964 resultados para NUCLEAR-FACTOR


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Alfven eigenmodes (AE) driven by ion cyclotron resonance heating are usually registered by different diagnostic channels in the hot core plasmas of large tokamaks like JET and ASDEX Upgrade. These AE appear very near to the extremum points of Alfven wave continuum, which is modified by the geodesic effect due to poloidal mode coupling. It is shown that the AE spectrum may be explored as the magnetic spectroscopy (like Alfven cascades by Sharapov et al 2001 Phys. Lett. A 289 127) to determine the q-factor minimum and geodesic frequency at the magnetic axis in standard sawtoothed discharges without reversed shear.


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Difficulties in cross-section measurements at very low energies, when charged particles are involved, led to the development of some indirect methods. The Trojan horse method (THM) allows us to bypass the Coulomb effects and has been successfully applied to several reactions of astrophysical interest. A brief review of the THM applications is reported together with some of the most recent results.


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Elastic scattering angular distributions of (16)O + (12)C in the center of mass energy range from 8.55 MeV to 56.57 MeV have been analyzed considering the effect of the exchange of an alpha particle between projectile and target leading to the same nuclei of the entrance channel (elastic-transfer). An alpha particle spectroscopic factor for the ground state of the (16)O was determined. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scalar-isoscalar term in the two-pion exchange NN potential is abnormally large and does not respect the hierarchy of effects predicted by chiral perturbation theory. We argue that this anomaly is associated with non-perturbative effects, which are also present in the pi N scalar form factor.


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Chiral expansions of the two-pion exchange components of both two- and three-nucleon forces are reviewed and a discussion is made of the predicted pattern of hierarchies. The strength of the scalar-isoscalar central potential is found to be too large and to defy expectations from the symmetry. The causes of this effect can be understood by studying the nucleon scalar form factor.


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Human nerve growth factor-induced B (NGFI-B) is a member of the NR4A subfamily of orphan nuclear receptors (NRs). Lacking identified ligands, orphan NRs show particular co-regulator proteins binding properties, different from other NRs, and they might have a non-classical quaternary organization. A body of evidence suggests that NRs recognition of and binding to ligands, DNA, homo- and heterodimerization partners and co-regulator proteins involve significant conformational changes of the NR ligand-binding domains (LBDs). To shed light on largely unknown biophysical properties of NGFI-B, here we studied structural organization and unfolding properties of NGFI-B ligand (like)-binding domain induced by chemical perturbation. Our results show that NGFI-B LBD undergoes a two-state guanidine hydrochloride (GndHCl) induced denaturation, as judged by changes in the a-helical content of the protein monitored by circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). In contrast, changes in the tertiary structure of NGFI-B LBD, reported by intrinsic fluorescence, reveal a clear intermediate state. Additionally, SAXS results demonstrate that the intermediate observed by intrinsic fluorescence is a partially folded homodimeric structure, which further unfolds without dissociation at higher GndHCl concentrations. This partially unfolded dimeric assembly of NGFI-B LBD might resemble an intermediate that this domain access momentarily in the native state upon interactions with functional partners. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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U3 snoRNA is transcribed from two intron-containing genes in yeast, snR17A and snR17B. Although the assembly of the U3 snoRNP has not been precisely determined, at least some of the core box C/D proteins are known to bind pre-U3 co-transcriptionally, thereby affecting splicing and 3 `-end processing of this snoRNA. We identified the interaction between the box C/D assembly factor Nop17p and Cwc24p, a novel yeast RING finger protein that had been previously isolated in a complex with the splicing factor Cef1p. Here we show that, consistent with the protein interaction data, Cwc24p localizes to the cell nucleus, and its depletion leads to the accumulation of both U3 pre-snoRNAs. U3 snoRNA is involved in the early cleavages of 35 S pre-rRNA, and the defective splicing of pre-U3 detected in cells depleted of Cwc24p causes the accumulation of the 35 S precursor rRNA. These results led us to the conclusion that Cwc 24p is involved in pre-U3 snoRNA splicing, indirectly affecting pre-rRNA processing.


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The neurotrophin, glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), is essential for the development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in both the embryo and neonate and may be important for maintenance and plasticity of ENS. The tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, altered the number of cells containing GNDF in the host's jejunum and ileum. Numbers and locations of GDNF-containing cells were determined by applying monoclonal anti-GDNF antibody to intestinal segments collected from infected and uninfected age-matched rats during the initial 34 days post-infection (dpi). Most cells staining positive for GDNF were present in the lamina propria of the jejunum and ileum from both infected and uninfected rats. The co-localization of staining by the antibodies, anti-GDNF and anti-ED2 (a nuclear specific antibody for resident macrophages) indicated that at least 74% of the cells staining for GDNF were macrophages. Mast cells did not stain with the anti-GDNF antibody. The increased number of GDNF+ cells in the infected rat intestine suggests that this neurotrophin may play a role in the neural and mucosal responses to lumenal tapeworm infection.


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The chronic ethanol intake influence on the gluthatione S-transferase (GST-P) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) expression in remodeling/persistent preneoplastic lesions (PNLs) was evaluated in the resistant hepatocyte model. Male Wistar rats were allocated into five groups: G1, non-treated, fed water and chow ad libitum; G2, non-treated and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G3 group) and a maltodextrin (MD) solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G3, fed 5% ethanol in drinking water and chow ad libitum; G4, diethylnitrosamine (DEN, 200 mg/kg, body weight) plus 200 parts per million of 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) for 3 weeks and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G5 group) and an MD solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G5, DEN/2-AAF treatment, fed ethanol 5% and chow ad libitum. All animals were subjected to 70% partial hepatectomy at week 3 and sacrificed at weeks 12 or 22, respectively. Liver samples were collected for histological analysis or immunohistochemical expression of GST-P, TGF-alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen or zymography for matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9. At the end of ethanol treatment, there was a significant increase in the percentage of liver area occupied by persistent GST-P-positive PNLs, the number of TGF-alpha-positive PNLs and the development of liver tumors in ethanol-fed and DEN/2-AAF-treated groups (G5 versus G4, P < 0.001). In addition, ethanol feeding led to a significant increase in cell proliferation mainly in remodeling and persistent PNLs with immunoreactivity for TGF-alpha at week 22 (P < 0.001). Gelatinase activities were not altered by ethanol treatment. The results demonstrated that ethanol enhances the selective growth of PNL with double expression of TGF-alpha and GST-P markers.


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The nuclear import of simian-virus-40 large T-antigen (tumour antigen) is enhanced via phosphorylation by the protein kinase CK2 at Ser(112) in the vicinity of the NLS (nuclear localization sequence). To determine the structural basis of the effect of the sequences flanking the basic cluster KKKRK, and the effect of phosphorylation on the recognition of the NLS by the nuclear import factor importin-alpha (Impalpha), we co-crystallized non-autoinhibited Impalpha with peptides corresponding to the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of the NLS, and determined the crystal structures of the complexes. The structures show that the amino acids N-terminally flanking the basic cluster make specific contacts with the receptor that are distinct from the interactions between bipartite NLSs and Impalpha. We confirm the important role of flanking sequences using binding assays. Unexpectedly, the regions of the peptides containing the phosphorylation site do not make specific contacts with the receptor. Binding assays confirm that phosphorylation does not increase the affinity of the T-antigen NLS to Impalpha. We conclude that the sequences flanking the basic clusters in NLSs play a crucial role in nuclear import by modulating the recognition of the NLS by Impalpha, whereas phosphorylation of the T-antigen enhances nuclear import by a mechanism that does not involve a direct interaction of the phosphorylated residue with Impalpha.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The pion electromagnetic form factor is calculated with a light-front quark model. The plus and minus components of the electromagnetic current are used to calculate the electromagnetic form factor in the the Breit frame with two models for the q (q) over bar vertex. The light-front constituent quark model describes very well the hadronic wave functions for pseudo-scalar and vector particles. Symmetry problems arising in the light-front approcah are solved by the pole dislocation method. The results are compared with new experimental data and with other quark models.


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Effect of bound nucleon internal structure change on nuclear structure functions is investigated based on local quark-hadron duality. The bound nucleon structure functions calculated for charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering are all enhanced in symmetric nuclear matter at large Bjorken-x (x greater than or similar to 0.85) relative to those in a free nucleon. This implies that a part of the enhancement observed in the nuclear structure function F-2 (in the resonance region) at large Bjorken-x (the EMC effect) is due to the effect of the bound nucleon internal structure change. However, the x dependence for the charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering is different. The former (latter) is enhanced (quenched) in the region 0.8 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.9 (0.7 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.85) due to the difference of the contribution from axial vector forrn factor. Because of these differences charge symmetry breaking in parton distributions will be enhanced in nuclei. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.