870 resultados para Navy League
Message from the President of the United States transmitting a letter from the Marshal of the Northern District of the State of New York, respecting Disturbances on the Canadian Frontier.
Message from the President of the United States transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 21st ultimo, respecting the Capture and Destruction of the Steamboat Caroline, on the night of the 29th December last.
Message from the President of the United States transmitting in compliance with the resolution of the House of Respresentatives of the 28th ultimo, information in relation to the destruction of the steamboat Caroline.
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence in relation to the burning of the steamboat Caroline.
The Public Ownership League of America Conference, September 10th to 13th, 1923, at Toronto, Ontario.
John N. Jackson was born in Nottingham, England in 1926. He developed a passion for landforms and geography from his father, a high school math and science teacher who had studied geology. During the Second World War, he served in the British Navy. He received his BA from the University of Birmingham, and a PhD from the University of Manchester. After spending a year as a visiting professor at the University of British Columbia, he was hired in 1965 as the founding head of the Geography Department at Brock University. He taught at Brock for more than 25 years, immersing himself in the geography and history of the Niagara area. He became particularly interested in the history of the Welland Canals. He authored 20 books on various topics, including land use in Niagara, the history of St. Catharines, the Welland Canal, and railways in the Niagara Peninsula. He died in 2010, at the age of 84.
Alexander McLeod was Deputy Sheriff of the Niagara District during the Rebellion of 1837-38 in Upper Canada. On December 24, 1837, he became aware of a scheme by the rebels to use the American steamboat Caroline to provide supplies to William Lyon Mackenzie and his followers on Navy Island in the Niagara River. McLeod notified the authorities in Upper Canada about the situation. A few days later, on December 29, Commodore Andrew Drew led a band of men, including McLeod, to the American side, where the Caroline was moored at Schlosser’s Wharf. A scuffle ensued, in which American Amos Durfee was killed. The Caroline was then released from its moorings, set on fire, and drifted downstream before sinking. Many Americans viewed the incident as a violation of their sovereignty. Tensions between the United States and England were already strained over a boundary dispute between Maine and New Brunswick, and the situation with the Caroline further escalated the tension. McLeod was subsequently arrested in November, 1840 in Lewiston, NY and indicted for arson and murder. The British foreign secretary, Lord Palmerston, insisted that McLeod be released and could not be held personally responsible for the incident, as he was acting on orders from authorities in Canada. Eventually, McLeod was acquitted.
Partial transcription: Buffalo, August 15, 1815 This day settled all accounts between… respecting the purchase and sailing of the Schooner Ranger until she was laid up in the fare of 1811. For the value of the…of the said Schooner destroyed by the enemy in January 1813 and the rigging & c taken by the U.S. Navy Officers for the use of the Government a [Joint][appreciation] is to be made... Government for our mutual benefit. Porter & Barton for [the firm] of Porter Barton & Co. George Kibbe
Female sport fans make up ~40% of all North American big league sport fans. However, female sport fans make up only 20% of all fantasy sport participants. This study asked: why is there an under-representation of female participation in fantasy sports? In order to answer this question, 35 female sport fans who do not participate in fantasy sports were separated into five focus groups to provide the data necessary for this study. Seven themes emerged to explain why there is an under-representation of female participation in fantasy sports: lack of time, their friends do not play, negative associations, control versus escape, sport statistics, team versus player allegiances, and males acting as gatekeepers. Finally, four recommendations were made for those marketing fantasy sports to female sport fans: increase the overall awareness of fantasy sports, promote the social aspects of fantasy sports, streamline fantasy sports, and promote the ease of use.
An envelope from the Army and Navy Department "The International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations (in the Field) General Office". The handwritten note on the front reads: "Capsule that decided someone's fate for conscription".
Eleanore Celeste is in Washington and has visited Mt. Vernon, Arlington, Fort Meyer, Georgetown Navy Yard, the Congressional Library. She will be at The Willard the next day with friends for tea and then entertainment.
Tin box with the title “Waldmeister zur Bowle, Woodruff” on it, 10 cm x 16 cm. The box is from Julius Schade and Co., German Army and Navy Contractors, Leipzig-Lindenau, Germany. This box contains dried woodruff leaves. Accompanying this box of woodruff is a handwritten recipe for woodruff brew, n.d.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relative contribution of skate blade properties to on-ice skating speed. Thirty-two male ice hockey players (mean age = 19±2.65 yrs.) representing the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA; Midget AAA and Junior), Canadian Inter University Sport (CIS: Varsity), Ontario hockey league (OHL) and East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), and the playing positions of forwards (n=18) and defense (n=14) were recruited to participate. Skate related equipment worn by the players for the purpose of the research was documented and revealed that 80% of the players wore Bauer skates, Tuuk blade holders and LS2 skate blades. Subjects completed a battery of eight on-ice skating drills used to measure and compare two aspects of skating speed; acceleration [T1(s)] and total time to complete each drill [TT(s)] while skating on three skate blade conditions. The drills represented skills used in the game of hockey, both in isolation (e.g., forward skating, backward skating, stops and starts, and cornering) and in sequence to simulate the combination of skills used in a shift of game play. The three blade conditions consisted of (i) baseline, represented by the blades worn by the player throughout their current season of play; (ii) experimental blades (EB), represented by brand name experimental blades with manufacturers radius of contour and a standardized radius of hollow; and (iii) customized experimental blades (CEB), represented by the same brand name experimental blades sharpened to the players’ preference as identified in the baseline condition. No significant differences were found in acceleration time [T1(s)] or total time to complete [TT(s)] the isolated drills across blade conditions; however significant differences were revealed in both T1(s) and TT(s) measured during the execution of the sequenced drill across blade conditions. A iii Bonferroni post hoc test revealed that players skated significantly faster when skating on the CEB condition compared to the baseline condition (p≤.05). A questionnaire assessing subjects perceived comfort, confidence and effort expended while skating on the experimental blades revealed that players were significantly more comfortable when skating on the CEB versus the EB condition (p≤.05). Outcomes of the study provide evidence to suggest that the experimental skate blades customized with the players preferred blade sharpening characteristics results in faster skating speed in a combination drill representing skills performed in gameplay.
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’analyser la pertinence d’une culture stratégique particulière, celle de l’Inde. Au moins quatre variables culturelles à dimension sécuritaire – l’identité, les valeurs, les normes et les perceptions – permettent d’expliquer la conception de la sécurité et du pouvoir indiens. L’hypothèse avancée dans ce mémoire est la suivante : à cause de l’influence de la culture stratégique indienne, l’océan Indien est perçu par l’élite indienne comme l’endroit où réside la principale menace à la sécurité de l’Inde. En outre, cette perception particulière de la menace permet de mieux comprendre les ambitions maritimes de l’Inde dans l’océan Indien à l’aube du 21e siècle. Afin de confirmer l’hypothèse, nous analysons l’influence de la culture stratégique indienne sur les approches stratégiques privilégiées par les décideurs Indiens au sein de l’océan Indien. Nous concluons, sur la base de l’étude cas, que l’objectif stratégique de New Delhi est de devenir la puissance maritime dominante de l’océan Indien. Le moyen privilégié est la création d’une marine océanique puissante, capable de maintenir en permanence une escadre en patrouille loin de ses bases navales. Sur le plan théorique, les actions indiennes – qui ont surtout un caractère défensif – sont justifiées par une doctrine de non-ingérence des grandes puissances dans les affaires indiennes, doctrine calquée sur la doctrine Monroe. Selon la doctrine indienne, seules les puissances régionales sont à même de préserver la stabilité dans la région de l’océan Indien. Conséquemment, le Gouvernement indien œuvre à réduire l’ingérence des marines de guerre étrangères au sein de l’océan Indien.