961 resultados para Miami Indians.


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Estos tres volúmenes de Actas de las sucesivas Jornadas Internacionales sobre Indigenismo Americano ponen al alcance dels lector un excepcional conjunto de trabajos de especialistas de ambas orillas del Atlántico.


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La circulación internacional de bienes simbólicos a través de los medios de comunicación ha generado numerosos debates sobre los modos de interpretar y analizar los procesos comunicacionales en las tramas culturales contemporáneas. En este trabajo nos referimos a la conformación de una cadena de radiofonía evangélica con sede en Miami, integrada por radios afiliadas que retransmiten la señal en distintas ciudades de Latinoamérica. Las características de esta red nos permiten indagar las problemáticas de la globalización, transnacionalización y localización cultural en el ámbito de la religiosidad y los medios de comunicación. Profundizamos en las articulaciones espaciales, las mediaciones culturales y las interrelaciones entre iglesias, medios de comunicación y públicos evangélicos configuradas en el contexto de la producción cultural evangélica internacional.


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I den första delen av den här avhandlingen presenteras en bildens genealogi. Den skildrar hur begreppen för bilden, seendet och jaget utvecklades i relation till varandra i en specifik vetenskaplig och filosofisk kontext. Berättelsen sträcker sig från den tidiga renässansen och det perspektivistiska måleriet, till fotografiets födelse och positivismen. Den här utvecklingen medförde en form av reduktionism i vilken jagets roll – betydelsen av den mänskliga psykologin, vårt omdöme, vår uppmärksamhet och vår vilja – blev förbisedd. Inom den här tanketraditionen uppstod en förskjutning, från en förståelse av bilden som en representation av det tredimensionella rummet på en tvådimensionell yta, till en uppfattning om bilden som en genomskinlig ruta, ett fönster ut mot världen. Idén om avbildningen som en neutral ”blick från ingenstans” kom att förstärka en skeptisk hållning till kommunikation, dialog och vittnesmål och därmed även undergräva vår tillit till varandra och följaktligen vår tillit till oss själva. I den andra delen erbjuder författaren ett alternativ till den tanketradition som behandlas i den första delen. Det som blev förbisett i uppfattningen om en blick från ingenstans var att bilden är ett hjälpmedel då vi bearbetar vårt synfält. Bilden hjälper oss att dela vår syn på saker. Genom den här uppgiften av att dela blir bilden riktningsgivande i våra försök att orientera oss i världen. Jag kan stå bredvid en annan människa och se vad hon ser, men jag vet inte nödvändigtvis hur hon uppfattar det vi ser. Bilden lägger till ett led i det här förhållandet eftersom den inte enbart visar vad den andra ser. När bilden fungerar som den skall visar den också hur den andra ser och på det här sättet blir bilden verksam. Den föreliggande avhandlingen kombinerar epistemologi med vetenskapshistoria och visuella kulturstudier, men dess huvudintresse är filosofiskt. Den befattar sig med filosofiska missförstånd angående avbildning som en mimetisk konstform, kunskap som domesticering och varseblivning som mottagning av data. ------------------------------------------------------ Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa selvittää kuvakäsitteen genealogiaa. Se havainnollistaa miten kuvan, näkemisen ja minän käsitteet kehittyivät suhteessa toisiinsa. Kertomus ulottuu varhaisesta renessanssista ja perspektivistisestä maalaustaiteesta, positivismin aikakauteen ja valokuvan syntyyn. Tämä kehitys toi mukanaan reduktionismin jossa minän rooli – ihmisen psykologian merkitys, meidän arviointikyky, meidän huomiokyky sekä meidän tahtomme – vaipui unohduksiin. Ajatusmaailmassa tapahtui siirtymä, kuvan merkitys vaihtui käsityksestä jossa se on kolmiulotteisen tilan representaatio kaksiulotteisella pinnalla, käsitykseen jossa kuva on läpinäkyvä ruutu, ikkuna kohti maailmaa. Ajatus kuvasta neutraalin näkökulman kantajana vahvisti skeptistä suhtautumista kommunikaatiota, dialogisuutta ja subjektiivisuutta kohtaan. Tämä skeptisyys ilmentyi myös vahvana epäluottamuksena ihmiskeskeisyyttä ja toiseutta kohtaan. Toisessa osassa tekijä tarjoaa vaihtoehdon tälle skeptiselle ajatusmaailmalle jota tarkastellaan ensimmäisessä osassa. Kuva on myös väline joka auttaa meitä jäsentämään meidän näkökenttäämme. Se auttaa meitä jakamaan meidän käsityksiä toistemme kanssa. Tämä näkemisen jakamisen käytäntö on kuvan keskeinen tehtävä. Voin seistä toisen ihmisen vieressä ja nähdä samat asiat kuin hän, mutta en välttämättä ymmärrä miten hän näkee nämä asiat. Kuva lisää jotain olennaista tähän suhteeseen. Kun kuva toimii niin kun sen kuuluu toimia, se näyttää myös miten toinen näkee, tällä tavalla kuvasta tulee välittäjä. Tämä väitöskirja yhdistää epistemologiaa, tieteen historiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta, mutta sen pääasiallinen tavoite on filosofinen. Se käsittelee filosofisia väärinkäsityksiä koskien kuvan eideettisyyttä.


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We describe the impact of subtype differences on the seroreactivity of linear antigenic epitopes in envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 isolates from different geographical locations. By computer analysis, we predicted potential antigenic sites of envelope glycoprotein (gp120 and gp4l) of this virus. For this purpose, after fetching sequences of proteins of interest from data banks, values of hydrophilicity, flexibility, accessibility, inverted hydrophobicity, and secondary structure were considered. We identified several potential antigenic epitopes in a B subtype strain of envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 (IIIB). Solid- phase peptide synthesis methods of Merrifield and Fmoc chemistry were used for synthesizing peptides. These synthetic peptides corresponded mainly to the C2, V3 and CD4 binding sites of gp120 and some parts of the ectodomain of gp41. The reactivity of these peptides was tested by ELISA against different HIV-1-positive sera from different locations in India. For two of these predicted epitopes, the corresponding Indian consensus sequences (LAIERYLKQQLLGWG and DIIGDIRQAHCNISEDKWNET) (subtype C) were also synthesized and their reactivity was tested by ELISA. These peptides also distinguished HIV-1-positive sera of Indians with C subtype infections from sera from HIV-negative subjects.


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The α-MRE is the major regulatory element responsible for the expression of human α-like globin genes. It is genetically polymorphic, and six different haplotypes, named A to F, have been identified in some population groups from Europe, Africa and Asia and in native Indians from two Brazilian Indian tribes. Most of the mutations that constitute the α-MRE haplotypes are located in flanking sequences of binding sites for nuclear factors. To our knowledge, there are no experimental studies evaluating whether such variability may influence the α-MRE enhancer activity. We analyzed and compared the expression of luciferase of nine constructs containing different α-MRE elements as enhancers. Genomic DNA samples from controls with A (wild-type α-MRE) and B haplotypes were used to generate C-F haplotypes by site-directed mutagenesis. In addition, three other elements containing only the G→A polymorphism at positions +130, +199, and +209, separately, were also tested. The different α-MRE elements were amplified and cloned into a plasmid containing the luciferase reporter gene and the SV40 promoter and used to transiently transfect K562 cells. A noticeable reduction in luciferase expression was observed with all constructs compared with the A haplotype. The greatest reductions occurred with the F haplotype (+96, C→A) and the isolated polymorphism +209, both located near the SP1 protein-binding sites believed not to be active in vivo. These are the first analyses of α-MRE polymorphisms on gene expression and demonstrate that these single nucleotide polymorphisms, although outside the binding sites for nuclear factors, are able to influence in vitro gene expression.


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During the last 30 years Aboriginal peoples in Canada have made steady progress in reclaiming the responsibility for the education of their young people, especially in primary and secondary school. In comparison the education and or training of adult populations has not kept pace and many socioeconomic and sociocultural indicators demonstrate a ' , continued confinement of those populations to the margins of the dominant society of Canada. It is the adults, the mothers and the fathers, the grandmothers and grandfathers, the aunties and uncles that are the first teachers of the next generation and the nature of these relationships replicates the culture of unwellness in each subsequent generation through those teachers. There are few examples in the Aboriginal adult education literatures that give voice to the educational experience of the Learner. This study addresses that gap by exploring the perspectives embedded in the stories of a Circle of Learners who are, or were enrolled in the Bachelor of Education in Aboriginal Adult Education program at Brock University. That Circle of 1 participants included 9 women and 1 man, 6 of whom were from various i Anishinabek nations while 4 represented the Hotinonshd:ni nations in southern Ontario. They are an eclectic group, representing many professions, age groups, spiritual traditions, and backgrounds. This then is their story, the story of the heaming and Healing pedagogy and an expanded vision of Aboriginal education and research at Brock University.


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Cherts from the Middle Devonian Onondaga Formation of the Niagara Peninsula in Southern Ontario and Western New York State can now be distinguished from those of the Early Devonian Bois Blanc Formation of the same area based on differences in petrology, acritarchs, spores, and "Preservation Ratio" values. The finely crystalline, carbonate sediments of the Bois Blanc Formation were deposited under shallow, low energy conditions characterised by the acritarchs Leiofusa bacillum and L. minuta and a high relative abundance of the spore, Apiculiretusispora minor. The medio crystalline and bioclastic carbonate sediments of the Onondaga Formation were deposited under shallow, high energy conditions except for the finely crystalline lagoonal sediments of the Clarence Member which is characterised by the acritarchs Leiofusa navicula, L. sp. B, and L. tomaculata . The author has subdivided and correlated the Clarence Member of the Onondaga Formation using the "Preservation Ratio" values derived from the palynomorphs contained in the cherts. Clarence Member cherts were used by the Archaic people of the Niagara Peninsula for chipped-stone tools. The source area for the chert is considered to be the cobble beach deposits along the north shore of Lake Erie from Port Maitland to Nanticoke


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It is acknowledged that Canada's criminal justice system has some major flaws, particularly with respect to its application to various ethnic subgroups. Aboriginal Canadians are one subgroup particularly sensitive to the problems in the system as is reflected by their disproportionately high rates of criminality and incarceration. Over the past 50 years many programs have been developed and recommendations have been made to alleviate the tensions Aboriginals find within the system. However, the situation today is essentially the same. Aboriginals are still overrepresented within the system and solutions that have been brought forward have had little success in stemming their flow into the system. Blame for Aboriginal mistreatment in the system has been placed at all levels from line police officers to high-level officials and politicians and attempts to resolve problems continue as an on going process. However, many of the recommendations and reforms have revolved around culture conflict. Although this thesis recognizes the importance of culture conflict in the overrepresentation of Aboriginals within the Canadian criminal justice system, it has also recognized that culture conflict alone is not responsible for all the flaws within the system as it pertains to Aboriginals. This thesis is of the opinion that in order for reforms to the criminal justice system to be successful, the context in which the system is operating must also be considered. Variables such as geographic isolation, economic disparity and social/political stability are viewed as operating in conjunction with culture, ultimately influencing Aboriginal treatment within the system. The conclusions drawn from this study confirm that when these factors operate together, the overrepresentation of Aboriginals within the Canadian criminal justice system is inevitable. Thus all three variables, culture conflict (social/political stability being part), geographic isolation and economic disparity must be address within the system if any significant changes in the crime rates or incarceration rates of Aboriginals is to be expected. In addition, primary research indicated the influence of cooperation as a factor in moderating the effects of criminality; not just cooperation among Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals, but also cooperation among differing Aboriginal communities. It was argued that when all these issues are addressed, Aboriginal peoples in Canada will have the strength to repair their shattered futures.


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Appendix: On the conduct of the government of United States towards the Indian tribes: p.[129]-139.


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In September 1968, the Indian Affairs Branch of Canada within the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), ceased to exist as a result of a major reorganization. In its place the Indian and Eskimo Affairs Program emerged including elements from both the former Indian Affairs and Northern Administration branches. This new structure was based on function rather than on geographic location or ethnic origin. The Program included the areas within the Department responsible for adminstration of; education, social, cultural, community and economic development as well as statutory commitments. After 1978 the Program became known as the Indian and Inuit Affairs Program (IIAP).


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This was a weekly paper that was published every Saturday. The motto of the Merrimack was: "Not too rash--Yet not fearful--We aim to be just." It was published from 1808-1817. Topics of interest include: Page 1: State of New York Republicans published a statement arguing against the war and the policies of John Adams and James Madison; account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; Page 2: account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; letter from American Brig. Gen. Henry Miller to Sir John B. Warren warning the British not to execute captured U.S. citizen O'Neal; response from Sir John B. Warren to Brig. Gen. Henry Miller stating that O'Neal had been released; account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; Page 3: account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; U.S. General Harrison repels British and Indian forces that attack Fort Meigs; account of British forces capturing U.S. privateer ship Alexander; report of British forces near Newport, New York, the Delaware river, and the Potomac River; report of Indian attacks in Kaskaskia, Randolph County; report of a boat load of provisions attacked by Indians near Fort Harrison; Commodore Isaac Chauncey arrived at Sacket's Harbor to unload stores taken from York before leaving for Niagara to commence attack against Fort George; U.S. Army announcement recruiting men 18 to 45 years of age to enlist in the army;


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A weekly paper that was published from 1805 to 1814. War related news includes: Page 99 - Weekly Retrospect: American report on British naval movements near Louisiana; General William Harrison reports on: a victory at Moravian Town (Moraviantown) on October 5; Ottawas, Chippewas, Wyandots Miamies and Delaware First Nations (Indians) leaving the British side; Tecumseh remaining with the British; American army and navy attempt for a reduction of Mackinac and St. Joseph's; Colonel Chapin attacking a British picket guard near Fort George on October 6; Report that the British have abandoned the Fort George area for Kingston and is being pursued by General McClure; Forces in Sackett's Harbour ready for an attach on Canada; General Provost believed to have left Kingston for Montreal with 1000 men; Report from Burlington (Lake Champlain) of an attack on St. Armands against Colonel Clark on October 15; Report of the American's taking of the Packet Morgiana by the Schooner Saratoga under Captain Adderton by Newport; Announcement by the New York City Common Council for a celebration of Perry and Harrison's victories on the evening of October 23. The rest of the newspaper contains literary works (poems and translations), marriages, deaths and other anecdotes. The motto on the front page states: "Visiting Every Flower with Labour Meet, and Gathering all its Treasures, Sweet by Sweet."


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A weekly paper that was published from 1805 to 1814. War related news includes: Page 103 - Weekly Retrospect: Reports on the Napoleanic Wars in Europe; Possible French and English troop movements from Europe to America and Canada; Mention of British vessels captured by American privateers Scourge, Rattlesnake and Lion; Report on New York celebration of Commodore Perry and General Harrison's victories on Lake Erie and in Canada respectively; Creek Indians attack on a supply convoy near Savannah, the provisions were recovered by General Floyd; General Harrison's account on Moravian Town (Moraviantown) and Munsey; Movements of General Wilkinson's army. Page 104 - an editorial about the madness of the times and its reflection on humanity. The rest of the newspaper contains literary works (poems and translations), marriages, deaths and other anecdotes. The motto on the front page states: "Visiting Every Flower with Labour Meet, and Gathering all its Treasures, Sweet by Sweet."


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A weekly paper that was published from 1805 to 1814. War related news includes: Page 103 - Weekly Retrospect: Troop movements of Captain Morgan and a company of light dragoons from Niagara to Greenbush; report on the Battle of Queenston Heights including a casualty listing and a mention of the death of Major General Isaac Brock and Colonel McDonald and the American's respect for Brock; British attach of Fort Erie and the Village of Black Rock; the privateer Globe under Captain Murphy returning to Baltimore after capturing a British letter of marque; First Nation / Indian attacks near St. Louis; movements of General W. Harrison and army from Fort Defiance to the rapids of Miama (Miami). The rest of the newspaper contains literary works (poems and translations), essays (including on celibacy), marriages, deaths and other anecdotes. The motto on the front page states: "Visiting Every Flower with Labour Meet, and Gathering all its Treasures, Sweet by Sweet."