990 resultados para Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873.


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El estudio se realizó en la finca SAN JERONIMO entre los meses de Mayo a Agosto del 2015 propiedad de Sergio Urbina Rodríguez; la cual se localiza en la Comarca el Tule Central a 10 Km norte de Camoapa, los municipios de Boaco. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo de generar información sobre el comportamiento agronómico de 11 líneas de tomate (Solanum esculentum Mill), cultivados en condiciones de campo abierto. El método de recolección de información dicho cultivo (tomate) se realizó mediante la recolección de datos en el campo donde se seleccionaron 10 plantas muestreadas para cada línea donde se realizaron recuentos semanales, además se observó y se le dio seguimiento en todas las etapas del cultivo. El diseño metodológico es un ensayo preliminar sin replica, utilizando un área rectangular de 10 m x 12m. Los datos se analizaron a través de estadística descriptiva. Se observó la presencia de Bemisia tabacia partir de los 15 días después del trasplante (ddt) en todas las líneas establecidas. La población más alta se encontró en las líneas (1078) con promedio de 2.9 mosca /planta, línea (1031) con 1.4 mosca /planta y la línea (3125) con 1.4 mosca /planta y la de menor población correspondió a la línea (1143) con 0.5 mosca /planta y la línea (1005) con 0.33 mosca /planta. Se observó que en las 11 líneas evaluadas hubo incidencia de hongo y bacteria, la que presentó mayor incidencia de hongo en las línea (1005) con 1.33 %, la línea (1031) con 1.08 %, las de menor incidencia fue la línea (1005) con 0.83 %, la línea (1059) con 0.83 %. La incidencia de bacteria fue mayor la línea (1143) con 1.66 %, la línea (1X10) con 0.75 % y las que presentaron menor incidencia de bacteria fueron las líneas (1059) y línea (1203) con 0 % respectivamente. En cuanto a altura la líneas que obtuvieron mayor tamaño fue la línea (1038) con una altura 130.7 cm y la línea (1032) con una altura 110.6 cm y las de menor altura fueron línea (1143) con una altura 96.5cm y la línea (1005) con una altura 95cm. Las líneas que mostraron mejores característica productiva fueron: mayor diámetro polar y ecuatorial fue línea (1083) con 110 mm y la línea (1058) con 105mm y con 60mm, rendimientos fueron la línea (1032) con 15 toneladas y la línea (1005) con 11.93 toneladas y las líneas de menor rendimientos fue la línea (3125) con 3.53 toneladas y la línea (1059) con 2.78 toneladas.


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El cultivo de tomate es uno de los cultivos hortícolas más importantes de nuestro país, debido al valor de su producción, demanda de mano de obra y generación de divisas. Las plagas y enfermedades son los principales problemas que impactan al cultivo de tomate, incrementando los costos de producción por el uso de productos químicos para su control. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar cuatro variedades de tomate (1173, 1082, Buter y L-7) en la comarca del Tule Central del Municipio Boaco, con el fin de determinar el comportamiento agronómico del cultivo de tomate, la dinámica poblacional de insectos plagas, la incidencia y severidad de enfermedades y rendimiento. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la finca San Jerónimo entre los meses de Junio a Agosto del 2015, se utilizó un diseño de bloque completo al azar (BCA), con cuatros repeticiones. La dinámica de población de mosca blanca en la variedad L-7 presentó un promedio de 1.2 a 1.4 mosca/planta y en menor poblaciones en la variedad 1173 con 0.2 a 1 mosca/planta. Los porcentajes de incidencia de virosis registrados fueron mayores en la variedades 1173 con 60 % y la menor fue la variedad Buter con 30 %. En la severidad de virus la variedad L-7 fue alto y la menor variedad 1173. En la incidencia de otras enfermedades como hongo y bacteria la que presentó mayor incidencia fue la variedad 1082 con un promedio de 50 % y 80 % respectivamente; las que presentaron menor incidencia fue la variedad 1173 con 30 % y bacterias 60 %. La variedad 1173 fue más alta con 90 cm y la menor L-7 con 58 cm. En el grado Brix la variedad que presento mayor dulzura fue el Buter, con un porcentaje de 5.90 y la variedad que presento acides fue 1173 con un porcentaje de 4.80. Diámetro polar y ecuatorial el más alto fue la 1173 con 107.50 mm y con 69.25 mm. Los rendimientos totales obtenidos fueron en la variedad L-7 con 26.03 tonelada/ha, seguido por la variedad 1082 con 16.56 Toneladas/ha.


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Because the Stuart area is, at times, surrounded on three sides by saline water, the underlying fresh-water aquifer is vulnerable to salt-water encroachment. With progressively larger withdrawals of ground water for public and private supplies, the possibility of salt-water contamination of freshwater supplies is increased. (PDF contains 51 pages.)


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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As a component of a three-year cooperative effort of the Washington State Department of Ecology and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, surficial sediment samples from 100 locations in southern Puget Sound were collected in 1999 to determine their relative quality based on measures of toxicity, chemical contamination, and benthic infaunal assemblage structure. The survey encompassed an area of approximately 858 km2, ranging from East and Colvos Passages south to Oakland Bay, and including Hood Canal. Toxic responses were most severe in some of the industrialized waterways of Tacoma’s Commencement Bay. Other industrialized harbors in which sediments induced toxic responses on smaller scales included the Port of Olympia, Oakland Bay at Shelton, Gig Harbor, Port Ludlow, and Port Gamble. Based on the methods selected for this survey, the spatial extent of toxicity for the southern Puget Sound survey area was 0% of the total survey area for amphipod survival, 5.7% for urchin fertilization, 0.2% for microbial bioluminescence, and 5- 38% with the cytochrome P450 HRGS assay. Measurements of trace metals, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides, other organic chemicals, and other characteristics of the sediments, indicated that 20 of the 100 samples collected had one or more chemical concentrations that exceeded applicable, effects-based sediment guidelines and/or Washington State standards. Chemical contamination was highest in eight samples collected in or near the industrialized waterways of Commencement Bay. Samples from the Thea Foss and Middle Waterways were primarily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs and trace metals, whereas those from Hylebos Waterway were contaminated with chlorinated organic hydrocarbons. The remaining 12 samples with elevated chemical concentrations primarily had high levels of other chemicals, including bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, benzoic acid, benzyl alcohol, and phenol. The characteristics of benthic infaunal assemblages in south Puget Sound differed considerably among locations and habitat types throughout the study area. In general, many of the small embayments and inlets throughout the study area had infaunal assemblages with relatively low total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values, although total abundance values were very high in some cases, typically due to high abundance of one organism such as the polychaete Aphelochaeta sp. N1. The majority of the samples collected from passages, outer embayments, and larger bodies of water tended to have infaunal assemblages with higher total abundance, taxa richness, evenness, and dominance values. Two samples collected in the Port of Olympia near a superfund cleanup site had no living organisms in them. A weight-of-evidence approach used to simultaneously examine all three “sediment quality triad” parameters, identified 11 stations (representing 4.4 km2, 0.5% of the total study area) with sediment toxicity, chemical contamination, and altered benthos (i.e., degraded sediment quality), 36 stations (493.5 km2, 57.5% total study area) with no toxicity or chemical contamination (i.e., high sediment quality), 35 stations (274.1 km2, 32.0% total study area) with one impaired sediment triad parameter (i.e., intermediate/high sediment quality), and 18 stations (85.7km2, 10.0% total study area) with two impaired sediment parameters (i.e., intermediate/degraded quality sediments). Generally, upon comparison, the number of stations with degraded sediments based upon the sediment quality triad of data was slightly greater in the central Puget Sound than in the northern and southern Puget Sound study areas, with the percent of the total study area degraded in each region decreasing from central to north to south (2.8, 1.3 and 0.5%, respectively). Overall, the sediments collected in Puget Sound during the combined 1997-1999 surveys were among the least contaminated relative to other marine bays and estuaries studied by NOAA using equivalent methods. (PDF contains 351 pages)


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The Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park was established in 1960 and the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary in 1975. Field studies, funded by NOAA, were conducted in 1980 - 1981 to determine the state of the coral reefs and surrounding areas in relation to changing environmental conditions and resource management that had occurred over the intervening years. Ten reef sites within the Sanctuary and seven shallow grass and hardbottom sites within the Park were chosen for qualitative and quantitative studies. At each site, three parallel transects not less than 400 m long were run perpendicular to the reef or shore, each 300 m apart. Observations, data collecting and sampling were done by two teams of divers. Approximately 75 percent of the bottom within the 18-m isobath was covered by marine grasses, predominantly turtle grass. The general health of the seagrasses appeared good but a few areas showed signs of stress. The inner hardbottom of the Park was studied at the two entrances to Largo Sound. Though at the time of the study the North Channel hardbottom was subjected to only moderate boat traffic, marked changes had taken place over the past years, the most obvious of which was the loss of the extensive beds of Sargassum weed, one of the most extensive beds of this alga in the Keys. Only at this site was the green alga Enteromorpha encountered. This alga, often considered a pollution indicator, may denote the effects of shore run off. The hardbottom at South Channel and the surrounding grass beds showed signs of stress. This area bears the heaviest boat traffic within the Park waters causing continuous turbidity from boat wakes with resulting siltation. The offshore hardbottom and rubble areas in the Sanctuary appeared to be in good health and showed no visible indications of deterioration. Damage by boat groundings and anchors was negligible in the areas surveyed. The outer reefs in general appear to be healthy. Corals have a surprising resiliency to detrimental factors and, when conditions again become favorable, recover quickly from even severe damage. It is, therefore, a cause for concern that Grecian Rocks, which sits somewhat inshore of the outer reef line, has yet to recover from die-off in 1978. The slow recovery, if occurring, may be due to the lower quality of the inshore waters. The patch reefs, more adapted to inshore waters, do not show obvious stress signs, at least those surveyed in this study. It is apparent that water quality was changing in the keys. Water clarity over much of the reef tract was observed to be much reduced from former years and undoubtedly plays an important part in the stresses seen today over the Sanctuary and Park. (PDF contains 119 pages)


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Santamaría, José Miguel; Pajares, Eterio; Olsen, Vickie; Merino, Raquel; Eguíluz, Federico (eds.)


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Indica como a resistência pode ser discutida a partir do texto da Constituição brasileira, visto que ele não deixa explícitas as regras sobre esse direito. Trata-se de um ensaio teórico com pesquisa exploratória por meio de levantamento bibliográfico e documental, que explica o que é o direito de resistência e como ele pode ser utilizado.


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The Book of John Mandeville, while ostensibly a pilgrimage guide documenting an English knight’s journey into the East, is an ideal text in which to study the developing concept of race in the European Middle Ages. The Mandeville-author’s sense of place and morality are inextricably linked to each other: Jerusalem is the center of his world, which necessarily forces Africa and Asia to occupy the spiritual periphery. Most inhabitants of Mandeville’s landscapes are not monsters in the physical sense, but at once startlingly human and irreconcilably alien in their customs. Their religious heresies, disordered sexual appetites, and monstrous acts of cannibalism label them as fallen state of the European Christian self. Mandeville’s monstrosities lie not in the fantastical, but the disturbingly familiar, coupling recognizable humans with a miscarriage of natural law. In using real people to illustrate the moral degeneracy of the tropics, Mandeville’s ethnography helps shed light on the missing link between medieval monsters and modern race theory.


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A dissertação comenta criticamente as interpretações recentes referentes ao vitalismo no século XVIII, dedicando atenção especial aos Nouveuax Éléments de la Science de lHomme (publicado primeiramente em 1778), de Paul-Joseph Barthez (1734-1806). Até a segunda metade do século XX, como é primeiramente argumentado nesta dissertação, intérpretes do iluminismo entendiam a doutrina mecanicista como a herdeira direta da Revolução Científica, bem como a corrente dominante no mundo das ciências da vida ao longo de todo o século XVIII. Assim, na historiografia do século passado, o vitalismo era ou escassamente mencionado, ou visto como uma retrógrada corrente anti-iluminista. Mais recentemente, vários historiadores e pesquisadores da história das ciências no século XVIII (sobretudo Williams e Reill) entendem o iluminismo de um modo mais amplo e plural, considerando o vitalismo iluminista (um termo proposto por Reill) como parte integrante de um conceito mais dinâmico de iluminismo. A seguir, são apresentados a doutrina mecanicista e seus conceitos centrais, bem como as ideias de alguns dos principais representantes do mecanicismo no século XVII e início do XVIII, no caso, mais especificamente, do mecanicismo newtoniano. Em seguida, são expostos e comentados a doutrina vitalista e seus conceitos, no que é dado destaque ao vitalismo na Universidade de Montpellier. Nesse contexto, são comentados conceitos vitalistas, tal como apresentados nos Nouveuax Éléments de la Science de lHomme, no qual Barthez propõe uma nova fisiologia baseada no princípio vital; nisso são apresentados sua metodologia de pesquisa, o conceito de princípio vital, as forças sensitivas e motrizes do princípio da vida, além dos conceitos de simpatia, sinergia e, por fim, o conceito de temperamento. Esses conceitos ou essa terminologia , tal como é mostrado, não são originalmente concebidos por Barthez, mas foram por ele reapropriados e reformulados em debate com o newtonianismo e demais correntes filosóficas médicas desde a Antiguidade até o século XVIII, assim como com observações e experimentos próprios às investigações médico-científicas da época. Como resultado, é alcançada uma compreensão da doutrina vitalista como um esforço intelectual inovador tanto interagindo quanto integrado com o debate científico contemporâneo, ou seja, os médicos vitalistas se viam e, em geral, eram vistos como atuando segundo os padrões de cientificidade exigidos por seus pares.