988 resultados para Necrotizing periodontal disease


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O uso para fins ou meios festivos de lazer da droga ilícita MDMA, também chamado de Ecstasy ou Moly, tem vindo a aumentar drasticamente em Portugal e no Mundo. Esta situação desafia os profissionais de saúde para vários parâmetros na saúde oral e geral. O objetivo desta dissertação visa avaliar e descrever as lesões e patologias na cavidade oral que estão relacionadas com o consumo da substância ilícita MDMA. As consequências para a cavidade oral podem ser a xerostomia, o bruxismo, as cáries rampantes, a doença periodontal, o desgaste e a erosão dentária, e as lesões dos tecidos moles. Os indivíduos consumidores podem apresentar carências nutricionais e um estímulo aumentado à dor. A gestão do prognóstico e o tratamento realizado aos consumidores de MDMA, pois afeta vários órgãos e sistemas no corpo humano, requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar que inclui educação, prevenção e tratamento integrados. Esta revisão bibliográfica teve com base artigos publicados em revistas científicos e monografias disponíveis em vários motores de busca. As palavras-chave usadas foram: “ecstasy”, “MDMA”, “oral manifestations”, “oral health”, “substance abuse”, ”overdose treatment”, “xerostomia” e “methamenfetamine” e a sua conjugação. As situações orais, perante as mais prevalentes comorbidades patogénicas relacionadas com o MDMA e outras dependências ilícitas, necessitam de mais atenção e reforço em relação à prática clínica e aos serviços de saúde. Uma das dificuldades para o tratamento correto destes indivíduos é a falta de informação sobre o assunto referente à prática na clínica dentária. A omissão sobre o consumo por parte do paciente bem como de uma recaída no uso, apresentam dúvidas sobre o fator em causa ou até mesmo no diagnóstico. São, muitas vezes, os Médicos Dentistas os primeiros a terem a oportunidade de diagnosticar o aparecimento de possíveis alterações surgidas em virtude do consumo de MDMA.


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O microbioma oral humano é constituído por um vasto conjunto de microrganismos presentes na cavidade oral. Analisando a cavidade oral podemos verificar que nela existem mais de 700 espécies de bactérias responsáveis pelo domínio de parte do microbioma humano, tornando-a um importante local de estudo. É um dos habitats com maior diversidade no corpo humano onde esses microrganismos se apresentam de forma organizada e estruturada. Estes habitats estão intimamente relacionados com o desenvolvimento do sistema imunitário e com a proteção contra agentes patogénicos. O microbioma oral é único e específico em cada indivíduo, sofrendo variações em indivíduos diferentes. Na origem da diversidade do microbioma oral estão associados fatores como genética, dieta e localização geográfica, tendo também grande importância a localização anatómica e a idade do indivíduo. O Projeto Microbioma Humano surgiu com a finalidade de identificar diversos microrganismos presentes no ser humano, bem como compreender os principais fatores responsáveis pelas suas alterações. O estudo do microbioma oral tem sido possível graças a novas técnicas moleculares, que ajudaram a ultrapassar certas limitações de cultivo de determinas espécies bacterianas. O estudo do microbioma, das interações entre as comunidades microbianas e a sua relação com o hospedeiro são a chave para a prevenção de certas doenças orais infeciosas como a cárie dentária e a doença periodontal.


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O consumo de estupefacientes tem aumentado nos últimos anos e o atendimento médico a pacientes consumidores de drogas tem-se tornado cada vez mais frequente. Patologias orais como xerostomia, cárie dentária, doença periodontal, estomatites, erosão, bruxismo, neoplasias, entre outras, são frequentemente encontradas nesse grupo de indivíduos. Essas alterações ocorrem com mais frequência em consumidores de drogas pelas mudanças que elas provocam a nível sistémico, local e até mesmo comportamental. As alterações de ordem sistémica dizem respeito a modificações no funcionamento dos Sistemas Nervoso Central, Cardiovascular e Imunológico. As de ordem local, pelo trauma nos tecidos que essas substâncias podem provocar e também de ordem comportamental pelo descuido com a Saúde Geral e principalmente com a Saúde Oral praticado pelos dependentes de químicos. A soma dessas modificações além de poder provocar essas alterações, podem ainda acarretar complicações pós e trans-operatórias. Diante disto, o Médico Dentista desempenha um papel importante no diagnóstico, prevenção, tratamento e planeamento do atendimento desses indivíduos, reduzindo a exposição desses pacientes a riscos e contribuindo para a recuperação integral dos mesmos.


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We report a patient suffering from cat-scratch disease limited to mediastinal lymphadenitis. Although rare, cat-scratch disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of mediastinal lymphadenitis, especially when patients were exposed to cats.


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Introduction Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, or histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, is a rare, benign, autoimmune condition characterized by lymphadenopathy, fever and neutropenia. It is a self-limited condition of unknown etiology. Case presentation We report the case of a 45-year-old Caucasian man with the first known case of Kikuchi disease associated with dramatic weight loss after bariatric surgery. Conclusion Although the association between Kikuchi disease and bariatric surgery may be entirely coincidental, we speculate whether the immune dysfunction associated with weight loss may have played an etiologic role in this process.


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Treponema have been implicated recently in the pathogenesis of digital dermatitis (DID) and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) that are infectious diseases of bovine and ovine foot tissues, respectively. Previous analyses of treponemal 16S rDNA sequences, PCR-amplified directly from DID or CODD lesions, have suggested relatedness of animal Treponema to some human oral Treponema species isolated from periodontal tissues. In this study a range of adhesion and virulence-related properties of three animal Treponema isolates have been compared with representative human oral strains of Treponema denticola and Treponema vincentii. In adhesion assays using biotinylated treponemal cells, T denticola cells bound in consistently higher numbers to fibronectin, laminin, collagen type 1, gelatin, keratin and lactoferrin than did T. vincentii or animal Treponema isolates. However, animal DID strains adhered to fibrinogen at equivalent or greater levels than T denticola. All Treponema strains bound to the amino-terminal heparin l/fibrin I domain of fibronectin. 16S rDNA sequence analyses placed ovine strain UB1090 and bovine strain UB1467 within a cluster that was phylogenetically related to T vincentii, while ovine strain UB1466 appeared more closely related to T denticola. These observations correlated with phenotypic properties. Thus, T denticola ATCC 35405, GM-1, and Treponema UB1466 had similar outer-membrane protein profiles, produced chymotrypsin-like protease (CTLP), trypsin-like protease and high levels of proline iminopeptidase, and co-aggregated with human oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus crista. Conversely, T vincentii ATCC 35580, D2A-2, and animal strains UB1090 and UB1467 did not express CTLP or trypsin-like protease and did not co-aggregate with P. gingivalis or S. crista. Taken collectively, these results suggest that human oral-related Treponema have broad host specificity and that similar control or preventive strategies might be developed for human and animal Treponema-associated infections.


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Periodontitis is a multi-factorial disease and in most cases also a disease with a chronic progression. Exposure to factors which contribute to periodontitis occurs over a long period, so that at the time of diagnosis it may be difficult to identify and evaluate what co-factors have contributed to its development. These include exposure to bacteria and viruses, inflammation, genetic factors, health behaviours and a variety of social factors, socio-economic status, behavioural and nutritional habits, the ability to cope with stress and the ability of the immune system to fight infections. Many patients in their 50s also experience other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, or rheumatoid arthritis and recent reports on the associations and potential biological mechanisms by which periodontitis can be linked to other systemic diseases suggest that the patient with periodontitis is a challenged individual. Neither individuals nor their oral health care providers are currently prepared for the challenges in oral health care as the expectation of successful ageing with remaining and aesthetically functional teeth is increasing. The scientific evidence is, however, growing, and while the opportunities to prepare for successful ageing exist they must be included in the educational process of both current and future oral health care providers and their patients.


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Background: The presence of the periodontal ligament (PDL) makes it possible to absorb and distribute loads produced during masticatory function and other tooth contacts into the alveolar process via the alveolar bone proper. However, several factors affect the integrity of periodontal structures causing the destruction of the connective matrix and cells, the loss of fibrous attachment, and the resorption of alveolar bone. Methods: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution by finite element analysis in a PDL in three-dimensional models of the upper central incisor under three different load conditions: 100 N occlusal loading at 45 degrees (model 1: masticatory load); 500 N at the incisal edge at 45 degrees (model 2: parafunctional habit); and 800 N at the buccal surface at 90 degrees (model 3: trauma case). The models were built from computed tomography scans. Results: The stress distribution was quite different among the models. The most significant values (harmful) of tensile and compressive stresses were observed in models 2 and 3, with similarly distinct patterns of stress distributions along the PDL. Tensile stresses were observed along the internal and external aspects of the PDL, mostly at the cervical and middle thirds. Conclusions: The stress generation in these models may affect the integrity of periodontal structures. A better understanding of the biomechanical behavior of the PDL under physiologic and traumatic loading conditions might enhance the understanding of the biologic reaction of the PDL in health and disease. J Periodontol 2009;80:1859-1867.


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Ovarian vasculitis is a rare complication seen in the reproductive system and has been described in only one patient with lupus and a few patients with other rheumatic conditions (polyarteritis nodosa, giant cell arteritis, scleroderma). Three additional cases following gynecology procedures have also been reported. We report the second case of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, who developed ovarian vasculitis. The diagnosis was made at the age of 12 and confirmed by laparoscopy and histopathology in the presence of disease activity. She experienced late menarche at the age of 16, and she experienced a good clinical evolution after disease treatment with regular menstrual cycles and normal levels of sexual hormones. Lupus (2009) 18, 1313-1315.


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Background: Periodontitis, a complication of diabetes mellitus (DM), can induce or perpetuate systemic conditions. This double-masked, placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of periodontal therapy (scaling and root planing [SRP]) on the serum levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and on inflammatory biomarkers. Methods: Thirty subjects with type 2 DM and periodontitis were treated with SRP + placebo (SRP; N = 15) or with SRP + doxycycline (SRP+Doxy; N = 15), 100 mg/day, for 14 days. Clinical and laboratory data were recorded at baseline and at 3 months after treatment. Results: After 3 months, the reduction in probing depth Was 0.8 mm for the SRP group (P <0.01) and 1.1 mm for the SRP+Doxy group (P <0.01) followed by a 0.9% (SRP; P = 0.17) and 1.5% (SRP+Doxy; P<0.01) reduction in HbA1c levels. A significant reduction in interleukin (IL)-6; interferon-inducible protein 10; soluble fas ligand; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; RANTES; and IL-12 p70 serum levels were also verified (N = 30). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the effects of periodontal therapy on multiple systemic inflammatory markers in DM. Conclusions: Periodontal therapy may influence the systemic conditions of patients with type 2 DM, but no statistical difference was observed with the adjunctive systemic doxycycline therapy. Moreover, it is possible that the observed improvement in glycemic control and in the reduction of inflammatory markers could also be due to diet, which was not controlled in our study. Therefore, a confirmatory study with a larger sample size and controlled diet is necessary.


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Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of clinical attachment loss (CAL) and to investigate the association of demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators with CAL in an untreated isolated population in Brazil. Methods: All subjects aged >= 12 years were identified by a census. Participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured, written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and examined clinically, CAL >= 5 mm in at least one site was observed in 8% of the 12- to 19-year-olds and in all dentate subjects >= 50 years of age; the age-dependent prevalence of CAL >= 7 mm in at least one site ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 83% among subjects >= 50 years old. Multivariate analysis identified plaque (odds ratio [OR] = 2.8), supragingival calculus (OR = 2.9 to 10.6), age >= 30 years (OR = 11.4), and smoking (OR = 2.4) as risk indicators for CAL >= 5 mm and smoking (OR = 8.2) as a risk indicator for CAL >= 7 mm. Conclusions: CAL is highly prevalent in this isolated population. The high occurrence of CAL in young age groups and the confirmation of traditional risk indicators for CAL in this study suggest that other factors, such as host susceptibility, may be needed to explain the high levels of CAL found. Age and behavioral factors were risk indicators associated significantly with the CAL found in this population and may be useful indicators of high-risk subjects for periodontal diseases.


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Objectives: This study is intended to verify the correlation among clinical indices of the peri-implant soft tissues, the histological condition and the presence of 3 pathogens commonly associated with peri-implant diseases (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Tannerella forsythia). Materials: Four clinical indices, Gingival Index (GI), Sulcus Bleeding Index, GI modified by Mombelli, and Plaque Index modified by Mombelli (mPI) were evaluated around I dental implant of each subject (n = 10). Subgingival plaque was collected for bacterial analysis (polymerase chain reaction) and a biopsy of peri-implant soft tissues for histological analysis was harvested. The clinical indices and detected pathogens correlated with a developed histological index (HI). Results: There was no statistically significant relationship between the clinical indices (GI, Sulcus Bleeding Index, and GI modified by Mombelli) and the HI, except for the mPI on the central area of lingual aspects (r = 0.85, P = 0.0029). There was a tendency for a positive correlation between the mPI on the central area of buccal aspects and the HI (r = 0.63, P = 0.0544). The counting of lymphocytes and plasmocytes correlated positively with 111, thus suggesting the index reliability. The prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, and T. forsythia did not present a significant relationship with the HI. Conclusion: Despite the small number of samples and the poor statistical significance, the mPI seems to be useful for evaluation of inflammatory severity on soft tissue around dental implants as demonstrated by its relationship with the HI. Further studies are necessary to elucidate this subject. (Implant Dent 2009;18:334-344)