957 resultados para Myometrial invasion
Drosophila paulistorum Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1949 had initially been considered absent in anthropogenically disturbed environments, but in 1985 the detection of the species in Porto Alegre city, southern Brazil, suggested its potential to colonize new habitats and laid the foundations for ecologic studies on this species' populations. This study followed the variations in D. paulistorum populations in this town almost 20 years after its first local record. Drosophilid specimens were collected in sites with different urbanization grades and the results point to the expressive decline in D. paulistorum populations in Porto Alegre. This decline may be linked to urban growth and to naturally driven population decline, as imputed to climatic changes like variations in maximum and minimum temperatures as a consequence of a global climate warming. Also, the recent introduction of exotic species Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 seems to play a role in this scenario, changing the interactions between native species.
This work describes the spatial-temporal variation of the relative abundance and size of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) collected in São Gonçalo Channel through bottom trawl with a 0.5 cm mesh, at depths between 3 and 6 m. The estimative of mean relative abundance (CPUE) ranged from 2,425.3 individuals per drag (ind./drag) in the spring to 21,715.0 ind./drag in the fall, with an average of 9,515.3 ind./drag throughout the year. The estimated mean density of L. fortunei for the deep region of São Gonçalo Channel ranged from 1.2 to 10.3 ind./m², and it was recorded a maximum density of 84.9 ind./m² in the fall of 2008. The method of sampling using bottom trawl enabled the capture of L. fortunei under the soft muddy bottom of the channel, in different sizes ranging from 0.4 to 3.2 cm. This shows that the structure of the L. fortunei adult population under the bottom of the São Gonçalo Channel is composed mostly of small individuals (<1.4 cm), which represent up to 74% of the population collected.
ABSTRACT Male gladiator frogs of Hypsiboas Wagler, 1830 build nests on available substrate surrounding ponds and streams where female spawn eggs during the breeding period. Although gladiator frogs seem to show plasticity in the way they construct their nests, there is no study reporting if these species present preferences about microhabitat conditions for nest-building (mainly under subtropical climate). Predation pressure and environmental conditions have been considered major processes shaping the great diversity of reproductive strategies performed by amphibians, but microhabitat conditions should explain where to build a nest as well as how nest looks. This study aimed to test nest site selection for nest-building by Hypsiboas faber(Wied-Neuwied, 1821), determining which factors are related to nest site selection and nest features. The survey was conducted at margins of two permanent ponds in Southern Brazil. Habitat factors were evaluated in 18 plots with nest and 18 plots in the surrounding without nest (control), describing vegetation structure and heterogeneity, and substrate characteristics. Water temperature was measured inside the nest and in its adjacency. Nest features assessed were area, depth and temperature. Habitat characteristics differed between plots with and without nest. Microhabitat selected for nest-building was characterized by great vegetation cover and height, as well as shallower water and lower cover of organic matter in suspension than in plots without nest. Differences between temperature inside nest and in its adjacency were not observed. No relationship between nest features and habitat descriptors was evidenced. Results revealed that Hypsiboas faber does not build nests anywhere. Males seem to prefer more protected habitats, probably avoiding predation, invasion of conspecific males and inclement weather. Lack of differences between temperature inside- and outside-nest suggest that nest do not improve this condition for eggs and tadpole development. Nest architecture was not related to habitat characteristics, which may be determined by other factors, as nest checking by females before amplexus. Nest site selection should increase offspring survival as well the breeding success of Hypsiboas faber.
The morphological sequence of Trypanosoma rangeli development in the body cavity of Rhodnius prolixus is described. The metacyclic trypanosome is the product of successive division and transformation during the intra and extracellular development in the haemocoele. The significance of the early invasion of T. rangeli into the haemolymph is discussed. The epidemiological importance of the developmental pattern of T. rangeli in the vectors haemolymph and the host-response to the parasite are considered.
Introduction:¦L'incidence annuelle du cancer de l'ovaire en Suisse est de 600 cas, il touche principalement les femmes âgées de plus de 60 ans. Le cancer de l'ovaire est aujourd'hui la 1ère cause de mortalité par cancer gynécologique chez la femme. Le but de notre recherche, est de créer une base de données de toutes les¦patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV pour la prise en charge de leur maladie.¦Cette étude rétrospective monocentrique nous permettra en premier lieu d'analyser les caractéristiques de¦cette tumeur présentées par les patientes, les traitements instaurés pour traiter ce cancer et les taux de¦récidives et de survie des patientes en fonction de ces variables.¦Méthodologie:¦Analyse rétrospective de 147 patientes diagnostiquées d'un cancer de l'ovaire et hospitalisées au CHUV entre¦septembre 2001 et mars 2010 pour la prise en charge de leur tumeur ovarienne. Utilisation du programme informatique ARCHIMED qui contient les dossiers médicaux de toutes les patientes inclues dans l'étude et création de 2 bases des données. La 1ère base de données regroupe l'ensemble des patientes de l'étude y¦compris les tumeurs type borderline, la 2ème base de données concerne uniquement les patientes ayant récidivé de leur tumeur. Les tumeurs bénignes ont été exclues de l'étude.¦Résultats:¦La probabilitéde survie à 1 an chez les patientes avec un cancer de l'ovaire, tous stades FIGO et prises en¦charge confondus, hospitalisées au CHUV est de 88,04% (95% CI = 0.7981-‐0.9306), à 3 ans la probabilité de survie est de 70,4% (95% CI = 0.5864-‐0.7936), et à plus de 5 ans, elle est de 60% (95% CI = 0.4315-‐0.6859).¦Nous avons comparé le taux de survie en fonction du stade FIGO de la tumeur ovarienne et nous avons observé une différence significative de survie entre les stades FIGO précoces et les stades avancés (Pvaleur=¦0.0161).¦En plus d'une intervention chirurgicale, les patientes atteintes d'un cancer de l'ovaire sont normalement traitées par une chimiothérapie. Dans notre étude, 70 patientes ont bénéficié d'une chimiothérapie; un¦traitement adjuvant a été donné dans 78 % des cas (N = 55), un traitement néoadjuvant a été administré chez 22% des patientes (N=15). Le type combiné carboplatine-‐taxane est la chimiothérapie la plus fréquente (75%). Au total sur l'étude, 66 patientes sur les 147 (44%) ont récidivé de leur tumeur. En ce qui¦concerne leur prise en charge, 46% des patientes ont reçu une chimiothérapie unique comme du gemzar, cealyx ou taxotère après leur récidive. Une cytoréduction secondaire a également été effectuée chez 33% de ces patientes ayant une récidive. Nous avons également étudié l'intervalle de temps entre la date de la¦récidive et celle du décès. Parmi les 28 patientes décédées chez les récidives, 10 d'entre-‐elles (36%) ont survécu moins d'un an une fois la récidive diagnostiquée, 8 (28%) patientes ont survécu jusqu'à 2 ans, et¦les 10 (36%) autres patientes ont survécu de 2 à 5 ans. En ce qui concerne le taux de mortalité; 39 patientes sur les 147 étudiées sont décédées pendant la période d'observation, soit 26% des cas. La tumeur¦type borderline, présente une prolifération épithéliale atypique sans invasion dans le stroma et représente¦10 à 20% de toutes les tumeurs ovariennes. Dans notre étude, 41 patientes sont porteuses de cette tumeur¦(28%) et la moyenne d'âge est de 49 ans. En ce qui concerne leur prise en charge, l'intervention chirurgicale¦la plus fréquente, soit 23% des cas, est l'annexectomie unilatérale, qui reste une attitude conservative pour¦ces patientes désirant préserver leur fertilité. 6 patientes présentant ce type de tumeur ont récidivé, soit 14% des cas, avec une progression pelvienne, et 3 de ces 6 patientes sont décédées. Dans notre analyse, on observe que la probabilité de vivre plus longtemps que 1an pour les patientes ayant une tumeur borderline est de 93,8% (95% CI= 0.6323-‐ 0.9910), à 3 ans elle est également de 93,8% (95% CI = 0.6323-‐0.9910) et à 5 ans elle est de 78,1% (95% CI = 0.3171-‐0.9483). Nous n'avons pas observé de¦différence de survie dans notre étude entre les patientes présentant une tumeur borderline et le « non‐borderline ». (Pvaleur=0.3301)
An attempt was made to determine more accurately the density of molluskan populations in the Pampulha reservoir, using the quadrate method, intending to detect the fluctuation of the populations density, the habitat conditions and the possible competitive interactions among Biomphalaria tenagophila, Melanoides tuberculata, Pomacea haustrum and Biomphalaria glabrata, through the analysis of populational parameters. Among the most significative facts observed in the reservoir it has to be mentioned: the almost disappearance of B. glabrata; the invasion, colonization, fixation and fast growing of M. tuberculata population until reaching about 11,000 individuals/[square metre]; the density fluctuations of B. tenagophila, P. haustrum and M. tuberculata alives and deads; differences on the habitat preference of these three molluskan species at the edge (at the limit earth-water, at 0.70m and 1.40m from the shore line); monthly mortality rates and reproduction seasons of the species.
Monogenetic insect trypanosomatids of the genera Crithidia, Leptomonas and Herpetomonas, multiplied as in axenic cultures, for many months, in the lumen of the scent glands of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis. Specific antibodies were detected in the serum of the animals but there was no evidence of invasion of their tissues by the parasites.
Prognosis of early breast cancer patients is significantly improved with the use of adjuvant therapies. Various guidelines have been proposed to select patients who will derive the most benefit from such treatments. However, classifications have limited usefulness in subsets of patients such as those with node negative breast cancer. The 2007 St. Paul de Vence Clinical Practice Recommendations proposed to consider adjuvant therapy in accordance with the 10-year relapse-free survival reduction estimated by Adjuvant! Online. However, many limitations remain regarding the use of Adjuvant! Online. Among them, adverse prognostic and/or predictive factors such as vascular invasion, mitotic activity, progesterone receptor negativity, and HER-2 expression are not incorporated in the routine clinical decision process. Our group has therefore issued guidelines based on the consideration of both Adjuvant! Online calculations and the prognostic and/or predictive effects of these markers. In addition, web-accessible comprehensive tables summarizing these recommendations are provided.
The MET pathway is dysregulated in many human cancers and promotes tumour growth, invasion and dissemination. Abnormalities in MET signalling have been reported to correlate with poor clinical outcomes and drug resistance in patients with cancer. Thus, MET has emerged as an attractive target for cancer therapy. Several MET inhibitors have been introduced into the clinic, and are currently in all phases of clinical trials. In general, initial results from these studies indicate only a modest benefit in unselected populations. In this Review, we discuss current challenges in developing MET inhibitors--including identification of predictive biomarkers--as well as the most-efficient ways to combine these drugs with other targeted agents or with classic chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Purpose: Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor-8 (MFGE8) is a secreted phosphatidylserine-binding protein that has been involved in phagocytosis, as well as in VEGF dependent neovascularization. In a study evaluating protein expression in membrane rafts of cutaneous melanoma at different stages of progression, MFGE8 expression was only identified in membrane rafts of metastatic cutaneous melanoma cell lines. Furthermore, MFGE8, identified at higher level in the vertical growth phase of cutaneous melanoma, promoted tumor growth in vivo, enhanced invasion in vitro and metastatic spread in a mouse model. The purpose of this study was to assess the expression of MFGE8 in conjunctival melanocytic proliferations.Methods: MFGE8 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in 66 melanocytic conjunctival proliferations including 21 conjunctival naevi, 20 Primary Acquired Melanosis (PAM) including (4 PAM without atypia and 16 PAM with atypia) and 25 conjunctival melanomas. Expression was independently assessed by 2 pathologists. Relevant clinico-pathological data were retrieved. Statistical anaylis was performed using JUMP 8 software.Results: The concordance between the 2 pathologists had an 87,5% agreement on the first independent assessment of MFGE8 expression. Complete agreement was further reached after joint revision of discordant cases. In the naevi, MFGE8 expression was found in only 4 cases (3 subepithelial cases and 1 composed combined naevus). In the PAM group, MFGE8 was identified in 1 PAM without atypia and 10 PAM with atypia. In the melanoma group, MFGE8 expression was observed in 68% of cases. The expression of MFGE8 in the conjunctival melanocytic proliferation was significantly higher in the melanoma (p=0,0009) and in the PAM (p=0,0169) than in naevi. Within the PAM subgroup, we found no significant correlation between MFGE8 expression and the presence of atypia in the respective specimen examined so far.Conclusions: We demonstrate a significant higher expression of MFGE8 in conjunctival melanoma compared to benign melanocytic lesions, suggesting that this protein may play a role in tumor progression of conjunctival melanocytic proliferations. Further experimental studies should be performed to better characterize MFGE8 involvement in conjunctival melanoma tumorigenesis.
The human Rad52 protein stimulates joint molecule formation by hRad51, a homologue of Escherichia coli RecA protein. Electron microscopic analysis of hRad52 shows that it self-associates to form ring structures with a diameter of approximately 10 nm. Each ring contains a hole at its centre. hRad52 binds to single and double-stranded DNA. In the ssDNA-hRad52 complexes, hRad52 was distributed along the length of the DNA, which exhibited a characteristic "beads on a string" appearance. At higher concentrations of hRad52, "super-rings" (approximately 30 nm) were observed and the ssDNA was collapsed upon itself. In contrast, in dsDNA-hRad52 complexes, some regions of the DNA remained protein-free while others, containing hRad52, interacted to form large protein-DNA networks. Saturating concentrations of hRad51 displaced hRad52 from ssDNA, whereas dsDNA-Rad52 complexes (networks) were more resistant to hRad51 invasion and nucleoprotein filament formation. When Rad52-Rad51-DNA complexes were probed with gold-conjugated hRad52 antibodies, the presence of globular hRad52 structures within the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament was observed. These data provide the first direct visualisation of protein-DNA complexes formed by the human Rad51 and Rad52 recombination/repair proteins.
Aim Niche conservatism, or the extent to which niches are conserved across space and time, is of special concern for the study of non-native species as it underlies predictions of invasion risk. Based on the occurrence of 28 non-native birds in Europe, we assess to what extent Grinnellian realized niches are conserved during invasion, formulate hypotheses to explain the variation in observed niche changes and test how well species distribution models can predict non-native bird occurrence in Europe. Location Europe. Methods To quantify niche changes, a recent method that applies kernel smoothers to densities of species occurrence in a gridded environmental space was used. This corrects for differences in the availability of environments between study areas and allows discrimination between 'niche expansion' into environments new to the species and 'niche unfilling', whereby the species only partially fills its niche in the invaded range. Predictions of non-native bird distribution in Europe were generated using several distribution modelling techniques. Results Niche overlap between native and non-native bird populations is low, but niche changes are smaller for species having a higher propagule pressure and that were introduced longer ago. Non-native birds in Europe occupy a subset of the environments they inhabit in their native ranges. Niche expansion into novel environments is rare for most species, allowing species distribution models to accurately predict invasion risk. Main conclusions Because of the recent nature of most bird introductions, species occupy only part of the suitable environments available in the invaded range. This signals that apart from purely ecological factors, patterns of niche conservatism may also be contingent on population-specific historical factors. These results also suggest that many claims of niche differences may be due to a partial filling of the native niche in the invaded range and thus do not represent true niche changes.
We sprayed, in three groups of Domiciliary Units, 10 and 15 g of alphacypermethrin and 31.3 g of cypermethrin per pump of 10 liters, equivaling, if applied on 250 [squared meters), respectiveliy, to 60 and 40 mg of a alphacypermethrin [per squared meter] and 125,2 mg of cypermethrin [per squared meter]. The invasion, colonization and cumulative indices in the houses and the positivity index in shelters near houses were very low and similar in the three groups, in the 15 months of evaluation, indicating that alphacypermethrin can replace cypermethrin. Triatoma infestans predominated in the Domiciliary Units before treatment and T. brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata predominated after it.
Despite advances in the diagnosisand treatment of head and neck cancer,survival rates have not improvedover recent years. New therapeuticstrategies, including immunotherapy,are the subject of extensive research.In several types of tumors, the presenceof tumor infiltrating lymphocytes(TILs), notably CD8+ T cellsand dendritic cells, has been correlatedwith improved prognosis. Moreover,some T cells among TILs havebeen shown to kill tumor cells in vitroupon recognition of tumor-associatedantigens. Tumor associated antigensare expressed in a significant proportionof squamous cell carcinoma ofthe head and neck and apparently mayplay a role in the regulation of cancercell growth notably by inhibition ofp53 protein function in some cancers.The MAGE family CT antigens couldtherefore potentially be used as definedtargets for immunotherapy andtheir study bring new insight in tumorgrowth regulation mechanisms. Between1995 - 2005 54 patients weretreated surgically in our institution forsquamous cell carcinoma of the oralcavity. Patient and clinical data wasobtained from patient files and collectedinto a computerized database.For each patient, paraffin embeddedtumor specimens were retrieved andexpression of MAGE CT antigens,p53, NY-OESO-1 were analyzed byimmunohistochemistry. Results werethen correlated with histopathologicalparameter such as tumor depth,front invasion according to Bryne andboth, local control and disease freesurvival. MAGE-A was expressed in52% of patients. NY-ESO-1 and p53expression was found in 7% and 52%cases respectively. A higher tumordepth was significantly correlatedwith expression of MAGE-Aproteins(p = 0.03). No significant correlationcould be made between the expressionof both p53 andNY-OESO-1 andhistopathological parameters. Expressionof tumor-associated antigendid not seem to impact significantlyon patient prognosis. As does thedemonstration of p53 function inhibitionby CT antigens of MAGE family,our results suggest, that tumor associatedantigens may be implicated in tumorprogression mechanisms. Thishypothesis need further investigationto clarify the relationship betweenhost immune response and local tumorbiology.
Biological invasions and land-use changes are two major causes of the global modifications of biodiversity. Habitat suitability models are the tools of choice to predict potential distributions of invasive species. Although land-use is a key driver of alien species invasions, it is often assumed that land-use is constant in time. Here we combine historical and present day information, to evaluate whether land-use changes could explain the dynamic of invasion of the American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana (=Lithobathes catesbeianus) in Northern Italy, from the 1950s to present-day. We used maxent to build habitat suitability models, on the basis of past (1960s, 1980s) and present-day data on land-uses and species distribution. For example, we used models built using the 1960s data to predict distribution in the 1980s, and so on. Furthermore, we used land-use scenarios to project suitability in the future. Habitat suitability models predicted well the spread of bullfrogs in the subsequent temporal step. Models considering land-use changes predicted invasion dynamics better than models assuming constant land-use over the last 50 years. Scenarios of future land-use suggest that suitability will remain similar in the next years. Habitat suitability models can help to understand and predict the dynamics of invasions; however, land-use is not constant in time: land-use modifications can strongly affect invasions; furthermore, both land management and the suitability of a given land-use class may vary in time. An integration of land-use changes in studies of biological invasions can help to improve management strategies.