR or survival were investigated. RESULTS Within TNBC, all intrinsic subtypes were identified but BLBC predominated (55-81%). Significant associations between genomic signatures and response and survival after chemotherapy were only identified within BLBC and not within TNBC as a whole. In particular, high expression of a previously identified proliferation signature, or low expression of the luminal A signature, was found independently associated with pCR and improved survival following chemotherapy across different cohorts. Significant interaction tests were only obtained between each signature and the BLBC subtype for prediction of chemotherapy response or survival. CONCLUSIONS The proliferation signature predicts response and improved survival after chemotherapy, but only within BLBC. This highlights the clinical implications of TNBC heterogeneity, and suggests that future clinical trials focused on this phenotypic subtype should consider stratifying patients as having BLBC or not.
There has been a high local recurrence rate in rectal cancer. Besides improvements in surgical techniques, both neoadjuvant short-course radiotherapy and long-course chemoradiation improve oncological results. Approximately 40-60% of rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation achieve some degree of pathologic response. However, there is no effective method of predicting which patients will respond to neoadjuvant treatment. Recent studies have evaluated the potential of genetic biomarkers to predict outcome in locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation. The articles produced by the PubMed search were reviewed for those specifically addressing a genetic profile's ability to predict response to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Although tissue gene microarray profiling has led to promising data in cancer, to date, none of the identified signatures or molecular markers in locally advanced rectal cancer has been successfully validated as a diagnostic or prognostic tool applicable to routine clinical practice.
Recently, immune edition has been recognized as a new hallmark of cancer. In this respect, some clinical trials in breast cancer have reported imppressive outcomes related to laboratory immune findings, especially in the neoadjuvant and metastatic setting. Infiltration by tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and their subtypes, tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and myeloid-derived suppressive cells (MDSC) seem bona fide prognostic and even predictive biomarkers, that will eventually be incorporated into diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of breast cancer. In addition, the complex interaction of costimulatory and coinhibitory molecules on the immune synapse and the different signals that they may exert represent another exciting field to explore. In this review we try to summarize and elucidate these new concepts and knowledge from a translational perspective focusing on breast cancer, paying special attention to those aspects that might have more significance in clinical practice and could be useful to design successful therapeutic strategies in the future.
Porokeratoses are a group of different entities that belong to the skin keratinization disorders. From the histological point of view the main and common characteristic of these disorders is the presence of compact parakeratotic columns known as cornoid lamellae. All varieties should be carefully treated and followed-up because of the risk of developing malignant epithelial tumors. We report the successful response to photodynamic therapy (PDT) in a pediatric patient diagnosed with linear porokeratosis.
The role of the induction of oxidative stress as the mechanism of action of many antitumor drugs is acquiring an increasing interest. In such cases, the antitumor therapy success may be conditioned by the antioxidants present in our own body, which can be synthesized de novo (endogenous) or incorporated through the diet and nutritional supplements (exogenous). In this paper, we have reviewed different aspects of antioxidants, including their classification, natural sources, importance in diet, consumption of nutritional supplements, and the impact of antioxidants on health. Moreover, we have focused especially on the study of the interaction between antioxidants and antitumor therapy, considering both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In this regard, we found that the convenience of administration of antioxidants during cancer treatment still remains a very controversial issue. In general terms, antioxidants could promote or suppress the effectiveness of antitumor treatment and even protect healthy tissues against damage induced by oxidative stress. The effects may depend on many factors discussed in the paper. These factors should be taken into consideration in order to achieve precise nutritional recommendations for patients. The evidence at the moment suggests that the supplementation or restriction of exogenous antioxidants during cancer treatment, as appropriate, could contribute to improving its efficiency.
A 51-year-old man, with a medical history of medullary thyroid carcinoma excised under thyroxine treatment presented with a painful enlarging lesion on his right heel since one year. A 3-cm diameter, greyish, infiltrated nodule with spicules was seen on physical examination (Fig. 1a). A 5-mm surgical excision was made and a total skin graft was used for reconstruction. Histopathology of the total resected tumour revealed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasic epidermis and a proliferation located between rete ridges, dermis and superficial hypodermis (Fig. 1b). The proliferation was composed of nets and cordons of cells with granular and abundant PAS-positive cytoplasm. Immunostains showed cytoplasmic positivity for s100 and inhibin (Fig. 1c). Three years later the patient is asymptomatic.
BACKGROUND Obesity is positively associated with colorectal cancer. Recently, body size subtypes categorised by the prevalence of hyperinsulinaemia have been defined, and metabolically healthy overweight/obese individuals (without hyperinsulinaemia) have been suggested to be at lower risk of cardiovascular disease than their metabolically unhealthy (hyperinsulinaemic) overweight/obese counterparts. Whether similarly variable relationships exist for metabolically defined body size phenotypes and colorectal cancer risk is unknown. METHODS AND FINDINGS The association of metabolically defined body size phenotypes with colorectal cancer was investigated in a case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Metabolic health/body size phenotypes were defined according to hyperinsulinaemia status using serum concentrations of C-peptide, a marker of insulin secretion. A total of 737 incident colorectal cancer cases and 737 matched controls were divided into tertiles based on the distribution of C-peptide concentration amongst the control population, and participants were classified as metabolically healthy if below the first tertile of C-peptide and metabolically unhealthy if above the first tertile. These metabolic health definitions were then combined with body mass index (BMI) measurements to create four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories: (1) metabolically healthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), (2) metabolically healthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2), (3) metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), and (4) metabolically unhealthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Additionally, in separate models, waist circumference measurements (using the International Diabetes Federation cut-points [≥80 cm for women and ≥94 cm for men]) were used (instead of BMI) to create the four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories. Statistical tests used in the analysis were all two-sided, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. In multivariable-adjusted conditional logistic regression models with BMI used to define adiposity, compared with metabolically healthy/normal weight individuals, we observed a higher colorectal cancer risk among metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (odds ratio [OR] = 1.59, 95% CI 1.10-2.28) and metabolically unhealthy/overweight (OR = 1.40, 95% CI 1.01-1.94) participants, but not among metabolically healthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.65-1.42). Among the overweight individuals, lower colorectal cancer risk was observed for metabolically healthy/overweight individuals compared with metabolically unhealthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.49-0.96). These associations were generally consistent when waist circumference was used as the measure of adiposity. To our knowledge, there is no universally accepted clinical definition for using C-peptide level as an indication of hyperinsulinaemia. Therefore, a possible limitation of our analysis was that the classification of individuals as being hyperinsulinaemic-based on their C-peptide level-was arbitrary. However, when we used quartiles or the median of C-peptide, instead of tertiles, as the cut-point of hyperinsulinaemia, a similar pattern of associations was observed. CONCLUSIONS These results support the idea that individuals with the metabolically healthy/overweight phenotype (with normal insulin levels) are at lower colorectal cancer risk than those with hyperinsulinaemia. The combination of anthropometric measures with metabolic parameters, such as C-peptide, may be useful for defining strata of the population at greater risk of colorectal cancer.
INTRODUCTION Metastatic tumors account for 1.4-2.5% of thyroid malignancies. About 25-30% of patients with clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) have distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis, being the thyroid gland a rare localization [5%]. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE A 62-year woman who underwent a cervical ultrasonography and a PAAF biopsy reporting atypical follicular proliferation with a few intranuclear vacuoles "suggestive" of thyroid papillary cancer in the context of a multinodular goiter was reported. A total thyroidectomy was performed and the histology of a clear cell renal carcinoma (CCRC) was described in four nodules of the thyroid gland. A CT scan was performed and a renal giant right tumor was found. The patient underwent an eventful radical right nephrectomy and the diagnosis of CCRC was confirmed. DISCUSSION Thyroid metastasis (TM) from CCRC are usually apparent in a metachronic context during the follow-up of a treated primary (even many years after) but may sometimes be present at the same time than the primary renal tumor. Our case is exceptional because the TM was the first evidence of the CCRC, which was subsequently diagnosed and treated. CONCLUSION The possibility of finding of an incidental metastatic tumor in the thyroid gland from a previous unknown and non-diganosed primary (as CCRC in our case was) is rare and account only for less than 1% of malignancies. Nonetheless, the thyroid gland is a frequent site of metastasis and the presence of "de novo" thyroid nodules in oncologic patients must be always considered and studied.
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is responsible for up to 30% of cases of liver cirrhosis and up to 53% of cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver transplantation (LT) is the best therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver failure caused by HBV. The success of transplantation, though, depends on receiving prophylactic treatment against post-transplant viral reactivation. In the absence of prophylaxis, liver transplantation due to chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is associated with high rates of viral recurrence and poor survival. The introduction of treatment with hepatitis B immunoglobulins (HBIG) during the 1990s and later the incorporation of oral antiviral drugs have improved the prognosis of these patients. Thus, LT for CHB is now a universally accepted option, with an estimated 5 years survival of around 85% vs the 45% survival seen prior to the introduction of HBIG. The combination of lamivudine plus HBIG has for many years been the most widely used prophylactic regimen. However, with the appearance of new more potent oral antiviral agents associated with less resistance (e.g., entecavir and tenofovir) for the treatment of CHB, new prophylactic strategies are being designed, either in combination with HBIG or alone as a monotherapy. These advances have allowed for more personalized prophylaxis based on the individual risk profile of a given patient. In addition, the small pool of donors has required the use of anti-HBc-positive donors (with the resulting possibility of transmitting HBV from these organs), which has been made possible by suitable prophylactic regimens.
Os adolescentes com câncer vivenciam situações de sofrimento decorrentes do diagnóstico, terapêutica, alteração no cotidiano e na dinâmica familiar. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar as principais causas de sofrimento vivenciadas por um grupo de adolescentes com câncer, a partir de uma entrevista com os próprios pacientes. Participaram do estudo 12 adolescentes internados na Clínica Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 13 de novembro a 16 de dezembro de 1997. Utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa para a análise dos dados. As principais causas de sofrimento descritas foram: hospitalização, restrição nas atividades cotidianas, terapêutica agressiva, alteração da auto-imagem e medo da morte. Os adolescentes não falaram apenas de sofrimento, também apresentaram sugestões para minimizá-lo, como por exemplo: utilização de catéter venoso central, liberação de horário de visitas, diminuição do número de internações, comunicação eficiente e bom relacionamento com a equipe de saúde.
A infecção hospitalar é considerada um problema grave, crescendo tanto em incidência quanto em complexidade, gerando diversos tipos de implicações sociais e econômicas. A presente investigação teve como objetivo identificar a incidência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico (ISC) e os fatores de risco de pacientes submetidos a cirurgias eletivas, na especialidade de Gastroenterologia, realizadas em um hospital público do interior paulista. Os dados foram coletados por meio de estudo retrospectivo de prontuários médicos, no período compreendido entre janeiro a dezembro de 1999. Em 134 casos estudados, detectamos a ocorrência de infecção do sítio cirúrgico em 18 situações (13,4%), ocorrendo 9 casos (50%) do tipo considerado infecção incisional superficial, 8 (44.4%) infecção incisional profunda e 1 (5.5%) infecção de órgão/espaço. Em relação aos fatores de risco presentes nos casos de ISC detectados, os que atingiram porcentagem maior ou igual a 50% foram: idade acima de 50 anos, presença de neoplasias, duração da cirurgia maior que duas horas e tricotomia inadequada.
Los síndrome mielodisplásicos (SMD) son un conjunto de neoplasias hematológicas muy heterogéneas en cuanto a evolución clínica y pronóstico, que van desde enfermedades indolentes hasta enfermedades agresivas, con una rápida progresión a LMA y una supervivencia inferior a un año. Las causas de muerte (CDM) de los SMD no están bien estudiadas, particularmente la CDM no leucémica. La importancia de conocer las CDM, radica en la implicación terapeútica. En este estudio se demuestra que la mayoría de los SMD, independientemente del grupo de riesgo, fallecen de causas relacionadas con el SMD, lo que justificaría una intevención terapeútica precoz.
Esta pesquisa foi inspirada na necessidade de aprofundar conhecimentos acerca da assistência à criança com câncer. O objetivo do trabalho foi de desvendar as representações sociais da criança com câncer. Realizamos 10 entrevistas do tipo aberta, com crianças e adolescentes de 9 a 15 anos. Os núcleos de análise emergentes giraram em torno da doença, do tratamento, dos profissionais da área da saúde e relações familiares. Este trabalho traz as representações sociais pertencentes ao núcleo doença, objetivando a melhor compreensão sobre o tema e possibilitando o direcionamento da assistência de enfermagem com vistas a diminuição dos traumas que este processo desencadeia na criança.
O estudo identificou os tipos de suporte social oferecido pelo parceiro sexual da mulher com câncer de mama e verificou como este apoio é percebido por eles. Participaram do estudo nove parceiros de mulheres nessa condição. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os parceiros se perceberam como importantes elementos de suporte social para as suas esposas oferecendo afeto, estímulo ao auto cuidado e auxílio nos afazeres domésticos. Revelaram dificuldades enfrentadas ao oferecer suporte social as quais estavam relacionadas à esfera sexual, aos canais de comunicação, à sensação de impotência e insegurança para lidar com as implicações do diagnóstico e reorganizar as atividades domésticas.
O objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura relativa à criança com câncer e sua família, a fim de identificar temas que têm sido pesquisados e levantar indicadores de necessidades, subsidiando a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem. A coleta de dados sistemática foi realizada em bancos de dados informatizados, entre 1997 e 2002, utilizando-se as palavras-chave child, cancer, chronic illness/disease, family e nursing. Realizou-se, também, busca não-sistemática de publicações científicas. Os resultados foram apresentados em três temas: impacto do câncer infantil no sistema familiar; processo de adaptação e estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos pais diante da doença e o processo de perda e luto diante da morte da criança. A revisão demonstrou que a enfermagem está construindo um conhecimento específico sobre as necessidades individuais, culturais e regionais das famílias de crianças com câncer, para uma assistência de enfermagem que considere o cuidado de acordo com a singularidade de cada caso.