865 resultados para Multi-scale place recognition
The mechanical deformations of nickel nanowire subjected to uniaxial tensile strain at 300 K are simulated by using molecular dynamics with the quantum corrected Sutten-Chen many-body force field. We have used common neighbor analysis method to investigate the structural evolution of Ni nanowire during the elongation process. For the strain rate of 0.1%/ps, the elastic limit is up to about 11% strain with the yield stress of 8.6 GPa. At the elastic stage, the deformation is carried mainly through the uniform elongation of the distances between the layers (perpendicular to the Z-axis) while the atomic structure remains basically unchanged. With further strain, the slips in the {111} planes start to take place in order to accommodate the applied strain to carry the deformation partially, and subsequently the neck forms. The atomic rearrangements in the neck region result in a zigzag change in the stress-strain curve; the atomic structures beyond the region, however, have no significant changes. With the strain close to the point of the breaking, we observe the formation of a one-atom thick necklace in Ni nanowire. The strain rates have no significant effect on the deformation mechanism, but have some influence on the yield stress, the elastic limit, and the fracture strain of the nanowire.
On the basis of the lattice model of MORA and PLACE, Discrete Element Method, and Molecular Dynamics approach, another kind of numerical model is developed. The model consists of a 2-D set of particles linked by three kinds of interactions and arranged into triangular lattice. After the fracture criterion and rules of changes between linking states are given, the particle positions, velocities and accelerations at every time step are calculated using a finite-difference scheme, and the configuration of particles can be gained step by step. Using this model, realistic fracture simulations of brittle solid (especially under pressure) and simulation of earthquake dynamics are made.
Teracluster LSSC-II - Its Designing Principles and Applications in Large Scale Numerical Simulations
The teracluster LSSC-II installed at the State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of the most powerful PC clusters in China. It has a peek performance of 2Tflops. With a Linpack performance of 1.04Tflops, it is ranked at the 43rd place in the 20th TOP500 List (November 2002), 51st place in the 21st TOP500 List (June 2003), and the 82nd place in the 22nd TOP500 List (November 2003) with a new Linpack performance of 1.3Tflops. In this paper, we present some design principles of this cluster, as well as its applications in some largescale numerical simulations.
This paper presents a novel coarse-to-fine global localization approach inspired by object recognition and text retrieval techniques. Harris-Laplace interest points characterized by scale-invariant transformation feature descriptors are used as natural landmarks. They are indexed into two databases: a location vector space model (LVSM) and a location database. The localization process consists of two stages: coarse localization and fine localization. Coarse localization from the LVSM is fast, but not accurate enough, whereas localization from the location database using a voting algorithm is relatively slow, but more accurate. The integration of coarse and fine stages makes fast and reliable localization possible. If necessary, the localization result can be verified by epipolar geometry between the representative view in the database and the view to be localized. In addition, the localization system recovers the position of the camera by essential matrix decomposition. The localization system has been tested in indoor and outdoor environments. The results show that our approach is efficient and reliable. © 2006 IEEE.
In this paper, we propose a vision based mobile robot localization strategy. Local scale-invariant features are used as natural landmarks in unstructured and unmodified environment. The local characteristics of the features we use prove to be robust to occlusion and outliers. In addition, the invariance of the features to viewpoint change makes them suitable landmarks for mobile robot localization. Scale-invariant features detected in the first exploration are indexed into a location database. Indexing and voting allow efficient recognition of global localization. The localization result is verified by epipolar geometry between the representative view in database and the view to be localized, thus the probability of false localization will be decreased. The localization system can recover the pose of the camera mounted on the robot by essential matrix decomposition. Then the position of the robot can be computed easily. Both calibrated and un-calibrated cases are discussed and relative position estimation based on calibrated camera turns out to be the better choice. Experimental results show that our approach is effective and reliable in the case of illumination changes, similarity transformations and extraneous features. © 2004 IEEE.
The stress release model, a stochastic version of the elastic rebound theory, is applied to the large events from four synthetic earthquake catalogs generated by models with various levels of disorder in distribution of fault zone strength (Ben-Zion, 1996) They include models with uniform properties (U), a Parkfield-type asperity (A), fractal brittle properties (F), and multi-size-scale heterogeneities (M). The results show that the degree of regularity or predictability in the assumed fault properties, based on both the Akaike information criterion and simulations, follows the order U, F, A, and M, which is in good agreement with that obtained by pattern recognition techniques applied to the full set of synthetic data. Data simulated from the best fitting stress release models reproduce, both visually and in distributional terms, the main features of the original catalogs. The differences in character and the quality of prediction between the four cases are shown to be dependent on two main aspects: the parameter controlling the sensitivity to departures from the mean stress level and the frequency-magnitude distribution, which differs substantially between the four cases. In particular, it is shown that the predictability of the data is strongly affected by the form of frequency-magnitude distribution, being greatly reduced if a pure Gutenburg-Richter form is assumed to hold out to high magnitudes.
Background: Screen-viewing has been associated with increased body mass, increased risk of metabolic syndrome and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents. There is a shortage of information about the nature of contemporary screen-viewing amongst children especially given the rapid advances in screen-viewing equipment technology and their widespread availability. Anecdotal evidence suggests that large numbers of children embrace the multi-functionality of current devices to engage in multiple forms of screen-viewing at the same time. In this paper we used qualitative methods to assess the nature and extent of multiple forms of screen-viewing in UK children. Methods: Focus groups were conducted with 10-11 year old children (n = 63) who were recruited from five primary schools in Bristol, UK. Topics included the types of screen-viewing in which the participants engaged; whether the participants ever engaged in more than one form of screen-viewing at any time and if so the nature of this multiple viewing; reasons for engaging in multi-screen-viewing; the room within the house where multi-screen-viewing took place and the reasons for selecting that room. All focus groups were transcribed verbatim, anonymised and thematically analysed. Results: Multi-screen viewing was a common behaviour. Although multi-screen viewing often involved watching TV, TV viewing was often the background behaviour with attention focussed towards a laptop, handheld device or smart-phone. There were three main reasons for engaging in multi-screen viewing: 1) tempering impatience that was associated with a programme loading; 2) multi-screen facilitated filtering out unwanted content such as advertisements; and 3) multi-screen viewing was perceived to be enjoyable. Multi-screen viewing occurred either in the child's bedroom or in the main living area of the home. There was considerable variability in the level and timing of viewing and this appeared to be a function of whether the participants attended after-school clubs. Conclusions: UK children regularly engage in two or more forms of screen-viewing at the same time. There are currently no means of assessing multi-screen viewing nor any interventions that specifically focus on reducing multi-screen viewing. To reduce children's overall screen-viewing we need to understand and then develop approaches to reduce multi-screen viewing among children.
Em uso desde a Grécia antiga e atualmente massificado na maioria dos países do mundo, o sistema de votação tradicional baseado em cédulas de papel possui diversos problemas associados à segurança, tais como dificuldades para evitar coerção do eleitor, venda do voto e substituição fraudulenta do eleitor. Além de problemas de usabilidade que acarretam erros de preenchimento da cédula e um processo de apuração lento, que pode durar dias. Ao lado disso, o sistema tradicional não fornece a contraprova do voto, que permite ao eleitor conferir se o seu voto foi corretamente contabilizado na apuração. Inicialmente acreditou-se que a informatização do sistema de votação resolveria todos os problemas do sistema tradicional. Porém, com a sua implantação em alguns países o sistema de votação eletrônica não mostrou-se capaz de fornecer garantias irrefutáveis que não tivesse sido alvo de alterações fraudulentas durante o seu desenvolvimento ou operação. A má reputação do sistema eletrônico está principalmente associada à falta de transparência dos processos que, em sua maioria, não proporcionam a materialização do voto, conferido pelo eleitor para fins de contagem manual, e nem geram evidências (contraprova) da correta contabilização do voto do eleitor. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma arquitetura de votação eletrônica que integra, de forma segura, o anonimato e autenticidade do votante, a confidencialidade e integridade do voto/sistema. O sistema aumenta a usabilidade do esquema de votação baseado em "Três Cédulas" de papel, implementando-o computacionalmente. O esquema oferece maior credibilidade ao sistema de votação através da materialização e contraprova do voto, resistência à coerção e ao comércio do voto. Utilizando esquemas de criptografia assimétrica e segurança computacional clássica, associado a um sistema de auditoria eficiente, a proposta garante segurança e transparência nos processos envolvidos. A arquitetura de construção modular distribui a responsabilidade entre suas entidades, agregando-lhe robustez e viabilizando eleições em grande escala. O protótipo do sistema desenvolvido usando serviços web e Election Markup Language mostra a viabilidade da proposta.
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The MID-K, a new kind of multi-pipe string detection tool is introduced. This tool provides a means of evaluating the condition of in-place pipe string, such as tubing and casino. It is capable of discriminating the defects of the inside and outside, and estimating the thickness of tubing and casing. It is accomplished by means of a low frequency eddy current to detect flaws on the inner surface and a magnetic flux leakage to inspect the full thickness. The measurement principle, the technology and applications are presented in this paper.
The Second National Workshop on Marine Mammal Research and Monitoring in the National Marine Sanctuaries was held on 28 November 1999 in Maui, Hawaii. The workshop preceded the Thirteenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, and provided an opportunity to review and promote marine mammal research and monitoring in the National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS). The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers and sanctuary staff and to improve marine mammal research and monitoring throughout the sanctuaries. Discussion topics included: potential multi-sanctuary projects, sources of funding for multi-sanctuary projects, services and equipment for researchers through the sanctuaries, consolidating small levels of funding, help in funding and support for writing up data, publishing documents in Technical Memoranda, and letters of support. Representatives from the NMS national office and nine sanctuaries provided participants with overviews of marine mammal research within the sanctuaries. Presentations were also given by representatives from the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Permits and Health and Stranding programs. During the breakout working groups, there were several comments and suggestions consistent among each of the groups to improve marine mammal research. Each group emphasized the need to improve communication among researchers and to better share data. These suggestions included web-based information networks, advisory panels, and workshops. Regionally based research projects were also emphasized. In order to best study marine mammal populations, collaborative studies must take place throughout multiple sanctuaries. In order to achieve these large scale studies, funding and staffing must be directed towards these studies and distributed among each of the sanctuaries so that they may all be able to have the staffing, equipment, and vessels necessary to achieve a collaborative, ecosystem-based, regional marine mammal monitoring program. It will take several years to achieve all of the suggestions from the workshop, but thanks to the workshop participants, the National Marine Sanctuary Program has begun to direct marine mammal research and monitoring in order to achieve the goals of the workshop. This document provides a summary of the workshop with a focus on key points/main issues. We have included contact information intended to encourage continued collaboration among the individuals and organizations represented at the 1999 Marine Mammal Research and Monitoring in the National Marine Sanctuaries Workshop. (PDF contains 71 pages.)