910 resultados para Multi-Objective Optimization


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In coffee processing the fermentation stage is considered one of the critical operations by its impact on the final quality of the product. However, the level of control of the fermentation process on each farm is often not adequate; the use of sensorics for controlling coffee fermentation is not common. The objective of this work is to characterize the fermentation temperature in a fermentation tank by applying spatial interpolation and a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space diagrams of temperature data, collected by means of multi-distributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors. A real coffee fermentation was supervised in the Cauca region (Colombia) with a network of 24 semi-passive TurboTag RFID temperature loggers with vacuum plastic cover, submerged directly in the fermenting mass. Temporal evolution and spatial distribution of temperature is described in terms of the phase diagram areas which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature and highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermal conditions at different locations in the tank where the average temperature of the fermentation was 21.2 °C, although there were temperature ranges of 4.6°C, and average spatial standard deviation of ±1.21ºC. In the upper part of the tank we found high heterogeneity of temperatures, the higher temperatures and therefore the higher fermentation rates. While at the bottom, it has been computed an area in the phase diagram practically half of the area occupied by the sensors of the upper tank, therefore this location showed higher temperature homogeneity


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Esta tesis se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto UPMSat-2, que es un microsatélite diseñado, construido y operado por el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR / UPM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Aplicación de la metodología Ingeniería Concurrente (Concurrent Engineering: CE) en el marco de la aplicación de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) es uno de los principales objetivos del presente trabajo. En los últimos años, ha habido un interés continuo en la participación de los grupos de investigación de las universidades en los estudios de la tecnología espacial a través de sus propios microsatélites. La participación en este tipo de proyectos tiene algunos desafíos inherentes, tales como presupuestos y servicios limitados. Además, debido al hecho de que el objetivo principal de estos proyectos es fundamentalmente educativo, por lo general hay incertidumbres en cuanto a su misión en órbita y cargas útiles en las primeras fases del proyecto. Por otro lado, existen limitaciones predeterminadas para sus presupuestos de masa, volumen y energía, debido al hecho de que la mayoría de ellos están considerados como una carga útil auxiliar para el lanzamiento. De este modo, el costo de lanzamiento se reduce considerablemente. En este contexto, el subsistema estructural del satélite es uno de los más afectados por las restricciones que impone el lanzador. Esto puede afectar a diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las dimensiones, la resistencia y los requisitos de frecuencia. En la primera parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una herramienta de diseño del subsistema estructural que evalúa, no sólo las propiedades de la estructura primaria como variables, sino también algunas variables de nivel de sistema del satélite, como la masa de la carga útil y la masa y las dimensiones extremas de satélite. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño obtenga una mejor visión del diseño en un espacio de diseño extendido. La herramienta de diseño estructural se basa en las fórmulas y los supuestos apropiados, incluyendo los modelos estáticos y dinámicos del satélite. Un algoritmo genético (Genetic Algorithm: GA) se aplica al espacio de diseño para optimizaciones de objetivo único y también multiobjetivo. El resultado de la optimización multiobjetivo es un Pareto-optimal basado en dos objetivo, la masa total de satélites mínimo y el máximo presupuesto de masa de carga útil. Por otro lado, la aplicación de los microsatélites en misiones espaciales es de interés por su menor coste y tiempo de desarrollo. La gran necesidad de las aplicaciones de teledetección es un fuerte impulsor de su popularidad en este tipo de misiones espaciales. Las misiones de tele-observación por satélite son esenciales para la investigación de los recursos de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En estas misiones existen interrelaciones estrechas entre diferentes requisitos como la altitud orbital, tiempo de revisita, el ciclo de vida y la resolución. Además, todos estos requisitos puede afectar a toda las características de diseño. Durante los últimos años la aplicación de CE en las misiones espaciales ha demostrado una gran ventaja para llegar al diseño óptimo, teniendo en cuenta tanto el rendimiento y el costo del proyecto. Un ejemplo bien conocido de la aplicación de CE es la CDF (Facilidad Diseño Concurrente) de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea). Está claro que para los proyectos de microsatélites universitarios tener o desarrollar una instalación de este tipo parece estar más allá de las capacidades del proyecto. Sin embargo, la práctica de la CE a cualquier escala puede ser beneficiosa para los microsatélites universitarios también. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una estructura de optimización de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) aplicable a la fase de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño conozca la interacción entre las diferentes variables de diseño. El esquema MDO presentado no sólo incluye variables de nivel de sistema, tales como la masa total del satélite y la potencia total, sino también los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y tiempo de revisita. El proceso de diseño de microsatélites se divide en tres disciplinas; a) diseño de órbita, b) diseño de carga útil y c) diseño de plataforma. En primer lugar, se calculan diferentes parámetros de misión para un rango práctico de órbitas helio-síncronas (sun-synchronous orbits: SS-Os). Luego, según los parámetros orbitales y los datos de un instrumento como referencia, se calcula la masa y la potencia de la carga útil. El diseño de la plataforma del satélite se estima a partir de los datos de la masa y potencia de los diferentes subsistemas utilizando relaciones empíricas de diseño. El diseño del subsistema de potencia se realiza teniendo en cuenta variables de diseño más detalladas, como el escenario de la misión y diferentes tipos de células solares y baterías. El escenario se selecciona, de modo de obtener una banda de cobertura sobre la superficie terrestre paralelo al Ecuador después de cada intervalo de revisita. Con el objetivo de evaluar las interrelaciones entre las diferentes variables en el espacio de diseño, todas las disciplinas de diseño mencionados se combinan en un código unificado. Por último, una forma básica de MDO se ajusta a la herramienta de diseño de sistema de satélite. La optimización del diseño se realiza por medio de un GA con el único objetivo de minimizar la masa total de microsatélite. Según los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del MDO, existen diferentes puntos de diseños óptimos, pero con diferentes variables de misión. Este análisis demuestra la aplicabilidad de MDO para los estudios de ingeniería de sistema en la fase de diseño conceptual en este tipo de proyectos. La principal conclusión de esta tesis, es que el diseño clásico de los satélites que por lo general comienza con la definición de la misión y la carga útil no es necesariamente la mejor metodología para todos los proyectos de satélites. Un microsatélite universitario, es un ejemplo de este tipo de proyectos. Por eso, se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas de diseño para encarar los estudios de la fase inicial de diseño. Este conjunto de herramientas incluye diferentes disciplinas de diseño centrados en el subsistema estructural y teniendo en cuenta una carga útil desconocida a priori. Los resultados demuestran que la mínima masa total del satélite y la máxima masa disponible para una carga útil desconocida a priori, son objetivos conflictivos. En este contexto para encontrar un Pareto-optimal se ha aplicado una optimización multiobjetivo. Según los resultados se concluye que la selección de la masa total por satélite en el rango de 40-60 kg puede considerarse como óptima para un proyecto de microsatélites universitario con carga útil desconocida a priori. También la metodología CE se ha aplicado al proceso de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Los resultados de la aplicación del CE proporcionan una clara comprensión de la interacción entre los requisitos de diseño de sistemas de satélites, tales como la masa total del microsatélite y la potencia y los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y el tiempo de revisita. La aplicación de MDO se hace con la minimización de la masa total de microsatélite. Los resultados de la aplicación de MDO aclaran la relación clara entre los diferentes requisitos de diseño del sistema y de misión, así como que permiten seleccionar las líneas de base para el diseño óptimo con el objetivo seleccionado en las primeras fase de diseño. ABSTRACT This thesis is done in the context of UPMSat-2 project, which is a microsatellite under design and manufacturing at the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Application of Concurrent Engineering (CE) methodology in the framework of Multidisciplinary Design application (MDO) is one of the main objectives of the present work. In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In the first part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the satellite system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on the analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the design space for both single and multiobejective optimizations. The result of the multiobjective optimization is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget. On the other hand, the application of the microsatellites is of interest for their less cost and response time. The high need for the remote sensing applications is a strong driver of their popularity in space missions. The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. In remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission cycle life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole design characteristics. During the last years application of the CE in the space missions has demonstrated a great advantage to reach the optimum design base lines considering both the performance and the cost of the project. A well-known example of CE application is ESA (European Space Agency) CDF (Concurrent Design Facility). It is clear that for the university-class microsatellite projects having or developing such a facility seems beyond the project capabilities. Nevertheless practicing CE at any scale can be beneficiary for the university-class microsatellite projects. In the second part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a MDO framework applicable to the conceptual design phase of the remote sensing microsatellites. This approach enables the design team to evaluate the interaction between the different system design variables. The presented MDO framework contains not only the system level variables such as the satellite total mass and total power, but also the mission requirements like the spatial resolution and the revisit time. The microsatellite sizing process is divided into the three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. First, different mission parameters for a practical range of sun-synchronous orbits (SS-Os) are calculated. Then, according to the orbital parameters and a reference remote sensing instrument, mass and power of the payload are calculated. Satellite bus sizing is done based on mass and power calculation of the different subsystems using design estimation relationships. In the satellite bus sizing, the power subsystem design is realized by considering more detailed design variables including a mission scenario and different types of solar cells and batteries. The mission scenario is selected in order to obtain a coverage belt on the earth surface parallel to the earth equatorial after each revisit time. In order to evaluate the interrelations between the different variables inside the design space all the mentioned design disciplines are combined in a unified code. The integrated satellite system sizing tool developed in this section is considered as an application of the CE to the conceptual design of the remote sensing microsatellite projects. Finally, in order to apply the MDO methodology to the design problem, a basic MDO framework is adjusted to the developed satellite system design tool. Design optimization is done by means of a GA single objective algorithm with the objective function as minimizing the microsatellite total mass. According to the results of MDO application, there exist different optimum design points all with the minimum satellite total mass but with different mission variables. This output demonstrates the successful applicability of MDO approach for system engineering trade-off studies at the conceptual design phase of the design in such projects. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the classical design approach for the satellite design which usually starts with the mission and payload definition is not necessarily the best approach for all of the satellite projects. The university-class microsatellite is an example for such projects. Due to this fact an integrated satellite sizing tool including different design disciplines focusing on the structural subsystem and considering unknown payload is developed. According to the results the satellite total mass and available mass for the unknown payload are conflictive objectives. In order to find the Pareto-optimal a multiobjective GA optimization is conducted. Based on the optimization results it is concluded that selecting the satellite total mass in the range of 40-60 kg can be considered as an optimum approach for a university-class microsatellite project with unknown payload(s). Also, the CE methodology is applied to the remote sensing microsatellites conceptual design process. The results of CE application provide a clear understanding of the interaction between satellite system design requirements such as satellite total mass and power and the satellite mission variables such as revisit time and spatial resolution. The MDO application is done with the total mass minimization of a remote sensing satellite. The results from the MDO application clarify the unclear relationship between different system and mission design variables as well as the optimum design base lines according to the selected objective during the initial design phases.


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The solution to the problem of finding the optimum mesh design in the finite element method with the restriction of a given number of degrees of freedom, is an interesting problem, particularly in the applications method. At present, the usual procedures introduce new degrees of freedom (remeshing) in a given mesh in order to obtain a more adequate one, from the point of view of the calculation results (errors uniformity). However, from the solution of the optimum mesh problem with a specific number of degrees of freedom some useful recommendations and criteria for the mesh construction may be drawn. For 1-D problems, namely for the simple truss and beam elements, analytical solutions have been found and they are given in this paper. For the more complex 2-D problems (plane stress and plane strain) numerical methods to obtain the optimum mesh, based on optimization procedures have to be used. The objective function, used in the minimization process, has been the total potential energy. Some examples are presented. Finally some conclusions and hints about the possible new developments of these techniques are also given.


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In recent years, the increasing sophistication of embedded multimedia systems and wireless communication technologies has promoted a widespread utilization of video streaming applications. It has been reported in 2013 that youngsters, aged between 13 and 24, spend around 16.7 hours a week watching online video through social media, business websites, and video streaming sites. Video applications have already been blended into people daily life. Traditionally, video streaming research has focused on performance improvement, namely throughput increase and response time reduction. However, most mobile devices are battery-powered, a technology that grows at a much slower pace than either multimedia or hardware developments. Since battery developments cannot satisfy expanding power demand of mobile devices, research interests on video applications technology has attracted more attention to achieve energy-efficient designs. How to efficiently use the limited battery energy budget becomes a major research challenge. In addition, next generation video standards impel to diversification and personalization. Therefore, it is desirable to have mechanisms to implement energy optimizations with greater flexibility and scalability. In this context, the main goal of this dissertation is to find an energy management and optimization mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of video decoders based on the idea of functional-oriented reconfiguration. System battery life is prolonged as the result of a trade-off between energy consumption and video quality. Functional-oriented reconfiguration takes advantage of the similarities among standards to build video decoders reconnecting existing functional units. If a feedback channel from the decoder to the encoder is available, the former can signal the latter changes in either the encoding parameters or the encoding algorithms for energy-saving adaption. The proposed energy optimization and management mechanism is carried out at the decoder end. This mechanism consists of an energy-aware manager, implemented as an additional block of the reconfiguration engine, an energy estimator, integrated into the decoder, and, if available, a feedback channel connected to the encoder end. The energy-aware manager checks the battery level, selects the new decoder description and signals to build a new decoder to the reconfiguration engine. It is worth noting that the analysis of the energy consumption is fundamental for the success of the energy management and optimization mechanism. In this thesis, an energy estimation method driven by platform event monitoring is proposed. In addition, an event filter is suggested to automate the selection of the most appropriate events that affect the energy consumption. At last, a detailed study on the influence of the training data on the model accuracy is presented. The modeling methodology of the energy estimator has been evaluated on different underlying platforms, single-core and multi-core, with different characteristics of workload. All the results show a good accuracy and low on-line computation overhead. The required modifications on the reconfiguration engine to implement the energy-aware manager have been assessed under different scenarios. The results indicate a possibility to lengthen the battery lifetime of the system in two different use-cases.


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The aim of this work is to develop an automated tool for the optimization of turbomachinery blades founded on an evolutionary strategy. This optimization scheme will serve to deal with supersonic blades cascades for application to Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. The blade geometry is defined using parameterization techniques based on B-Splines curves, that allow to have a local control of the shape. The location in space of the control points of the B-Spline curve define the design variables of the optimization problem. In the present work, the performance of the blade shape is assessed by means of fully-turbulent flow simulations performed with a CFD package, in which a look-up table method is applied to ensure an accurate thermodynamic treatment. The solver is set along with the optimization tool to determine the optimal shape of the blade. As only blade-to-blade effects are of interest in this study, quasi-3D calculations are performed, and a single-objective evolutionary strategy is applied to the optimization. As a result, a non-intrusive tool, with no need for gradients definition, is developed. The computational cost is reduced by the use of surrogate models. A Gaussian interpolation scheme (Kriging model) is applied for the estimated n-dimensional function, and a surrogate-based local optimization strategy is proved to yield an accurate way for optimization. In particular, the present optimization scheme has been applied to the re-design of a supersonic stator cascade of an axial-flow turbine. In this design exercise very strong shock waves are generated in the rear blade suction side and shock-boundary layer interaction mechanisms occur. A significant efficiency improvement as a consequence of a more uniform flow at the blade outlet section of the stator is achieved. This is also expected to provide beneficial effects on the design of a subsequent downstream rotor. The method provides an improvement to gradient-based methods and an optimized blade geometry is easily achieved using the genetic algorithm.


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Abstract Interneuron classification is an important and long-debated topic in neuroscience. A recent study provided a data set of digitally reconstructed interneurons classified by 42 leading neuroscientists according to a pragmatic classification scheme composed of five categorical variables, namely, of the interneuron type and four features of axonal morphology. From this data set we now learned a model which can classify interneurons, on the basis of their axonal morphometric parameters, into these five descriptive variables simultaneously. Because of differences in opinion among the neuroscientists, especially regarding neuronal type, for many interneurons we lacked a unique, agreed-upon classification, which we could use to guide model learning. Instead, we guided model learning with a probability distribution over the neuronal type and the axonal features, obtained, for each interneuron, from the neuroscientists’ classification choices. We conveniently encoded such probability distributions with Bayesian networks, calling them label Bayesian networks (LBNs), and developed a method to predict them. This method predicts an LBN by forming a probabilistic consensus among the LBNs of the interneurons most similar to the one being classified. We used 18 axonal morphometric parameters as predictor variables, 13 of which we introduce in this paper as quantitative counterparts to the categorical axonal features. We were able to accurately predict interneuronal LBNs. Furthermore, when extracting crisp (i.e., non-probabilistic) predictions from the predicted LBNs, our method outperformed related work on interneuron classification. Our results indicate that our method is adequate for multi-dimensional classification of interneurons with probabilistic labels. Moreover, the introduced morphometric parameters are good predictors of interneuron type and the four features of axonal morphology and thus may serve as objective counterparts to the subjective, categorical axonal features.


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Interneuron classification is an important and long-debated topic in neuroscience. A recent study provided a data set of digitally reconstructed interneurons classified by 42 leading neuroscientists according to a pragmatic classification scheme composed of five categorical variables, namely, of the interneuron type and four features of axonal morphology. From this data set we now learned a model which can classify interneurons, on the basis of their axonal morphometric parameters, into these five descriptive variables simultaneously. Because of differences in opinion among the neuroscientists, especially regarding neuronal type, for many interneurons we lacked a unique, agreed-upon classification, which we could use to guide model learning. Instead, we guided model learning with a probability distribution over the neuronal type and the axonal features, obtained, for each interneuron, from the neuroscientists’ classification choices. We conveniently encoded such probability distributions with Bayesian networks, calling them label Bayesian networks (LBNs), and developed a method to predict them. This method predicts an LBN by forming a probabilistic consensus among the LBNs of the interneurons most similar to the one being classified. We used 18 axonal morphometric parameters as predictor variables, 13 of which we introduce in this paper as quantitative counterparts to the categorical axonal features. We were able to accurately predict interneuronal LBNs. Furthermore, when extracting crisp (i.e., non-probabilistic) predictions from the predicted LBNs, our method outperformed related work on interneuron classification. Our results indicate that our method is adequate for multi-dimensional classification of interneurons with probabilistic labels. Moreover, the introduced morphometric parameters are good predictors of interneuron type and the four features of axonal morphology and thus may serve as objective counterparts to the subjective, categorical axonal features.


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Spotlighting is one illumination field where the application of light emitting diodes (LED) creates many advantages. Commonly, the system for spot lights consists of a LED light engine and collimating secondary optics. Through angular or spatial separated emitted light from the source and imaging optical elements, a non uniform far field appears with colored rings, dots or patterns. Many feasible combinations result in very different spatial color distributions. Several combinations of three multi-chip light sources and secondary optical elements like reflectors and TIR lenses with additional facets or scattering elements were analyzed mainly regarding the color uniformity. They are assessed by the merit function Usl which was derived from human factor experiments and describes the color uniformity based on the visual perception of humans. Furthermore, the optical systems are compared concerning efficiency, peak candela and aspect ratio. Both types of optics differ in the relation between the color uniformity level and other properties. A plain reflector with a slightly color mixing light source performs adequate. The results for the TIR lenses indicate that they need additional elements for good color mixing or blended light source. The most convenient system depends on the requirements of the application.


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Genetic algorithms (GA) have been used for the minimization of the aerodynamic drag of a train subject to front wind. The significant importance of the external aerodynamic drag on the total resistance a train experiments as the cruise speed is increased highlights the interest of this study. A complete description of the methodology required for this optimization method is introduced here, where the parameterization of the geometry to be optimized and the metamodel used to speed up the optimization process are detailed. A reduction of about a 25% of the initial aerodynamic drag is obtained in this study, what confirms GA as a proper method for this optimization problem. The evolution of the nose shape is consistent with the literature. The advantage of using metamodels is stressed thanks to the information of the whole design space extracted from it. The influence of each design variable on the objective function is analyzed by means of an ANOVA test.


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Optimización multi-objetivo frente a varias direcciones del viento incidente del testero de un tren de alta velocidad


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Semantic interoperability is essential to facilitate efficient collaboration in heterogeneous multi-site healthcare environments. The deployment of a semantic interoperability solution has the potential to enable a wide range of informatics supported applications in clinical care and research both within as ingle healthcare organization and in a network of organizations. At the same time, building and deploying a semantic interoperability solution may require significant effort to carryout data transformation and to harmonize the semantics of the information in the different systems. Our approach to semantic interoperability leverages existing healthcare standards and ontologies, focusing first on specific clinical domains and key applications, and gradually expanding the solution when needed. An important objective of this work is to create a semantic link between clinical research and care environments to enable applications such as streamlining the execution of multi-centric clinical trials, including the identification of eligible patients for the trials. This paper presents an analysis of the suitability of several widely-used medical ontologies in the clinical domain: SNOMED-CT, LOINC, MedDRA, to capture the semantics of the clinical trial eligibility criteria, of the clinical trial data (e.g., Clinical Report Forms), and of the corresponding patient record data that would enable the automatic identification of eligible patients. Next to the coverage provided by the ontologies we evaluate and compare the sizes of the sets of relevant concepts and their relative frequency to estimate the cost of data transformation, of building the necessary semantic mappings, and of extending the solution to new domains. This analysis shows that our approach is both feasible and scalable.


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The fermentation stage is considered to be one of the critical steps in coffee processing due to its impact on the final quality of the product. The objective of this work is to characterise the temperature gradients in a fermentation tank by multi-distributed, low-cost and autonomous wireless sensors (23 semi-passive TurboTag® radio-frequency identifier (RFID) temperature loggers). Spatial interpolation in polar coordinates and an innovative methodology based on phase space diagrams are used. A real coffee fermentation process was supervised in the Cauca region (Colombia) with sensors submerged directly in the fermenting mass, leading to a 4.6 °C temperature range within the fermentation process. Spatial interpolation shows a maximum instant radial temperature gradient of 0.1 °C/cm from the centre to the perimeter of the tank and a vertical temperature gradient of 0.25 °C/cm for sensors with equal polar coordinates. The combination of spatial interpolation and phase space graphs consistently enables the identification of five local behaviours during fermentation (hot and cold spots).


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La iluminación con diodos emisores de luz (LED) está reemplazando cada vez en mayor medida a las fuentes de luz tradicionales. La iluminación LED ofrece ventajas en eficiencia, consumo de energía, diseño, tamaño y calidad de la luz. Durante más de 50 años, los investigadores han estado trabajando en mejoras LED. Su principal relevancia para la iluminación está aumentando rápidamente. Esta tesis se centra en un campo de aplicación importante, como son los focos. Se utilizan para enfocar la luz en áreas definidas, en objetos sobresalientes en condiciones profesionales. Esta iluminación de alto rendimiento requiere una calidad de luz definida, que incluya temperaturas ajustables de color correlacionadas (CCT), de alto índice de reproducción cromática (CRI), altas eficiencias, y colores vivos y brillantes. En el paquete LED varios chips de diferentes colores (rojo, azul, fósforo convertido) se combinan para cumplir con la distribución de energía espectral con alto CRI. Para colimar la luz en los puntos concretos deseados con un ángulo de emisión determinado, se utilizan blancos sintonizables y diversos colores de luz y ópticas secundarias. La combinación de una fuente LED de varios colores con elementos ópticos puede causar falta de homogeneidad cromática en la distribución espacial y angular de la luz, que debe resolverse en el diseño óptico. Sin embargo, no hay necesidad de uniformidad perfecta en el punto de luz debido al umbral en la percepción visual del ojo humano. Por lo tanto, se requiere una descripción matemática del nivel de uniformidad del color con respecto a la percepción visual. Esta tesis está organizada en siete capítulos. Después de un capítulo inicial que presenta la motivación que ha guiado la investigación de esta tesis, en el capítulo 2 se presentan los fundamentos científicos de la uniformidad del color en luces concentradas, como son: el espacio de color aplicado CIELAB, la percepción visual del color, los fundamentos de diseño de focos respecto a los motores de luz y ópticas no formadoras de imágenes, y los últimos avances en la evaluación de la uniformidad del color en el campo de los focos. El capítulo 3 desarrolla diferentes métodos para la descripción matemática de la distribución espacial del color en un área definida, como son la diferencia de color máxima, la desviación media del color, el gradiente de la distribución espacial de color, así como la suavidad radial y axial. Cada función se refiere a los diferentes factores que influyen en la visión, los cuales necesitan un tratamiento distinto que el de los datos que se tendrán en cuenta, además de funciones de ponderación que pre- y post-procesan los datos simulados o medidos para la reducción del ruido, la luminancia de corte, la aplicación de la ponderación de luminancia, la función de sensibilidad de contraste, y la función de distribución acumulativa. En el capítulo 4, se obtiene la función de mérito Usl para la estimación de la uniformidad del color percibida en focos. Se basó en los resultados de dos conjuntos de experimentos con factor humano realizados para evaluar la percepción visual de los sujetos de los patrones de focos típicos. El primer experimento con factor humano dio lugar al orden de importancia percibida de los focos. El orden de rango percibido se utilizó para correlacionar las descripciones matemáticas de las funciones básicas y la función ponderada sobre la distribución espacial del color, que condujo a la función Usl. El segundo experimento con factor humano probó la percepción de los focos bajo condiciones ambientales diversas, con el objetivo de proporcionar una escala absoluta para Usl, para poder así sustituir la opinión subjetiva personal de los individuos por una función de mérito estandarizada. La validación de la función Usl se presenta en relación con el alcance de la aplicación y condiciones, así como las limitaciones y restricciones que se realizan en el capítulo 5. Se compararon los datos medidos y simulados de varios sistemas ópticos. Se discuten los campos de aplicación , así como validaciones y restricciones de la función. El capítulo 6 presenta el diseño del sistema de focos y su optimización. Una evaluación muestra el análisis de sistemas basados en el reflector y la lente TIR. Los sistemas ópticos simulados se comparan en la uniformidad del color Usl, sensibilidad a las sombras coloreadas, eficiencia e intensidad luminosa máxima. Se ha comprobado que no hay un sistema único que obtenga los mejores resultados en todas las categorías, y que una excelente uniformidad de color se pudo alcanzar por la conjunción de dos sistemas diferentes. Finalmente, el capítulo 7 presenta el resumen de esta tesis y la perspectiva para investigar otros aspectos. ABSTRACT Illumination with light-emitting diodes (LED) is more and more replacing traditional light sources. They provide advantages in efficiency, energy consumption, design, size and light quality. For more than 50 years, researchers have been working on LED improvements. Their main relevance for illumination is rapidly increasing. This thesis is focused on one important field of application which are spotlights. They are used to focus light on defined areas, outstanding objects in professional conditions. This high performance illumination required a defined light quality including tunable correlated color temperatures (CCT), high color rendering index (CRI), high efficiencies and bright, vivid colors. Several differently colored chips (red, blue, phosphor converted) in the LED package are combined to meet spectral power distribution with high CRI, tunable white and several light colors and secondary optics are used to collimate the light into the desired narrow spots with defined angle of emission. The combination of multi-color LED source and optical elements may cause chromatic inhomogeneities in spatial and angular light distribution which needs to solved at the optical design. However, there is no need for perfect uniformity in the spot light due to threshold in visual perception of human eye. Therefore, a mathematical description of color uniformity level with regard to visual perception is required. This thesis is organized seven seven chapters. After an initial one presenting the motivation that has guided the research of this thesis, Chapter 2 introduces the scientific basics of color uniformity in spot lights including: the applied color space CIELAB, the visual color perception, the spotlight design fundamentals with regards to light engines and nonimaging optics, and the state of the art for the evaluation of color uniformity in the far field of spotlights. Chapter 3 develops different methods for mathematical description of spatial color distribution in a defined area, which are the maximum color difference, the average color deviation, the gradient of spatial color distribution as well as the radial and axial smoothness. Each function refers to different visual influencing factors, and they need different handling of data be taken into account, along with weighting functions which pre- and post-process the simulated or measured data for noise reduction, luminance cutoff, the implementation of luminance weighting, contrast sensitivity function, and cumulative distribution function. In chapter 4, the merit function Usl for the estimation of the perceived color uniformity in spotlights is derived. It was based on the results of two sets of human factor experiments performed to evaluate the visual perception of typical spotlight patterns by subjects. The first human factor experiment resulted in the perceived rank order of the spotlights. The perceived rank order was used to correlate the mathematical descriptions of basic functions and weighted function concerning the spatial color distribution, which lead to the Usl function. The second human factor experiment tested the perception of spotlights under varied environmental conditions, with to objective to provide an absolute scale for Usl, so the subjective personal opinion of individuals could be replaced by a standardized merit function. The validation of the Usl function is presented concerning the application range and conditions as well as limitations and restrictions in carried out in chapter 5. Measured and simulated data of various optical several systems were compared. Fields of applications are discussed as well as validations and restrictions of the function. Chapter 6 presents spotlight system design and their optimization. An evaluation shows the analysis of reflector-based and TIR lens systems. The simulated optical systems are compared in color uniformity Usl , sensitivity to colored shadows, efficiency, and peak luminous intensity. It has been found that no single system which performed best in all categories, and that excellent color uniformity could be reached by two different system assemblies. Finally, chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions of the present thesis and an outlook for further investigation topics.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el diseño y la optimización de receptores implementados con fibra óptica, para ser usados en redes ópticas de alta velocidad que empleen formatos de modulación de fase. En los últimos años, los formatos de modulación de fase (Phase Shift keying, PSK) han captado gran atención debido a la mejora de sus prestaciones respecto a los formatos de modulación convencionales. Principalmente, presentan una mejora de la eficiencia espectral y una mayor tolerancia a la degradación de la señal causada por la dispersión cromática, la dispersión por modo de polarización y los efectos no-lineales en la fibra óptica. En este trabajo, se analizan en detalle los formatos PSK, incluyendo sus variantes de modulación de fase diferencial (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), en cuadratura (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) y multiplexación en polarización (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), con la finalidad de diseñar y optimizar los receptores que permita su demodulación. Para ello, se han analizado y desarrollado nuevas estructuras que ofrecen una mejora en las prestaciones del receptor y una reducción de coste comparadas con las actualmente disponibles. Para la demodulación de señales DPSK, en esta tesis, se proponen dos nuevos receptores basados en un interferómetro en línea Mach-Zehnder (MZI) implementado con tecnología todo-fibra. El principio de funcionamiento de los MZI todo-fibra propuestos se asienta en la interferencia modal que se produce en una fibra multimodo (MMF) cuando se situada entre dos monomodo (SMF). Este tipo de configuración (monomodo-multimodo-monomodo, SMS) presenta un buen ratio de extinción interferente si la potencia acoplada en la fibra multimodo se reparte, principal y equitativamente, entre dos modos dominantes. Con este objetivo, se han estudiado y demostrado tanto teórica como experimentalmente dos nuevas estructuras SMS que mejoran el ratio de extinción. Una de las propuestas se basa en emplear una fibra multimodo de índice gradual cuyo perfil del índice de refracción presenta un hundimiento en su zona central. La otra consiste en una estructura SMS con las fibras desalineadas y donde la fibra multimodo es una fibra de índice gradual convencional. Para las dos estructuras, mediante el análisis teórico desarrollado, se ha demostrado que el 80 – 90% de la potencia de entrada se acopla a los dos modos dominantes de la fibra multimodo y se consigue una diferencia inferior al 10% entre ellos. También se ha demostrado experimentalmente que se puede obtener un ratio de extinción de al menos 12 dB. Con el objeto de demostrar la capacidad de estas estructuras para ser empleadas como demoduladores de señales DPSK, se han realizado numerosas simulaciones de un sistema de transmisión óptico completo y se ha analizado la calidad del receptor bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo o la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización. En todos los casos se ha concluido que los receptores propuestos presentan rendimientos comparables a los obtenidos con receptores convencionales. En esta tesis, también se presenta un diseño alternativo para la implementación de un receptor DQPSK, basado en el uso de una fibra mantenedora de la polarización (PMF). A través del análisi teórico y del desarrollo de simulaciones numéricas, se ha demostrado que el receptor DQPSK propuesto presenta prestaciones similares a los convencionales. Para complementar el trabajo realizado sobre el receptor DQPSK basado en PMF, se ha extendido el estudio de su principio de demodulación con el objeto de demodular señales PM-DQPSK, obteniendo como resultado la propuesta de una nueva estructura de demodulación. El receptor PM-DQPSK propuesto se basa en la estructura conjunta de una única línea de retardo junto con un rotador de polarización. Se ha analizado la calidad de los receptores DQPSK y PM-DQPSK bajo diferentes perspectivas, tales como la sensibilidad, la tolerancia a un filtrado óptico severo, la tolerancia a las dispersiones cromática y por modo de polarización o su comportamiento bajo condiciones no-ideales. En comparación con los receptores convencionales, nuestra propuesta exhibe prestaciones similares y además permite un diseño más simple que redunda en un coste potencialmente menor. En las redes de comunicaciones ópticas actuales se utiliza la tecnología de multimplexación en longitud de onda (WDM) que obliga al uso de filtros ópticos con bandas de paso lo más estrechas posibles y a emplear una serie de dispositivos que incorporan filtros en su arquitectura, tales como los multiplexores, demultiplexores, ROADMs, conmutadores y OXCs. Todos estos dispositivos conectados entre sí son equivalentes a una cadena de filtros cuyo ancho de banda se va haciendo cada vez más estrecho, llegando a distorsionar la forma de onda de las señales. Por esto, además de analizar el impacto del filtrado óptico en las señales de 40 Gbps DQPSK y 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, este trabajo de tesis se completa estudiando qué tipo de filtro óptico minimiza las degradaciones causadas en la señal y analizando el número máximo de filtros concatenados que permiten mantener la calidad requerida al sistema. Se han estudiado y simulado cuatro tipos de filtros ópticos;Butterworth, Bessel, FBG y F-P. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the design and optimization of optical fiber-based phase shift keying (PSK) demodulators for high-bit-rate optical networks. PSK modulation formats have attracted significant attention in recent years, because of the better performance with respect to conventional modulation formats. Principally, PSK signals can improve spectrum efficiency and tolerate more signal degradation caused by chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion and nonlinearities in the fiber. In this work, many PSK formats were analyzed in detail, including the variants of differential phase modulation (Differential Phase Shift Keying, DPSK), in quadrature (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, DQPSK) and polarization multiplexing (Polarization Multiplexing Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, PM-DQPSK), in order to design and optimize receivers enabling demodulations. Therefore, novel structures, which offer good receiver performances and a reduction in cost compared to the current structures, have been analyzed and developed. Two novel receivers based on an all-fiber in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) were proposed for DPSK signal demodulation in this thesis. The operating principle of the all-fiber MZI is based on the modal interference that occurs in a multimode fiber (MMF) when it is located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). This type of configuration (Single-mode-multimode-single-mode, SMS) can provide a good extinction ratio if the incoming power from the SMF could be coupled equally into two dominant modes excited in the MMF. In order to improve the interference extinction ratio, two novel SMS structures have been studied and demonstrated, theoretically and experimentally. One of the two proposed MZIs is based on a graded-index multimode fiber (MMF) with a central dip in the index profile, located between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). The other one is based on a conventional graded-index MMF mismatch spliced between two SMFs. Theoretical analysis has shown that, in these two schemes, 80 – 90% of the incoming power can be coupled into the two dominant modes exited in the MMF, and the power difference between them is only ~10%. Experimental results show that interference extinction ratio of 12 dB could be obtained. In order to demonstrate the capacity of these two structures for use as DPSK signal demodulators, numerical simulations in a completed optical transmission system have been carried out, and the receiver quality has been analyzed under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering or tolerance to chromatic and polarization mode dispersion. In all cases, from the simulation results we can conclude that the two proposed receivers can provide performances comparable to conventional ones. In this thesis, an alternative design for the implementation of a DQPSK receiver, which is based on a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF), was also presented. To complement the work made for the PMF-based DQPSK receiver, the study of the demodulation principle has been extended to demodulate PM-DQPSK signals, resulting in the proposal of a novel demodulation structure. The proposed PM-DQPSK receiver is based on only one delay line and a polarization rotator. The quality of the proposed DQPSK and PM-DQPSK receivers under different perspectives, such as sensitivity, tolerance to severe optical filtering, tolerance to chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion, or behavior under non-ideal conditions. Compared with the conventional receivers, our proposals exhibit similar performances but allow a simpler design which can potentially reduce the cost. The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology used in current optical communications networks requires the use of optical filters with a passband as narrow as possible, and the use of a series of devices that incorporate filters in their architecture, such as multiplexers, demultiplexers, switches, reconfigurable add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross-connects (OXCs). All these devices connected together are equivalent to a chain of filters whose bandwidth becomes increasingly narrow, resulting in distortion to the waveform of the signals. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the impact of optical filtering on signal of 40 Gbps DQPSK and 100 Gbps PM-DQPSK, we study which kind of optical filter minimizes the signal degradation and analyze the maximum number of concatenated filters for maintaining the required quality of the system. Four types of optical filters, including Butterworth, Bessel, FBG and FP, have studied and simulated.


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La familia de algoritmos de Boosting son un tipo de técnicas de clasificación y regresión que han demostrado ser muy eficaces en problemas de Visión Computacional. Tal es el caso de los problemas de detección, de seguimiento o bien de reconocimiento de caras, personas, objetos deformables y acciones. El primer y más popular algoritmo de Boosting, AdaBoost, fue concebido para problemas binarios. Desde entonces, muchas han sido las propuestas que han aparecido con objeto de trasladarlo a otros dominios más generales: multiclase, multilabel, con costes, etc. Nuestro interés se centra en extender AdaBoost al terreno de la clasificación multiclase, considerándolo como un primer paso para posteriores ampliaciones. En la presente tesis proponemos dos algoritmos de Boosting para problemas multiclase basados en nuevas derivaciones del concepto margen. El primero de ellos, PIBoost, está concebido para abordar el problema descomponiéndolo en subproblemas binarios. Por un lado, usamos una codificación vectorial para representar etiquetas y, por otro, utilizamos la función de pérdida exponencial multiclase para evaluar las respuestas. Esta codificación produce un conjunto de valores margen que conllevan un rango de penalizaciones en caso de fallo y recompensas en caso de acierto. La optimización iterativa del modelo genera un proceso de Boosting asimétrico cuyos costes dependen del número de etiquetas separadas por cada clasificador débil. De este modo nuestro algoritmo de Boosting tiene en cuenta el desbalanceo debido a las clases a la hora de construir el clasificador. El resultado es un método bien fundamentado que extiende de manera canónica al AdaBoost original. El segundo algoritmo propuesto, BAdaCost, está concebido para problemas multiclase dotados de una matriz de costes. Motivados por los escasos trabajos dedicados a generalizar AdaBoost al terreno multiclase con costes, hemos propuesto un nuevo concepto de margen que, a su vez, permite derivar una función de pérdida adecuada para evaluar costes. Consideramos nuestro algoritmo como la extensión más canónica de AdaBoost para este tipo de problemas, ya que generaliza a los algoritmos SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost y PIBoost. Por otro lado, sugerimos un simple procedimiento para calcular matrices de coste adecuadas para mejorar el rendimiento de Boosting a la hora de abordar problemas estándar y problemas con datos desbalanceados. Una serie de experimentos nos sirven para demostrar la efectividad de ambos métodos frente a otros conocidos algoritmos de Boosting multiclase en sus respectivas áreas. En dichos experimentos se usan bases de datos de referencia en el área de Machine Learning, en primer lugar para minimizar errores y en segundo lugar para minimizar costes. Además, hemos podido aplicar BAdaCost con éxito a un proceso de segmentación, un caso particular de problema con datos desbalanceados. Concluimos justificando el horizonte de futuro que encierra el marco de trabajo que presentamos, tanto por su aplicabilidad como por su flexibilidad teórica. Abstract The family of Boosting algorithms represents a type of classification and regression approach that has shown to be very effective in Computer Vision problems. Such is the case of detection, tracking and recognition of faces, people, deformable objects and actions. The first and most popular algorithm, AdaBoost, was introduced in the context of binary classification. Since then, many works have been proposed to extend it to the more general multi-class, multi-label, costsensitive, etc... domains. Our interest is centered in extending AdaBoost to two problems in the multi-class field, considering it a first step for upcoming generalizations. In this dissertation we propose two Boosting algorithms for multi-class classification based on new generalizations of the concept of margin. The first of them, PIBoost, is conceived to tackle the multi-class problem by solving many binary sub-problems. We use a vectorial codification to represent class labels and a multi-class exponential loss function to evaluate classifier responses. This representation produces a set of margin values that provide a range of penalties for failures and rewards for successes. The stagewise optimization of this model introduces an asymmetric Boosting procedure whose costs depend on the number of classes separated by each weak-learner. In this way the Boosting procedure takes into account class imbalances when building the ensemble. The resulting algorithm is a well grounded method that canonically extends the original AdaBoost. The second algorithm proposed, BAdaCost, is conceived for multi-class problems endowed with a cost matrix. Motivated by the few cost-sensitive extensions of AdaBoost to the multi-class field, we propose a new margin that, in turn, yields a new loss function appropriate for evaluating costs. Since BAdaCost generalizes SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost and PIBoost algorithms, we consider our algorithm as a canonical extension of AdaBoost to this kind of problems. We additionally suggest a simple procedure to compute cost matrices that improve the performance of Boosting in standard and unbalanced problems. A set of experiments is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods against other relevant Boosting algorithms in their respective areas. In the experiments we resort to benchmark data sets used in the Machine Learning community, firstly for minimizing classification errors and secondly for minimizing costs. In addition, we successfully applied BAdaCost to a segmentation task, a particular problem in presence of imbalanced data. We conclude the thesis justifying the horizon of future improvements encompassed in our framework, due to its applicability and theoretical flexibility.