1000 resultados para Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1617-1682
La industria del automóvil es un sector vital para la economía mundial y dentro de la actividad industrial en general, ya que, a su vez, influye en otros sectores industriales: sectores de bienes de equipo, tecnologías de la información, plásticos, caucho, entre muchos otros. Por este y otros motivos que expondremos más adelante hemos decidido encaminar este trabajo hacia un análisis exhaustivo de ese sector, a partir de su evolución histórica y su situación actual. Cabe decir que nuestro trabajo se centra exclusivamente en el ámbito español ya que, en otro caso, nuestro análisis hubiese sido muy generalizado y no hubiésemos podido profundizar más en el tema estudiado
Este trabajo analiza el desarrollo y viabilidad de un proyecto empresarial que pretende introducir un producto muy poco explotado en España. Se trata de un sustitutivo casi perfecto de los suelos de madera, de menor coste para el consumidor y totalmente ecológico, el parquet de bambú. Sin embargo, entrar en el mercado español actualmente puede ser muy arriesgado puesto que se trata de un producto de la construcción.A lo largo de este documento se analizan los posibles factores que podrían provocar dicho fracaso como el estado del sector de la construcción o el clima económico general para las empresas en España. También se estudia el comportamiento del consumidor frente a nuevos productos de la construcción y su compromiso con los problemas medioambientales y el interés de empresas de distintos sectores por ofrecer a sus clientes una imagen más cercana fundamentada en los pilares de la sostenibilidad. Posteriormente, este trabajo también realiza un plan financiero, económico y de marketing con resultados sorprendentemente positivos para tener una imagen un poco más real de esta futura empresa en el caso que los socios decidieran establecerse en España.
In order to improve the immunogenicity of currently available non-replicating pox virus HIV vaccine vectors, NYVAC was genetically modified through re-insertion of two host range genes (K1L and C7L), resulting in restored replicative capacity in human cells. In the present study these vectors, expressing either a combination of the HIV-1 clade C antigens Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, or a combination of Gal, Pol, Nef were evaluated for safety and immunogenicity in rhesus macaques, which were immunized at weeks 0, 4 and 12 either by scarification (conventional poxvirus route of immunization), intradermal or by intramuscular injection (route used in previous vaccine studies).Replication competent NYVAC-C-KC vectors induced higher HIV-specific responses, as measured by IFN- ELISpot assay, than the replication defective NYVAC-C vectors. Application through scarification only required one immunization to induce maximum HIV-specific immune responses. This method simultaneously induced relatively lower anti-vector responses. In contrast, two to three immunizations were required when the NYVAC-C-KC vectors were given by intradermal or intramuscular injection and this method tended to generate slightly lower responses. Responses were predominantly directed against Env in the animals that received NYVAC-C-KC vectors expressing HIV-1 Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, while Gag responses were dominant in the NYVAC-C-KC HIV-1 Gag, Pol, Nef immunized animals.The current study demonstrates that NYVAC replication competent vectors were well tolerated and showed increased immunogenicity as compared to replication defective vectors. Further studies are needed to evaluate the most efficient route of immunization and to explore the use of these replication competent NYVAC vectors in prime/boost combination with gp120 protein-based vaccine candidates. This studies was performed within the Poxvirus T-cell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
Contient : I Recherche de la noblesse de la Généralité de Caen, par d'Aligre (1634-1635) ; II Recherche de la noblesse de la Généralité de Rouen, par Jacques Barin, marquis de La Galissonnière (1666-1682)
Analitzar la prevalença del MRSA i MRSA ST398 en porcs i en treballadors de granges de porcs. Estudi transversal de prevalença, a la comarca d’Osona. Es van seleccionar 16 granges. Les mostres, s’han processat al laboratori de microbiologia per identificar el MRSA ST398. Van resultar positius per MRSA, 20(64,5%) treballadors. Anys treballats en granges per als positius son 15 anys(p<0’05). De 468 frotis nasals de porcs, van resultar positius per MARSA 7(1,49). La prevalença de MRSA es elevada a la comarca d’Osona. Es importat realitzar un frotis nasal a tots els treballadors de granges de porcs que ingressen a l’Hospital.
Com o presente trabalho, subordinado ao tema “Interferências do Crioulo no Português Escrito em Alunos Cabo-verdianos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Secundário: Implicações no Insucesso Escolar, pretende-se tentar compreender quais são as dificuldades que esses alunos apresentam na produção escrita na língua de escolarização, através da identificação e análise das tipologias de interferências do Crioulo no Português escrito. Para melhor enquadrar o estudo, fez-se uma revisão da literatura, de obras e artigos referentes à temática e à teoria proposta para a análise da problemática em questão. Para a realização desta investigação, o contexto de intervenção foi o Liceu “Amílcar Cabral”, situado na cidade de Assomada, no concelho de Santa Catarina. Para o efeito do estudo fez-se a recolha, e a análise de dados de um “corpus”de textos escritos, produzidos por 20 alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Secundário (10 de 7º Ano e 10 de 8º Ano), a partir de um estímulo extrínseco que lhes foi distribuído. Finalmente, feita a análise, os resultados demonstram que a maioria dos alunos apresenta erros de interferência do Crioulo no Português escrito. Ressalta -se ainda que, a grande dificuldade desses alunos reside na estrutura morfossintáctica, centralizando-se na morfologia do verbo, nas concordâncias entre o determinante e o nome quanto ao número e ao género, no uso do determinante, artigo definido e na conjugação pronominal reflexa. A partir daí, são apresentadas, nas recomendações, propostas de algumas actividades sistematizadas de ensino de estruturas do Português partindo da tipologia de erros cometidos e utilizando um processo contrastivo (Ccv/Port).
In this paper we proose the infimum of the Arrow-Pratt index of absoluterisk aversion as a measure of global risk aversion of a utility function.We then show that, for any given arbitrary pair of distributions, thereexists a threshold level of global risk aversion such that all increasingconcave utility functions with at least as much global risk aversion wouldrank the two distributions in the same way. Furthermore, this thresholdlevel is sharp in the sense that, for any lower level of global riskaversion, we can find two utility functions in this class yielding oppositepreference relations for the two distributions.
Background: To enhance the induction of insert specific immune responses, a new generation of replication competent poxvirus vectors was designed and evaluated against non-replicating poxvirus vectors in a HIV vaccine study in non human primates.Methods: Rhesus macaques were immunized with either the non-replicating variant NYVAC-GagPolNef HIV-1 clade C or the replicating NYVAC-GagPolNef-C-KC, boosted with HIVGag- PolEnv-SLP and immune responses were monitored.Results: Gag-specific T-cell responses were only detected in animals immunized with the replicating NYVAC-GagPolNef-C-KC variant. Further enhancement and broadening of the immune response was studied by boosting the animals with novel T-cell immunogens HIVconsv synthetic long peptides (SLP), which direct vaccine-induced responses to the most conserved regions of HIV and contain both CD4 T-helper and CD8 CTL epitopes. The adjuvanted (Montanide ISA-720) SLP divided into subpools and delivered into anatomically separate sites enhanced the Gag-specific T-cell responses in 4 out of 6 animals, to more than 1000 SFC/106 PBMC in some animals. Furthermore, the SLP immunization broadened the immune response in 4 out of 6 animals to multiple Pol epitopes. Even Env-specific responses, to which the animals had not been primed, were induced by SLP in 2 out of 6 animals.Conclusion: This new immunization strategy of priming with replicating competent poxvirus NYVAC-HIVGagPolNef and boosting with HIVGagPolEnv-SLP, induced strong and broad Tcell responses and provides a promising new HIV vaccine approach. This study was performed within the Poxvirus T-cell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
Ancien possesseur : Belbeuf, Louis Pierre François Godard Mis de
We present a novel approach to N-person bargaining, based on the idea thatthe agreement reached in a negotiation is determined by how the directconflict resulting from disagreement would be resolved. Our basic buildingblock is the disagreement function, which maps each set of feasible outcomesinto a disagreement point. Using this function and a weak axiom basedon individual rationality we reach a unique solution: the agreement inthe shadow of conflict, ASC. This agreement may be construed as the limitof a sequence of partial agreements, each of which is reached as a functionof the parties relative power. We examine the connection between ASC andasymmetric Nash solutions. We show the connection between the power ofthe parties embodied in the ASC solution and the bias in the SWF thatwould select ASC as an asymmetric Nash solution.